JET_FRESH | Vollreif gepflückt (jet fresh) - Frisch verpackt und zum sofortigen Vertrieb an den Bestimmungsort geflogen | Jet Fresh - Freshly picked at mature stage, immediately packed, shipped and flown to destination for adequate distribution | Freshly picked and immediately packed and shipped at mature stage and flown to destination for adequate distribution (i.e. imports from South America, Africa or Europe). Flown by jet to market; the carton will be labelled Jet Fresh, when applicable, stickered Jet Fresh. For the produce industry, most common with berries, stonefruits and pineapples | | x | x | x | |
PRECONDITIONED | Vorkonditioniert - D.h. Reifung und/oder Färbung durch Lagertemperatur, -feuchte, Begasung oder Kombinationen | Pre-conditioned - I.e. matured to a specific level by ripening and/or colouring through temperature, gas treatment, humidity or combinations | Product stored at proper temperature prior to shipment to allow ripening and/or colouring, adequate for distribution and/or consumption. Pre-conditioned product is matured to a specific maturity level as a result of ripening through either temperature, gas treatment, humidity or any combination thereof. | | x | x | x | |
READY_TO_EAT | Fertig zum Verzehr - Keine Reifung mehr nötig | Ready to Eat - No ripening is needed | Fruit/Vegetable is ready to be eaten and no ripening is needed. | | x | x | x | |
TREE_VINE_RIPE | Baum- oder strauchreif - Fast reif oder zum Verzehr geeignet gepflückt und sofort nach Verpackung per Flug versandt | Tree or Vine Ripe - Picked almost ripe or ready to eat, and shipped (flown) immediately from the pack-house | Product that is picked at optimum maturity or just shy of. It is almost ‘ripe’ or ‘ready to eat’. This fruit will be shipped immediately (imported = flown) from the pack-house and stickered as Tree or Vine Ripe. | | x | x | x | |
TRIGGERED | Künstlich beschleunigte Reifung, z.B. durch Äthylengas. Eßbar kurz nach Ankunft im Laden | Triggered - Ripening triggered by artificial method, such as gas ethylene. Edible in a short time after it reaches the store | Fruit/Vegetable ripening has been triggered using some artificial method, such as gas ethylene. The fruit or vegetable will be edible in a short time after it reaches the store. | | x | x | x | |