ACETONE | Azeton | Acetone | Acetone is the trivial name for the organic chemical compound propanone or dimethyl ketone. | | x | x | x | |
ADDITIVES | Zusatzstoffe, z.B. um den Nährstoffgehalt zu erhöhen, etc. | Additives - e.g. to increase nutritional value, etc. | Substances added to foods to prevent spoilage, improve appearance, enhance flavor or texture, or increase nutritional value. | | x | x | x | |
AGAVE_SYRUP | Agavensirup | Agave syrup | Syrup from the Agave plant. | | x | x | x | |
ALCOHOL | Alkohol | Alcohol | Alcohol | | x | x | x | |
ALMONDS | Mandeln | Almonds | The almond is a species of tree native to the Middle East and South Asia. "Almond" is also the name of the edible and widely cultivated seed of this tree. Within the genus Prunus, it is classified with the peach in the subgenus Amygdalus, distinguished from the other subgenera by the corrugated shell (endocarp) surrounding the seed. The fruit of the almond is a drupe, consisting of an outer hull and a hard shell with the seed (which is not a true nut) inside. | | x | x | x | |
ALOE_VERA | Aloe-Vera | Aloe vera | A gelatinous substance obtained from a kind of aloe. E.g., used in cosmetics, food. | | x | x | x | |
ALUMINIUM | Aluminium | Aluminium | Aluminium-based compounds are the active ingredients in antiperspirants. They block the sweat glands to keep sweat from getting to the skin's surface. | | x | x | x | |
AMINO_ACIDS | Aminosäuren | Amino acids | A group of organic molecules that consist of a basic amino group, an acidic carboxyl group, and a unique organic side chain. Building blocks of protein. | | x | x | x | |
AMMONIA | Ammoniak | Ammonia | Compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH₃. A stable binary hydride, and the simplest pnictogen hydride, ammonia is a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent smell. | | x | x | x | |
ANCIENT_GRAINS | Urkorn | Ancient grains | Ancient grains are considered to be uncommon grains cultivated before modern times. They are high in protein, calcium and magnesium. Some ancient grains include polenta, farro, spelt, millet, barley, oats, sorghum and quinoa. | | x | x | x | |
ANIMAL_BY_PRODUCTS | Tierische Nebenprodukte | Animal by-products | Materials of animal origin that people do not consume. | | x | x | x | |
ANIMAL_CRUELTY | Tierquälerei | Animal Cruelty | Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse, animal neglect or animal cruelty, is the infliction by omission (animal neglect) or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human. More narrowly, it can be the causing of harm or suffering for specific achievement, such as killing animals for food, for their fur or even their tusks; opinions differ about the extent of cruelty associated with a given method of slaughter. | | x | x | x | |
ANIMAL_PROTEIN | Tierisches Eiweiß | Animal protein | Animal proteins are widely used for the formation of protein particles in the food industry, e.g., casein, whey protein, gelatin, egg proteins, and fibroin. | | x | x | x | |
ANIMAL_TESTING | Tierversuche | Animal testing | Any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. | | x | x | x | |
ANTIBIOTICS | Antibiotika | Antibiotics | Antibiotics are used in the care of livestock. | | x | x | x | |
ANTIOXIDANTS | Antioxidantien | Antioxidants | Antioxidants are defined as substances which inhibit oxidation. Oxidation reactions or oxidative stress can damage or kill cells, and are thought to play an important part in many human diseases. | | x | x | x | |
ARTIFICIAL_COLOUR | Künstliche Farbe | Artificial Colour | Artificial colour is defined as colour formed by chemical synthesis and is not identical to substances found in nature. | | x | x | x | |
ARTIFICIAL_FLAVOUR | Synthetische Geschmacksstoffe (Aromen) | Artificial flavours | Artificial flavours are defined as flavours formed by chemical synthesis and not identical to substances found in nature. | | x | x | x | |
ARTIFICIAL_PRESERVATIVES | Künstliche Konservierungsstoffe | Artificial preservatives | Artificial preservatives are preservatives formed by chemical synthesis. | | x | x | x | |
ARTIFICIAL_SWEETENERS | Synthetische Süßstoffe (Zuckerersatzstoffe) | Artificial sweeteners (synthetic sugar substitutes) | Artificial sweeteners are sugar substitutes that are synthetic. | | x | x | x | |
ASH | Asche | Ash | The inorganic component of an organic carbon containing substance. It predominately consists of minerals. | | x | x | x | |
ASPARTAME | Aspartam | Aspartame | An artificial, non-saccharide sweetener used as a sugar substitute | | x | x | x | |
AZO_DYE | Azo Farbe | Azo Dye | Any of a large class of synthetic dyes whose molecules contain two adjacent nitrogen atoms between carbon atoms. | | x | x | x | |
AZODICARBONAMIDE | Azodicarbonamid | Azodicarbonamide | Azodicarbonamide (ADC) is a dough strengthener used by commercial bakers. | | x | x | x | |
BACKBONE | Rückgrat | Backbone | The backbone is made up of series of vertebrae that supports the body, and also protects the spinal cord. | | x | x | x | |
BARLEY | Gerste | Barley | Barley a hardy cereal that has coarse bristles extending from the ears. It is widely cultivated, chiefly for use in brewing and stock feed. The grain of the barley plant. | | x | x | x | |
BEEF_GELATINE | Rindergelatine | Beef Gelatine | Translucent, colourless, brittle (when dry), flavourless substance derived from collagen obtained from various beef animal materials (connective tissues (skin) and bones). It is commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceutical drugs, photography, and cosmetic manufacturing. | | x | x | x | |
BHA | BHA (Butylhydroxyanisol) | BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole) | Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is an antioxidant which retards rancidity in fats, oils, and oil-containing products. | | x | x | x | |
BHT | BHT (Butylhydroxytoluol) | BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene) | Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is an antioxidant which retards rancidity in oils, and oil-containing products. | | x | x | x | |
BIODEGRADABLE_MATERIAL | Biologisch abbaubar | Biodegradable material | Biodegradable refers to the ability of things to get disintegrated (decomposed) by the action of micro-organisms such as bacteria or fungi biological (with or without oxygen) while getting assimilated into the natural environment. | | x | x | x | |
BIOGAS | Biogas | Biogas | Biogas is a naturally occurring and renewable source of energy, resulting from the breakdown of organic matter. | | x | x | x | |
BIOTIN | Biotin | Biotin | Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H or vitamin I, is a water-soluble vitamin from the B complex. As a prosthetic group of enzymes, it plays an important role in metabolism, but is also important in the nucleus for the epigenetic regulation of gene function. It plays an essential role in the production of energy from nutrients, as well as in the synthesis of fatty acids and amino acids. It is both provided by the diet and manufactured by the intestinal flora. Many countries like France often refer to biotin as vitamin B8. However, the name recommended by IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) is only biotin. | | x | x | x | |
BLEACH | Bleiche | Bleach | Generic name for any chemical product which is used industrially and domestically to clean, to lighten hair colour and to remove stains. It often refers, specifically, to a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite, also called "liquid bleach". | | x | x | x | |
BONES | Knochen | Bones | Bones are parts of the skeleton of animals. | | x | x | x | |
BPA | BPA (Bisphenol A) | BPA (bisphenol A) | BPA (bisphenol A) is a chemical that is added to many commercial products, including food containers and hygiene products. BPA-containing plastics are commonly used in food containers, baby bottles, and other items. | | x | x | x | |
BRAZIL_NUTS | Paranüsse | Brazil nuts | The Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) is a South American tree in the family Lecythidaceae, and also the name of the tree's commercially harvested edible seed. Order[edit]. The Brazil nut family is in the order Ericales, as are other well-known plants such as blueberries, cranberries, sapote, gutta-percha, tea, gooseberries, phlox, and persimmons. | | x | x | x | |
BRINE | Salzlake, Salzlösung | Brine | Brine is a simple solution of water and salt that commonly used to preserve or season the food. | | x | x | x | |
BROTH | Brühe | Broth | Broth is a savory liquid made of water in which bones, meat, fish or vegetables have been simmered. | | x | x | x | |
CAFFEINE | Koffein | Caffeine | Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant of the methylxanthine class.[10] It is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug. | | x | x | x | |
CALCIUM | Kalzium | Calcium | Calcium | | x | x | x | |
CALORIE | Kalorien | Calories | Calories. | | x | x | x | |
CANE_SUGAR | Rohrzucker | Cane sugar | Sugar from sugar cane. | | x | x | x | |
CARBOHYDRATES | Kohlenhydrate | Carbohydrates | Mainly sugars and starches, together constituting one of the three principal types of nutrients used as energy sources (calories) by the body. Carbohydrates can also be defined chemically as neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. | | x | x | x | |
CARRAGEENAN | Carrageen | Carrageenan | Carrageenan is a thickening, gelling, and stabilizing agent obtained from certain seaweeds. | | x | x | x | |
CASHEWS | Cashewnüsse | Cashew nut | The cashew nut is served as a snack or used in recipes, like other nuts, although it is actually a seed. The cashew apple is a fruit, whose pulp can be processed into a sweet, astringent fruit drink or distilled into liqueur. The shell of the cashew nut yield derivatives that can be used in many applications from lubricants to paints, and other parts of the tree have traditionally been used for snake-bites and other folk remedies. | | x | x | x | |
CAULIFLOWER | Blumenkohl | Cauliflower | Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus Brassica, which is in the Brassicaceae family. It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. | | x | x | x | |
CELERY | Sellerie | Celery | Celery (Apium graveolens) is a marshland plant in the family Apiaceae that has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity. Celery has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves. | | x | x | x | |
CERAMIDES | Ceramide | Ceramides | Ceramides help to renew the natural skin protection barrier and maintain an adequate moisture balance. | | x | x | x | |
CHEMICAL_TREATMENT | Chemische Behandlung | Chemical Treatment | Technologies that use chemicals or chemical processes to treat materials or wastes. | | x | x | x | |
CHLORIDE | Chloride | Chloride | Chloride | | x | x | x | |
CHOLESTEROL | Cholesterol | Cholesterol | Cholesterol | | x | x | x | |
CHOLINE | Cholin | Choline | Choline | | x | x | x | |
CHROMIUM | Chromium | Chromium | Chromium | | x | x | x | |
CLONED_FOODS | Geklonte Lebensmittel | Cloned Foods | Meat and milk from cloned cattle, pigs, plants, etc. and from the offspring of clones of any species traditionally used as food. | | x | x | x | |
COCONUT_COPRA_OIL | Kokosnuss/Kopra Öl | Coconut/Copra oil | An oil extracted from dried or fresh coconut. | | x | x | x | |
COCONUT_CREAM | Kokosnuss Creme | Coconut cream | Coconut cream is much thicker and richer than coconut milk. It is made from simmering four parts shredded coconut in one part water. The cream that rises to the top of a can of coconut milk is also considered coconut cream. | | x | x | x | |
COCONUT_WATER | Kokosnusswasser | Coconut water | Coconut water, less commonly known as coconut juice, is the clear liquid inside coconuts. | | x | x | x | |
COENZYME_Q10_UBIQUINONE | Coenzym Q10 Ubichinon | Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinone | A coenzyme family that is ubiquitous in animals and most bacteria. | | x | x | x | |
COLLAGENS | Kollagene | Collagens | Collagens are a group of structural proteins mainly found in multicellular animals / humans. Collagens are found in the white and inelastic fibres of tendons, ligaments, bones, layers of the skin and cartilages. | | x | x | x | |
COLOURING_AGENTS | Farbstoffe - Natürliche oder synthetische Färbemittel | Coloring agents - Natural or synthetic dyes used as coloring agents | Natural or synthetic dyes used as coloring agents in processed foods. | | x | x | x | |
COPPER | Kupfer | Copper | Copper | | x | x | x | |
CORN | Mais | Corn | Corn is a grain as well as a vegetable. It grows within a tall grass-like stalk and produces large kernels on a cob. | | x | x | x | |
CORN_SYRUP | Maissirup | Corn syrup | Corn syrup. | | x | x | x | |
CREAM | Sahne | Cream | Cream is a dairy product composed of the higher-fat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization. Please refer to local regulations for full definition. | | x | x | x | |
CRUSTACEAN | Krustentier, Krebstier (Crustacea) | Crustacean | The crustacean is an arthropod of the large, mainly aquatic group Crustacea, such as a crab, lobster, shrimp, or barnacle. | | x | x | x | |
DAIRY | Milch oder Milchprodukte inkl. Inhalts- und Zusatzstoffe sowie Verarbeitungshilfsmittel | Dairy - Milk or milk products including ingredients, processing aids and additives | Milk or milk products including ingredients, processing aids and additives. | | x | x | x | |
DARK_MEAT_TUNA | Dunkelfleischiger Thunfisch | Dark meat tuna | This tuna typically comes from either Skipjack or Yellowfin tuna. The meat is darker in colour, more red and pink than light tan and tan-ish pink, than its "Light Meat" counterpart. | | x | x | x | |
DIETARY_FIBRE | Ballaststoffe | Dietary fibre | The USFDA definition for Dietary fibre that can be declared on the Nutrition Facts label includes certain naturally occurring fibres that are “intrinsic and intact” in plants, and added isolated or synthetic non-digestible soluble and insoluble carbohydrates that FDA has determined have beneficial physiological effects to human health. | | x | x | x | |
EGGS | Eier | Eggs | Eggs | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY | Energie | Energy | Energy | | x | x | x | |
ESSENTIAL_OIL | Ätherisches Öl | Essential oil | An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile chemical compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, aetheroleum, or simply as the oil of the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. | | x | x | x | |
FAT | Fett | Fat | Fat | | x | x | x | |
FIBRE | Ballaststoffe - Unverdauliche Stoffe in Früchten, Gemüsen und Vollkorn | Fibre - Undigestible material in the fruits, vegetables and whole grains | The undigestible material in the fruits, vegetables and whole grains. | | x | x | x | |
FISH | Fisch | Fish | A limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water. | | x | x | x | |
FISHBONES | Fischgräten | Fishbones | Bones are bony, more tender parts of the skeleton of bony fish such as ribs and fin rays, but especially the connective tissue ossifications, which are inclined transversely backwards to the ribs between the muscle segments and have no contact with the spine. | | x | x | x | |
FLAVOUR_ENHANCERS | Geschmacksverstärker | Flavour Enhancers | Flavour enhancers (e.g. monosodium glutamate, MSG). | | x | x | x | |
FLAX | Flachs | Flax | A flowering plant, Linum ustiatissimum, that is cultivated as a food and fibre crop. | | x | x | x | |
FLUORIDE | Fluoride | Fluoride | Fluoride | | x | x | x | |
FOLATE | Folat | Folate | Folate | | x | x | x | |
FOLIC_ACID | Folsäure | Folic Acid | Folic acid is a stable, artificial form of vitamin B9. It's not found naturally in food but often added to processed foods and used in multivitamin-mineral supplements. However, folic acid must be converted into active vitamin B9, known as 5-MTHF, before your body can use it. | | x | x | x | |
FORMALDEHYDE | Formaldehyd | Formaldehyde | Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring organic compound with the formula CH₂O. It is the simplest of the aldehydes. The common name of this substance comes from its similarity and relation to formic acid. Formaldehyde is an important precursor to many other materials and chemical compounds. | | x | x | x | |
FORMALDEHYDE_RELEASING_CHEMICALS | Stoffe, die Formaldehyd freisetzen | Formaldehyde Releasing Chemicals | In personal care products, formaldehyde can be added directly, or more often, it can be released from preservatives such as quaternium-15, DMDM hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea, diazolidinyl urea, polyoxymethylene urea, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, bromopol and glyoxal. | | x | x | x | |
FRAGRANCE | Duftstoff | Fragrance / Perfume | Something (such as a perfume) compounded to give off a sweet or pleasant odor. | | x | x | x | |
FRUCTOSE | Fruktose | Fructose | Fructose. | | x | x | x | |
FRUIT | Frucht | Fruit | Fruit is the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. | | x | x | x | |
FRUIT_JUICE | Fruchtsaft | Fruit juice | Fruit juice. | | x | x | x | |
FRUIT_JUICE_CONCENTRATE | Fruchtsaftkonzentrat | Fruit juice concentrate | Fruit juice concentrate is where the water content from the fruit has been removed. | | x | x | x | |
FRUIT_PUREE | Fruchtpüree | Fruit puree | Fruit puree is cooked fruits that has been ground, pressed, blended or sieved to the consistency of a creamy paste or liquid. | | x | x | x | |
FRUIT_SYRUP | Fruchtsirup aus Früchten und anderen Stoffen wie Zucker, Maissirup und Wasser | Fruit syrup made from fruit and ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup and water | A syrup made from fruit and other ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup and water. | | x | x | x | |
FULLY_HYDROGENATED_VEGETABLE_OIL | Vollständig hydrogeniertes (gehärtetes) pflanzliches Öl | Fully hydrogenated vegetable oil | Fully hydrogenated vegetable oils are solid fats, produced from liquid, typically vegetable, oils by full hydrogenation. Full hydrogenation results in fats very high in saturated fatty acids (SAFA). Fully hydrogenated vegetable oils do not contain significant amounts of artificial trans fatty acids (TFA). | | x | x | x | |
FUNGICIDE | Fungizid | Fungicide | A chemical substance used to kill fungus or prevent it from growing. | | x | x | x | |
GELATINE | Gelatine | Gelatine | Translucent, colourless, brittle (when dry), flavourless substance derived from collagen obtained from various animal raw materials (connective tissues (skin) and bones). It is commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceutical drugs, photography, and cosmetic manufacturing. | | x | x | x | |
GIBLETS | Innereien (Geflügel) | Giblets (fowl) | The liver, heart, gizzard, and the like, of a fowl. | | x | x | x | |
GLUTEN | Gluten | Gluten | Gluten. | | x | x | x | |
GLYCAEMIC | Glykämisch | Glycaemic | A glucose response after a meal. | | x | x | x | |
GLYZYRRHIZIN | Glyzyrrhizin - Süßholzzucker | Glyzyrrhizin | Glyzyrrhizin. | | x | x | x | |
GMO | GMO - Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen | GMO | GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are novel organisms created in a laboratory using genetic modification/engineering techniques. Scientists and consumer and environmental groups have cited many health and environmental risks with foods containing GMOs. | | x | x | x | |
GRAINS | Getreide | Grains | Wheat or any other cultivated cereal crop used as food. | | x | x | x | |
GRASS | Gras | Grass | Vegetation consisting of short plants with long narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated in lawns or pastures. | | x | x | x | |
HAZELNUTS | Haselnüsse | Hazelnuts, cobnuts, filberts | A hazelnut is the nut of the hazel and is also known as cobnut or filbert nut according to species. A cob is roughly spherical to oval, about 15–25 mm long and 10–15 mm in diameter, with an outer fibrous husk surrounding a smooth shell. A filbert is more elongated, being about twice as long as it is round. The nut falls out of the husk when ripe, about seven to eight months after pollination. The kernel of the seed is edible and used raw or roasted, or ground into a paste. Hazelnuts are also used for livestock feed, as are chestnuts and acorns. The seed has a thin, dark brown skin, which is sometimes removed before cooking. | | x | x | x | |
HERBICIDE | Herbizid | Herbicide | A chemical that is used to destroy plants, especially weeds. | | x | x | x | |
HIGH_FRUCTOSE_CORN_SYRUP | Maissirup mit hohem Fruchtzuckergehalt | High Fructose Corn Syrup | High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) (also called glucose-fructose, isoglucose and glucose-fructose syrup) is a sweetener made from corn starch that has been processed by glucose isomerase to convert some of its glucose into fructose. | | x | x | x | |
HONEY | Honig | Honey | Honey. | | x | x | x | |
HORMONES | Hormone | Hormones | Hormones are used in the grown of livestock. Common hormones are rBST, rBGH, and others. | | x | x | x | |
HYALURONIC_ACID | Hyaluronsäure | Hyaluronic acid | Hyaluronic acid is a moisture binder and belongs to the mucopolysaccharide. These are multiple sugars, i.e. long molecular chains, which are composed of disaccharide subunits (double sugars), which in turn consist of glucuronic acid and an amino sugar. | | x | x | x | |
HYDROCARBON_PROPELLANT | Kohlenwasserstoff Treibgas | Hydrocarbon Propellant | Propellants commonly used in pharmaceutical aerosols cover both liquefied gases (CFC, hydrocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC), and HFC) and compressed gases (nitrogen, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide) [1]. | | x | x | x | |
HYDROQUINONE | Hydrochinon | Hydroquinone | A crystalline compound made by the reduction of benzoquinone. | | x | x | x | |
ICE_CREAM | Eiscreme | Ice cream | Ice cream is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. Please refer to local regulation how Ice Cream is defined in target markets. | | x | x | x | |
INSECTICIDE | Insektizid | Insecticide | A chemical substance made and used for killing insects, especially those that eat plants. | | x | x | x | |
INSOLUBLE_FIBRE | Unlösliche Ballaststoffe | Insoluble fibre | Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and passes through the gastrointestinal tract relatively intact and, therefore, is not a source of calories. | | x | x | x | |
IODINE | Jod | Iodine | Iodine | | x | x | x | |
IRON | Eisen | Iron | Iron | | x | x | x | |
JUICE | Saft | Juice | The liquid obtained from or present in fruit or vegetables. | | x | x | x | |
KIDNEYS | Nieren | Kidneys | A pair of organs in the abdominal cavity of mammals, birds, and reptiles, excreting urine. | | x | x | x | |
LACTOSE | Laktose | Lactose | Lactose | | x | x | x | |
LATEX | Latex | Latex | A milky fluid found in many plants, such as poppies and spurges, which exudes when the plant is cut and coagulates on exposure to the air. The latex of the rubber tree is the chief source of natural rubber. Also, a synthetic product resembling latex, consisting of a dispersion in water of polymer particles, used to make paints, coatings, and other products. | | x | x | x | |
LEGUME_PROTEIN | Hülsenfrüchte Proteine | Legume Protein | A seed, pod, or other edible part of a leguminous plant, used as food. | | x | x | x | |
LIGHT_MEAT_TUNA | Hellfleischiger Thunfisch | Light meat tuna | This tuna typically comes from either Skipjack or Yellowfin tuna. The meat is darker in colour – somewhere between a light tan and tan-ish pink, than "White meat tuna". It has a soft texture and is more flavourful than white meat tuna. | | x | x | x | |
LIQUORICE | Lakritz, Süßholz | Liquorice | Liquorice | | x | x | x | |
LOBSTER_MEAT | Hummerfleisch | Lobster meat | Lobster meat is typically harvested from the tail, legs, knuckles, and the large claws which can be done commercially after cooking. | | x | x | x | |
LOW_FAT_ICE_CREAM | Fettarme Eiscreme | Low fat ice cream | Low fat or reduced fat ice cream contains a lesser percent of total fat than the referenced product (either an average of leading brands, or the company's own brand). Please refer to target market regulations for definition of 'low fat'. | | x | x | x | |
LOW_FAT_MILK | Magermilch | Low fat milk | Low fat milk is a reduction in fat and claim based on regulation what "Low fat" means. | | x | x | x | |
MACADAMIA | Macadamia | Macadamia | Macadamia is a genus of four species of trees indigenous to Australia and constituting part of the plant family Proteaceae.[1][2] They grow naturally in north eastern New South Wales and central and south eastern Queensland. Common names include macadamia, macadamia nut, Queensland nut, bush nut, maroochi nut, queen of nuts and bauple nut; and from Indigenous Australians' languages bauple, gyndl, jindilli, and boombera. Previously, more species, with disjunct distributions, were named as members of this genus Macadamia. | | x | x | x | |
MAGNESIUM | Magnesium | Magnesium | Magnesium | | x | x | x | |
MALT | Malz | Malt | Malt | | x | x | x | |
MANGANESE | Manganese | Manganese | Manganese | | x | x | x | |
MAPLE_SYRUP | Ahornsirup | Maple syrup | Maple syrup is a syrup usually made from the xylem sap of sugar maple, red maple, or black maple trees, although it can also be made from other maple species. | | x | x | x | |
MEAT | Fleisch | Meat | Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food. | | x | x | x | |
MILK | Milch | Milk | Milk is a nutrient-rich liquid food produced in the mammary glands of mammals. | | x | x | x | |
MILK_PROTEIN | Milchproteine | Milk proteins | Milk proteins | | x | x | x | |
MINERAL_OIL | Mineralöl | Mineral Oil | Any of various colourless, odourless, light mixtures of higher alkanes from a mineral source, particularly a distillate of petroleum, as distinct from usually edible vegetable oils. | | x | x | x | |
MISSING_PARTS | Produkt mit fehlenden Teilen | Products with missing parts | A product that has parts missing. Example: Poultry missing a leg. | | x | x | x | |
MOLASSES | Molasse | Molasses | Molasses is a viscous by-product of refining sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar. | | x | x | x | |
MOLLUSCS | Mollusken, Weichtiere | Molluscs | The mollusc is an invertebrate of a large phylum that includes snails, slugs, mussels, and octopuses. They have a soft, unsegmented body and live in aquatic or damp habitats, and most kinds have an external calcareous shell. | | x | x | x | |
MOLYBDENUM | Molybdän | Molybdenum | Molybdenum | | x | x | x | |
MONO_PROTEIN | Monoprotein | Mono protein | Mono-protein is particularly effective for treating allergies and intolerances. Most of the allergens are generated by proteins, so the single source protein foods can help limit the exposure to potential allergens. A single source protein food can be used as a diagnostic method or as a long-term treatment. | | x | x | x | |
MONO_UNSATURATED_FAT | Einfach ungesättigtes Fett | Monounsaturated Fat | Monounsaturated Fat | | x | x | x | |
MSG | Monosodium Glutamat | Monosodium Glutamate | Monosodium glutamate (MSG, also known as sodium glutamate) is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of the most abundant naturally occurring non-essential amino acids. Monosodium glutamate is found naturally in tomatoes, cheese and other foods. MSG is used in the food industry as a flavour enhancer with an umami taste that intensifies the meaty, savoury flavour of food, as naturally occurring glutamate does in foods such as stews and meat soups. | | x | x | x | |
MULTIGRAIN | Mehrkorn - Mehrere verschiedene Getreidarten | Multigrain - More than one type of grain | More than one type of grain. Could be several whole grains, several refined grains or a combination of both. | | x | x | x | |
MUSTARD | Senf | Mustard | Mustard is a pungent-tasting yellow or brown paste made from the crushed seeds of certain plants, typically eaten with meat or used as a cooking ingredient. The yellow-flowered Eurasian plant of the cabbage family whose seeds are used to make this paste. | | x | x | x | |
NANOPARTICLE | Nanopartikel | Nanoparticle | A particle between 1 and 100 nanometres in size. | | x | x | x | |
NATURAL_COLOUR | Natürlicher Farbstoff | Natural colour | Indicates a colour additive that has been derived from a natural source to be added to a product for the primary reason of modifying the colour of the product. | | x | x | x | |
NATURAL_FLAVOUR | Natürliche Aromastoffe | Natural Flavour | Flavouring substances obtained from plant or animal raw materials, by physical, microbiological or enzymatic processes. | | x | x | x | |
NATURAL_GLUTEN | Natürliches Gluten | Natural Gluten | Gluten is a group of proteins, termed prolamins and glutelins,[1] stored with starch in the endosperm of various cereal (grass) grains. | | x | x | x | |
NATURALLY_OCCURING_SUGARS | Natürlich vorkommender Zucker | Naturally Occuring Sugars | Naturally Occuring Sugars | | x | x | x | |
NIACIN | Niacin | Niacin | Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid, is an organic compound and a form of vitamin B3, an essential human nutrient. It has the formula C6H5NO2 and belongs to the group of the pyridinecarboxylic acid. | | x | x | x | |
NITRATE | Nitrat | Nitrate | The chemical formula is NO3. | | x | x | x | |
NON_CALORIC_SWEETENERS | Kalorienfreie Süßstoffe | Non-caloric sweeteners | Non-Caloric Sweeteners are sugar substitutes that do not contribute any caloric value. | | x | x | x | |
NONYLPHENOL_ETHOXYLATES | Nonylphenolethoxylaten | Nonylphenol Ethoxylates (NPEs) | NP/NPEs, also known as nonylphenols and nonylphenol ethoxylates, are nonionic surfactants, or detergent-like substances, with uses that lead to widespread release into aquatic environments. | | x | x | x | |
NUTS | Nüsse | Nuts | Nuts | | x | x | x | |
OAT | Hafer | Oat | The oat is a cereal plant cultivated chiefly in cool climates and widely used for animal feed as well as human consumption. The grain yielded by this, used as food. | | x | x | x | |
OCTINOXATE | Octinoxat | Octinoxate | Octyl methoxycinnamate or ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate or octinoxate is an organic compound that is an ingredient in some sunscreens and lip balms. It is an ester formed from methoxycinnamic acid and 2-ethylhexanol. | | x | x | x | |
OCTOCRYLENE | Octocrilen | Octocrylene | Octocrylene is an organic compound used as an ingredient in sunscreens and cosmetics. It is an ester formed by the reaction of 3,3-diphenylcyanoacrylate with 2-ethylhexanol. | | x | x | x | |
OIL | Öl | Oil | Oil is a viscous liquid derived from petroleum, plant, animal fat or synthetic fat. | | x | x | x | |
OLIVE_OIL | Olivenöl | Olive oil | Olive oil is a liquid fat obtained from olives, a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean Basin, produced by pressing whole olives and extracting the oil. It is commonly used in cooking or as a salad dressing. | | x | x | x | |
OMEGA_3_FATTY_ACIDS | Omega-3 Fettsäuren | Omega-3 Fatty Acids | Omega-3 Fatty Acids | | x | x | x | |
OMEGA_6 | Omega-6 | Omega-6 | A class of fatty acids, double bond on 6th carbon from the methyl end of the fatty acid (most common linoleic acid and arachidonic acid). | | x | x | x | |
OPTICAL_BRIGHTENERS | Optische Aufheller | Optical Brighteners | Synthetic chemicals added to liquid and powder laundry detergents to make clothing appear whiter and brighter, and thus cleaner. | | x | x | x | |
OXYBENZONE | Oxybenzon | Oxybenzone | Oxybenzone is a benzophenone derivative used as a sunscreen agent. Oxybenzone absorbs UVB and UVA II rays, resulting in a photochemical excitation and absorption of energy. | | x | x | x | |
PALM_OIL | Palmöl | Palm Oil | Palm oil is a yellow oil which comes from the fruit of certain palm trees and is used in making soap and sometimes as a fat in cooking. | | x | x | x | |
PANTOTHENIC_ACID | Pantothensäure | Pantothenic Acid | Pantothenic acid, also called vitamin B5 (a B vitamin), is a water-soluble vitamin. Pantothenic acid is an essential nutrient. Animals require pantothenic acid in order to synthesize coenzyme-A (CoA), as well as to synthesize and metabolize proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The anion is called pantothenate. Not to be confused with pantethine. | | x | x | x | |
PARABEN | Paraben | Paraben | Any of a group of compounds used as preservatives in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products and in the food industry. | | x | x | x | |
PARAFFIN | Paraffin | Paraffin | Paraffin refers to a mixture of acyclic alkanes (saturated hydrocarbons) with the general total formula CnH2n+2. | | x | x | x | |
PARTIALLY_HYDROGENATED_VEGETABLE_OIL | Teilweise hydrogeniertes pflanzliches Öl | Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil | Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (PHOs are the most common source of artificial trans fats within processed foods. The US FDA has revoked PHOs GRAS status and food manufacturers must remove PHOs from products. | | x | x | x | |
PEA_PROTEIN | Erbsenprotein | Pea protein | It is a source of protein derived and extracted in powder form from the yellow and green split peas (Pisum sativum). | | x | x | x | |
PEANUTS | Erdnüsse | Peanuts | Peanuts | | x | x | x | |
PECANS | Pecans | Pecannüsse | A species of hickory, native to south-central North America, in Mexico from Coahuila south to Jalisco and Veracruz,[1][2] in the United States in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. | | x | x | x | |
PEEL | Schale | Peel | The peel is the outer covering, mostly solid, of a fruit, nut or shellfish. | | x | x | x | |
PEG_EMULSIFIERS | PEG Emulgator | PEG emulsifiers | Polyethylene glycols (PEG) are a humectant (which help retain or preserve moisture) or emulsifiers that can be found in many cosmetic products. | | x | x | x | |
PEROXIDE | Peroxid | Peroxide | Peroxides are a group of compounds with the structure R−O−O−R. The O−O group in a peroxide is called the peroxide group or peroxo group. In contrast to oxide ions, the oxygen atoms in the peroxide ion have an oxidation state of −1. The most common peroxide is hydrogen peroxide, colloquially known simply as "peroxide". | | x | x | x | |
PESTICIDE | Pestizid | Pesticide | Pesticides are substances that are meant to control pests, including weeds. The term pesticide includes all of the following: herbicide, insecticides (which may include insect growth regulators, termiticides, etc.) nematicide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, bactericide, insect repellent, animal repellent, antimicrobial, and fungicide. | | x | x | x | |
PESTICIDE_RESIDUES | Rückstände von Pestiziden | Pesticide residues | Pesticide residue refers to the pesticides that may remain on or in food after they are applied to food crops. The maximum allowable levels of these residues in foods are often stipulated by regulatory bodies in many countries. Regulations such as pre-harvest intervals also often prevent harvest of crop or livestock products if recently treated in order to allow residue concentrations to decrease over time to safe levels before harvest. Exposure of the general population to these residues most commonly occurs through consumption of treated food sources, or being in close contact to areas treated with pesticides such as farms or lawns. | | x | x | x | |
PFAS | Per- und Polyfluoroalkyl Substanzen (PFAS) | Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) | Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS, GenX, and many other chemicals. | | x | x | x | |
PHENOXYETHANOL | Phenoxyethanol | Phenoxyethanol | Germicidal and germistatic glycol ether, phenol ether, and aromatic alcohol often used together with quaternary ammonium compounds. | | x | x | x | |
PHENYLALANINE | Phenylalanin | Phenylalanine | A essential amino acid. | | x | x | x | |
PHOSPHATE | Phosphat | Phosphate | The chemical formula is PO3−4. | | x | x | x | |
PHOSPHORUS | Phosphor | Phosphorus | Phosphorus | | x | x | x | |
PHTHALATE | Phthalat | Phthalate | Phthalates or phthalate esters, are esters of phthalic acid. They are mainly used as plasticizers, i.e., substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity. | | x | x | x | |
PINENUTS | Pinienkerne | Pinenuts | The edible seed of various pine trees. | | x | x | x | |
PISTACHIOS | Pistazie | Pistachio | The pistachio is the edible pale green seed of an Asian tree. The pistachio is the evergreen tree of the cashew family that produces this nut, with small brownish-green flowers and reddish wrinkled fruit borne in heavy clusters. It is widely cultivated, especially in the US and around the Mediterranean. | | x | x | x | |
PLANT_BASED_ALTERNATIVE_TO_MEAT | Pflanzenbasierter Fleischersatz | Plant based alternative to meat | A product whose structure and protein content mimic that of a type of meat. Also known as meat replacement in some markets. The determination of this is made by the supplier and is subject to target market regulations or trade organisation guidelines. | | x | x | x | |
PLANT_PROTEIN | Pflanzenprotein | Plant protein | The protein is derived from plant-based sources. There may be one or more sources of protein. Examples of vegetable protein sources are soy, oats or broad bean. | | x | x | x | |
PLANT_STEROLS | Pflanzensterole | Plant sterols | Plant sterols are defined as cholesterol‐like substances that occur naturally at low levels in many fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals. Plant sterols can help to improve cholesterol levels. | | x | x | x | |
POLYETHYLENE_MICROBEADS | Polyethylen Mikrokügelchen | Polyethylene Microbeads | Microbeads are really tiny plastic particles usually smaller than two millimeters. The composition of microbeads can vary and often include polyethylene (PE). | | x | x | x | |
POLYPHOSPHATE | Polyphosphat | Polyphosphate | A chemical compound that contains phosphorus. | | x | x | x | |
POLYUNSATURATED_FAT | Mehrfach gesättigte Fettsäuren | Polyunsaturated Fat | Polyunsaturated Fat | | x | x | x | |
PORK_GELATINE | Schweinegelatine | Pork Gelatine | Translucent, colourless, brittle (when dry), flavourless substance derived from collagen obtained from various pork raw materials (connective tissues (skin) and bones). It is commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceutical drugs, photography, and cosmetic manufacturing. | | x | x | x | |
POTASSIUM | Kalium | Potassium | Potassium | | x | x | x | |
POTATO | Kartoffel | Potato | Widely cultivated edible, starchy root vegetable of the nightshade family (solanum tuberosum). | | x | x | x | |
POULTRY | Geflügel | Poultry | Domesticated birds kept by humans for their eggs, their meat or their feathers. | | x | x | x | |
POWDER | Pulver | Powder | Fine, dry particles produced by the grinding, crushing, or disintegration of a solid substance. | | x | x | x | |
PREBIOTICS | Präbiotika | Prebiotics | Compounds in food that induce the growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. | | x | x | x | |
PRESERVATIVES | Konservierungsmittel - naturliche oder synthetische Zusatzstoffe zur Verhinderung von mikrobieller Zersetzung oder unerwünschter chemischer Veränderung | Preservatives - Natural or synthetic additives for prevention of decomposition by microbial growth or undesirable chemical changes | A preservative is a natural or synthetic substance or chemical that is added to products to prevent decomposition by microbial growth or by undesirable chemical changes. | | x | x | x | |
PROBIOTICS | Probiotika | Probiotics | Probiotics. | | x | x | x | |
PROTEIN | Protein | Protein | Protein | | x | x | x | |
PULP | Fruchtfleisch | Pulp | Pulp is the juicy, soft part inside of fruits. Many consumers would like to avoid fruit pulp in fruit juices for personal reasons. | | x | x | x | |
PVC | PVC (Polyvinylchlorid) | PVC (polyvinyl chloride) | Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is a common, strong but lightweight plastic used in construction. It is made softer and more flexible by the addition of plasticizers. | | x | x | x | |
PVC_WITH_PHTHALATES | PVC (Polyvinylchlorid) mit Phthalaten | PVC (polyvinyl chloride) with Phthalates | Polyvinyle Chloride (PVC) with Phthalates is a common, strong but lightweight plastic used in construction. It is made softer and more flexible by without the addition of Phthalates as plasticizers. | | x | x | x | |
PVC_WITHOUT_PHTHALATES | PVC (Polyvinylchlorid) ohne Phthalate | PVC (polyvinyl chloride) without Phthalates | Polyvinyle Chloride (PVC) with Phthalates is a common, strong but lightweight plastic used in construction. It is made softer and more flexible by without the addition of Phthalates as plasticizers. | | x | x | x | |
QUININE | Chinin | Quinine | A bitter crystalline compound present in cinchona bark. | | x | x | x | |
RAISINS | Rosinen | Raisins | Raisins are dried grapes. The term "raisins" is both the generic term for all dried raisins and the specific term for the dried fruit of a particular grape variety. | | x | x | x | |
RASPBERRIES | Himbeeren | Raspberries | The raspberry is the edible fruit of a multitude of plant species in the genus Rubus of the rose family, most of which are in the subgenus Idaeobatus. | | x | x | x | |
RAW_BEET_SUGAR | Rohzucker aus Zuckerrüben | Raw beet sugar from the sugar beet | Raw sugar derived from the sugar beet. | | x | x | x | |
RECYCLED_MATERIAL | Recyclingmaterial, Recyklat | Recycled material | A recycled material refers to any substance that has undergone a process of reprocessing or reclamation to be used again in the manufacturing of new products. Recycled materials can encompass a wide range of items, including paper, glass, metal, plastics, textiles, and more. | | x | x | x | |
RECYCLED_MATERIAL_MASS_BALANCE | Recyclingmaterial, Massenbilanzierung - Hersteller zertifiziert zur bilanzierten Mischung von Recyclingmaterial und neuen Rohstoffen | Recycled material, Mass balance - Producer is certified to mass balance recycled material and virgin raw materials | Recycled material and feedstock are combined with virgin raw materials in the production process, resulting in a final product that contains both virgin and recycled content. Mass balance involves mixing fossil and recycled/renewable materials to meet this objective. It's important to note that individual trade items may not necessarily include recycled material, but the plastic material producer is certified for mass balance and incorporates a specific percentage of recycled materials in their feedstock. Refer to local regulations. | | x | x | x | |
RENEWABLE_MATERIAL | Erneuerbares Material | Renewable material | A renewable material is a material made of natural resources that can be replenished, generation after generation. | | x | x | x | |
RENEWABLE_MATERIAL_MASS_BALANCE | Erneuerbares Material, Massenbilanzierung - Hersteller zertifiziert zur bilanzierten Mischung von erneuerbarem Material und neuen Rohstoffen | Renewable material, Mass balance - Producer is certified to mass balance renewable material and virgin raw materials | Renewable material and renewable feedstock (raw material used in industrial process or as fuel) with virgin raw materials in the production process. This creates a final product that is a mixture of virgin and renewable content. Mass balance is about mixing fossil and renewable/recycled materials. It's important to note that individual trade items may not necessarily include renewable material, but the plastic material producer is certified for mass balance and incorporates a specific percentage of renewable materials in their feedstock. Refer to local regulations. | | x | x | x | |
RETINYL_PALMITATE | Retinyl Palmitat | Retinyl Palmitate | Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A Palmitate) is an ingredient composed of palmitic acid and retinol (Vitamin A). | | x | x | x | |
RIBOFLAVIN | Riboflavin | Riboflavin | Vitamin B2, corresponding to riboflavin, or lactoflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for the synthesis of flavine adenine dinucleotide and flavine mononucleotide, two essential cofactors for flavoproteins. Vitamin B2 plays an important role in converting simple foods (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) into energy. It is involved in muscle repair metabolism. | | x | x | x | |
RYE | Roggen | Rye | A wheat like cereal plant that tolerates poor soils and low temperatures. | | x | x | x | |
SATURATED_FAT | Gesättigtes Fett | Saturated Fat | Saturated Fat | | x | x | x | |
SAUCE | Sauce | Sauce | A liquid or semiliquid mixture that is added to a food as it cooks or that is served with it. Sauces provide flavour, moisture, and a contrast in texture and colour. They may also serve as a medium in which food is contained. | | x | x | x | |
SEEDS | Samen | Seeds | A seed is a plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant. | | x | x | x | |
SELENIUM | Selenium | Selenium | Selenium | | x | x | x | |
SESAME | Sesamsamen | Sesame seeds | The edible seeds of the sesame plant, which are used whole or have the oil extracted. | | x | x | x | |
SHEA_BUTTER | Sheabutter | Shea butter | A fatty substance obtained from the nuts of the shea tree. E.g., used in cosmetics, food. | | x | x | x | |
SILICONE | Silikon | Silicone | Silicones, also known as polysiloxanes, are polymers that include any synthetic compound made up of repeating units of siloxane, which is a chain of alternating silicon atoms and oxygen atoms, combined with carbon, hydrogen, and sometimes other elements. | | x | x | x | |
SKIN | Haut | Skin | The layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of an animal, fish or plant. | | x | x | x | |
SMOKE_FLAVOUR | Raucharoma | Smoke Flavour | Smoke flavourings are produced by thermal degradation of wood. As an alternative to traditional smoking, they can be added to a range of different foods to give a “smoked” flavour. | | x | x | x | |
SOAP | Seife | Soap | Soap is a substance used with water for washing and cleaning, made of a compound of natural oils or fats with sodium hydroxide or another strong alkali, and typically having perfume and colouring added. | | x | x | x | |
SODIUM_NITRITE | Sodium Nitrit | Sodium Nitrite | The chemical formula is NaNO2 | | x | x | x | |
SODIUM_SALT | Sodium oder Salz | Sodium or salt | Sodium or salt. | | x | x | x | |
SOLUBLE_FIBRE | Lösliche Ballaststoffe | Soluble fibre | Soluble fibre dissolves in water to form a thick gel-like substance in the stomach. It is broken down by bacteria in the large intestine and provides some calories. | | x | x | x | |
SORBITOL | Sorbitol | Sorbitol | A sugar substitute with a sweet taste which the human body metabolizes slowly. | | x | x | x | |
SOY | Soja | Soy/Soya | Soybean (or soyabean); protein derived from soybeans, used as a replacement for animal protein in certain foods. | | x | x | x | |
SOYBEAN_OIL | Sojabohnenöl | Soybean oil | Soybean oil is extracted from the seeds of the soybean. It is one of the most widely consumed cooking oils and the second most consumed vegetable oil. | | x | x | x | |
STEVIA | Stevia | Stevia | Stevia is a high-potency sweetener extracted from the leaves of the plant species stevia rebaudiana. | | x | x | x | |
SUGARS | Zucker - z.B. Laktose, Fruktose, Saccharose, Mais Sirup, Honig, Mais Sirup mit hohem Fruktoseanteil, Fruchtsaftkonzentrate, Dextrose etc. | Sugars - e.g. lactose, fructose, sucrose, corn syrup, honey, high fructose corn syrup, fruit juice concentrates, dextrose etc. | Includes sugars that are present naturally in the food such as lactose in milk and fructose in fruit, sucrose in fruits and vegetables, as well as sugars added to the food during processing, such as sugar / sucrose, corn syrup, honey, high fructose corn syrup, fruit juice concentrates and dextrose." | | x | x | x | |
SULFATE | Sulfat | Sulfate | A salt or ester of sulfuric acid, containing the anion SO42− or the divalent group —OSO2O—. | | x | x | x | |
SULPHITES | Sulfite | Sulphites | Sulphites or sulfites are substances that are naturally found in some foods. They are used as an additive to maintain food colour, shelf-life and prevent the growth of fungi or bacteria. | | x | x | x | |
SUNFLOWER_OIL | Sonnenblumenöl | Sunflower oil | Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil pressed from the seeds of sunflower. Sunflower oil is commonly used in food as a frying oil or cooking. | | x | x | x | |
SWEETENERS | Süßungsmittel - z.B. Zucker oder niedrig-kalorige synthetische Zuckerersatzstoffe | Sweeteners - Any substance that sweetens such as sugar or a low-calorie synthetic product used instead of sugar | Any substance that sweetens such as sugar or a low-calorie synthetic product used instead of sugar. | | x | x | x | |
THC | THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) | THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) | Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a chemical found in cannabis and is the principal psychoactive constituent. | | x | x | x | |
THIAMIN | Thiamin | Thiamin | Thiamin, or vitamin B1, is involved in the transformation of glucose into energy and in the metabolism of amino acids. It is essential to the functioning of the nervous system and seems indispensable for memory and intellectual faculties. | | x | x | x | |
TRANS_FAT | Transfettsäuren | Trans fatty acids | Trans fatty acids | | x | x | x | |
TREE_NUTS | Baumnüsse | Tree Nuts | Tree nuts include, but are not limited to, walnut, almond, hazelnut, cashew, pistachio, and Brazil nuts. | | x | x | x | |
TRICLOCARBAN | Triclocarban | Triclocarban | Triclocarban is an antibacterial agent common in personal care products like soaps and lotions as well as in the medical field, for which it was originally developed. Studies on its antibacterial qualities and mechanisms are growing. | | x | x | x | |
TRICLOSAN | Triclosan | Triclosan | Triclosan (sometimes abbreviated as TCS) is an antibacterial and antifungal agent present in some consumer products, including toothpaste, soaps, detergents, toys, and surgical cleaning treatments. | | x | x | x | |
TRITICALE | Triticale | Triticale | Triticale is a hybrid grain produced by crossing wheat and rye, grown as a fodder crop. | | x | x | x | |
ULTRA_FILTERED_NONFAT_MILK | Ultrafiltrierte fettfreie Milch | Ultra-filtered nonfat milk | Ultrafiltered nonfat or skimmed milk, also known as diafiltered, is a subclassification of milk protein concentrate that is produced by passing nonfat or skim milk under pressure through a thin, porous membrane to separate the components of milk according to their size. Please refer to target market regulations for definition of 'nonfat' or 'skimmed' and the allowable percentage of fat to be contained. | | x | x | x | |
UNSATURATED_FAT | Ungesättigtes Fett | Unsaturated Fat | Unsaturated Fat | | x | x | x | |
UREA | Urea, Harnstoff | Urea | Urea, also known as carbamide, is an organic compound with chemical formula CO(NH₂)₂. | | x | x | x | |
VEGETABLES | Gemüse | Vegetables | Vegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food. | | x | x | x | |
VITAMIN_A | Vitamin A | Vitamin A | Vitamin A is also known as retinol. | | x | x | x | |
VITAMIN_B12 | Vitamin B12 | Vitamin B12 | Vitamin B12 | | x | x | x | |
VITAMIN_B6 | Vitamin B6 | Vitamin B6 | Vitamin B6 | | x | x | x | |
VITAMIN_C | Vitamin C | Vitamin C | Vitamin C | | x | x | x | |
VITAMIN_D | Vitamin D | Vitamin D | Vitamin D | | x | x | x | |
VITAMIN_D3 | Vitamin D3 | Vitamin D3 | A sterol C27H43OH that is a natural form of vitamin D found especially in fish, egg yolks, and fish-liver oils and is formed in the skin on exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays. | | x | x | x | |
VITAMIN_E | Vitamin E | Vitamin E | Vitamin E is also known as tocopherol. | | x | x | x | |
VITAMIN_K | Vitamin K | Vitamin K | Vitamin K | | x | x | x | |
VITAMINS_AND_OR_MINERALS | Vitamine und/oder Mineralien | Vitamins and/or minerals | Vitamins and/or minerals. | | x | x | x | |
WALNUTS | Walnüsse | Walnuts | A large wrinkled edible seed of a deciduous tree, consisting of two halves contained within a hard shell that is enclosed in a green fruit. | | x | x | x | |
WATER | Wasser | Water | Water is a chemical substance with the chemical formula H2O. Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colourless substance and it is used in food preparation. | | x | x | x | |
WHEAT | Weizen | Wheat | Wheat | | x | x | x | |
WHITE_MEAT_TUNA | Weißfleischiger Thunfisch (Albacore) | White meat tuna (Albacore) | The only species of fish that can be called “White Tuna” is Albacore, refers to the relatively white-coloured flesh versus other tuna species, which have light tan or hint of pink flesh. | | x | x | x | |
WHITE_SUGAR | Weißer Zucker - raffinierter Kristallzucker gemahlen, fein oder grob (reine weiße kristalline Saccharose) | White sugar - white or granulated refined sugar (pure white crystalline sucrose) ground to granules or grains | White or granulated sugar is refined sugar (pure white crystalline sucrose) ground to granules or grains. | | x | x | x | |
WHOLE_GRAIN | Vollkorn | Whole grain | The intact grain or the dehulled, ground, milled, cracked or flaked grain where the constituents – endosperm, germ and bran – are present in such proportions that represent the typical ratio of those fractions occurring in the whole cereal. | | x | x | x | |
WHOLE_WHEAT | Vollkornweizen | Whole wheat | Whole wheat refers to wheat which contains all constituents of the wheat grain. | | x | x | x | |
WIND_POWER | Windkraft, Windenergie | Wind power | Wind power or wind energy is mostly the use of wind turbines to generate electricity. Wind power is a popular, sustainable, renewable energy source that has a much smaller impact on the environment than burning fossil fuels. | | x | x | x | |
YEAST | Hefe | Yeast | A microscopic fungus consisting of single oval cells that reproduce by budding, and capable of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. | | x | x | x | |
ZINC | Zink | Zinc | Zinc | | x | x | x | |