gln [128]
BMS-ID | 128 |
Attributename & M-Nummer | Zielmarktspezifischer Datenverantwortlicher: GLN [M367] |
Definition | The Global Location Number (GLN) is a structured Identification of a physical location, legal or functional entity within an enterprise. The GLN is the primary party identifier. Each party identified in the trading relationship must have a primary party Identification. |
Module | |
Parent Class | TradeItemContactInformation |
CodeList | |
ChangeType | - |
Validity | |
MultipleCurrency | No |
MultipleLanguages | No |
MultipleUOM | No |
MultipleValues | No |
PartOfSBDH | |
TPNorTPD | N/A |
UOMEnabled | No |
Details | |
xPath | /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemContactInformation/gln |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
CodeList_Enumeration | |
CurrencyEnabled | No |
DataType | GLN |
GlobalLocal | N/A |
LanguageEnabled | No |
Length | 13..13 |
Message | CatalogueItemNotification |
Business Name | Contact Information GLN (Global Location Number) |
Business Definition | |
Example | An EDI purchase order showing contact information GLN and related party information versus global (e.g. a global corporation has a macro level GLN, but they have more regional/local GLNs that may be in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system of the buyer). |
Usage Statement | Used by the seller to communicate the GLN of the party associated with the contact information to the buyer. It allows the buyer to identify the party associated with the contact information. Used by the buyer for internal validation and to support some B2B processes. |
GDM Attribute | N |
Last Update ADB Release | - |
GDM Market | Data Model Layer | Regional_EU |