30 | Frei von - aber unbestätigt durch Produkttests, da keine Kreuz-Kontakt Deklaration vonnöten | Free from - but not confirmed by product testing, because no cross-contact declaration required | The substance is not intentionally nor inherently included in the product, however because it is assessed to not require a cross contact declaration, product testing may not always be conducted for confirmation for example milk not inherently containing shellfish or peanuts or cheese sticks with no declaration of shellfish. | | x | x | x | |
50 | Abgeleitet von - speziellen Inhaltsstoffen, wie definiert | Derived from - ingredients with specified condition, as defined | Derived From: The product has been derived from ingredients with the specified condition as defined by the regulatory authority in the target market. | | x | x | x | |
60 | Nicht abgeleitet von - speziellen Inhaltsstoffen, wie definiert | Not derived from - ingredients with specified condition, as defined | Not Derived From: The product has not been derived from ingredients with the specified condition as defined by the regulatory authority in the target market. | | x | x | x | |
CONTAINS | Enthält - Ist im Produkt enthalten | Contains - Intentionally included in the product | Intentionally included in the product. | | x | x | x | |
FREE_FROM | Frei von - Produkt ist frei von dieser Substanz | Free from - Product is free from the indicated substance | The product is free from the indicated substance. "Free from" may be defined by a regulatory authority in the target market. | | x | x | x | |
MAY_CONTAIN | Kann enthalten - Kann Spuren davon enthalten aufgrund gemeinsam genutzter Produktionsanlagen etc. | May contain - Not intentionally included, but may be contained due to shared production facilities or other reasons | The substance is not intentionally included, but due to shared production facilities or other reasons, the product may contain the substance. | | x | x | x | |
UNDECLARED | Nicht deklariert - Nicht mit Absicht enthalten und abgeschätzt, dass keine Kreuz-Kontakt Deklaration vonnöten | Undeclared - Not intentionally included and assessed not to require a cross-contact declaration | Not intentionally included and assessed not to require a cross-contact declaration. "Undeclared" may be defined by a regulatory authority in the target market. | | x | x | x | |