15F15 | Zn/MnO2 Batterie. IEC: 15F15. Andere Bez.: NEDA 221 BLR155 | Zn/MnO2 battery, IEC name 15F15, other common names: NEDA 221 BLR155 | Zn/MnO2 battery also identified by IEC name 15F15 and other common names: NEDA 221 BLR155 | | x | x | x | |
15F20 | Zn/MnO2 Batterie, nicht rund. IEC: 15F20. Andere Bez.: 22½ Volt | Zn/MnO2 non-round multiple cell battery, IEC name 15F20, other common names: 22½-volt | Zn/MnO2 non-round multiple cell Battery identified by IEC name 15F20 and other common names: 22½-volt, | | x | x | x | |
18650 | 18650 - Lithium-Ionen wiederaufladbare Batterie/Zelle, zylindrisch, Durchmesser ca.18 mm, Länge ca. 65 mm. Andere Bez.: 168A, 1865 | 18650 - Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery/cell - cylindrical, diameter about 18 mm, length about 65 mm, other common names: 168A, 1865 | Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery/cell, cylindrical, with a diameter of approximately 18 millimetres and a length of approximately 65 millimetres. Other common names: 168A, 1865. | | x | x | x | |
20F20 | Zn/MnO2-Batterie, nicht rund, multiple Zelle. IEC: 20F20. Andere Bez.: 30 Volt | Zn/MnO2 non-round multiple cell battery, common name 30-volt | Zn/MnO2 non-round multiple cell Battery identified by the common name 30-volt | | x | x | x | |
2CR1_3N | Lithium-Knopfzellen - Münze, Uhr, Mikro, Mini. IEC: 2CR1/3N. Andere Bez.: keine | Lithium button cells - coin, watch, micro, miniature, IEC name 2CR1/3N, no other common name | Lithium button cells - coin, watch, micro, miniature identified by IEC name 2CR1/3N with no other common name. | | x | x | x | |
2CR11108 | 6V Lithium-Batterie, rund. IEC: 2CR11108. Andere Bez.: PX28LBPK, PX-28LB, 28L, L28PX | 6V round lithium battery, IEC name 2CR11108, other common names: PX28LBPK, PX-28LB,28L, L28PX | 6V round Lithium Battery identified by the IEC name 2CR11108 and other common names : PX28LBPK, PX-28LB,28L, L28PX | | x | x | x | |
2CR5 | Lithium-Kamera-Zelle/Batterien. IEC: 2CR5. Andere Bez.: EL2CR5, DL245, RL2CR5, 6135-99-577-2940 | Lithium camera cell/batteries, IEC name 2CR5, other common names: EL2CR5, DL245, RL2CR5, 6135-99-577-2940 | Lithium camera Cell/Batteries identified by IEC name 2CR5 and those other common names EL2CR5, DL245, RL2CR5, 6135-99-577-2940 | | x | x | x | |
2HRM14_57 | Nickel-Kadmium (Ni-CD)-Zellen. IEC: 2HRM14/57 | Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-CD) cells, IEC name 2HRM14/57 | Nickel Cadmium (Ni-CD) cells identifed by IEC name 2HRM14/57 | | x | x | x | |
2R10 | Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle, multiple Zelle. IEC: 2R10. Andere Bez.: Duplex, Ever Ready No. 8 | Carbon-zinc round multiple cell, IEC name 2R10, other common names: Duplex, Ever Ready No. 8 | Carbon-zinc round multiple cell identified by IEC name 2R10 and those other common names Duplex, Ever Ready No. 8 | | x | x | x | |
3LR12 | Alkali-Batterien, nicht rund. IEC: 3LR12. Andere Bez.: 4,5-Volt, Taschenbatterie, 1203, 4,5 V, Typ 3336 (Sowjet Union/Russische Föderation), 6135-99-738-4038 | Alkaline non-round batteries, IEC name 3LR12, other common names: 4.5-volt, Pocketable Battery, 1203, 4.5 V, Type 3336 (Soviet Union/Russian Federation), 6135-99-738-4038 | Alkaline non-round batteries, identified by IEC name 3LR12 and those other common names : 4.5-volt, Pocketable Battery, 1203, 4.5 V, Type 3336 (Soviet Union/Russian Federation), 6135-99-738-4038 | | x | x | x | |
3R12 | Zink-Kohle-Batterien, nicht rund. IEC: 3R12. Andere Bez.: 4,5-Volt, Pocket Akku, 1203, 4,5 V, Typ 3336 (Sowjet Union/Russische Föderation), 6135-99-738-4038 | Carbon-zinc non-round batteries, IEC name 3R12, other common names: 4.5-volt, Pocketable Battery, 1203, 4.5 V, Type 3336 (Soviet Union/Russian Federation), 6135-99-738-4038 | Carbon-zinc non-round batteries, identified by IEC name 3R12 and those other common names 4.5-volt, Pocketable Battery, 1203, 4.5 V, Type 3336 (Soviet Union/Russian Federation), 6135-99-738-4038 | | x | x | x | |
4LR44 | Alkali-Rundzelle, mehrere Zellen. IEC: 4LR44. Andere Bez.: 4SR44, PX28A, A544, K28A, V34PX | Alkaline round multiple cell, IEC name 4LR44, other common names: 4SR44, PX28A, A544, K28A, V34PX | Alkaline Round multiple cell identified by IEC name 4LR44 and those other common names 4SR44, PX28A, A544, K28A, V34PX | | x | x | x | |
6F22 | Zink-Kohle-Batterien, nicht rund. IEC: 6F22. Andere Bez.: 4LR449-Volt, PP3, Radio Batterie, Rauchmelder (Großbrit./USA), MN1604, rechteckige Batterie, Krona (Sowjet Union/Russische Föderation), Transistor, 6135-99-634-8080 | Carbon-zinc non-round batteries, IEC name 6F22, other common names: 4LR449-volt, PP3, Radio battery, Smoke Alarm (UK/US), MN1604, Square battery, Krona (SovietUnion/Russian Federation), Transistor, 6135-99-634-8080 | Carbon-zinc non-round batteries identified by IEC name 6F22 and those other common names : 4LR449-volt, PP3, Radio battery, Smoke Alarm (UK/US), MN1604, Square battery, Krona (Soviet Union/Russian Federation), Transistor, 6135-99-634-8080 | | x | x | x | |
8LR932 | Alkali-Rundzelle, multiple Zelle. IEC: 8LR932. Andere Bez.: A23, V23GA, 23A, 23AE, MN21, L1028, 8LR23, LRV08 | Alkaline round multiple cell, IEC name 8LR932, other common names: A23, V23GA, 23A, 23AE, MN21, L1028, 8LR23, LRV08 | Alkaline round multiple cell identified by IEC name 8LR932 and those other common names : A23, V23GA, 23A, 23AE, MN21, L1028, 8LR23, LRV08 | | x | x | x | |
9_VOLT | Rechteckige Prismaform mit abgerundeten Ecken und einer polarisierten Schnappbuchse am oberen Ende, IEC: 6LR61 (Alkali), 6F22 (Zink-Kohle), 6KR61 (NiCd), 6HR61 (NiMh) | A rectangular prism shape with rounded edges and a polarized snap connector at the top, IEC names: 6LR61 (alkaline), 6F22 (Carbon-Zinc), 6KR61 (NiCd), 6HR61 (NiMh) | A rectangular prism shape with rounded edges and a polarized snap connector at the top identified by IEC names 6LR61 (alkaline), 6F22 (Carbon-Zinc), 6KR61 (NiCd), 6HR61(NiMh). | | x | x | x | |
A | Typ A: Häufiger als NiCd- oder NiMH-Zelle als in primärer Größe, populär in älteren Laptops und Hobby-Batteriepackungen | Type A: More common as a NiCd or NiMH cell size than a primary size, popular in older laptop batteries and hobby battery packs | More common as a NiCd or NiMH cell size than a primary size, popular in older laptop batteries and hobby battery packs. | | x | x | x | |
AA | Typ AA (Mignon): Standard-Batteriegröße. In tragbaren elektronischen Geräten der am meisten genutzte Typ | Type AA (Mignon): A standard size of battery. Batteries of this size are the most commonly used type in portable electronic devices | A standard size of battery. Batteries of this size are the most commonly used type of in portable electronic devices. | | x | x | x | |
AAA | Typ AAA: Standardgröße einer Trockenzellen-Batterie. Häufig in tragbaren elektronischen Geräten genutzt | Type AAA: A standard size of dry cell battery commonly used in portable electronic devices | A standard size of dry cell battery commonly used in portable electronic devices. | | x | x | x | |
AAAA | Typ AAAA: z.B. in kleinen Stabtaschenlampen, Laser pointern, Taschenrechnern etc. | Type AAAA: e.g. used in pen flashlights, laser pointers, calculators etc. | AAAA batteries are sometimes used in pen flashlights, laser pointers, powered styluses, calculators, fishing lures, or electronic glucose meters. | | x | x | x | |
B | Typ B (alter Batterietyp mit 67,5 Volt): Batterie für die Plattenspannung einer Vacuumröhre | Type B (old type with 67.5 volt): Battery used to provide the plate voltage of a vacuum tube | Battery used to provide the plate voltage of a vacuum tube. | | x | x | x | |
C | Typ C (Babyzelle): Standardgröße einer Batterie, typischerweise in Anwendungen mittleren Stromverbrauchs wie Spielzeugen und Musikinstrumenten | Type C (baby cell): A standard size of battery typically used in medium-drain applications such as toys and musical instruments | A standard size of battery typically used in medium-drain applications such as toys and musical instruments. | | x | x | x | |
CR1025 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR1025. Andere Bez.: 5033LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR1025, common name 5033LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR1025 and common name 5033LC | | x | x | x | |
CR1216 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR1216. Andere Bez.: 5034LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR1216, common name 5034LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR1216 and common name 5034LC | | x | x | x | |
CR1220 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR1220. Andere Bez.: 5012LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR1220, common name 5012LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR1220 and common name 5012LC | | x | x | x | |
CR1225 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR1225. Andere Bez.: 5020LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR1225, common name 5020LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR1225 and common name 5020LC | | x | x | x | |
CR123A | Lithium-Kamera-Batterie. IEC: CR17345. Andere Bez.: 2/3A, 123, CR123, 17345, 16340, CR123A, 6135-99-851-1379 (NSN) | Lithium camera battery, IEC name CR1734, common names: 2/3A, 123, CR123, 17345, 16340, CR123A, 6135-99-851-1379 (NSN) | Lithium Camera Battery identifed by IEC name CR17345 and the other common names: 2/3A, 123, CR123, 17345, 16340, CR123A, 6135-99-851-1379 (NSN) | | x | x | x | |
CR1616 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR1616 | Lithium button cells identified by IEC name CR1616 | Lithium button cells identified by IEC name CR1616 | | x | x | x | |
CR1620 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR1620. Andere Bez.: 5009LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR1620, common name 5009LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR1620 and common name 5009LC | | x | x | x | |
CR1632 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR1632 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR1632 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR1632 | | x | x | x | |
CR2 | Lithium-Kamera-Zelle/Batterien. IEC: CR17355. Andere Bez.: 15270 (Li-Ion wiederaufladbar), 6135-99-606-3982 (NSN) | Lithium camera cell/batteries, IEC name CR17355, other common names: 15270 (Li-Ion Rechargeable), 6135-99-606-3982 (NSN) | Lithium camera Cell/Batteries identifed by IEC name CR17355 and those other common names : 15270 (Li-Ion Rechargeable), 6135-99-606-3982 (NSN) | | x | x | x | |
CR2012 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2012 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2012 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2012 | | x | x | x | |
CR2016 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2016. Andere Bez.: 5000LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2016, common name 5000LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2016 and common name 5000LC | | x | x | x | |
CR2025 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2025. Andere Bez.: 5003LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2025, common name 5003LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2025 and common name 5003LC | | x | x | x | |
CR2032 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2032. Andere Bez.: 5004LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2032, common name 5004LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2032 and common name 5004LC | | x | x | x | |
CR2330 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2330 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2330 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2330 | | x | x | x | |
CR2354 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2354 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2354 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2354 | | x | x | x | |
CR2430 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2430. Andere Bez.: 5011LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2430, common name 5011LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2430 and other common name 5011LC | | x | x | x | |
CR2450 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2450. Andere Bez.: 5029LC | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2450, common name 5029LC | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2450 and other common name 5029LC | | x | x | x | |
CR2477 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR2477 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR2477 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR2477 | | x | x | x | |
CR3032 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR3032 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR3032 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR3032 | | x | x | x | |
CR6362 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR636-2 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR636-2 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR636-2 | | x | x | x | |
CR7362 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR736-2 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR736-2 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR736-2 | | x | x | x | |
CR927 | Lithium-Knopfzellen. IEC: CR927 | Lithium button cells, IEC name CR927 | Lithium button cells identifed by IEC name CR927 | | x | x | x | |
CRP2 | Lithium-Kamera-Zelle/Batterien. IEC: CR-P2. Andere Bez.: CR927, BR-P2, 223A, CR17-33, 5024LC | Lithium camera Cell/Batteries, IEC name CR-P2, common names: CR927, BR-P2, 223A, CR17-33, 5024LC | Lithium camera Cell/Batteries identifed by IEC name CR-P2 and other common names : CR927, BR-P2, 223A, CR17-33, 5024LC | | x | x | x | |
CRV3 | Lithium-Kamera-Zelle/Batterien. IEC: CRV3 | Lithium camera Cell/Batteries, IEC name CRV3 | Lithium camera Cell/Batteries identifed by IEC name CRV3 | | x | x | x | |
D | Typ D (Mono): Zylindrische Batterie mit elektrischen Kontakten an jedem Ende; mit Knopf oder einer Erhebung am positiven Ende | Type D (Mono): A cylindrical battery with electrical contacts at each end; the positive end having a nub or bump | A cylindrical battery with electrical contacts at each end; the positive end having a nub or bump. | | x | x | x | |
HR11_43 | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen (wiederaufladbar). IEC: HR11/43 | Nickel metal hydride (rechargeable) cells, IEC name HR11/43 | Nickel metal hydride (rechargeable) cells identifed by IEC name HR11/43 | | x | x | x | |
HR11_44 | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen (wiederaufladbar). IEC: HR11/44 | Nickel metal hydride (rechargeable) cells, IEC name HR11/44 | Nickel metal hydride (rechargeable) cells identifed by IEC name HR11/44 | | x | x | x | |
HR11_45 | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen (wiederaufladbar). IEC: HR11/45 | Nickel metal hydride (rechargeable) cells, IEC name HR11/45 | Nickel metal hydride (rechargeable) cells identifed by IEC name HR11/45 | | x | x | x | |
HR15_43 | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen. IEC: HR15/43 | Nickel metal hydride cells, IEC name HR15/43 | Nickel metal hydride cells identifed by IEC name HR15/43 | | x | x | x | |
HR15_50 | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen. IEC: HR15/50 | Nickel metal hydride cells, IEC name HR15/50 | Nickel metal hydride cells identifed by IEC name HR15/50 | | x | x | x | |
HR15_51_071P2 | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen. IEC: HR15/51 071P2 | Nickel metal hydride cells, IEC name HR15/51 071P2 | Nickel metal hydride cells identifed by IEC name HR15/51 071P2 | | x | x | x | |
HR15_51_70AA | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen. IEC: HR15/51 70AA | Nickel metal hydride cells, IEC name HR15/51 70AA | Nickel metal hydride cells identifed by IEC name HR15/51 70AA | | x | x | x | |
HR15_51_AAUB | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen. IEC: HR15/51 AAUB | Nickel metal hydride cells, IEC name HR15/51 AAUB | Nickel metal hydride cells identifed by IEC name HR15/51 AAUB | | x | x | x | |
HR15_51_AAUV | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen. IEC: HR15/51 AAUV | Nickel metal hydride cells, IEC name HR15/51 AAUV | Nickel metal hydride cells identifed by IEC name HR15/51 AAUV | | x | x | x | |
HR17_43 | Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen. IEC: HR17/43 | Nickel metal hydride cells, IEC name HR17/43 | Nickel metal hydride cells identifed by IEC name HR17/43 | | x | x | x | |
IMR14_50 | Lithium-Ionen-Mangan-Zellen, wiederaufladbar (auch bekannt als Li-MN). IEC: IMR14/50 | Lithium-Ion Manganese Rechargeable (also known as Li-MN) cells, IEC name IMR14/50 | Lithium-Ion Manganese Rechargeable (also known as Li-MN) cells identifed by IEC name IMR14/50 | | x | x | x | |
IMR19_50 | Lithium-Ionen-Mangan-Zellen, wiederaufladbar (auch bekannt als Li-MN). IEC: IMR19/50 | Lithium-Ion Manganese Rechargeable (also known as Li-MN) cells, IEC name IMR19/50 | Lithium-Ion Manganese Rechargeable (also known as Li-MN) cells identifed by IEC name IMR19/50 | | x | x | x | |
INR14_50 | Lithium-Nickel-Mangan-Kobalt-Oxyd-Zellen. IEC: INR14/50 | Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide cells, IEC name INR14/50 | Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide cells identifed by IEC name INR14/50 | | x | x | x | |
INR15_50 | Lithium-Nickel-Mangan-Kobalt-Oxyd-Zellen. IEC: INR15/50 | Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide cells, IEC name INR15/50 | Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide cells identifed by IEC name INR15/50 | | x | x | x | |
INR15_65 | Lithium-Nickel-Mangan-Kobalt-Oxyd-Zellen. IEC: INR15/65 | Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide cells, IEC name INR15/65 | Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide cells identifed by IEC name INR15/65 | | x | x | x | |
J | Multiple Alkali-Zelle, nicht rund. IEC: 4LR61, ANSI Name J. Andere Bezeichnung: 7K67 | Alkaline non-round multiple cell, IEC name 4LR61, ANSI Name J and other common name 7K67 | Alkaline non-round multiple cell identifed by IEC name 4LR61, ANSI Name J and other common name 7K67 | | x | x | x | |
KR15_51 | Nickel-Kadmium- (Ni-CD) oder Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen (Ni-MH). IEC: KR15/51 | Nickel Cadmium (Ni-CD) or Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) cells, IEC name KR15/51 | Nickel Cadmium (Ni-CD) or Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) cells identifed by IEC name KR15/51 | | x | x | x | |
KR6 | Nickel-Kadmium- (Ni-CD) oder Nickel-Metall-Hybrid-Zellen (Ni-MH). IEC: KR6 | Nickel Cadmium (Ni-CD) or Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) cells, IEC name KR6 | Nickel Cadmium (Ni-CD) or Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) cells identifed by IEC name KR6 | | x | x | x | |
LANTERN_BIG | Gebräuchliche nicht runde Batterien. IEC: 4R25-2 (Zink-Kohle) oder 4LR25-2 (Alkali). Andere Bez.: 918, R25-2, Große Laterne, Doppellaterne, MN918, Energizer 521 | Common non-round batteries, IEC name 4R25-2 (carbon‑zinc) or 4LR25-2 (alkaline), common names: 918, R25-2, Big Lantern, Double Lantern, MN918, Energizer 521 | Common Non-round batteries identified by IEC name 4R25-2 (carbon-zinc) or 4LR25-2 (alkaline), other common names : 918, R25-2, Big Lantern, Double Lantern, MN918, Energizer 521 | | x | x | x | |
LANTERN_SCREW | Nicht runde, mehrzellige Batterie. IEC: 4R25X (Zink-Kohle) oder 4LR25X (Alkali). Andere Bez.: Lanternenschraube, Laterne, 6 Volt, Schraubverschluss, 6135-99-645-6443 (NSN) | Non round multiple cell, IEC name 4R25X (carbon‑zinc) or 4LR25X (alkaline), other common names: Lantern Screw, Lantern, 6 volt, Screw Top, 6135-99-645-6443 (NSN) | Non round multiple cell identified by IEC name 4R25X (carbon-zinc) or 4LR25X (alkaline), other common names : Lantern Screw, Lantern, 6 volt, Screw Top, 6135-99-645-6443 (NSN) | | x | x | x | |
LANTERN_SPRING | Gebräuchliche nicht runde Batterien. IEC: 4LR25Y (Alkali) oder 4R25 (Zink-Kohle). Andere Bez.: Laterne, 6 Volt, Federverschluss, MN908 (UK), 996 or PJ996, Energizer 529, 6135-99-910-1145 (NSN), 908A | Common non-round batteries, IEC name 4LR25Y (alkaline) or 4R25 (carbon‑zinc), other common names: Lantern, 6 volt, Spring Top, MN908 (UK), 996 or PJ996, Energizer 529, 6135-99-910-1145 (NSN), 908A | Common Non-round batteries identified by IEC name 4LR25Y (alkaline) or 4R25 (carbon-zinc), other common names : Lantern, 6 volt, Spring Top, MN908 (UK), 996 or PJ996, Energizer 529, 6135-99-910-1145 (NSN), 908A | | x | x | x | |
LR03 | Gebräuchliche Alkali-Rundzelle. IEC: LR03. Andere Bez.: AAA, U16 oder HP16 (Großbrit. bis 1980er), Micro, Microlight, MN2400, MX2400, Type 286 (Sowjetunion/Russland), UM 4 (JIS), #7 (China), 6135-99-117-3143 | Common alkaline round cell, IEC name LR03, other common names: AAA, U16 or HP16 (Britain till 1980s), Micro, Microlight, MN2400, MX2400, Type 286 (Sov.Union/Russia), UM 4 (JIS), #7 (China), 6135-99-117-3143 | Common alkaline round cell identified by IEC name LR03 and other common names: AAA, U16 or HP16 (In Britain until the 1980s), Micro, Microlight, MN2400, MX2400, Type 286 (Soviet Union/Russia), UM 4 (JIS), #7 (China), 6135-99-117-3143 | | x | x | x | |
LR09 | Nicht gebräuchliche 1.5 V Alkali-Batterie, nicht rund | Non common non round 1.5V alkaline battery | Non common non round 1.5V Alkaline Battery | | x | x | x | |
LR1 | Alkali-Einzelzelle, rund. IEC: LR1. Andere Bez.: N, Lady, MN9100, UM-5 (JIS), E90, 6135-99-661-4958 (NSN) | Alkaline round single-cell, IEC name LR1, other common names: N, Lady, MN9100, UM-5 (JIS), E90, 6135-99-661-4958 (NSN) | Alkaline Round single-cell identified by IEC name LR1 and other common names : N, Lady, MN9100, UM-5 (JIS), E90, 6135-99-661-4958 (NSN) | | x | x | x | |
LR14 | Alkali-Rundzelle, IEC: LR14. Andere Bez.: C, U11 oder HP11 (Großbrit. bis 1980er), MN1400, MX1400, Baby, Type 343 (Sow.union/Russl.), BA-42 (US Mil. Spec WWII–1980s), UM 2 (JIS), #2 (China), 6135-99-199-4779 (NSN) (Zink-Kohle), 6135-99-117-3212 (NSN) | Alkaline round cell, IEC: LR14, common names: C, U11 or HP11 (Britain till 1980s), MN1400, MX1400, Baby, Type 343 (Sov.Un./Russia), BA-42 (US Mil. Spec WWII–1980s), UM 2 (JIS), #2 (China), 6135-99-199-4779 (NSN) (carbon-zinc), 6135-99-117-3212 (NSN) | Common alkaline round cell identified by the IEC name LR14 and other common names : C, U11 or HP11 (In Britain until the 1980s), MN1400, MX1400, Baby, Type 343 (Soviet Union/Russia), BA-42 (US Military Spec WWII–1980s), UM 2 (JIS), #2 (China), 6135-99-199-4779 (NSN)(carbon-zinc), 6135-99-117-3212 (NSN) | | x | x | x | |
LR20 | Alkali-Rundzelle, IEC: LR20. And. Bez.: D, U2 oder HP2 (Großbrit. bis 1980er), Blitzlicht-Batterie, MN1300, MX1300, Mono, Goliath, Type 373 (Sow.union/Russl.), BA-30 (US Mil. Spec WWII–1980s), UM 1 (JIS), #1 (China), 6135-99-464-1938 (NSN) (Zink-Kohle) | Alkaline round cell, IEC: LR20, common names: D, U2 or HP2 (Britain till 1980s), Flashlight Battery, MN1300, MX1300, Mono, Goliath, Type 373 (Sov.Union/Russia), BA-30 (US Mil. Spec WWII–1980s), UM 1 (JIS), #1 (China), 6135-99-464-1938 (NSN) (carbon-zinc) | Common alkaline round cell identified by the IEC name LR20 and the common names : D, U2 or HP2 (In Britain until the 1980s), Flashlight Battery, MN1300, MX1300, Mono, Goliath, Type 373 (Soviet Union/Russia), BA-30 (US Military Spec WWII–1980s), UM 1 (JIS), #1 (China), 6135-99-464-1938 (NSN)(carbon-zinc), 6135-99-109-9428 (NSN)(alkaline) | | x | x | x | |
LR25 | Alkali-Einzelzelle, rund. IEC: LR25. Andere Bezeichnung: F | Alkaline round single-cell, IEC name LR25, other common name F | Alkaline round single-cell identified by IEC name LR25 and common name F | | x | x | x | |
LR41 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR736. Andere Bez.: LR41, AG3/SG3/G3-A, 192/384/392, 6135-99-949-0402 (NSN)(S) | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR736, other common names: LR41, AG3/SG3/G3-A, 192/384/392, 6135-99-949-0402 (NSN)(S) | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR736 and other common names : LR41, AG3/SG3/G3-A, 192/384/392, 6135-99-949-0402 (NSN)(S) | | x | x | x | |
LR42 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR1136. Andere Bezeichnung: LR42 | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR1136, other common name LR42 | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR1136 and other name LR42. | | x | x | x | |
LR43 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR1142. Andere Bez.: LR43, AG12/SG12, L1142, 186/301/386, 6135-99-547-0573 (NSN)(S), VINNIC | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR1142, other common names: LR43, AG12/SG12, L1142, 186/301/386, 6135-99-547-0573 (NSN)(S), VINNIC | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR1142 and other common names : LR43, AG12/SG12, L1142, 186/301/386, 6135-99-547-0573 (NSN)(S), VINNIC | | x | x | x | |
LR44 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR1154. Andere Bez.: LR44, AG13/SG13, LR44/LR154, 6135-99-792-8475 (NSN) (Alkali), 6135-99-651-3240 (NSN)(S), A76/S76/EPX76, 157/303/357, 1128MP, 208-904, A-76, A613, AG14, AG-14, A18, CA19, CR44, D76A (und andere) | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR1154, common names: LR44, AG13/SG13, LR44/LR154, 6135-99-792-8475 (NSN) (alkaline), 6135-99-651-3240 (NSN)(S), A76/S76/EPX76, 157/303/357, 1128MP, 208-904, A-76, A613, AG14, AG-14, A18, CA19, CR44, D76A (and others) | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR1154 and other common names : LR44, AG13/SG13, LR44/LR154, 6135-99-792-8475 (NSN)(alkaline), 6135-99-651-3240 (NSN)(S), A76/S76/EPX76, 157/303/357, 1128MP, 208-904, A-76, A613, AG14, AG-14, CA18, CA19, CR44, D76A, G13A, G13-A, GDA76, GP76A, GPA7, GPA75, GPA76, GPS76A, KA, KA76, AG76, L1154, L1154C, L1154F, L1154G, L1154H, LR44G, LR44GD, LR44H, MS76H, PX76A, PX675A, RPX675, RW82, SB-F9, V13G, 357A | | x | x | x | |
LR48 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR754. Andere Bez.: AG5/SG5, LR48, 193/309/393 | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR754 and other common names: AG5/SG5, LR48, 193/309/393 | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR754 and other common names : AG5/SG5, LR48, 193/309/393, | | x | x | x | |
LR54 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR1131. Andere Bez.: LR54, AG10/SG10, 189/387/389/390, LR1130/SR1130, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR1131 and other common names: LR54, AG10/SG10, 189/387/389/390, LR1130/SR1130, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR1131 and other common names : LR54, AG10/SG10, 189/387/389/390, LR1130/SR1130, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | | x | x | x | |
LR55 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR1121. Andere Bez.: LR55, AG8/SG8, 191/381/391, LR1120 | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR1121 and other common names LR55, AG8/SG8, 191/381/391, LR1120 | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR1121 and other common names LR55, AG8/SG8, 191/381/391, LR1120 | | x | x | x | |
LR57 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR926. Andere Bez.: LR57, AG7/SG7, LR57, 195/395/399, LR927/SR927, SR927W/GR927, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR926 and other common names LR57, AG7/SG7, LR57, 195/395/399, LR927/SR927, SR927W/GR927, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR926 and other common names LR57, AG7/SG7, LR57, 195/395/399, LR927/SR927, SR927W/GR927, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | | x | x | x | |
LR58 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR721. Andere Bez.: LR58, AG11/SG11, 162/361/362 | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR721, other common name: LR58, AG11/SG11, 162/361/362 | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR721 and other common name : LR58, AG11/SG11, 162/361/362 | | x | x | x | |
LR59 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR726. Andere Bez.: LR59, AG2/SG2, 196/396/397 | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR726 and other common names LR59, AG2/SG2, 196/396/397 | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR726 and other common names LR59, AG2/SG2, 196/396/397 | | x | x | x | |
LR6 | Alkali-Rundzelle. IEC: LR6. Andere Bez.: AA,D14 or HP7 (Großbrit. bis 1980er), Stiftgröße, Penlight, Mignon, MN1500, MX1500 Type 316 (Sow.union/Russl.), UM 3 (JIS), #5 (China), 6135-99-052-0009 (NSN )(Zink-Kohle), 6135-99-195-6708 (NSN)(Alkali) | Alkaline round cell, IEC: LR6, common names: AA,D14 or HP7 (Britain till 1980s), Pencil-sized, Penlight, Mignon, MN1500, MX1500 Type 316 (Sov.Union/Russia), UM 3 (JIS), #5 (China), 6135-99-052-0009 (NSN )(carbon-zinc), 6135-99-195-6708 (NSN)(alkaline) | Common alkaline round cell identified by IEC name LR6 and other common names : AA,D14 or HP7 (In Britain until the 1980s), Pencil-sized, Penlight, Mignon, MN1500, MX1500 Type 316 (Soviet Union/Russia), UM 3 (JIS), #5 (China), 6135-99-052-0009 (NSN)(carbon-zinc), 6135-99-195-6708 (NSN)(alkaline)", | | x | x | x | |
LR60 | Alkali-Knopfzellen. IEC: LR621. Andere Bez.: LR60, AG1/SG1, LR60, 164/364 | Alkaline button cells, IEC name LR621, other common names: LR60, AG1/SG1, LR60, 164/364 | Alkaline button cells identified by IEC name LR621 and other common names : LR60, AG1/SG1, LR60, 164/364 | | x | x | x | |
LR61 | Alkali-Rundzelle. IEC: LR8D425. Andere Bez.: AAAA | Alkaline round cell, IEC name LR8D425 and other common name: AAAA | Alkaline round cell identified by IEC name LR8D425 and other common name : AAAA | | x | x | x | |
LR63 | Alkali-Knopfzelle. IEC: LR521. Andere Bez.: LR63, AG0/SG0, LR63, 379 | Alkaline button cell, IEC name LR521, other common names: LR63, AG0/SG0, LR63, 379 | Alkaline button cell identified by IEC name LR521 and other common names : LR63, AG0/SG0, LR63, 379 | | x | x | x | |
LR68 | Alkali-Knopfzelle. IEC: LR916. Andere Bez.: LR68, SR916SW, 373 | Alkaline button cell, IEC name LR916, other common names: LR68, SR916SW, 373 | Alkaline button cell identified by IEC name LR916 and other common names : LR68, SR916SW, 373 | | x | x | x | |
LR69 | Alkali-Knopfzelle. IEC: LR921. Andere Bez.: LR69, AG6/SG6, 171/371, LR920/SR920 | Alkaline button cell, IEC name LR921, common names: LR69, AG6/SG6, 171/371, LR920/SR920 | Alkaline button cell identified by IEC name LR921 and other common names : LR69, AG6/SG6, 171/371, LR920/SR920 | | x | x | x | |
N | Rundzelle. IEC: R1 (Zink-Kohle), LR1 (Alkali), KR1 (NiCd), HR1 (NiMH). Andere Bez.: Lady, MN9100, UM-5 (JIS), E90, 6135-99-661-4958 (NSN), N | Round cell, IEC name R1 (carbon-zinc), LR1 (alkaline), KR1 (NiCd), HR1 (NiMH). Other common names: Lady, MN9100, UM-5 (JIS), E90, 6135-99-661-4958 (NSN), N | Round cell identified by IEC name R1(carbon-zinc), LR1(alkaline), KR1(NiCd), HR1(NiMH). Other common names : Lady, MN9100, UM-5 (JIS), E90, 6135-99-661-4958 (NSN), N | | x | x | x | |
NONSTANDARD | Nicht standardmäßige Batterie | Nonstandard battery | Nonstandard batteries do not have a standardised name or ID, such as CR-2032. They may be assigned a standardised name or ID in the future. | | x | x | x | |
NR50 | Kamera-Knopfzelle. IEC: NR50 | Camera button battery, IEC name NR50 | Camera button battery identified by IEC name NR50 | | x | x | x | |
NR52 | Kamera-Knopfzelle. IEC: NR52 | Camera button battery, IEC name NR52 | Camera button battery identified by IEC name NR52 | | x | x | x | |
OTHER | Sonstiger Batterietyp | Other type of battery | Other type of battery. | | x | x | x | |
PR41 | Zink-Luft-Knopfzellen. IEC: PR41. Andere Bez.: 312, brown tab, 6135-99-752-3528 (NSN) | Zinc air button cells, IEC name PR41, other names: 312, brown tab, 6135-99-752-3528 (NSN) | Zinc air button cells identified by IEC name PR41 and other names : 312, brown tab, 6135-99-752-3528 (NSN) | | x | x | x | |
PR43 | Zink-Luft-Knopfzellen. IEC: PR43. Andere Bez.: AC41E | Zinc air button cells, IEC name PR43, other name: AC41E | Zinc air button cells identified by IEC name PR43 and other name AC41E | | x | x | x | |
PR44 | Zink-Luft-Knopfzellen. IEC: PR44. Andere Bez.: 675, blue tab | Zinc air button cells, IEC name PR44, other names: 675, blue tab | Zinc air button cells identified by IEC name PR44, and other names 675, blue tab | | x | x | x | |
PR48 | Zink-Luft-Knopfzellen. IEC: PR48. Andere Bez.: 13, orange tab | Zinc air button cells, IEC name PR48, other names: 13, orange tab | Zinc air button cells identified by IEC name PR48 and other names : 13,orange tab | | x | x | x | |
PR70 | Zink-Luft-Knopfzellen. IEC: PR70. Andere Bez.: 10, yellow tab | Zinc air button cells, IEC name PR70, other names: 10, yellow tab | Zinc air button cells identified by IEC name PR70 and other names : 10, yellow tab | | x | x | x | |
PRODUCT_SPECIFIC | Produktspezifisch (nicht standardisiert) | Product specific (not standardised) | Product specific batteries are purpose-built batteries which are compatible with one product or a family of products. By being custom fit, they are not a standardised battery. | | x | x | x | |
R03 | Gebräuchliche Zink-Kohle-Batterie, rund. IEC: R03. Andere Bez.: AAA, U16 oder HP16 (Großbrit. bis 1980er), Micro, Microlight, MN2400, MX2400, Type 286 (Sow.union/Russl.), UM 4 (JIS)[2], #7 (China), 6135-99-117-3143 | Carbon-zinc common round, IEC name R03, other common names: AAA, U16 or HP16 (Britain till 1980s), Micro, Microlight, MN2400, MX2400, Type 286 (Sov.Union/Russia), UM 4 (JIS)[2], #7 (China), 6135-99-117-3143 | carbon–zinc commun round identified by the IEC name R03 and the other common names : AAA, U16 or HP16 (In Britain until the 1980s), Micro, Microlight, MN2400, MX2400, Type 286 (Soviet Union/Russia), UM 4 (JIS)[2], #7 (China), 6135-99-117-3143 | | x | x | x | |
R14C | Gebräuchliche Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle. IEC: R14C | Carbon-zinc common round cell, IEC name R14C | carbon–zinc commun round cell identified by IEC name R14C | | x | x | x | |
R14S | Gebräuchliche Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle. IEC: R14S | Carbon-zinc common round cell, IEC name R14S | carbon–zinc commun round cell identified by IEC name R14S | | x | x | x | |
R20C | Gebräuchliche Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle. IEC: R20C | Carbon-zinc common round cell, IEC name R20C | carbon–zinc commun round cell identified by IEC name R20C | | x | x | x | |
R20S | Gebräuchliche Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle. IEC: R20S | Carbon-zinc common round cell, IEC name R20S | carbon–zinc commun round cell identified by IEC name R20S | | x | x | x | |
R25 | Gebräuchliche Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle. IEC: R25. Andere Bez.: N | Carbon-zinc common round cell, IEC name R25 and the other name N | Carbon-Zinc round cell identified by the IEC name R25 and the other name N. | | x | x | x | |
R40 | Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle. IEC: R40. Andere Bez.: Nr. 6 | Carbon-zinc round cell, IEC name R40 and the other name: No. 6 | Carbon-Zinc round cell identified by the IEC name R40 and the other name : No. 6. | | x | x | x | |
R6C | Gebräuchliche Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle. IEC: R6C | Carbon-zinc common round cell, IEC name R6C | carbon–zinc commun round cell identified by IEC name R6C | | x | x | x | |
R6S | Gebräuchliche Zink-Kohle-Rundzelle. IEC: R6S | Carbon-zinc common round cell, IEC name R6S | carbon–zinc commun round cell identified by IEC name R6S | | x | x | x | |
RCRV3 | Li-Ionen-Kamera-Zelle/Batterie. IEC: CR-V3. Andere Bez.: CRV3, RCR-V3 | Li-ion camera cell/battery, IEC name CR-V3, other common names: CRV3, RCR-V3 | Li-ion Camera Cell/Battery identified by IEC name CR-V3, other common names : CRV3, RCR-V3 | | x | x | x | |
SR41 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR736. Andere Bez.: SR41, AG3/SG3/G3-A, 192/384/392, 6135-99-949-0402 (NSN)(S) | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR736, other common names: SR41, AG3/SG3/G3-A, 192/384/392, 6135-99-949-0402 (NSN)(S) | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR736 and other common names : SR41, AG3/SG3/G3-A, 192/384/392, 6135-99-949-0402 (NSN)(S) | | x | x | x | |
SR42 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR1136. Andere Bez.: SR42 | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR1136, other common name SR42 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR1136 and other common name SR42 | | x | x | x | |
SR43 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR1142. Andere Bez.: SR43, AG12/SG12, L1142, 186/301/386, 6135-99-547-0573 (NSN)(S), VINNIC | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR1142, other common names: SR43, AG12/SG12, L1142, 186/301/386, 6135-99-547-0573 (NSN)(S), VINNIC | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR1142 and other common SR43, AG12/SG12, L1142, 186/301/386, 6135-99-547-0573 (NSN)(S), VINNIC | | x | x | x | |
SR44 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR1154. Andere Bez.: AG13/SG13, SR44, 6135-99-792-8475 (NSN)(Alkali), 6135-99-651-3240 (NSN)(S), A76/S76/EPX76, 157/303/357, 1128MP, 208-904, A-76, A613, AG14, AG-14, CA18, CA19, CR44, D76A, G13A (und andere) | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR1154, other common names: AG13/SG13, SR44, 6135-99-792-8475 (NSN)(alkaline), 6135-99-651-3240 (NSN)(S), A76/S76/EPX76, 157/303/357, 1128MP, 208-904, A-76, A613, AG14, AG-14, CA18, CA19, CR44, D76A, G13A (and others) | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR1154 identified by other common names : AG13/SG13, SR44, 6135-99-792-8475 (NSN)(alkaline), 6135-99-651-3240 (NSN)(S), A76/S76/EPX76, 157/303/357, 1128MP, 208-904, A-76, A613, AG14, AG-14, CA18, CA19, CR44, D76A, G13A, G13-A, GDA76, GP76A, GPA7, GPA75, GPA76, GPS76A, KA, KA76, AG76, L1154, L1154C, L1154F, L1154G, L1154H, LR44G, LR44GD, LR44H, MS76H, PX76A, PX675A, RPX675, RW82, SB-F9, V13G, 357A | | x | x | x | |
SR45 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR936. Andere Bez.: AG9/SG9, SR45, 194/394, 135-99-782-4675 (NSN)(S) | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR936, other names AG9/SG9, SR45, 194/394, 135-99-782-4675 (NSN)(S) | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR936 and other names AG9/SG9, SR45, 194/394, 135-99-782-4675 (NSN)(S) | | x | x | x | |
SR48 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzelle. IEC: SR754. Andere Bez.: SR48, AG5/SG5, 193/309/393 | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR754, other name SR48, AG5/SG5, 193/309/393 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR754 and other name SR48, AG5/SG5, 193/309/393 | | x | x | x | |
SR54 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzelle. IEC: SR1131. Andere Bez.: SR54, AG10/SG10, 189/387/389/390, SR1130,6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | Silver oxide button cell, IEC name SR1131, other names SR54, AG10/SG10, 189/387/389/390, SR1130, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR1131 and other names SR54, AG10/SG10, 189/387/389/390, SR1130, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | | x | x | x | |
SR55 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzelle. IEC: SR1121. Andere Bez.: AG8/SG8, SR55, 191/381/391, SR1120 | Silver oxide button cell, IEC name SR1121, other common names: AG8/SG8, SR55, 191/381/391, SR1120 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR1121 and other common names : AG8/SG8, SR55, 191/381/391, SR1120 | | x | x | x | |
SR57 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR926. Andere Bez.: SR57, AG7/SG7, 195/395/399, SR927, SR927W, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR926, other common names: SR57, AG7/SG7, 195/395/399, SR927, SR927W, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR926 and other common names : SR57, AG7/SG7, 195/395/399, SR927, SR927W, 6135-99-796-0471 (NSN)(S) | | x | x | x | |
SR58 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzelle. IEC: SR721. Andere Bez.: SR58, AG11/SG11, 162/361/362 | Silver oxide button cell, IEC name SR721, other common names SR58, AG11/SG11, 162/361/362 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR721 and other common names SR58, AG11/SG11, 162/361/362 | | x | x | x | |
SR59 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR726. Andere Bez.: SR59, AG2/SG2, 196/396/397 | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR726, other common names SR59, AG2/SG2, 196/396/397 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR726 and other common names SR59, AG2/SG2, 196/396/397 | | x | x | x | |
SR60 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR621. Andere Bez.: AG1/SG1, SR60, 164/364 | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR621, other common names: AG1/SG1, SR60, 164/364 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR621 and other common names : AG1/SG1, SR60, 164/364 | | x | x | x | |
SR63 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR521. Andere Bez.: AG0/SG0, SR63, 379 | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR521, other common names: AG0/SG0, SR63, 379 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR521, and other common names : AG0/SG0, SR63, 379 | | x | x | x | |
SR66 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR626. Andere Bez.: AG4/SG4, SR66, 177/376/377, SR626SW | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR626, other common names: AG4/SG4, SR66, 177/376/377, SR626SW | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR626, and other common names : AG4/SG4, SR66, 177/376/377, SR626SW | | x | x | x | |
SR68 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR916. Andere Bez.: SR68, SR916SW, 373 | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR916, other common names: SR68, SR916SW, 373 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR916 and other common names : SR68, SR916SW, 373 | | x | x | x | |
SR69 | Silber-Oxid-Knopfzellen. IEC: SR921. Andere Bez.: SR69, AG6/SG6, 171/371, LR920/SR920 | Silver oxide button cells, IEC name SR921, other common names: SR69, AG6/SG6, 171/371, LR920/SR920 | Sylver oxide button cells identified by IEC name SR921 and other common names : SR69, AG6/SG6, 171/371, LR920/SR920 | | x | x | x | |
SUB_C | Einzelzelle, rund. IEC: KR22C429 (NiCd) und HR22C429 (NiMH) | Round single cell, IEC name KR22C429 (NiCd) and HR22C429 (NiMH) | Round single cell identified by IEC name KR22C429 (NiCd) and HR22C429 (NiMH). | | x | x | x | |