

CodeList: OrganicClaimAgencyCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
1EPA - US Environmental Protection Agency (Umweltschutzbehörde)EPA - US Environmental Protection AgencyEPA – US Environmental Protection Agencyxxx
10Demeter-BundDemeter-BundDemeter-Bund - The Demeter movement as an entrepreneurial network promotes the development of bio-dynamic economy, to secure the livelihoods of the world and to strengthen the positive people in his ministry. In cooperation contribute producers, processors, traders and consumers in partnership to shape the market.xxx
11GÄA (Deutschland)GÄA (Germany)GÄA - Gäa is a diverse farming association for farmers, processors and traders inside.Focal point is Germany. Gäa is a special design for the structure of the organic farming. Biokreis- The Biokreis is an association for organic farming. Currently more than 800 farms, 80 and 200 processors, consumers are members of Biokreis, committed to working together on more than 33,000 for organic and sustainable farming.xxx
12Naturland (weltweit)Naturland (world wide)Naturland - Naturland is active the world over in promoting organic agriculture. Its members are farmers who produce a wide range of valuable products: coffee from Mexico and Peru, olive oil from Greece, tea from the slopes of India’s mountains, pineapple and other tropical fruit from Uganda, spices from Sri Lanka. Organic agriculture safeguards the existence of smallholders and helps with the sustainable management of what are often fragile ecosystems. On a global scale, over 50,000 Naturland farmers are cultivating an area of over 142,000 hectares.xxx
13Biopark (Deutschland)Biopark (Germany)Biopark - Biopark is an organic farmers’ association based in the North of Germany, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommerania.xxx
14ECOVIN - (ökologischer Weinbau, Deutschland)ECOVIN - Organic Viticulture, GermanyEcovin - ECOVIN Federation Organic Viticulture Association: ECOVIN largest merger in 1985 as ecologically-working wine estates in Germany was founded. Approximately 220 member companies currently manage 1,600 hectares of vineyards in 11 German wine-growing areas.xxx
15IFOAM - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (Internationaler Zusammenschluss der Bewegung der ökologischen Landwirtschaft) - (Code wird gelöscht - Nicht mehr benutzen!)IFOAM - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements - (Do not use - Code will be deleted!)IFOAM - The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) is a grassroots and democratic organization that currently unites 750 member organizations in 116 countries. Note: this value will be deleted in the future and should not be used.xxx
16Demeter InternationalDemeter InternationalDemeter International Demeter-International e. V. is a non profit organisation and its member organisations work together in the spirit of an international confederation with democratic principles. Membership requires a functioning Demeter certification programme.xxx
17Bioland - Führende Organisation für ökologischen Landbau in DeutschlandBioland - Leading organic farmers association in GermanyBioland: The leading organic farmers' association in Germany for the economy of organic-based businesses without synthetic pesticides and synthetic chemical nitrogen fertilizer. The animals are kept humanely and processed food carefully. This provides an environmentally sound and sustainable food production. http://www.bioland.de.xxx
19QCS - Quality Certification Services (Qualitätszertifizierung) - (Code wird gelöscht - Nicht mehr benutzen!)QCS - Quality Certification Services - (Do not use - Code will be deleted!)Quality Certification Services. Note: this value will be deleted in the future and should not be used.xxx
2FSA - UK Food Standards AgencyFSA - UK Food Standards AgencyFSA – UK Food Standards Agencyxxx
20WSDA - Washington State Dept. of Agriculture (Landwirtschaft) - (Code wird gelöscht - Nicht mehr benutzen!)WSDA - Washington State Dept. of Agriculture - (Do not use - Code will be deleted!)Washington State Dept. of Agriculture. Note: this value will be deleted in the future and should not be used.xxx
21CFIA - Canada Organic Regime (ökologische Landwirtschaft in Kanada)CFIA - Canada Organic RegimeThe Canada Organic Regime is the Government of Canada's response to requests by the organic sector and consumers to develop a regulated system for organic agricultural products. The Organic Products Regulations define specific requirements for organic products to be labelled as organic or that bear the Canada Organic logo. URL: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/organic-products/labelling-and-general-information/certified-choice/eng/1328082717777/1328082783032xxx
22Europäische Union KommissionEU CommissionThe European Union Commission.xxx
23OISCC - Organic Industry Standards and Certification Council (australischer nationaler Standard für ökologische und biodynamische Erzeugnisse)OISCC - Organic Industry Standards and Certification Council (Australian National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce)OISCC - The Organic Industry Standards and Certification Council maintains the Australian National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce, to ensure continued consumer confidence and International market access.xxx
24ACO - Australian Certified Organic (Australien's größter Zertifizierer für ökologische und biodyn. Erzeugnisse)ACO - Australian Certified OrganicACO - Australian Certified Organic is Australia’s largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 1500 operators within its certification system. ACO is a not for profit fully-owned subsidiary of Australia Organic Ltd.xxx
25NASAA - National Association for Sustainable Agriculture (Verband für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Australien)NASAA - National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, AustraliaNASAA Certified Organic (NCO) is a fully-owned subsidiary of The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia who provides the certification services.xxx
26OFC - Organic Food ChainOFC - Organic Food ChainOFC - The Organic Food Chain provides certification services in accordance with the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce and other international organic certification standards.xxx
27AUS-QUAL Zertifizierungsorganisation für Landwirtschaft, Gartenbau und Lebensmittelverarbeitungsindustrie, Australien und NeuseelandAUS-QUAL certification body for Australian and New Zealand agricultural, horticultural and secondary secondary processing sectorsAUS-QUAL is a certification body accredited by JAS-ANZ, providing conformity assessment services for quality management and food safety (HACCP) management systems, as well as Product Cortication Systems for the wider Australian and New Zealand agricultural, horticultural and secondary processing sectors.xxx
28BDRI - Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (DEMETER Australia)BDRI - Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (DEMETER Australien)The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute, founded in 1957, is involved in research and practical development of the Australian DEMETER Bio-Dynamic Method of Agriculture. In 1967 it was vested with the rights and supervision of the DEMETER Trademark in Australia. Part of this role is the certification of DEMETER quality products.xxx
29SFQ - Safe Food Production Queensland (Sichere Lebensmittel in Queensland)SFQ - Safe Food Production QueenslandSafe Food Production Queensland works in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and Queensland Health (QH) across the entire food chain, to ensure Queensland's food supply is safe.xxx
3FDA - US Food and Drug AgencyFDA - US Food and Drug AgencyFDA – US Food and Drug Agencyxxx
30DVFA - Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (beim dänischen Ministerium für Umwelt und Lebensmittel)DVFA - Danish Veterinary and Food AdministrationThe Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) is part of the Ministry of Environment and Food. DVFA is responsible for food safety and health from farm to fork and maintains a list of Danish food companies, aquacultural farms etc. subject to organic inspection. Only authorities under the Ministry of Environment and Food carry out inspection under the government rules for organic production. The Danish AgriFish Agency inspects ​the primary production, while the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) inspects food companies.xxx
31Ökohöfe - Ökologischer Anbau in der Magdeburger Börde, DeutschlandÖkohöfe - Organic cultivation association in the Magdeburg Börde, GermanyVerbund Ökohöfe e.V. is an organic cultivation association based in Wanzleben in the Magdeburg Börde regionxxx
32Bayerisches Bio-Siegel des bayrischen Landwirtschafts- und ForstministeriumsBayerisches Bio-Siegel - The biolabel of the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and ForestryThe biolabel of the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry meets the wish of consumers for a high quality of organic products and traceable origin. Only those products whose organic quality standards extend far beyond the statutory regulations and originate from the stated regions are permitted to bear this quality seal. Try out convincing organic products yourself, safe in the knowledge of their place of origin.xxx
33Bio Baden-Württemberg, DeutschlandBio Baden-Württemberg, GermanyThe products marked with the bio-symbol Baden-Württemberg are regional organic foods with traceable origin. The use or labelling is based on the ecological standards of the EC eco-regulation supplemented by the requirement that the products have to be produced in fully converted farms and partly also to the stricter requirements of the ecological cultivation associationsxxx
34Stichting EKO keurmerk - Stiftung EKO-PrüfsiegelStichting EKO keurmerk - EKO Certification FoundationThe EKO Certification Foundation is an independent private foundation established in 2012. The foundation has no profit objective. The EKO label for foods has been around for 30 years, and most people know as a hallmark for organic foods. The EKO certificate has been the owner of this collective mark. With the advent of the European Ecolabel (the green leaf with the asterisks), EKO has been given the opportunity to develop further. Producers should be in addition to biologically certified, also carry out additional efforts in the area of ​​sustainability.xxx
4IFOA - International Foundation for Organic AgricultureIFOA - International Foundation for Organic AgricultureInternational Foundation for Organic Agriculturexxx
5BFA - Biological Farmers of AustraliaBFA - Biological Farmers of AustraliaBFA - Biological Farmers of Australiaxxx
6USDA - US Department of AgricultureUSDA - US Department of AgricultureUSDA- US Department of Agriculturexxx
7QAI - Quality Assurance International - (Code wird gelöscht - Nicht mehr benutzen!)QAI - Quality Assurance International - (Do not use - Code will be deleted!)Quality Assurance International www.qai-inc.com QAI is a leading USDA-accredited organic product certifying agency. Note: this value will be deleted in the future and should not be used.xxx
8Südtirol Bioland - (Code wird gelöscht - Nicht mehr benutzen!)Südtirol Bioland (South Tyrol) - (Do not use - Code will be deleted!)Südtirol Bioland - Bioland Association of South Tyrol The Association of South Tyrol is the largest organic association for organic farmers having to farmers in South Tyrol and the only active in association with a national association office Terlan. Note: this value will be deleted in the future and should not be used.xxx
9EcolandEcolandEcoland - Ecoland is a membership organisation whose members elect a governing Board which is responsible for the design and implementation of the organic certification system.xxx
999Nicht spezifiziertUnspecified AgencyUnspecified Agencyxxx