dangerousGoodsHazardousCode [3881]
BMS-ID | 3881 |
Attributename & M-Nummer | Gefahrnummer / Gefahrzahl [M188] |
Definition | Dangerous goods hazard ID number, which must be applied to the vehicle, when transporting this trade item (dangerous good) by road or rail, to inform the police, the fire brigade and others in case of an accident about the kind of danger caused by the cargo. |
Module | transportationHazardousClassificationModule |
Parent Class | HazardousInformationDetail |
CodeList | |
ChangeType | - |
Validity | |
MultipleCurrency | No |
MultipleLanguages | No |
MultipleUOM | No |
MultipleValues | Yes |
PartOfSBDH | |
UOMEnabled | No |
Details | |
xPath | /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemInformation/extension/*[namespace-uri()='urn:gs1:gdsn:transportation_hazardous_classification:xsd:3' and local-name()='transportationHazardousClassificationModule']/transportationClassification/regulatedTransportationMode/hazardousInformationHeader/hazardousInformationDetail/dangerousGoodsHazardousCode |
Cardinality | 0..* |
CodeList_Enumeration | |
CurrencyEnabled | No |
DataType | string |
GlobalLocal | G/L |
LanguageEnabled | No |
Length | unbounded {1..35} |
Message | CatalogueItemNotification |
Business Name | Hazardous Identification Code |
Business Definition | |
Example | 238 (Flammable aerosols, corrosive) Image of a truck bearing an orange symbol and number identifying the Hazardous ID Code. |
Usage Statement | Used to inform authorities of any danger in case an accident occurs when transporting dangerous goods. Restriction code must be on transport papers. |
GDM Attribute | N |
Last Update ADB Release | - |
GDM Market | Data Model Layer | Regional_EU |