

CodeList: PackagingMarkedDietAllergenCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
APPROVED_BY_ASTHMA_AND_ALLERGY_ASSOCVon Asthma- und Allergie-Gesellschaften zugelassenApproved by Asthma and Allergy AssociationDefinitions made by the asthma and allergist association.xxx
APPROVED_FOR_TUBE_FEEDINGFür Magensonden zugelassenApproved for Tube FeedingThe item is physically marked that it is approved for tube feeding by the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
BIOLOGICALBiologischer Artikel (Biodynamisch)Biological item (organic)Indicates the product has been marked as a biological item which indicates a food product that was produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin, without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics or pesticides.xxx
CALORIES_PER_PORTIONKalorienangabe pro PortionCalories per portionIndicates the product has a marking with the calories per portion contained in to the product.xxx
COELIACGeeignet für ZöliakieSuitable for Coeliac diseaseIndicates that the diet is suitable for those with Coeliac disease.xxx
CONTAINS_LATEXEnthält LatexContains LatexThe item is physically marked as containing Latex (rubber).xxx
CONTAINS_PVCEnthält PVCContains PVCThe item is physically marked as containing PVC (Polyvinyl chloride). Phthalate content is unspecified.xxx
CONTAINS_PVC_WITH_PHTHALATESEnthält PVC mit PhthalatenContains PVC with PhthalatesThe item is physically marked as containing PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) with phthalates.xxx
CONTAINS_PVC_WITHOUT_PHTHALATESEnthält PVC ohne PhthalateContains PVC without PhthalatesThe item is physically marked as containing PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) without phthalates.xxx
FOOD_WITH_VERY_LOW_ENERGY_CONTENTSehr niedriger EnergiegehaltVery low energy contentThe item is physically marked that it is approved as containing a very low energy content by the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
HALALHalal - Entspricht den islamischen rituellen SpeisegesetzenHalal - Complies with Islamic ritual dietary lawsIndicates the product has been marked as Halal which denotes selling or serving food ritually fit according to Islamic dietary laws.xxx
INFANT_FORMULASäuglingsanfangsnahrungInfant formulaThe item is physically marked that it is approved as infant formula by the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
KOSHERKosher - Entspricht den jüdischen rituellen SpeisegesetzenKosher - Complies with Jewish ritual dietary lawsIndicates the product has been marked as Kosher which denotes selling or serving food ritually fit according to Jewish dietary laws.xxx
LACTASE_ENZYMELaktase-EnzymLactase EnzymeThe item is physically marked that it is approved as lactase enzyme by the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
LOW_ON_PHENYLALANINEGeringer Phenylalanin-GehaltLow on PhenylalanineThe item is physically marked as containing a low level of phenylalanine as approved by the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
LOW_ON_SUGARGeringer ZuckergehaltLow on SugarThe item is physically marked as containing a low level of sugar as approved by the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
MEAL_REPLACEMENT_FOR_WEIGHT_CONTROLMahlzeitenersatz zur GewichtskontrolleMeal replacement for weight controlMeal replacement for weight control.xxx
MOTHERS_MILK_SUBSTITUTEMuttermilchersatzMothers Milk SubstituteThe item is physically marked that it is approved as substitute mother's milk the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
NUTRITION_SUPPLEMENTNahrungsergänzungNutrition SupplementThe item is physically marked that it is approved as nutrition supplement by the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
TOTAL_DIET_REPLACEMENT_FOR_WEIGHT_CONTROLVollständige Ersatzdiät zur GewichtskontrolleTotal diet replacement for weight controlThe item is physically marked that it is approved as total diet replacement for weight control by the appropriate authority of the target market.xxx
VEGANVegan - Ohne Milchprodukte und andere tierische InhaltsstoffeVegan - Contains no dairy or other animal ingredientsIndicates the product has been marked as vegan, and indicates that the product is free of animal products: no meat, milk, eggs, wool, leather, and so forth.xxx
VEGETARIANVegetarischVegetarianIndicates the product has been marked as vegetarian which denotes a product that contains no meat, fish or other animal products.xxx