

CodeList: ContactTypeCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
AAVersicherungskontaktInsurance contactDepartment/person to contact for matters regarding insurance.xxx
ADKontakt für Rechnung, BuchführungAccounting contactThe contact responsible for accounting matters.xxx
AEVertragskontaktContract contactDepartment/person to contact for matters regarding contracts.xxx
AGAgent - Person oder Organisation, die befugt ist, im Name einer oder mehrerer Parteien das Produkt oder die Dienstleistung zu verkaufenAgentThe person or organisation who is authorised to act on behalf of one or more parties to sell the product or services. For example, a wine broker.xxx
AMKontakt für Forderungen, ReklamationenClaims contactDepartment/person to contact for matters regarding claims.xxx
APKontakt für KreditorenkontenAccounts payable contactDepartment/person responsible for the accounts payable function within a corporation.xxx
ARKontakt für DebitorenkontenAccounts receivable contactDepartment/person responsible for the accounts receivable within a corporation.xxx
BCBankkontaktBanking contactContact person for bank.xxx
BJAuftrags- und BestellbearbeitungDepartment or person responsible for processing purchase orderIdentification of the department or person responsible for the processing of purchase orders.xxx
BOKontakt nach BüroschlussAfter business hours contactDepartment/person to contact after normal working hours.xxx
BOTAbfüllerBottlerThe party who bottles the product.xxx
BVPProduktionsstätteProduction FacilityGeneral description of the contact for the trade item for example Production Facility 3xxx
BXAVerwaltungAdministrativeThis code specifies that this contact is of the type "Administrative".xxx
BYFFinanzkontaktFinancialThis code specifies that this contact is of the type "Financial".xxx
BZLKonzessionsinhaberLicensee RegistrarThe party having legal responsibility for the product in the target market. This party is responsible for licensing and regulations within the target market and can be the manufacturer, importer, sales agent or broker.xxx
CBGeändert vonChanged byPerson who made the change.xxx
CKEKochCookPerson responsible for cooking.xxx
CPKontakt für Computer, DatenverarbeitungResponsible person for computer data processingResponsible person to contact for matters regarding computer data processing.xxx
CRKundenbeziehungenCustomer relationsIndividual responsible for customer relations.xxx
CXCVerbrauchersupportConsumer SupportThe party which provides product support to the end user of a trade item or a servicexxx
CYCKundenunterstützung für HandelspartnerCustomer SupportThe party which provides product support to the trading partner party to which merchandise is sold. (GS1 Code)xxx
CZLLogistikLogisticsThis code specifies that this contact is of the type "Logistics".xxx
DEExport BearbeitungDepartment/employee to execute export proceduresDepartment/employee which/who executes export procedures.xxx
DIImport BearbeitungDepartment/employee to execute import proceduresDepartment/employee which/who executes import procedures.xxx
DISVertreiber, DistributeurDistributorDistributor: A person, firm, etc., engaged in the general distribution or marketing of some article or class of goods.xxx
DLLieferkontaktDelivery contactDepartment/person responsible for delivery.xxx
DMOBetriebOperationsThis code specifies that this contact is of the type "Operations".xxx
DNRRückruf-SupportRecall SupportThe contact where information about recalls for the item can be obtained.xxx
DOGKontakt für die Datensynchronisierung (GDS)GDS ContactThe contact where information in relation to Data Synchronisation can be obtained.xxx
DPPVerpackungsingenieurPackaging engineerThe contact where information in relation to the packaging for the item can be obtained.xxx
DQTZielmarkt-Informationsstelle für die GTINTarget Market Information ProviderThe contact information provider’s business contact within the target market for the GTIN. This is a different GLN than the Information Provider of the item of record.xxx
DSUNicht spezifiziertUnspecifiedValue not stated.xxx
EARAuthorisierter Vertretungsakteur für die Datenbank für Medizinprodukte, die bei Zusätzliche Unternehmensidentifikation: Art definiert istAuthorized representative actor for the data base on medical devices defined in Additional party identification typeEN: The authorized representative actor for the UDI regulatory data base as defined by the party from additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode list. DE: Authorisierter Vertreter für die UDI Datenbank, wie von der Partei aus der Liste additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode definiert.xxx
EDKontakt für Konstruktions- oder EntwicklungsangelegenheitenEngineering contactDepartment/person to contact for matters regarding engineering.xxx
EMAHerstellerakteur für die Datenbank für Medizinprodukte, die bei Zusätzliche Unternehmensidentifikation: Art definiert istManufacturer actor for the data base on medical devices defined in Additional party identification typeEN: The manufacturer actor for the UDI regulatory data base as defined by the party from additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode list. DE: Der Herstellerakteur für die UDI Datenbank, wie von der Partei aus der Liste additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode definiert.xxx
ENBBenannte Stelle für die Datenbank für Medizinprodukte, die bei Zusätzliche Unternehmensidentifikation: Art definiert istNotified body actor for the data base on medical devices defined in Additional party identification typeEN: Notified body actor for the UDI regulatory data base as defined by the party from additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode list. DE: Zugelassene Stelle für die UDI Datenbank, wie von der Partei aus der Liste additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode definiert.xxx
EPDAkteur für das Produktdesign für die Datenbank für Medizinprodukte, die bei Zusätzliche Unternehmensidentifikation: Art definiert istProduct designer actor for the data base on medical devices defined in Additional party identification typeEN: The product designer actor (e.g. ODM = original design manufacturer) for the UDI regulatory data base as defined by the party from additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode list. DE: Der Produktdesigner (z. B. ODM = Original Design Hersteller) für die UDI-Regulierungsdatenbank, wie von der Partei aus der Liste additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode definiert.xxx
EPPAkteur für die System- und/oder Verfahrenspaketherstellung (SPPP) für die Datenbank für Medizinprodukte, die bei Zusätzliche Unternehmensidentifikation: Art definiert istSystem and/or procedure pack producer actor (SPPP) for the data base on medical devices defined in Additional party identification typeEN: The system and/or procedure pack producer actor (SPPP) for the UDI regulatory data base as defined by the party from additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode list. DE: Der System- und/oder Verfahrenspackungsherstellers (SPPP) für die UDI-Regulierungsdatenbank, wie von der Partei aus der Liste additionalPartyIdentification/@additionalPartyIdentificationTypeCode definiert.xxx
EXPExporteurExporterExporter: A business operator who provides goods or services that are sold to a foreign country or countries.xxx
GREmpfangskontaktGoods receiving contactDepartment/person responsible for receiving the goods at the place of delivery.xxx
HENotfallkontakt für GefahrgüterEmergency dangerous goods contactParty who is to be contacted to intervene in case of emergency.xxx
HGGefahrgutkontaktDangerous goods contactDepartment/person to be contacted for details about the transportation of dangerous goods/hazardous material.xxx
ICInformationskontaktInformation contactDepartment/person to contact for questions regarding transactions.xxx
IMPImporteurImporterImporter: A business operator who buys or brings in (goods or services) from a foreign country.xxx
LOSammelstellenkontaktPlace of collection contactDepartment/employee to be contacted at the place of collection.xxx
MANHerstellerManufacturerDefines the company that made the product.xxx
MGRManagerManagerPerson responsible for management within a department or company.xxx
NTKontakt für BenachrichtigungenNotification contactDepartment/employee to be notified.xxx
OCBestellkontaktOrder contactAn individual to contact for questions regarding this order.xxx
PACVerpackerPackerA company that doesn't produce the item, just only pack it. Company information can be found on the label.xxx
PDEinkaufskontaktPurchasing contactDepartment/person responsible for issuing this purchase order.xxx
PMProduktmanagementkontakt bei Fragen zur BestellungProduct management contactDepartment/person to contact for questions regarding this order.xxx
PRCKontakt für ProduktrückrufeProduct Recall Notification ContactContact responsible for creating, issuing and updating the product recall notification.xxx
PRFProduziert fürProduced forA company that does not itself have manufacturing operations, but manufactures products with another party, for example under its own brandxxx
PRMKontakt für Produktrückrufe für Media OutletsProduct Recall Media ContactContact who is responsible for providing information related to the product recall to media outlets.xxx
PROKontakt für Produktrückrufe für VerbraucherProduct Recall Consumer ContactContact who is responsible for providing information related to the product recall to consumers.xxx
PRRKontakt zum ProdukteinzugProduct Recall Removal ContactContact responsible for creating and issuing the product removal message to the product recall contact.xxx
QCKontakt zur QualitätskoordinationQuality coordinator contactQuality coordinator contact within an organization.xxx
REAKontakt für WarenrückgabeReturn AuthorityPerson/Department responsible for goods return transaction.xxx
SAVertriebsverwaltungSales administrationName of the sales administration contact within a corporation.xxx
SDVersandkontaktShipping contactThe shipping department contact within an organization.xxx
SRVertriebsbeauftragter oder VertriebsabteilungSales representative or departmentThe sales representative or department contact within an organization.xxx
TAVerkehrsverwalterTraffic administratorThe traffic administrator contact within an organization.xxx
TDTestkontaktTest contactDepartment/person responsible for testing contact.xxx
TRTransportkontaktTransport contactDepartment/person in charge of transportation.xxx
WACKontakt für GarantiebearbeitungWarranty ContactPerson/Department responsible for warranty resolution.xxx
WHLagerWarehouseThe warehouse contact within an organization.xxx
WLSGroßhändlerWholesalerWholesaler: The business operator who sells goods to retailers in larger quantities than they are sold to final consumers but in smaller quantities than they are purchased from manufacturers.xxx
ZZZBeiderseitig vereinbarter CodeMutually DefinedA code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.xxx