subjectOfCertificationDescription [7205]
BMS-ID | 7205 |
Attributename & M-Nummer | Zertifizierung: Beschreibung des Gegenstandes / Sprache [M3080] |
Definition | The description that provides more information about the type of certification, e.g. the type of product, model, etc. as stated on the certificate. |
Module | certificationInformationModule |
Parent Class | Certification |
CodeList | |
ChangeType | - |
Validity | |
MultipleCurrency | No |
MultipleLanguages | Yes |
MultipleUOM | No |
MultipleValues | Yes |
PartOfSBDH | |
UOMEnabled | No |
Details | |
xPath | /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemInformation/extension/*[namespace-uri()='urn:gs1:gdsn:certification_information:xsd:3' and local-name()='certificationInformationModule']/certificationInformation/certification/subjectOfCertificationDescription |
Cardinality | 0..* |
CodeList_Enumeration | |
CurrencyEnabled | No |
DataType | Description500 |
GlobalLocal | G/L |
LanguageEnabled | Yes |
Length | 1..500 |
Message | CatalogueItemNotification |
Business Name | Subject of Certification Description |
Business Definition | |
Example | The following example illustrates the use of certification attributes commonly used together for a product with an FSC certification: - Certification Standard = Packaging - certificationIdentification = FOREST_STEWARDSHIP_COUNCIL_MIX - Certification Statement On Package = FSC Mix percentage of at least 70% - Certification Value = FSC_C117990 - Subject of Certification Description = Packaging from responsible sources |
Usage Statement | Used by sellers to provide buyers with additional information regarding the trade item's certification. For example, some labels specify the material or product component associated with the certification. Used by sellers to provide this information in e-commerce and online stores. |
GDM Attribute | N |
Last Update ADB Release | - |
GDM Market | Data Model Layer | Regional_EU |