
catchCountryCode [7211]

BMS-ID 7211
Attributename & M-Nummer Binnenfischerei / Aquakultur: Herkunft [M580]
Definition The ISO 3166-1 numeric code for the country where the fish/seafood in the product was caught or farmed.
Module dairyFishMeatPoultryItemModule
Parent Class FishCatchInformation
CodeList CountryCode
ChangeType -

MultipleCurrency No
MultipleLanguages No
MultipleUOM No
MultipleValues Yes
UOMEnabled No

xPath /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemInformation/extension/*[namespace-uri()='urn:gs1:gdsn:dairy_fish_meat_poultry:xsd:3' and local-name()='dairyFishMeatPoultryItemModule']/dairyFishMeatPoultryInformation/fishReportingInformation/fishCatchInformation/catchCountryCode
Cardinality 0..*
CodeList_Enumeration CL
CurrencyEnabled No
DataType CountryCode
GlobalLocal G/L
LanguageEnabled No
Length 1..80
Message CatalogueItemNotification


Business NameCatch Country Code
Business Definition
Example• 380 (Italy) • 756 (Switzerland) • 826 (United Kingdom) Example of a salad containing rainbow trout from Lake Geneva in Switzerland and perch from Lake Garda in Italy, each making up 20% or more of the product’s total mass/weight. Catch Country Code = 756 for trout and 380 for perch.
Usage StatementUsed by the seller and the buyer to conform to regulations requiring the origin of fish and seafood ingredients from inland fishery and aquaculture. Used by consumers who consider fish and seafood origin when making purchasing decisions. Used to provide sustainability information that allows buyers and consumers to choose fish responsibly – e.g., from inland lakes. Used by the buyer to make assortment planning decisions.
GDM AttributeN
Last Update ADB Release-


GDM MarketData Model LayerRegional_EU