

CodeList: MeasurementPrecisionCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
ABOUTGerundeter Wert - der Anzahl Portionen pro Packung, nach Rundungsregeln gemäß ZielmarktregularienAbout value - Number of servings per package rounded acc. to rounding rules of target market regulationsTo indicate when the number of servings per package has rounded according to allowable rounding rules for the target market. This will add some values as exist in the TM today.xxx
ABSENCEAbwesenheit des Stoffes ( )Absence of the substance ( )The method used to analyse the products resulted in absence value of the content.xxx
APPROXIMATELYUngefährer Wert (~)Approximate value (~)-xxx
EXACTExakter Wert (=)Exact value (=)-xxx
GREATER_THANGrößer als (>) - Zu benutzen, wenn der Wert größer sein darf als in den ZielmarktbestimmungenGreater than (>) - can be used, when value is allowed to be greater than in target market regulationsTo indicate presence when the measurement value is allowable to be designated greater than as such by target market regulations.xxx
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALGrößer als oder gleich (>=) - Zu benutzen, wenn der Wert größer oder gleich sein darf wie in den ZielmarktbestimmungenGreater than or equal (>=) - can be used, when value is allowed to be greater than or equal to target market regulationsTo indicate presence when the measurement value is allowable to be designated greater than or equal to as such by target market regulations.xxx
LESS_THANKleiner als (<) - Zu klein für genaue Messung (Regel: < 0,5)Less than (<) - too small for precise measurement (rule: < 0.5)-xxx
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALKleiner als oder gleich (<=) - Zu benutzen, wenn der Wert kleiner oder gleich sein darf wie in den ZielmarktbestimmungenLess than or equal (<=) - can be used, when value is allowed to be less than or equal to target market regulationsTo indicate presence when the measurement value is allowable to be designated less than or equal to as such by target market regulations.xxx
NOT_SIGNIFICANT_SOURCE_OFKeine signifikante Quelle (-) - Enthält zu wenig nach ZielmarktbestimmungenNot a significant source of (-) - contains not enough according to target market regulationsTo indicate trace amounts below measurable limits as set forth by target market regulations. This value is primarily for food, beverage and tobacco use.xxx
TRACENur in Spuren enthalten (-) - Zu wenig für genaue MessungIn traces only (-) - too small for precise measurementTo indicate presence when the measurement value is too small to be measured precisely or measurable by target market regulations.xxx
UNDETECTABLENicht feststellbar () - Unterhalb der GrenzeUndetectable () - below limit of detectionThe method used to analyse the products resulted in that the measurement value was below the limit of detection.xxx
UNSPECIFIEDNicht spezifizierte GenauigkeitUnspecified precisionPrecision not specified.xxx
USUALLYGewöhnlicher Wert - der Anzahl Portionen pro Packung, z.B. bei AbtropfmengeUsual value - of number of servings per package, e.g. for drained solidsTo indicate when the servings per package are generally around a value such as when the item is referencing a drained solids (the number varies because of a natural variation in unit size, for example pickles).xxx
VARIEDVariierender Wert - der Anzahl Portionen pro Packung, z.B. bei Produkten mit ZufallsgewichtVaried value - of number of servings per package, e.g. for random weight productsTo indicate when the servings per package can be a variable number such as with random weight products.xxx