BASE | Unterteil, Fuß, Sockel, vertikale Standhilfe | Base to stand up vertically | A general term applied to the support or pedestal of an object. | | x | x | x | |
BEAM | Balken, Träger | Beams | Long sturdy piece of squared timber or metal used in house-building etc. | | x | x | x | |
BREAKABLE_SEAL | Bruchsiegel | Breakable seal | - | | x | x | x | |
BUNG_SEAL | Pfropfen, Stöpsel, Verschluss | Bungs seal | A bung is an apparatus used to seal a container, such as a bottle, barrel or tube. A bung is partially inserted inside the container to act as a seal. | | x | x | x | |
BUTTERFLY_TAP | Butterfly Tap (Schmetterlingshahn für Bag-in-Box-Verpackung) | Butterfly Tap | Tap for Bag in box. Lifted for function. | | x | x | x | |
CAN_END_360 | Dosendeckel 360 | Can End 360 | A seal on a e.g. aluminium can where the entire lid can be removed. | | x | x | x | |
CAP | Deckel, Verschluss | Cap | A cap that seals a bottle or other form of packaging. | | x | x | x | |
CARRIER | Träger | Carriers | A device of various types attached to or hung from trolleys to support the load. | | x | x | x | |
CHAMPAGNE_CORK_NATURAL | Champagnerkorken und Käfig - Natural | Champagne cork and cage - natural | Known as a muselet, a wire cage that fits over the cork of a bottle of champagne, sparkling wine or beer to prevent the cork from emerging under the pressure of the carbonated contents. Made of natural materials. | | x | x | x | |
CHAMPAGNE_CORK_SYNTHETIC | Champagnerkorken und Käfig - Synthetisch | Champagne cork and cage - Synthetic | Known as a muselet, a wire cage that fits over the cork of a bottle of champagne, sparkling wine or beer to prevent the cork from emerging under the pressure of the carbonated contents. Made of synthetic materials. | | x | x | x | |
CONSUMPTION_UTENSIL | Verzehrhilfe (Strohhalm, Löffel) | Consumption Utensil (straw, spoon) | An item which allows the user to extract and/or consume the content of a container or product (straws, spoons, ice cream stick). | | x | x | x | |
CORE | Rollenkern, röhrenförmig | Core - tubular shape | A tubular shape around which flexible material such as plastic film or paper are wound for purposes of transport and handling. | | x | x | x | |
CORK_AGGLOMERATE | Korkagglomerat - Korkzylinder aus natürlichem Korkgranulat und synthetischen oder natürlichen Bindungsagentien | Cork agglomerate - Cork cylinder made of natural cork granules with synthetic or natural binding agents | Cork cylinders made of natural cork granules which have been joined together using synthetic or natural binding agents that are moulded into shape. | | x | x | x | |
CORK_ALTERNATIVE | Kork Alternative - Korkzylinder aus natürlichem Korkgranulat kombiniert mit 'Food Grade' Polymeren, Harzen und Bindungsagentien | Cork alternative - Cork cylinder made of natural cork granules combined with food grade polymers, resins and binding agents | Cork cylinders made of natural cork granules combined with food grade polymers, resins and binding agents that are moulded into shape. | | x | x | x | |
CORK_STOPPER | Korkstopfen | Cork Stopper | Reclosable cork with top. Opened by hand. | | x | x | x | |
COUPLING_A | A-Coupler (Verbindungsstück für Brauereifass, Typ A) | A-coupler | Coupling to brewery barrel, type A. | | x | x | x | |
COUPLING_D | D-Coupler (Verbindungsstück für Brauereifass, Typ D) | D-coupler | Coupling to brewery barrel, type D. | | x | x | x | |
COUPLING_G | G-Coupler (Verbindungsstück für Brauereifass, Typ G) | G-coupler | Coupling to brewery barrel, type G. | | x | x | x | |
COUPLING_KEY_K | Key k-Coupler (Verbindungsstück für kleines Fass, Typ KeyKeg) | Key k-coupler | Coupling to a barrel, type key keg. | | x | x | x | |
COUPLING_M | M-Coupler (Verbindungsstück für Brauereifass, Typ M) | M-coupler | Coupling to brewery barrel, type M. | | x | x | x | |
COUPLING_S | S-Coupler (Verbindungsstück für Brauereifass, Typ S) | S-coupler | Coupling to brewery barrel, type S. | | x | x | x | |
COUPLING_S3 | S3-Coupler (Verbindungsstück für Brauereifass, Typ S3) | S3-coupler | Coupling to brewery barrel, type S3. | | x | x | x | |
COUPLING_U | U-Coupler (Verbindungsstück für Brauereifass, Typ U) | U-coupler | Coupling to brewery barrel, type U. | | x | x | x | |
CREEL | Gatter, Gestell, Reck | Creel | A creel is a device for holding the required number of roving spools or other supply packages of reinforcement fibers for Fiber Reinforced Plastics manufacturing. This device holds the rovings in the desired position for unwinding in continuous processes like Pultrusion and Filament Winding. | | x | x | x | |
CROWN_CAP | Kronenkorken | Crown Cap | Closure of, e.g. glass bottles that need tools to open | | x | x | x | |
CROWN_RING_PULL | Kronen-Ringzug | Crown ring pull | Ring pull main feature is the easy to open mechanism being metal or plastic ring attached to the crown and lying flatly (parallel) to bottle neck. One opens the crown by pulling the ring and taking off the crown from the bottle mouth. No opening tool as bottle opener is required. A crown ring pull bottle cap is usually made of aluminium | | x | x | x | |
EDGE_PROTECTION | Eckenverstärkung, -schutz | Edge Protection | A right-angle piece placed over the outermost perimeter edges of a container to distribute pressure and prevent collapse or cutting from banding, strapping, or handling. | | x | x | x | |
FLAP | Lasche | Flap | A piece of material, hinged or attached only on one side, that covers an opening or hangs down from the packaging. | | x | x | x | |
GLASS_CORK | Glaskorken | Glass Cork | Cork made of glass. Opened by hand. | | x | x | x | |
HANDLE | Traggriffe, Henkel | Handles | A grip attached to an object for using or moving the object, usually with the hands. | | x | x | x | |
INDUCTION_SEAL | Induktionsversiegelung | Induction seal | - | | x | x | x | |
INNER_CONTAINER | Innenbehälter | Inner containers | Any container inside an outer container used to pack or transport e.g. dairy or meat products. | | x | x | x | |
INTEGRATED_TAP_BREWERY_BARREL | Zapfhahn ist integriert in das Brauereifass | Integrated tap to brewery barrel | The tap is integrated into the barrel, therefore does not require a coupling connector. | | x | x | x | |
INTERNAL_DIVIDER | Innere Trennwände, Innenraumteiler | Internal Dividers | An internal divider is an object, either flat or custom-shaped, used to separate the content of a container or to prevent the content from mixing. | | x | x | x | |
LABEL | Etikett, Schild, Label | Label | A label is a piece of paper, polymer, cloth, metal, or other material affixed to a container or article (or printed directly upon it), which usually carries information about the article to which it has been attached. | | x | x | x | |
LBR | Laserbranding | Laser Branded | The product has not a physical packaging, but is directly laser marked in the product skin. | | x | x | x | |
LID | Deckel | Lid | In packaging, the top or bottom of a container, usually the part that closes the opening; may also be known as cap, over, or top | | x | x | x | |
LINER | Innenverkleidung, Futter | Inner Coating or liners | An internal chamber within a container which separates the content of the container from the walls. Inner liners provide additional isolation and protection to the content of a container. Sometimes coatings of certain materials may be applied as an alternative to inner liners. | | x | x | x | |
LOE | Große Dosenöffnung mit Öffnungslasche (für Aluminiumdosen) | Large Opening End (LOE) - most common seal of aluminium cans | A metal lid closure scored and has a tab when pulled, opens the container without dislodging the closure. The most common seal of aluminium can. | | x | x | x | |
LSST | Blitzstopfen, wiederverschließbarer Plastik- oder Keramikstopfen mit Drahtbügel v.a. für Flaschen | Lightning stopper swing-top (LSST) | The LSST is a pin with a spring and a toggle lever principle, usually made of porcelain or plastic, with a sealing ring, mainly for closing bottles. Opening and closing can be done by hand as often as desired and does not require any aid such as a bottle opener. Also known as a flip-top. | | x | x | x | |
LUG | Vertiefung oder Erhebung auf der Flaschenoberfläche zur Orientierung z.B. bei Dekoration oder Etikettierung | Lug (on the bottle surface, indexing means for operations such as multi-pass decoration or labeling) | A small indentation or raised portion on the surface of a bottle, provided as an indexing means for operations such as multi-pass decoration or labeling. | | x | x | x | |
MICROWAVE_SUITABLE | Für die Mikrowelle geeignet | Microwave Suitable | Product packaging suitable for its use in a microwave oven. | | x | x | x | |
NATURAL_CORK | Korken ((aus der Borke der Korkeiche) | Natural cork (from bark of cork oak tree) | Cork of natural materials. Need tools to open New definition: Cork made of natural cork. Cork is the outer bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber L.). | | x | x | x | |
NESTING_EDGE | Schachtelecken zum Ineinanderstapeln der Ware | Nesting Edges | Edges which allow items of the same size to be partially stacked within one another in any direction thus reducing the space required in order to stack them. | | x | x | x | |
OTHER | Andere | Other | The value needed is not listed or is not defined within this list’s individual code values and definitions. Please send a work request into GS1 or your solution provider requesting the code you are searching for. | | x | x | x | |
PEEL_OFF_FOIL_LID | Abziehbarer Schutzmanschette aus Folie - bei kommerziell verkorkten Weinflaschen | Peel-off foil lid - Protective sleeve covering the top of commercially corked wine | Protective sleeve called a foil (commonly referred to as a "capsule") covering the top of commercially corked wine and protecting the cork. | | x | x | x | |
PEG | Aufhängestift, -stab | Pegs | A fastener which allows a product to be hanged. | | x | x | x | |
PLANT_BASED_CORK | Pflanzenbasierter Kork (biobasiert) | Plant-based cork (Bio-based) | Cork made of plant-based materials. Also known as Bio-based cork. | | x | x | x | |
PLASTIC_SCREW_CAP_WITH_BASE | Kunststoffschraubverschluss mit Sockel | Plastic screw cap with base | These are plastic screw caps that also have a plastic base that is attached to the packaging. This system is attached to laminated cartons, brick packaging, etc. Some of the caps perforate the carton or base to allow liquids to flow. | | x | x | x | |
PULL_OFF_TAB | Abziehhülle | Pull-off tab | A flexible cover which can be easily removed in order to open a container. | | x | x | x | |
PUSH_TAP | Schütthahn zum Aufdrücken (für Bag-in-Box-Verpackung) | Push Tap | Tap for Bag in box. Press for function. | | x | x | x | |
RING_HOLDER | Ringhalter | Ring-Holders | A hollow circular band of material wound around itself. | | x | x | x | |
RIVET | Nieten | Rivets | A permanent fastener which consists of a cylindrical shaft with a head on one end and tail which is deformed to fixate the rivet in place. | | x | x | x | |
SCREW_CAP | Schraubverschluss | Screw Cap | Reclosable screw cap usually on e.g. PET bottles, wine bottles. Unscrewed by hand. | | x | x | x | |
SCREW_CAP_METAL | Schraubverschlussdeckel aus Metall, meist mit Metallmanschette | Metal screw cap, generally with a metal sleeve down the neck | Metal cap that screws onto threads on the neck of a bottle, generally with a metal sleeve down the neck to resemble the traditional wine capsule ("foil"). | | x | x | x | |
SCREW_CAP_PLASTIC | Schraubverschlussdeckel aus Plastik, meist mit Plastikmanschette | Plastic screw cap, generally with a plastic sleeve down the neck | Plastic cap that screws onto threads on the neck of a bottle, generally with a plastic sleeve down the neck to resemble the traditional wine capsule ("foil"). | | x | x | x | |
SCREW_TAP | Schütthahn zum Aufschrauben (für Bag-in-Box-Verpackung) | Screw Tap | Tap for Bag in box. Screwed for function. | | x | x | x | |
SHRINK_BAND_SEAL | Schrumpfbandversiegelung | Shrink band seal | - | | x | x | x | |
SLEEVE | Ärmel, Stulpe, Manschette | Sleeve | A tubular form, open at both ends, that is slipped over an item or package. | | x | x | x | |
SPIGOT_PLASTIC | Stutzen/Zapfhahn aus Plastik zum Zapfen und Ausschenken von Flüssigkeiten aus Behältern (Fässer etc.) | Spigot made of plastic for lifting and pouring of container liquids | A small peg, plug or tap made of plastic, especially for insertion into the vent of a cask. | | x | x | x | |
SPIGOT_STEEL | Stutzen/Zapfhahn aus Stahl zum Zapfen und Ausschenken von Flüssigkeiten aus Behältern (Fässer etc.) | Spigot made of steel for lifting and pouring of container liquids | A small peg, plug or tap made of steel, especially for insertion into the vent of a cask. | | x | x | x | |
SPOUT | Tülle, Ausguss | Spout | A spout is a protruding edge which allows the pouring of liquids contained within a container. | | x | x | x | |
STICKER_SEAL | Klebesiegel | Sticker seal | - | | x | x | x | |
SYNTHETIC_CORK | Synthetischer Korken | Synthetic Cork | Synthetic cork. Need tools to open | | x | x | x | |
TAG | Anhänger | Tags | A hanging card made of any material which is used to identify or provide additional information of a product. | | x | x | x | |
TWIST_OFF_CAP | Twist off Kronenverschluss | Twist off Cap | Twist off crown cap that can be screwed off by hand. Can be used on e.g. beer. | | x | x | x | |
WICKER_OUTER_CONTAINER | Außenbehälter aus Korbgeflecht | Wicker Outer Container | An outer container made of wicker which is fitted to the bottle usually a little less than half way up from the bottom of the bottle and is used to hold, hang or support the bottle. | | x | x | x | |
WRAP | Hülle, Umwicklung | Wrap | A layer of any material which completely enclose a product. A wrap can have many purposes, from providing additional protection to an item to serving as a gift-wrap. | | x | x | x | |