BULK | Grossverbraucherartikel - Verkauft als Massenprodukt, z.B. an Kantinen und Cash&Carry Händler (auch zur Umverpackung) | Bulk item - Sold as a mass product to re-packaging, institutional, cash and carry type trade channels | Any product which has completed all production processing stage up to, but not including final packaging or shipped as mass product not to be sold individually to end consumer. Usually sold to re-packaging, institutional, cash and carry type trade channels. | | x | x | x | |
CUSTOM_LABEL | Kundenmarke - Produziert für bestimmte(n) Empfänger-Handelspartner, dem/denen die Rezeptur gehört | Custom Label - Produced strictly for certain recipient trading partner(s), who own(s) the formula/design | A product that is produced strictly for a trading partner or a purchasing group. There is a distinction that the formula/design is owned by the ultimate recipient trading partner or purchasing group. In foodservice this is a unique distinction from private label distribution. For example a salad dressing made for a large fast food restaurant i.e. Burger King, Subway, etc. | | x | x | x | |
PLAIN_LABEL | Neutrales Label | Plain Label | A product that is produced strictly for a trading partner or a purchasing group. There is a distinction that the formula/design is owned by the ultimate recipient trading partner or purchasing group. This type of product is intended to be the lowest price in its range. It is also known in markets as White Label, No-Frills, Entry-Level, First Price, Lowest Price, etc. | | x | x | x | |
PRIVATE_LABEL | Eigenmarke - Produziert nur für bestimmte(n) Empfänger-Handelspartner, dem/denen der Markenname (nicht die Rezeptur) gehört | Private Label - Produced strictly for the trading partner(s), who own(s) the brand name (not the formula/design) | - | | x | x | x | |