

CodeList: AlcoholicBeverageColourCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
BLACKBlackBlackIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be black, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
BLUEBlueBlueIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be blue, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
BROWNBrownBrownIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be brown, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
CHARTREUSEChartreuseChartreuseIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be chartreuse, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
CLEARClearClearIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be clear (without colour), as determined by manufacturer.xxx
COPPERCopperCopperIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be copper, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
DARK_BROWNDark brownDark brownIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be dark brown, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
GREENGreenGreenIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be green, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
ORANGEOrangeOrangeIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be orange, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
OTHEROtherOtherThe value needed is not listed or is not defined within this list’s individual code values and definitions. Please send a work request into GS1 or your solution provider requesting the code you are searching for.xxx
PALE_OR_LIGHT_BLONDPale or light blondPale or light blondIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be pale or light blond, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
PINKPinkPinkIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be pink, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
PURPLEPurplePurpleIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be purple, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
REDRotRedIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be red, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
ROSERoséRoséIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be rosé or pink, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
TAWNYTawnyTawnyIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be tawny, which is a light brown to brownish-orange color, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
WHITEWeißWhiteIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be white, as determined by manufacturer.xxx
YELLOW_BLOND_OR_GOLDYellow blond or goldYellow blond or goldIdentifies to the consumer the colour of alcohol to be yellow blond or gold, as determined by manufacturer.xxx