
nutritionalProgramStatusCode [6754]

BMS-ID 6754
Attributename & M-Nummer Nutri-Score: Status [M568]
Definition A code specifying the status of the brand or product with the nutritional program. Example: REGISTERED - the brand of a product is registered for Nutri-Score at the French Health Ministry.
Module healthRelatedInformationModule
Parent Class NutritionalProgram
CodeList NutritionalProgramStatusCode
ChangeType -

MultipleCurrency No
MultipleLanguages No
MultipleUOM No
MultipleValues No
UOMEnabled No

xPath /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemInformation/extension/*[namespace-uri()='urn:gs1:gdsn:health_related_information:xsd:3' and local-name()='healthRelatedInformationModule']/healthRelatedInformation/nutritionalProgram/nutritionalProgramStatusCode
Cardinality 0..1
CodeList_Enumeration CL
CurrencyEnabled No
DataType NutritionalProgramStatusCode
GlobalLocal G/L
LanguageEnabled No
Length 1..80
Message CatalogueItemNotification


Business NameNutritional Program Status Code
Business Definition
Example• REGISTERED - the brand or product is registered with the associated nutritional program (e.g., The brand is registered with Nutri Score at Santé publique France (France Public Health)). • REGISTERED_NOT_ACTIVE - the brand or product is registered with the associated nutritional program, but the nutritional score is not yet included on the label. • NOT_REGISTERED - the brand or product is not registered with the associated nutritional program.
Usage StatementUsed by the buyer to understand a product's registration status with a nutritional program, which is required for the Nutritional Scores (e.g. Nutri Score) to be used (for example on shelf, at the POS or for promotional purposes). If a brand or product is registered for the use of a score, the buyer may use the score. The Score may be used as well in the transitional phase, when the Brand or Product has been registered, but the Score is not yet on the packaging. Non-registered products may not contain any Score. Used in conjunction with attribute nutritionalProgramCode, which specifies the associated nutritional program.
GDM AttributeN
Last Update ADB Release-


GDM MarketData Model LayerRegional_EU