1N | Anzahl | Count | Count | | x | x | x | |
23 | Gramm pro Kubikzentimeter | Grams Per Cubic Centimetre | Grams Per Cubic Centimetre | | x | x | x | |
2P | Kilobyte | Kilobyte | A unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) bytes. | | x | x | x | |
4L | Megabyte | Megabyte | A unit of information equal to 10⁶ (1000000) bytes. | | x | x | x | |
AD | Byte | Byte | A unit of information equal to 8 bits. | | x | x | x | |
ANN | Jahr | Year | Unit of time equal to 365,25 days. | | x | x | x | |
CEL | Grad Celsius | Degree Celsius | Celsius (also historically known as centigrade) is a temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius (°C) and the boiling point 100 °C (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 100 degrees apart. | | x | x | x | |
CFU | Koloniebildende Einheiten | Colony Forming Units | Colony Forming Units: is a rough estimate of the number of viable bacteria or fungal cells in a sample. | | x | x | x | |
CLT | Zentiliter | Centilitre | A centilitre is one hundredth (1/100) of a litre | | x | x | x | |
CMK | Quadratzentimeter | Square centimetre | A square centimetre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 centimetre in length. | | x | x | x | |
CMQ | Kubikzentimeter | Cubic centimetre | A cubic centimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one centimetre (0.01 m) equal to a millilitre. | | x | x | x | |
CMT | Zentimeter | Centimetre | A centimetre is equal to one hundredth of a metre. | | x | x | x | |
DAY | Tage | Days | A day is one three hundreds and sixty fifth (1/365) of a year | | x | x | x | |
DLT | Deziliter | Decilitre | A decilitre is one tenth (1/10) of a litre. | | x | x | x | |
DMK | Quadratdezimeter | Square decimetre | A square deciimetre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 deciimetre in length. | | x | x | x | |
DMQ | Kubikdezimeter | Cubic decimetre | A cubic decimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one decimetre (0.1 m) | | x | x | x | |
DMT | Dezimeter | Decimetre | A decimetre is equal to one tenth of a metre. | | x | x | x | |
E14 | Kilokalorie | Kilocalorie (international table) | A unit of energy equal to 1000 calories. | | x | x | x | |
E27 | Dosis | Dose | A unit of count defining the number of doses (dose: a definite quantity of a medicine or drug). | | x | x | x | |
E34 | Gigabyte | Gigabyte | A unit of information equal to 109 bytes. | | x | x | x | |
E35 | Terabyte | Terabyte | A unit of information equal to 10¹² bytes. | | x | x | x | |
E37 | Pixel | Pixel | A unit of count defining the number of pixels (pixel: picture element). | | x | x | x | |
E39 | Punkte pro Zoll | Dots per inch | A unit of count defining the number of dots per linear inch as a measure of the resolution or sharpness of a graphic image. | | x | x | x | |
E55 | Gebrauchseinheiten | Use | A unit of count defining the number of times an object is used. | | x | x | x | |
EA | Eines | Each | A unit of count defining the number of items regarded as separate units. | | x | x | x | |
GL | Gramm pro Liter | Gram Per Litre | A unit of measurement of mass concentration that shows how many grams of a certain substance are present in one litre. | | x | x | x | |
GRM | Gramm | Gram | A gram is defined as one one-thousandth of the kilogram (1×10-3 kg). | | x | x | x | |
H87 | Stück | Piece | A unit of count defining the number of pieces (piece: a single item, article or exemplar). | | x | x | x | |
HLT | Hektoliter | Hectolitre | A hectolitre is one hundred (100) litres. | | x | x | x | |
HUR | Stunde | Hour | An hour is a unit of measurement of time of the duration of 60 minutes, or 3600 seconds. It is 1/24 of a median Earth day. | | x | x | x | |
KGM | Kilogramm | Kilogram | A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams. | | x | x | x | |
KJO | Kilojoule | Kilojoule | A kilojoule is 1000 joules | | x | x | x | |
KMT | Kilometer | Kilometre | A kilometre is one thousand (1000) metres | | x | x | x | |
KT | Kit (Bausatz oder Set aus mehreren Komponenten) | Kit | A unit of count defining the number of kits (kit: tub, barrel or pail). | | x | x | x | |
LTR | Liter | Litre | A litre is defined as a special name for a cubic decimetre (1 L = 1 dm3 = 103 cm3). | | x | x | x | |
L/min | Liter pro Minute | Litre per minute | Litre per minute [L/min] (Unified code) | | x | x | x | |
MC | Mikrogramm | Microgram | A microgram is one millionth of a gram (0.000001) | | x | x | x | |
MGM | Milligramm | Milligram | A milligram is one thousandth of a gram (0.001) | | x | x | x | |
MIN | Minute (Zeiteinheit) | Minute (unit of time) | A minute is a unit of time equal to 1/60th of an hour or 60 seconds | | x | x | x | |
MLT | Milliliter | Millilitre | A millilitre is one thousandth of a litre (0.001) | | x | x | x | |
MMK | Quadratmillimeter | Square millimetre | A square millimetre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 millimetre in length. | | x | x | x | |
MMQ | Kubikmillimeter | Cubic millimetre | A cubic millimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one milliimetre (0.001 m) | | x | x | x | |
MMT | Millimeter | Millimetre | A millimetre is one thousandth of a metre (0.001) | | x | x | x | |
MON | Monat | Month | Unit of time equal to 1/12 of a year of 365,25 days | | x | x | x | |
MPN | Wahrscheinlichste Anzahl | Most Probable Number | Most Probable Number: is a method of getting quantitative data on concentrations of discrete items from positive/negative (incidence) data.. | | x | x | x | |
MTK | Quadratmeter | Square metre | A square metre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 metre in length. | | x | x | x | |
MTQ | Kubikmeter | Cubic metre | A cubic metre is the volume of a cube of side length one metre. | | x | x | x | |
MTR | Meter | Metre | The metre is the basic unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). | | x | x | x | |
PR | Paar | Pair | A unit of count defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's). | | x | x | x | |
PTN | Portion | Portion | Portion | | x | x | x | |
Q30 | ph-Wert | ph-value | ph-Wert | | x | x | x | |
SEC | Sekunde (Zeiteinheit) | Second (unit of time) | A second is a unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minute. | | x | x | x | |
SET | Set (eine Anzahl zusammengefasster Komponenten) | Set | A unit of count defining the number of sets (set: a number of objects grouped together). | | x | x | x | |
TNE | Tonne (metrische Tonne) | Tonne | Metric ton = 1000 Kg | | x | x | x | |
U2 | Tablette | Tablet | A unit of count defining the number of tablets (tablet: a small flat or compressed solid object). | | x | x | x | |
WEE | Woche | Week | A week is a time unit equal to seven days. | | x | x | x | |
X_PPC | Pixel pro Zentimeter | Pixel per centimetre | A unit of count defining the number of pixels per linear centimetre as a measurement of the resolution of devices in various contexts; typically computer displays, image scanners or digital camera image sensors. | | x | x | x | |
X_PPI | Pixel pro Zoll | Pixel per inch | A unit of count defining the number of pixels per linear inch (PPI) as a measurement of the resolution of devices in various contexts; typically computer displays, image scanners or digital camera image sensors. | | x | x | x | |
XRO | Rolle | Roll | A unit of count defining the number of rolls where Roll is the name of the code value in UN/ECE Recommendation 21, pluralized as appropriate. | | x | x | x | |