

CodeList: MaturationMethodCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
JET_FRESHVollreif gepflückt (jet fresh) - Frisch verpackt und zum sofortigen Vertrieb an den Bestimmungsort geflogenJet Fresh - Freshly picked at mature stage, immediately packed, shipped and flown to destination for adequate distributionFreshly picked and immediately packed and shipped at mature stage and flown to destination for adequate distribution (i.e. imports from South America, Africa or Europe). Flown by jet to market; the carton will be labelled Jet Fresh, when applicable, stickered Jet Fresh. For the produce industry, most common with berries, stonefruits and pineapplesxxx
PRECONDITIONEDVorkonditioniert - D.h. Reifung und/oder Färbung durch Lagertemperatur, -feuchte, Begasung oder KombinationenPre-conditioned - I.e. matured to a specific level by ripening and/or colouring through temperature, gas treatment, humidity or combinationsProduct stored at proper temperature prior to shipment to allow ripening and/or colouring, adequate for distribution and/or consumption. Pre-conditioned product is matured to a specific maturity level as a result of ripening through either temperature, gas treatment, humidity or any combination thereof.xxx
READY_TO_EATFertig zum Verzehr - Keine Reifung mehr nötigReady to Eat - No ripening is neededFruit/Vegetable is ready to be eaten and no ripening is needed.xxx
TREE_VINE_RIPEBaum- oder strauchreif - Fast reif oder zum Verzehr geeignet gepflückt und sofort nach Verpackung per Flug versandtTree or Vine Ripe - Picked almost ripe or ready to eat, and shipped (flown) immediately from the pack-houseProduct that is picked at optimum maturity or just shy of. It is almost ‘ripe’ or ‘ready to eat’. This fruit will be shipped immediately (imported = flown) from the pack-house and stickered as Tree or Vine Ripe.xxx
TRIGGEREDKünstlich beschleunigte Reifung, z.B. durch Äthylengas. Eßbar kurz nach Ankunft im LadenTriggered - Ripening triggered by artificial method, such as gas ethylene. Edible in a short time after it reaches the storeFruit/Vegetable ripening has been triggered using some artificial method, such as gas ethylene. The fruit or vegetable will be edible in a short time after it reaches the store.xxx