E100 | Kurkumin | Curcumin | - | | x | x | x | |
E101 | Riboflavin | Riboflavin | - | | x | x | x | |
E101(i) | Riboflavin | Riboflavin | - | | x | x | x | |
E101(ii) | Riboflavin-5′-phosphat | Riboflavin-5′-phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E102 | Tartrazin | Tartrazine | - | | x | x | x | |
E104 | Chinolingelb | Quinoline Yellow | - | | x | x | x | |
E110 | Gelborange S | Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S | - | | x | x | x | |
E1103 | Invertase | Invertase | - | | x | x | x | |
E1105 | Lysozym | Lysozyme | - | | x | x | x | |
E120 | Echtes Karmin | Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines | - | | x | x | x | |
E1200 | Polydextrose | Polydextrose | - | | x | x | x | |
E1201 | Polyvinylpyrrolidon | Polyvinylpyrrolidone | - | | x | x | x | |
E1202 | Polyvinylpolypyrrolidon | Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone | - | | x | x | x | |
E1203 | Polyvinylalkohol (PVA) | Polyvinyl alcohol | - | | x | x | x | |
E1204 | Pullulan | Pullulan | - | | x | x | x | |
E1205 | Basisches Methacrylat-Copolymer | Basic methacrylate copolymer | - | | x | x | x | |
E1206 | Neutrales Methacrylat-Copolymer | Neutral methacrylate copolymer | - | | x | x | x | |
E1207 | Anionisches Methacrylat-Copolymer | Anionic methacrylate copolymer | - | | x | x | x | |
E1208 | Polyvinylpyrrolidon-Vinylacetat-Copolymer | Polyvinylpyrrolidone-vinyl acetate copolymer | - | | x | x | x | |
E1209 | Polyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene glycol-graft-co-polymer | Polyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene glycol graft co-polymer | - | | x | x | x | |
E122 | Azorubin (Carmoisin) | Azorubine, Carmoisine | - | | x | x | x | |
E123 | Amaranth | Amaranth | - | | x | x | x | |
E124 | Cochenillerot A (Ponceau 4R) | Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A | - | | x | x | x | |
E127 | Erythrosin | Erythrosine | - | | x | x | x | |
E129 | Allurarot AC | Allura Red AC | - | | x | x | x | |
E131 | Patentblau V | Patent Blue V | - | | x | x | x | |
E132 | Indigotin (Indigokarmin) | Indigotine, Indigo carmine | - | | x | x | x | |
E133 | Brillantblau FCF | Brilliant Blue FCF | - | | x | x | x | |
E140 | Chlorophylle und Chlorophylline | Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins | - | | x | x | x | |
E140(i) | Chlorophylle | Chlorophylls | - | | x | x | x | |
E140(ii) | Chlorophylline | Chlorophyllins | - | | x | x | x | |
E1404 | Oxidierte Stärke | Oxidized starch | - | | x | x | x | |
E141 | Kupferkomplexe der Chlorophylle und Chlorophylline | Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins | - | | x | x | x | |
E141(i) | Kupferkomplexe der Chlorophylle | Copper complexes of chlorophyll | - | | x | x | x | |
E141(ii) | Kupferkomplexe der Chlorophylline | Copper complexes of chlorophyllins | - | | x | x | x | |
E1410 | Monostärkephosphat | Monostarch phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E1412 | Distärkephosphat | Distarch phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E1413 | Phosphatiertes Distärkephosphat | Phosphated distarch phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E1414 | Acetyliertes Distärkephosphat | Acetylated distarch phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E142 | Grün S | Greens S | - | | x | x | x | |
E1420 | Acetylierte Stärke | Acetylated starch | - | | x | x | x | |
E1422 | Acetyliertes Distärkeadipat | Acetylated distarch adipate | - | | x | x | x | |
E1440 | Hydroxypropylstärke | Hydroxy propyl starch | - | | x | x | x | |
E1442 | Hydroxypropyldistärkephosphat | Hydroxy propyl distarch phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E1450 | Stärkenatriumoctenylsuccinat | Starch sodium octenyl succinate | - | | x | x | x | |
E1451 | Acetylierte, oxidierte Stärke | Acetylated oxidised starch | - | | x | x | x | |
E1452 | Stärkealuminiumoctenylsuccinat | Starch aluminium Octenyl succinate | - | | x | x | x | |
E1505 | Triethylcitrat | Triethyl citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E150a | Zuckerkulör | Plain caramel | - | | x | x | x | |
E150b | Sulfitlaugen-Zuckerkulör | Caustic sulphite caramel | - | | x | x | x | |
E150c | Ammoniak-Zuckerkulör | Ammonia caramel | - | | x | x | x | |
E150d | Ammonsulfit-Zuckerkulör | Ammonium sulphite caramel | - | | x | x | x | |
E151 | Brillantschwarz BN, Schwarz PN | Brilliant Black BN, Black PN | - | | x | x | x | |
E1517 | Glycerindiacetat (Diacetin) | Glyceryl diacetate (diacetin) | - | | x | x | x | |
E1518 | Glycerintriacetat (Triacetin) | Glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) | - | | x | x | x | |
E1519 | Benzylalkohol | Benzyl alcohol | - | | x | x | x | |
E1520 | Propylenglykol (1,2-Propandiol) | Propan-1,2-diol (propylene glycerol) | - | | x | x | x | |
E1521 | Polyethylenglycol | Polyethylene glycol | - | | x | x | x | |
E153 | Pflanzenkohle | Vegetable carbon | - | | x | x | x | |
E154 | Braun FK | Brown FK | - | | x | x | x | |
E155 | Braun HT | Brown HT | - | | x | x | x | |
E160a | Carotin | Carotenes | - | | x | x | x | |
E160a(i) | Beta-Carotin | Beta-Carotene | - | | x | x | x | |
E160a(ii) | Pflanzliche Carotine | Plant Carotenes | - | | x | x | x | |
E160a(iii) | Beta-Carotin aus Blakeslea Trispora | Beta-Carotene from blakeslea trispora | - | | x | x | x | |
E160a(iv) | Algencarotine | Algal carotenes | - | | x | x | x | |
E160b(i) | Annatto Bixin | Annatto bixin | - | | x | x | x | |
E160b(ii) | Annatto Norbixin | Annatto norbixin | - | | x | x | x | |
E160b(iii) | Mit Öl extrahiertes Annatto | Oil extracted annatto | - | | x | x | x | |
E160c | Paprikaextrakt (Capsanthin, Capsorubin) | Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin | - | | x | x | x | |
E160d | Lycopin | Lycopene | - | | x | x | x | |
E160d(i) | Synthetisches Lycopin | Synthetic lycopene | - | | x | x | x | |
E160d(ii) | Lycopin aus roten Tomaten | Lycopene from red tomatoes | - | | x | x | x | |
E160d(iii) | Lycopin aus Blakeslea trispora | Lycopene from blakeslea trispora | - | | x | x | x | |
E160e | Beta-apo-8'-Carotinal (C 30) | Beta-apo-8'-carotenal (C 30) | - | | x | x | x | |
E160f | Beta-apo-8'-Carotinal (C30) Ethylester | Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenic acid (C 30) | - | | x | x | x | |
E161b | Lutein | Lutein | - | | x | x | x | |
E161g | Canthaxanthin | Canthaxanthin | - | | x | x | x | |
E162 | Betanin (Betenrot) | Beetroot Red, betanin | - | | x | x | x | |
E163 | Anthocyane | Anthocyanins | - | | x | x | x | |
E170 | Calciumcarbonat | Calcium carbonates | - | | x | x | x | |
E172 | Eisenoxide und Eisenhydroxide | Iron oxides and hydroxides | - | | x | x | x | |
E173 | Aluminium | Aluminium | - | | x | x | x | |
E174 | Silber | Silver | - | | x | x | x | |
E175 | Gold | Gold | - | | x | x | x | |
E180 | Litholrubin BK | Litholrubine BK | - | | x | x | x | |
E200 | Sorbinsäure | Sorbic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E202 | Kaliumsorbat | Potassium sorbate | - | | x | x | x | |
E203 | Calciumsorbat | Calcium sorbate | - | | x | x | x | |
E210 | Benzoesäure | Benzoic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E211 | Natriumbenzoat | Sodium benzoate | - | | x | x | x | |
E212 | Kaliumbenzoat | Potassium benzoate | - | | x | x | x | |
E213 | Calciumbenzoat | Calcium benzoate | - | | x | x | x | |
E214 | PHB-Ester (Ethyl-p-hydroxybenzoat) | Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate | - | | x | x | x | |
E215 | PHB-Ethylester-Natriumsalz (Natriumethyl-p-hydroxybenzoat) | Sodium ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate | - | | x | x | x | |
E218 | PHB-Methylester (Methyl-p-hydroxybenzoat) | Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate | - | | x | x | x | |
E219 | PHB-Methylester-Natriumsalz (Natriummethyl-p-hydroxybenzoat) | Sodium methyl p-hydroxybenzoate | - | | x | x | x | |
E220 | Schwefeldioxid | Sulphur dioxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E221 | Natriumsulfit | Sodium sulphite | - | | x | x | x | |
E222 | Natriumhydrogensulfit | Sodium hydrogen sulphite | - | | x | x | x | |
E223 | Natriummetabisulfit | Sodium metabisulphite | - | | x | x | x | |
E224 | Kaliummetabisulfit | Potassium metabisulphite | - | | x | x | x | |
E226 | Calciumsulfit | Calcium sulphite | - | | x | x | x | |
E227 | Calciumhydrogensulfit | Calcium hydrogen sulphite | - | | x | x | x | |
E228 | Kaliumhydrogensulfit | Potassium hydrogen sulphite | - | | x | x | x | |
E234 | Nisin | Nisin | - | | x | x | x | |
E235 | Natamycin | Natamycin | - | | x | x | x | |
E239 | Hexamethylentetramin | Hexamethylene tetramine | - | | x | x | x | |
E242 | Dimethyldicarbonat | Dimethyl dicarbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E243 | Ethyllaurylarginat | Ethylllaurylarginate | - | | x | x | x | |
E249 | Kaliumnitrit | Potassium nitrite | - | | x | x | x | |
E250 | Natriumnitrit | Sodium nitrite | - | | x | x | x | |
E251 | Natriumnitrat | Sodium nitrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E251(i) | Festes Natriumnitrat | Solid sodium nitrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E251(ii) | Flüssiges Natriumnitrat | Liquid sodium nitrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E252 | Kaliumnitrat | Potassium nitrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E260 | Essigsäure | Acetic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E261 | Kaliumacetat | Potassium acetate | - | | x | x | x | |
E262 | Natriumacetate | Sodium acetates | - | | x | x | x | |
E262(i) | Natriumacetat | Sodium Acetate | - | | x | x | x | |
E262(ii) | Natriumdiacetat | Sodium Diacetate | - | | x | x | x | |
E263 | Calciumacetat | Calcium acetate | - | | x | x | x | |
E267 | Gepufferter Essig | Buffered Vinegar | - | | x | x | x | |
E270 | Milchsäure | Lactic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E280 | Propionsäure | Propionic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E281 | Natriumpropionat | Sodium propionate | - | | x | x | x | |
E282 | Calciumpropionat | Calcium propionate | - | | x | x | x | |
E283 | Kaliumpropionat | Potassium propionate | - | | x | x | x | |
E284 | Borsäure | Boric acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E285 | Natriumtetraborat (Borax) | Sodium tetraborate (borax) | - | | x | x | x | |
E290 | Kohlendioxid | Carbon dioxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E296 | Äpfelsäure | Malic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E297 | Fumarsäure | Fumaric acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E300 | Ascorbinsäure | Ascorbic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E301 | Natriumascorbat | Sodium ascorbate | - | | x | x | x | |
E302 | Calciumascorbat | Calcium ascorbate | - | | x | x | x | |
E304 | Fettsäureester der Ascorbinsäure | Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E304(i) | Ascorbylpalmitat | Ascorbyl Palmitate | - | | x | x | x | |
E304(ii) | Ascorbylstearat | Ascorbyl Stearate | - | | x | x | x | |
E306 | Stark tocopherolhaltige Extrakte | Tocopherol-rich extract | - | | x | x | x | |
E307 | Alpha-Tocopherol | Alpha-tocopherol | - | | x | x | x | |
E308 | Gamma-Tocopherol | Gamma-tocopherol | - | | x | x | x | |
E309 | Delta-Tocopherol | Delta-tocopherol | - | | x | x | x | |
E310 | Propylgallat | Propyl gallate | - | | x | x | x | |
E311 | Octylgallat | Octyl gallate | - | | x | x | x | |
E312 | Dodecylgallat | Dodecyl gallate | - | | x | x | x | |
E315 | Isoascorbinsäure (Erythorbinsäure) | Erythorbic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E316 | Natriumisoascorbat | Sodium erythorbate | - | | x | x | x | |
E319 | tert.-Butylhydrochinon | Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone | - | | x | x | x | |
E320 | Butylhydroxyanisol (BHA) | Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) | - | | x | x | x | |
E321 | Butylhydroxytoluen (BHT) | Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) | - | | x | x | x | |
E322 | Lecithine | Lecithins | - | | x | x | x | |
E325 | Natriumlactat | Sodium lactate | - | | x | x | x | |
E326 | Kaliumlactat | Potassium lactate | - | | x | x | x | |
E327 | Calciumlactat | Calcium lactate | - | | x | x | x | |
E330 | Citronensäure | Citric acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E331 | Natriumcitrate | Sodium citrates | - | | x | x | x | |
E331(i) | Mononatriumcitrat | Monosodium Citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E331(ii) | Dinatriumcitrat | Disodium Citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E331(iii) | Trinatriumcitrat | Trisodium Citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E332 | Kaliumcitrate | Potassium Citrates | - | | x | x | x | |
E332(i) | Monokaliumcitrat | Monopotassium Citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E332(ii) | Trikaliumcitrat | Tripotassium Citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E333 | Calciumcitrate | Calcium Citrates | - | | x | x | x | |
E333(i) | Monocalciumcitrat | Monocalcium Citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E333(ii) | Dicalciumcitrat | Dicalcium Citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E333(iii) | Tricalciumcitrat | Tricalcium Citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E334 | Weinsäure (L+) | Tartaric acid (L(+)-) | - | | x | x | x | |
E335 | Natriumtartrate | Sodium Tartrates | - | | x | x | x | |
E335(i) | Mononatriumtartrat | Monosodium Tartrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E335(ii) | Dinatriumtartrat | Disodium Tartrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E336 | Kaliumtartrate | Potassium Tartrates | - | | x | x | x | |
E336(i) | Monokaliumtartrat | Monopotassium Tartrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E336(ii) | Dikaliumtartrat | Dipotassium Tartrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E337 | Natrium-Kaliumtartrat | Sodium potassium tartrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E338 | Phosphorsäure | Phosphoric acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E339 | Natriumphosphate | Sodium Phosphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E339(i) | Mononatriumphosphat | Monosodium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E339(ii) | Dinatriumphosphat | Disodium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E339(iii) | Trinatriumphosphat | Trisodium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E340 | Kaliumphosphate (Monokaliumphosphat, Dikaliumphosphat, Trikaliumphosphat) | Potassium Phosphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E340(i) | Monokaliumphosphat | Monopotassium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E340(ii) | Dikaliumphosphat | Dipotassium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E340(iii) | Trikaliumphosphat | Tripotassium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E341 | Calciumphosphate | Calcium Phosphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E341(i) | Monocalciumphosphat | Monocalcium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E341(ii) | Dicalciumphosphat | Dicalcium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E341(iii) | Tricalciumphosphat | Tricalcium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E343 | Magnesiumphosphate | Magnesium Phosphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E343(i) | Monomagnesiumphosphat | Monomagnesium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E343(ii) | Dimagnesiumphosphat | Dimagnesium Phosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E350 | Natriummalate | Sodium Malates | - | | x | x | x | |
E350(i) | Natriummalat | Sodium Malate | - | | x | x | x | |
E350(ii) | Natriumhydrogenmalat | Sodium Hydrogen Malate | - | | x | x | x | |
E351 | Kaliummalat | Potassium malate | - | | x | x | x | |
E352 | Calciummalate | Calcium Malates | - | | x | x | x | |
E352(i) | Calciummalat | Calcium Malate | - | | x | x | x | |
E352(ii) | Calciumhydrogenmalat | Calcium Hydrogen Malate | - | | x | x | x | |
E353 | Metaweinsäure | Metatartaric acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E354 | Calciumtartrat | Calcium tartrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E355 | Adipinsäure | Adipic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E356 | Natriumadipat | Sodium adipate | - | | x | x | x | |
E357 | Kaliumadipat | Potassium adipate | - | | x | x | x | |
E363 | Bernsteinsäure | Succinic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E380 | Triammoniumcitrat | Triammonium citrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E385 | Calcium-Dinatrium-Ethylendiamintetraacetat (Calcium-Dinatrium-EDTA) | Calcium disodium EDTA | - | | x | x | x | |
E392 | Extrakt aus Rosmarin | Extracts of rosemary | - | | x | x | x | |
E400 | Alginsäure | Alginic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E401 | Natriumalginat | Sodium alginate | - | | x | x | x | |
E402 | Kaliumalginat | Potassium alginate | - | | x | x | x | |
E403 | Ammoniumalginat | Ammonium alginate | - | | x | x | x | |
E404 | Calciumalginat | Calcium alginate | - | | x | x | x | |
E405 | Propylenglycolalginat | Propan-1,2-diol alginate | - | | x | x | x | |
E406 | Agar-Agar | Agar | - | | x | x | x | |
E407 | Carrageen | Carrageenan | - | | x | x | x | |
E407a | Verarbeitete Euchema-Algen | Processed eucheuma seaweed | - | | x | x | x | |
E410 | Johannisbrotkernmehl | Locust bean gum | - | | x | x | x | |
E412 | Guarkernmehl | Guar gum | - | | x | x | x | |
E413 | Traganth | Tragacanth | - | | x | x | x | |
E414 | Gummi arabicum | Acacia gum (gum arabic) | - | | x | x | x | |
E415 | Xanthan | Xanthan gum | - | | x | x | x | |
E416 | Karayagummi | Karaya gum | - | | x | x | x | |
E417 | Tarakernmehl | Tara gum | - | | x | x | x | |
E418 | Gellan | Gellan gum | - | | x | x | x | |
E420 | Sorbit | Sorbitols | - | | x | x | x | |
E420(i) | Sorbit | Sorbitol | - | | x | x | x | |
E420(ii) | Sorbitsirup | Sorbitol Syrup | - | | x | x | x | |
E421 | Mannit | Mannitol | - | | x | x | x | |
E421(i) | Mannit | Mannitol | - | | x | x | x | |
E421(ii) | Durch Fermentation gewonnenes Mannit | Mannitol manufactured by fermentation | - | | x | x | x | |
E422 | Glycerin | Glycerol | - | | x | x | x | |
E425 | Konjak | Konjac | - | | x | x | x | |
E425(i) | Konjakgummi | Konjac Gum | - | | x | x | x | |
E425(ii) | Konjak-Glucomannan | Konjac Glucomannan | - | | x | x | x | |
E426 | Sojabohnen-Polyose | Soybean hemicellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E427 | Cassia-Gummi | Cassia gum | - | | x | x | x | |
E431 | Polyoxyethylen (40) stearat | Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate | - | | x | x | x | |
E432 | Polyoxyethylensorbitanmonolaurat (Polysorbat 20) | Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20) | - | | x | x | x | |
E433 | Polyoxyethylensorbitanmonooleat (Polysorbat 80) | Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate 80) | - | | x | x | x | |
E434 | Polyoxyethylensorbitanmonopalmitat (Polysorbat 40) | Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40) | - | | x | x | x | |
E435 | Polyoxyethylensorbitanmonostearat (Polysorbat 60) | Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60) | - | | x | x | x | |
E436 | Polyoxyethylensorbitantristearat (Polysorbat 65) | Polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65) | - | | x | x | x | |
E440 | Pektine | Pectins | - | | x | x | x | |
E440(i) | Pektin | Pectin | - | | x | x | x | |
E440(ii) | Amidiertes Pektin | Amidated Pectin | - | | x | x | x | |
E442 | Ammoniumphosphatide | Ammonium phosphatides | - | | x | x | x | |
E444 | Saccharoseacetatisobutyrat | Sucrose acetate isobutyrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E445 | Glycerinester aus Wurzelharz | Glycerol esters of wood rosins | - | | x | x | x | |
E450 | Diphosphate | Diphosphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E450(i) | Dinatriumdiphosphat | Disodium Diphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E450(ii) | Trinatriumdiphosphat | Trisodium Diphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E450(iii) | Tetranatriumdiphosphat | Tetrasodium Diphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E450(ix) | Magnesiumdihydrogendiphosphat | Magnesiumdihydrogendiphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E450(v) | Tetrakaliumdiphosphat | Tetrapotassium Diphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E450(vi) | Dicalciumdiphosphat | Dicalcium Diphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E450(vii) | Calciumdihydrogendiphosphat | Calcium Dihydrogen Diphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E451 | Triphosphate | Triphosphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E451(i) | Pentanatriumtriphosphat | Pentasodium Triphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E451(ii) | Pentakaliumtriphosphat | Pentapotassium Triphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E452 | Polyphosphate | Polyphosphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E452(i) | Natriumpolyphosphat | Sodium Polyphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E452(ii) | Kaliumpolyphosphat | Potassium Polyphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E452(iii) | Natriumcalciumpolyphosphat | Sodium Calcium Polyphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E452(iv) | Calciumpolyphosphat | Calcium Polyphosphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E456 | Kaliumpolyaspartat | Potassium polyaspartate | - | | x | x | x | |
E459 | Beta-Cyclodextrin | Beta-cyclodextrine | - | | x | x | x | |
E460 | Cellulose | Cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E460(i) | Mikrokristalline Cellulose | Microcrystalline Cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E460(ii) | Cellulosepulver | Powdered Cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E461 | Methylcellulose | Methyl cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E462 | Ethylcellulose | Ethyl cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E463 | Hydroxypropylcellulose | Hydroxypropyl cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E463a | Niedrig substituierte Hydroxypropylcellulose (L-HPC) | Low substituted hydroxypropyl cellulose (L-HPC) | - | | x | x | x | |
E464 | Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose | Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E465 | Ethylmethylcellulose | Ethyl methyl cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E466 | Carboxymethylcellulose (Natrium-Carboxymethylcellulose, Cellulosegummi) | Carboxy methyl cellulose, Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E468 | Vernetzte Carboxymethylcellulose (modifizierter Cellulosegummi) | Crosslinked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E469 | Enzymatisch hydrolysierte Carboxymethylcellulose | Enzymically hydrolysed carboxy methyl cellulose | - | | x | x | x | |
E470a | Natrium-, Kalium- and Calciumsalze der Speisefettsäuren | Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E470b | Magnesiumsalze der Speisefettsäuren | Magnesium salts of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E471 | Mono- und Diglyceride von Speisefettsäuren | Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E472a | Essigsäureester von Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren | Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E472b | Milchsäureester von Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren | Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E472c | Citronensäureester von Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren | Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E472d | Weinsäureester von Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren | Tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E472e | Mono- und Diacetylweinsäureester von Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren | Mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters | - | | x | x | x | |
E472f | Gemischte Essig- und Weinsäureester von Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren | Mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters | - | | x | x | x | |
E473 | Zuckerester von Speisefettsäuren | Sucrose esters of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E474 | Zuckerglyceride | Sucroglycerides | - | | x | x | x | |
E475 | Polyglycerinester von Speisefettsäuren | Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E476 | Polyglycerin-Polyricinoleat | Polyglycerol polyricinoleate | - | | x | x | x | |
E477 | Propylenglycolester von Speisefettsäuren | Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E479b | Thermooxidiertes Sojaöl verestert mit Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren | Thermally oxidized soya bean oil | - | | x | x | x | |
E481 | Natriumstearoyl-2-lactylat | Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate | - | | x | x | x | |
E482 | Calciumstearoyl-2-lactylat | Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate | - | | x | x | x | |
E483 | Stearyltartrat | Stearyl tartrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E491 | Sorbitanmonostearat | Sorbitan monostearate | - | | x | x | x | |
E492 | Sorbitantristearat | Sorbitan tristearate | - | | x | x | x | |
E493 | Sorbitanmonolaurat | Sorbitan monolaurate | - | | x | x | x | |
E494 | Sorbitanmonooleat | Sorbitan monooleate | - | | x | x | x | |
E495 | Sorbitanmonopalmitat | Sorbitan monopalmitate | - | | x | x | x | |
E499 | Stigmasterinreiche Phytosterine | Stigmasterine-rich phytosterols | - | | x | x | x | |
E500 | Natriumcarbonate | Sodium Carbonates | - | | x | x | x | |
E500(i) | Natriumcarbonat | Sodium Carbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E500(ii) | Natriumhydrogencarbonat | Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E500(iii) | Natriumsesquicarbonat | Sodium Sesquicarbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E501 | Kaliumcarbonate | Potassium Carbonates | - | | x | x | x | |
E501(i) | Kaliumcarbonat | Potassium Carbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E501(ii) | Kaliumhydrogencarbonat | Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E503 | Ammoniumcarbonate | Ammonium Carbonates | - | | x | x | x | |
E503(i) | Ammoniumcarbonat | Ammonium Carbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E503(ii) | Ammoniumhydrogencarbonat | Ammonium Hydrogen Carbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E504 | Magnesiumcarbonate | Magnesium Carbonates | - | | x | x | x | |
E504(i) | Magnesiumcarbonat | Magnesium Carbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E504(ii) | Magnesiumhydroxidcarbonat | Magnesium Hydroxide Carbonate | - | | x | x | x | |
E507 | Salzsäure | Hydrochloric acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E508 | Kaliumchlorid | Potassium chloride | - | | x | x | x | |
E509 | Calciumchlorid | Calcium chloride | - | | x | x | x | |
E510 | Ammoniumchlorid | Ammonium chloride | - | | x | x | x | |
E511 | Magnesiumchlorid | Magnesium chloride | - | | x | x | x | |
E512 | Zinn(II)-chlorid | Stannous chloride | - | | x | x | x | |
E513 | Schwefelsäure | Sulphuric acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E514 | Natriumsulfate | Sodium Sulphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E514(i) | Natriumsulfat | Sodium Sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E514(ii) | Natriumhydrogensulfat | Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E515 | Kaliumsulfate | Potassium Sulphates | - | | x | x | x | |
E515(i) | Kaliumsulfat | Potassium Sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E515(ii) | Kaliumhydrogensulfat | Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E516 | Calciumsulfat | Calcium sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E517 | Ammoniumsulfat | Ammonium sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E520 | Aluminiumsulfat | Aluminium sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E521 | Aluminiumnatriumsulfat | Aluminium sodium sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E522 | Aluminiumkaliumsulfat | Aluminium potassium sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E523 | Aluminiumammoniumsulfat | Aluminium ammonium sulphate | - | | x | x | x | |
E524 | Natriumhydroxid | Sodium hydroxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E525 | Kaliumhydroxid | Potassium hydroxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E526 | Calciumhydroxid | Calcium hydroxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E527 | Ammoniumhydroxid | Ammonium hydroxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E528 | Magnesiumhydroxid | Magnesium hydroxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E529 | Calciumoxid | Calcium oxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E530 | Magnesiumoxid | Magnesium oxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E534 | Eisentartrat | Iron tartrate | - | | x | x | x | |
E535 | Natriumferrocyanid | Sodium ferrocyanide | - | | x | x | x | |
E536 | Kaliumferrocyanid | Potassium ferrocyanide | - | | x | x | x | |
E538 | Calciumferrocyanid | Calcium ferrocyanide | - | | x | x | x | |
E541 | Saures Natriumaluminiumphosphat | Sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic | - | | x | x | x | |
E551 | Siliciumdioxid | Silicon dioxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E552 | Calciumsilicat | Calcium silicate | - | | x | x | x | |
E553a | Magnesiumsilicate | Magnesium Silicate | - | | x | x | x | |
E553a(ii) | Magnesiumtrisilicat | Magnesium Trisilicate | - | | x | x | x | |
E553b | Talk | Talc | - | | x | x | x | |
E554 | Natriumaluminiumsilicat | Sodium aluminium silicate | - | | x | x | x | |
E555 | Kaliumaluminiumsilicat | Potassium aluminium silicate | - | | x | x | x | |
E556 | Calciumaluminiumsilicat | Calcium aluminium silicate | - | | x | x | x | |
E558 | Bentonit | Bentonite | - | | x | x | x | |
E559 | Aluminiumsilicat (Kaolin) | Aluminium silicate (Kaolin) | - | | x | x | x | |
E570 | Speisefettsäuren | Fatty acids | - | | x | x | x | |
E574 | Gluconsäure | Gluconic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E575 | Glucono-delta-Lacton | Glucono-delta-lactone | - | | x | x | x | |
E576 | Natriumgluconat | Sodium gluconate | - | | x | x | x | |
E577 | Kaliumgluconat | Potassium gluconate | - | | x | x | x | |
E578 | Calciumgluconat | Calcium gluconate | - | | x | x | x | |
E579 | Eisen(II)-gluconat | Ferrous gluconate | - | | x | x | x | |
E585 | Eisen(II)-lactat | Ferrous lactate | - | | x | x | x | |
E586 | 4-Hexylresorcin | 4-Hexylresorcinol | - | | x | x | x | |
E620 | Glutaminsäure | Glutamic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E621 | Mononatriumglutamat | Monosodium glutamate | - | | x | x | x | |
E622 | Monokaliumglutamat | Monopotassium glutamate | - | | x | x | x | |
E623 | Calciumdiglutamat | Calcium diglutamate | - | | x | x | x | |
E624 | Monoammoniumglutamat | Monoammonium glutamate | - | | x | x | x | |
E625 | Magnesiumdiglutamat | Magnesium diglutamate | - | | x | x | x | |
E626 | Guanylsäure | Guanylic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E627 | Dinatriumguanylat | Disodium guanylate | - | | x | x | x | |
E628 | Dikaliumguanylat | Dipotassium guanylate | - | | x | x | x | |
E629 | Calciumguanylat | Calcium guanylate | - | | x | x | x | |
E630 | Inosinsäure | Inosinic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E631 | Dinatriuminosinat | Disodium inosinate | - | | x | x | x | |
E632 | Dikaliuminosinat | Dipotassium inosinate | - | | x | x | x | |
E633 | Calciuminosinat | Calcium inosinate | - | | x | x | x | |
E634 | Calcium 5'-ribonucleotide | Calcium 5'-ribonucleotides | - | | x | x | x | |
E635 | Dinatrium-5′-ribonucleotid | Disodium 5'-ribonucleotides | - | | x | x | x | |
E640 | Glycin und seine Natriumsalze | Glycine and its sodium salt | - | | x | x | x | |
E640(i) | Glycine | Glycine | - | | x | x | x | |
E640(ii) | Natriumglycinat | Sodium Glycinate | - | | x | x | x | |
E641 | L-Leucin | L-leucine | - | | x | x | x | |
E650 | Zinkacetat | Zinc acetate | - | | x | x | x | |
E900 | Dimethylpolysiloxan | Dimethyl polysiloxane | - | | x | x | x | |
E901 | Bienenwachs, weiß und gelb | Beeswax, white and yellow | - | | x | x | x | |
E902 | Candelillawachs | Candelilla wax | - | | x | x | x | |
E903 | Carnaubawachs | Carnauba wax | - | | x | x | x | |
E904 | Schellack | Shellac | - | | x | x | x | |
E905 | Mikrokristallines Wachs | Microcrystalline wax | - | | x | x | x | |
E907 | Hydriertes Poly-1-decen | Hydrogenated Poly-1-decene | - | | x | x | x | |
E912 | Montansäureester | Montanic acid esters | - | | x | x | x | |
E914 | Polyethylenwachsoxidate | Oxidized polyethylene wax | - | | x | x | x | |
E920 | L-Cystein | L-Cysteine | - | | x | x | x | |
E927b | Carbamid | Carbamide | - | | x | x | x | |
E938 | Argon | Argon | - | | x | x | x | |
E939 | Helium | Helium | - | | x | x | x | |
E941 | Stickstoff | Nitrogen | - | | x | x | x | |
E942 | Distickstoffoxid | Nitrous oxide | - | | x | x | x | |
E943a | Butan | Butane | - | | x | x | x | |
E943b | Isobutan | Isobutane | - | | x | x | x | |
E944 | Propan | Propane | - | | x | x | x | |
E948 | Sauerstoff | Oxygen | - | | x | x | x | |
E949 | Wasserstoff | Hydrogen | - | | x | x | x | |
E950 | Acesulfam K | Acesulfame K | - | | x | x | x | |
E951 | Aspartam | Aspartame | - | | x | x | x | |
E952 | Cyclamat | Cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts | - | | x | x | x | |
E952(i) | Cyclamat | Cyclamic acid | - | | x | x | x | |
E952(ii) | Natriumcyclamat | Sodium cyclamate | - | | x | x | x | |
E952(iii) | Calciumcyclamat | Calcium cyclamate | - | | x | x | x | |
E953 | Isomalt | Isomalt | - | | x | x | x | |
E954 | Saccharin | Saccharins | - | | x | x | x | |
E954(i) | Saccharin | Saccharin | - | | x | x | x | |
E954(ii) | Natriumsaccharin | Sodium saccharin | - | | x | x | x | |
E954(iii) | Calciumsaccharin | Calcium saccharin | - | | x | x | x | |
E954(iv) | Kaliumsaccharin | Potassium saccharin | - | | x | x | x | |
E955 | Sucralose | Sucralose | - | | x | x | x | |
E957 | Thaumatin | Thaumatin | - | | x | x | x | |
E959 | Neohesperidin DC | Neohesperidine DC | - | | x | x | x | |
E960 | Steviolglycoside - ACHTUNG: Dieser Code wird in einem zukünftigen Release gelöscht. | Steviol glycosides - ATTENTION: This code is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. | - | | x | x | x | |
E960a | Steviolglycoside aus Stevia | Steviol glycosides from Stevia | - | | x | x | x | |
E960c | Enzymatisch hergestellte Steviolglycoside | Enzymatically produced steviol glycosides | - | | x | x | x | |
E960d | Glycosylierte Steviolglycoside | Glucosylated steviol glycosides | - | | x | x | x | |
E961 | Neotam | Neotame | - | | x | x | x | |
E962 | Aspartam-Acesulfamsalz | Salt of aspartame-acesulfame | - | | x | x | x | |
E964 | Polyglycitolsirup | Polyglycitol syrup | - | | x | x | x | |
E965 | Maltit | Maltitol | - | | x | x | x | |
E965(i) | Maltit | Maltitol | - | | x | x | x | |
E965(ii) | Maltitsirup | Maltitol Syrup | - | | x | x | x | |
E966 | Lactit | Lactitol | - | | x | x | x | |
E967 | Xylit | Xylitol | - | | x | x | x | |
E968 | Erythrit | Erythritol | - | | x | x | x | |
E969 | Advantam | Advantam | - | | x | x | x | |
E999 | Quillajaextrakt | Quillaia extract | - | | x | x | x | |