

CodeList: GrowingMethodCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
AEROPONICSAeroponikAeroponicsGrowing plants in the air or mist environment without soil or an aggregate medium.xxx
AQUAPONICSAquaponikAquaponicsA system of aquaculture in which the waste produced by aquatic animals supplies nutrients for plants grown hydroponically.xxx
CAGE_FREEBodenhaltung - Vom Huhn aus Boden-, Stallhaltung, keine KäfighaltungCage-free - From a chicken raised in a barn, not in a cageThe item comes from a chicken able to move about inside a barn without being confined to cages.xxx
CLONED_FOODSGeklont - Ergebnis von GentechnologieCloned foods from genetical engineeringProduct is a result of genetic engineering.xxx
COCO_FIBREKokosfaserCoco fibreA natural fibre extracted from the outer husk of coconut and It is made from fibrous coconut husks that have been compressed into blocks. Also knows as "Coco Coir".xxx
COCONUT_HUSKKokosnussschalenCoconut huskA thick-walled, usually lignified cells which form the outer protective covering of coconut.xxx
CONVENTIONALKonventionelle, nicht-ökologische Kultur im Gewächshaus oder Freiland, ohne spezielle VerfahrenConventionally, i.e. non-organically grown, either indoors or outdoors without any special processesFoods grown non-organically, either indoors or outdoors without any special processes.xxx
CORN_FEDMaisgefüttertes Tier (Vogel, Fisch oder Säugetier)Corn-fed animal (bird, fish, or mammal)The item comes from an animal (bird, fish, or mammal), that is corn fedxxx
FARM_RAISEDFarmhaltung - Tier (Vogel, Fisch oder Säugetier) aus FarmhaltungFarm-raised animal (bird, fish, or mammal)The item comes from an animal (bird, fish, or mammal), that is raised on a farm.xxx
FIELD_GROWNFreilandkultur - Pflanzen, die im Freiland gewachsen sindField-grown plants, i.e. grown outdoorsPlants Grown Outdoorsxxx
FLY_FREEFliegen-frei - Zitrus aus Anbaugebieten, die als frei von der karibischen Fruchtfliege zertifiziert sind (aufgrund von Fallenstellung)Fly-free - Citrus grown in an area certified to be free of all Caribbean Fruit Flies based on trappingsCitrus Grown in an area certified to be free of all Caribbean Fruit Flies based on trappingsxxx
FREE_RANGEFreilandhaltung - Vom Huhn mit Zugang zu einem AußengehegeFree-range - From a chicken that has access to an outdoor areaThe item comes from a chicken able access to an outdoor area.xxx
GRAIN_FEDGetreidegefüttertes Tier (Vogel, Fisch oder Säugetier)Grain-fed animal (bird, fish, or mammal)The item comes from an animal (bird, fish, or mammal), that is grain fedxxx
GRASS_FEDGrasgefüttertes Tier (Vogel, Fisch oder Säugetier)Grass-fed animal (bird, fish, or mammal)The item comes from an animal (bird, fish, or mammal), that is grass fed.xxx
GREENHOUSEProdukte, die unter kontrollierten Umweltbedingungen an einem Ort mit Wänden und transparentem Dach kultiviert werden (Gewächshaus)Products that are grown and cultivated under controlled environment conditions in a place with walls and a transparent roofPlants that are grown and cultivated in an indoor covered place. New Definition: Product(s) that are grown and cultivated in a structure with wall and roof covered with glass or a transparent material under controlled environment conditions (e.g., plant, fish).xxx
HUMANELY_RAISEDHumane Tierhaltung - Mit besonderer Sorge für das tierische WohlergehenHumanely raised - Welfare of the animal is a foremost concernA process where animals are raised such that the welfare of the animal is a foremost concern.xxx
HYBRID_GREENHOUSEHybridgewächshaus (mit Luft- und Feuchtigkeitskontrolle)Hybrid greenhouse (with air and humidity control)A hybrid greenhouse utilizes the design concept of a Positive Pressure Greenhouse with addition of air and humidity control.xxx
HYDROPONICHydroponische Kultur - Pflanzen in mineralischer Nährlösung statt in Erde gewachsenHydroponic - Plants grown using mineral nutrient solutions instead of soilPlants grown using mineral nutrient solutions instead of soil.xxx
INDOORZimmerkulturIndoorProduct(s) grown or cultivated indoor (e.g., plant).xxx
INTEGRATED_PEST_MANAGEMENTIntegrierter Pflanzenschutz (IPM) - Pflanzenkultur unter ökologisch integriertem Pflanzenschutzmanagement mit mechanisch-physischen, genetischen, biologischen, gesetzlichen, kulturellen und chemischen MethodenIntegrated pest management (IPM) - Plants grown using an ecological pest control strategy using mechanical, physical, genetical, biological, legal, cultural and chemical methods(IPM) Plants grown using a pest control strategy that uses an array of complimentary methods: mechanical devices, physical devices, genetic, biological, legal, cultural management and chemical management. These methods are done in three stages: prevention, observation, and intervention. It is an ecological approach with a main goal of significantly reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides.xxx
ORGANICOrganisch (ökologisch) gewachsene Nahrung, im Gewächshaus oder FreilandOrganically grown foods, either indoors or outdoorsFoods grown organically, either indoors or outdoorsxxx
OTHERSonstigesOtherThe value needed is not listed or is not defined within this list’s individual code values and definitions. Please send a work request into GS1 or your solution provider requesting the code you are searching for.xxx
ROCKWOOLSteinwolleRockwoolA lightweight hydroponic substrate is made from spinning molten basaltic rock into fin fibres which are then formed into a range of cubes, blocks and growing slabs.xxx
SHADE_GROWNSchattenkultur - Pflanzen, die unter einem Baumbaldachin gewachsen sind, z.B. KaffeeShade-grown - Plant grown under shade of a canopy of trees, e.g. coffeePlant grown under shade of a canopy of trees; typically used in the cultivation of coffeexxx
SOILErdeSoilA mixture of organic matter, mineral, gases, liquids, and organisms that together support life.xxx
SOIL_SUBSTITUTEErd-/BodenersatzmaterialSoil substituteSoil alternatives are made from a variety of blended materials including and not limited to mosses like peat or sphagnum moss, rocks and minerals like calcined clay.xxx
SUSPENDED_HYDROPONICSHydrokultur, hängendSuspended hydroponicsPlants grow in a small amount of substrate held by a perforated container which is supported by a fixed cover over a tank.xxx
SUSTAINABLENachhaltige Kultur - Ohne Erschöpfung oder dauerhafte Schädigung der RessourceSustainable culture - Without permanently damaging or depleting the resourceA method of growing a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damagedxxx
WILDWildtier (Vogel, Fisch oder Säugetier), gefangen in der Wildnis, nicht in GefangenschaftWild animal (bird, fish, or mammal), caught in the wild not in captivityThe animal was not inhibited or prohibited from roving, wandering, and not tamed or domesticated or the plant has not been tilled, prepared or planted.xxx