
consumerFirstAvailabilityDateTime [1001]

BMS-ID 1001
Attributename & M-Nummer Verfügbarkeitsdatum (-zeit) für den Verbraucher [M338]
Definition The first date/time that the buyer is allowed to sell the trade item to consumers. Usually related to a specific geography. ISO 8601 date format CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
Module deliveryPurchasingInformationModule
Parent Class DeliveryPurchasingInformation
ChangeType -

MultipleCurrency No
MultipleLanguages No
MultipleUOM No
MultipleValues No
UOMEnabled No

xPath /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemInformation/extension/*[namespace-uri()='urn:gs1:gdsn:delivery_purchasing_information:xsd:3' and local-name()='deliveryPurchasingInformationModule']/deliveryPurchasingInformation/consumerFirstAvailabilityDateTime
Cardinality 0..1
CurrencyEnabled No
DataType DateTime
GlobalLocal G/L
LanguageEnabled No
Length 1..24
Message CatalogueItemNotification


Business NameConsumer Sell Date/Time
Business Definition
Example• A cell phone manufacturer sets the date/time for the sale of a new cell phone to the public. This date/time is the Consumer Sell Date and is when retailers can publish details about the phone on their website and begin to take orders. The phone is not available for delivery or physical pick-up until a later date/time, which is the Consumer Restricted Delivery Date/Time. • A seller is releasing a new potato chip and the seller has a promotional announcement to the public introducing the product on the same day the product is available for purchase by the consumer. In this scenario, there is no Consumer Restricted Delivery Date/Time.
Usage StatementUsed by the seller to communicate to the buyer when a product can first be sold to or ordered by the consumer. If there is not a Consumer Restricted Delivery Date/Time, this is also the date when the consumer can take physical possession of the product.
GDM AttributeN
Last Update ADB Release-


GDM MarketData Model LayerRegional_EU