aDRTunnelRestrictionCode [3863]
BMS-ID | 3863 |
Attributename & M-Nummer | ADR Tunnelbeschränkungscode [M195] |
Definition | The ADR Tunnel Restriction Code is a code defined in ADR Chapter 8.6, which categorizes road tunnels into categories A to E. Adequate traffic signs regulate the transit of vehicles with dangerous goods. The tunnel restriction code (e.g. E) has to be stated within the transport papers. Trading Partners should look to the specific ADR documentation for current applicable code list values. |
Module | transportationHazardousClassificationModule |
Parent Class | HazardousInformationHeader |
CodeList | |
ChangeType | - |
Validity | |
MultipleCurrency | No |
MultipleLanguages | No |
MultipleUOM | No |
MultipleValues | Yes |
PartOfSBDH | |
UOMEnabled | No |
Details | |
xPath | /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemInformation/extension/*[namespace-uri()='urn:gs1:gdsn:transportation_hazardous_classification:xsd:3' and local-name()='transportationHazardousClassificationModule']/transportationClassification/regulatedTransportationMode/hazardousInformationHeader/aDRTunnelRestrictionCode |
Cardinality | 0..* |
CodeList_Enumeration | |
CurrencyEnabled | No |
DataType | string |
GlobalLocal | G/L |
LanguageEnabled | No |
Length | unbounded {1..70} |
Message | CatalogueItemNotification |
Business Name | Road Tunnel Restriction Code |
Business Definition | |
Example | The passage of a transport unit carrying smokeless powder in a quantity representing a total net explosive mass of 3000 kg is forbidden in tunnels of categories D and E. The most restrictive of these tunnel restriction codes shall be assigned to the whole load. |
Usage Statement | Used to communicate to the driver whether or not they can enter the road tunnel with the specific type of dangerous goods they are carrying. |
GDM Attribute | N |
Last Update ADB Release | - |
GDM Market | Data Model Layer | Regional_EU |