

CodeList: CatchAreaCode_GDSN

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
01Afrika - BinnengewässerAfrica - Inland waters-xxx
02Amerika, Nord - BinnengewässerAmerica, North - Inland waters-xxx
03Amerika, Süd - BinnengewässerAmerica, South - Inland waters-xxx
04Asien - BinnengewässerAsia - Inland waters-xxx
05Europa - BinnengewässerEurope - Inland waters-xxx
06Ozeanien - BinnengewässerOceania - Inland waters-xxx
07(Frühere UdSSR – Binnengewässer)(Former USSR area - Inland waters)-xxx
08Antarktis - BinnengewässerAntarctica - Inland waters-xxx
18Arktisches MeerArctic Sea-xxx
21NordwestatlantikAtlantic, Northwest-xxx
21.0Baffin Island, East Bluff, Bylot Island, Devon Island, Ellesmere Island (Subgebiet 21.0)Baffin Island, East Bluff, Bylot Island, Devon Island, Ellesmere Island (Subarea 21.0)-xxx
21.1Baffin Bay, Davis Strait (Subgebiet 21.1)Baffin Bay, Davis Strait (Subarea 21.1)-xxx
21.2Labrador coast (Subgebiet 21.2)Labrador coast (Subarea 21.2)-xxx
21.3Neufoundland (Subgebiet 21.3)Newfoundland (Subarea 21.3)-xxx
21.4Northwest Atlantic (Subgebiet 21.4)Northwest Atlantic (Subarea 21.4)-xxx
21.5Georges Bank, Gulf of Maine (Subgebiet 21.5)Georges Bank, Gulf of Maine (Subarea 21.5)-xxx
21.6Rhode Island (Subgebiet 21.6)Rhode Island (Subarea 21.6)-xxx
27.1Barentsee (Subgebiet 27.1)Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1)-xxx
27.10Azoren-Gründe und südlicher Nordost Atlantik (Subgebiet 27.10)Azores Grounds and Northeast Atlantic South (Subarea 27.10)-xxx
27.12Nördliche Azoren (Subgebiet 27.12)North of Azores (Subarea 27.12)-xxx
27.14Ostgrönland (Subgebiet 27.14)East Greenland (Subarea 27.14)-xxx
27.14.aNordost-Grönland, Ostgrönland (Division 27.14.a)Northeast Greenland (Division 27.14.a)-xxx
27.14.bSüdost-Grönland (Division 27.14.b)Southeast Greenland (Division 27.14.b)-xxx
27.2Norwegische See, Spitzbergen und Bäreninsel (Subgebiet 27.2)Norwegian Sea, Spitzbergen, and Bear Island (Subarea 27.2)-xxx
27.2.aNorwegische See (Division 27.2.a)Norwegian Sea (Division 27.2.a)-xxx
27.2.bSpitzbergen und Bäreninsel (Division 27.2.b)Spitzbergen and Bear Island (Division 27.2.b)-xxx
27.3Skagerrak, Kattegat, Sound, Beltsee und Ostsee (Subgebiet 27.3)Skagerrak, Kattegat, Sound, Belt Sea, and Baltic Sea (Subarea 27.3)-xxx
27.3.aSkagerrak und Kattegat (Division 27.3.a)Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division 27.3.a)-xxx
27.3.bÖresund (Division 27.3.b)Sound (Division 27.3.b)-xxx
27.3.b,cBelte und Sund / Übergangsbereich (Division 27.3.b, c)Sound and Belt Sea or the Transition Area (Divisions 27.3.b,c)-xxx
27.3.cBeltsee (Division 27.3.c)Belt Sea (Division 27.3.c)-xxx
27.3.dOstsee (Division 27.3.d)Baltic Sea (Division 27.3.d)-xxx
27.4Nordsee (Subgebiet 27.4)North Sea (Subarea 27.4)-xxx
27.4.aNördliche Nordsee (Division 27.4.a)Northern North Sea (Division 27.4.a)-xxx
27.4.bMittlere Nordsee (Division 27.4.b)Central North Sea (Division 27.4.b)-xxx
27.4.cSüdliche Nordsee (Division 27.4.c)Southern North Sea (Division 27.4.c)-xxx
27.5Island- und Färöer-Gründe (Subgebiet 27.5)Iceland and Faroes Grounds (Subarea 27.5)-xxx
27.5.aIsland-Gründe (Division 27.5.a)Iceland Grounds (Division 27.5.a)-xxx
27.5.bFäröer-Gründe (Division 27.5.b)Faroes Grounds (Division 27.5.b)-xxx
27.6Rockall, Nord-West Küste von Schottland und Nordirland (Subgebiet 27.6)Rockall, Northwest Coast of Scotland and North Ireland (Subarea 27.6)-xxx
27.6.aNordwestküste Schottlands und Nordirlands / Westlich Schottlands (Division 27.6.a)Northwest Coast of Scotland and North Ireland or as the West of Scotland (Division 27.6.a)-xxx
27.6.bRockall (Division 27.6.b)Rockall (Division 27.6.b)-xxx
27.7Irische See, West-Irland, Porcupine Bank, Östlicher und westlicher englischer Kanal, etc. (Subgebiet 27.7)Irish Sea, West of Ireland, Porcupine Bank, Eastern and Western English Channel, etc. (Subarea 27.7)-xxx
27.7.aIrische See (Division 27.7.a)Irish Sea (Division 27.7.a)-xxx
27.7.bWestlich Irlands (Division 27.7.b)West of Ireland (Division 27.7.b)-xxx
27.7.cPorcupinebank (Division 27.7.c)Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c)-xxx
27.7.dÖstlicher Ärmelkanal (Division 27.7.d)Eastern English Channel (Division 27.7.d)-xxx
27.7.eWestlicher Ärmelkanal (Division 27.7.e)Western English Channel (Division 27.7.e)-xxx
27.7.fBristolkanal (Division 27.7.f)Bristol Channel (Division 27.7.f)-xxx
27.7.gNördliche Keltische See (Division 27.7.g)Celtic Sea North (Division 27.7.g)-xxx
27.7.hSüdliche Keltische See (Division 27.7.h)Celtic Sea South (Division 27.7.h)-xxx
27.7.jSüdwestlich Irlands - Osten (Division 27.7.j)Southwest of Ireland - East (Division 27.7.j)-xxx
27.7.kSüdwestlich Irlands - Westen (Division 27.7.k)Southwest of Ireland - West (Division 27.7.k)-xxx
27.8Bucht von Biscaya (Subgebiet 27.8)Bay of Biscay (Subarea 27.8)-xxx
27.8.aNördliche Biskaya (Division 27.8.a)Bay of Biscay - North (Division 27.8.a)-xxx
27.8.bMittlere Biskaya (Division 27.8.b)Bay of Biscay - Central (Division 27.8.b)-xxx
27.8.cSüdliche Biskaya (Division 27.8.c)Bay of Biscay - South (Division 27.8.c)-xxx
27.8.dÄußere Biskaya (Division 27.8.d)Bay of Biscay - Offshore (Division 27.8.d)-xxx
27.8.eWestlich der Biskaya (Division 27.8.e)West of Bay of Biscay (Division 27.8.e)-xxx
27.9Portugiesische Gewässer (Subgebiet 27.9)Portuguese Waters (Subarea 27.9)-xxx
27.9.aPortugiesische Gewässer - Osten (Division 27.9.a)Portuguese Waters - East (Division 27.9.a)-xxx
27.9.bPortugiesische Gewässer - Westen (Division 27.9.b)Portuguese Waters - West (Division 27.9.b)-xxx
31Mittlerer WestatlantikAtlantic, Western Central-xxx
34Atlantik, Ost ZentralAtlantic, Eastern Central-xxx
34.1Nördliche Küste (Subgebiet 34.1)Northern Coastal Atlantic, Eastern Central (Subarea 34.1)-xxx
34.2Nördlicher Ozean (Subgebiet 34.2)Northern Oceanic Atlantic, Eastern Central (Subarea 34.2)-xxx
34.3Südliche Küste (Subgebiet 34.3)Southern Coastal Atlantic, Eastern Central (Subarea 34.3)-xxx
34.4Südlicher Ozean (Subgebiet 34.4)Southern Oceanic Atlantic, Eastern Central (Subarea 34.4)-xxx
37.1Westliches Mittelmeer (Subgebiet 37.1)Western Mediterranean (Subarea 37.1)-xxx
37.1.1Balearen (Division 37.1.1)Balearic (Division 37.1.1)-xxx
37.1.2Löwengolf (Division 37.1.2)Gulf of Lions (Division 37.1.2)-xxx
37.1.3Sardinien (Division 37.1.3)Sardinia (Division 37.1.3)-xxx
37.2Zentrales Mittelmeer (Subgebiet 37.2)Central Mediterranean (Subarea 37.2)-xxx
37.2.1Adriatisches Meer (Division 37.2.1)Adriatic (Division 37.2.1)-xxx
37.2.2Ionisches Meer (Division 37.2.2)Ionian (Division 37.2.2)-xxx
37.3Östliches Mittelmeer (Subgebiet 37.3)Eastern Mediterranean (Subarea 37.3)-xxx
37.3.1Ägäisches Meer (Division 37.3.1)Aegean (Division 37.3.1)-xxx
37.3.2Levantinisches Meer (Division 37.3.2)Levant (Division 37.3.2)-xxx
37.4Schwarzes Meer (Subgebiet 37.4)Black Sea (Subarea 37.4)-xxx
37.4.1Marmarameer (Division 37.4.1)Marmara Sea (Division 37.4.1)-xxx
37.4.2Schwarzes Meer (Subgebiet 37.4.2)Black Sea (Division 37.4.2)-xxx
37.4.3Asowsches Meer (Division 37.4.3)Azov Sea (Division 37.4.3)-xxx
41SüdwestatlantikAtlantic, Southwest-xxx
41.1Northern (Subgebiet 41.1)Northern Atlantic, Southwest (Subarea 41.1)-xxx
41.2Central (Subgebiet 41.2)Central Atlantic, Southwest (Subarea 41.2)-xxx
41.3Southern (Subgebiet 41.3)Southern Atlantic, Southwest (Subarea 41.3)-xxx
47SüdostatlantikAtlantic, Southeast-xxx
48Atlantik, AntarktischAtlantic, Antartic-xxx
48.1Antarctic Peninsula (Subgebiet 48.1)Peninsular (Subarea 48.1)-xxx
48.2South Orkney (Subgebiet 48.2)South Orkney (Subarea 48.2)-xxx
48.3South Georgia (Subgebiet 48.3)South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)-xxx
48.4South Sandwich (Subgebiet 48.4)South Sandwich (Subarea 48.4)-xxx
48.5Weddel Sea (Subgebiet 48.5)Weddel Sea (Subarea 48.5)-xxx
48.6Bouvet (Subgebiet 48.6)Bouvet (Subarea 48.6)-xxx
51Westlicher Indischer OzeanIndian Ocean, Western-xxx
51.1Rotes Meer (Subgebiet 51.1)Red Sea (Subarea 51.1)-xxx
51.2Golf (Subgebiet 51.2)Gulf (Subarea 51.2)-xxx
51.3Westliches Arabisches Meer (Subgebiet 51.3)Western Arabian Sea (Subarea 51.3)-xxx
51.4Östliches Arabisches Meer, Lakkadiven und Sri Lanka (Subgebiet 51.4)Eastern Arabian Sea (Subarea 51.4)-xxx
51.5Somalia, Kenia und Tansania (Subgebiet 51.5)Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania (Subarea 51.5)-xxx
51.6Madagaskar und Straße von Mosambik (Subgebiet 51.6)Madagascar and Mozambique Channel (Subarea 51.6)-xxx
51.7Ozean (Subgebiet 51.7)Oceanic (Subarea 51.7)-xxx
51.8Mosambik (Subgebiet 51.8)Mozambique (Subarea 51.8)-xxx
57Östlicher Indischer OzeanIndian Ocean, Eastern-xxx
57.1Bay of Bengal (Subgebiet 57.1)Bay of Bengal Indian Ocean, Eastern (Subarea 57.1)-xxx
57.2Northern (Subgebiet 57.2)Northern Indian Ocean, Eastern (Subarea 57.2)-xxx
57.3Central (Subgebiet 57.3)Central Indian Ocean, Eastern (Subarea 57.3)-xxx
57.4Oceanic (Subgebiet 57.4)Oceanic Indian Ocean, Eastern (Subarea 57.4)-xxx
57.5Western Australia (Subgebiet 57.5)Western Australia Indian Ocean, Eastern (Subarea 57.5)-xxx
57.6Southern Australia (Subgebiet 57.6)Southern Australia Indian Ocean, Eastern (Subarea 57.6)-xxx
58Indischer Ozean, Antarktisch und SüdlichIndian Ocean, Antarctic and Southern-xxx
58.4Enderby-Wilkes (Subgebiet 58.4)Enderby-Wilkes (Subarea 58.4)-xxx
58.5Kerguelen, McDonald (Subgebiet 58.5)Kerguelen, McDonald (Subarea 58.5)-xxx
58.6Crozet (Subgebiet 58.6)Crozet (Subarea 58.6)-xxx
58.7Marion-Edward (Subgebiet 58.7)Marion-Edward (Subarea 58.7)-xxx
61NordwestpazifikPacific, Northwest-xxx
67NordostpazifikPacific, Northeast-xxx
71Mittlerer WestpazifikPacific, Western Central-xxx
77Mittlerer OstpazifikPacific, Eastern Central-xxx
81SüdwestpazifikPacific, Southwest-xxx
87SüdostpazifikPacific, Southeast-xxx
87.1Northern (Subgebiet 87.1)Northern Pacific, Southeast (Subarea 87.1)-xxx
87.2Central (Subgebiet 87.2)Central Pacific, Southeast (Subarea 87.2)-xxx
87.3Southern (Subgebiet 87.3)Southern Pacific, Southeast (Subarea 87.3)-xxx
88Pazifik, AntarktischPacific, Antarctic-xxx
88.1Eastern Ross Sea (Subgebiet 88.1)Eastern Ross Sea (Subarea 88.1)-xxx
88.2Western Ross Sea (Subgebiet 88.2)Western Ross Sea (Subarea 88.2)-xxx
88.3Amundsen Sea (Subgebiet 88.3)Amundsen Sea (Subarea 88.3)-xxx