
perfumeFragranceDilutionClassCode [7125]

BMS-ID 7125
Attributename & M-Nummer Duft Verdünnungsklasse [M573]
Definition The code indicating the dilution class of a fragrance which indicates the concentration of fragrances within a mixture.
Module ProductInformationModule
Parent Class BeautyPersonalCareHygieneDetail
CodeList PerfumeFragranceDilutionClassCode
ChangeType -

MultipleCurrency No
MultipleLanguages No
MultipleUOM No
MultipleValues No
UOMEnabled No

xPath /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemInformation/extension/*[namespace-uri()='urn:gs1:gdsn:product_information:xsd:3' and local-name()='productInformationModule']/productInformationDetail/beautyPersonalCareHygieneDetail/perfumeFragranceDilutionClassCode
Cardinality 0..1
CodeList_Enumeration CL
CurrencyEnabled No
DataType PerfumeFragranceDilutionClassCode
GlobalLocal G/L
LanguageEnabled No
Length 1..80
Message CatalogueItemNotification


Business NameFragrance Dilution Class Code
Business Definition
Example• EDC: Eau de Cologne with a concentration of fragrances between 3 - 8 % (typical ~5%) within the mixture. The percentage is not precisely defined and may vary between prestige and mass market products as well as from region to region. • EDP: Eau de Parfum (EdP) or Parfum de Toilette (PdT) with a concentration of fragrances between 10 - 20 % (typical ~15%) within the mixture. The percentage is not precisely defined and may vary between prestige and mass market products as well as from region to region.
Usage StatementUsed by the seller and the buyer to indicate the concentration of fragrances within a mixture by using the broadly used descriptive terms in a standardized way. Used by the consumer when making purchasing decisions.
GDM AttributeN
Last Update ADB Release-


GDM MarketData Model LayerRegional_EU