EU_AGRICULTURE | EU Landwirtschaft - Alle Rohmaterialien in der EU angebaut | EU Agriculture - All raw materials farmed in the EU | The agricultural raw material has been farmed in the EU, | | x | x | x | |
EU_OR_NON_EU_AGRICULTURE | EU/Nicht-EU Landwirtschaft - Teile der Rohmaterialien werden in der EU, Teile in Drittländern angebaut | EU/non-EU Agriculture - Part of raw materials are farmed in the EU, and part in third countries | Part of the agricultural raw materials has been farmed in the Community and a part of it has been farmed in a third country. | | x | x | x | |
FARMING_COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN | Herkunftsland-Landwirtschaft - Alles Rohmaterial in einem Land erzeugt, das - zusammen mit dem produktrelevanten Aktivitätscode FARMING - angegeben werden sollte | Country of Origin-Farming - All raw materials farmed in a single country which should be indicated together with productActivityTypeCode=FARMING | All agricultural raw materials of which the product is composed have been farmed in a single country. It is recommended you populate the productActivityTypeCode=FARMING with the proper country of origin. | | x | x | x | |
NON_EU_AGRICULTURE | Nicht-EU Landwirtschaft - Alle Rohmaterialien in Drittländern angebaut | Non-EU Agriculture - All raw materials farmed in third countries | The agricultural raw material has been farmed in third countries, | | x | x | x | |