100_PERCENT_CANADIAN_MILK | 100 PERCENT CANADIAN MILK (kanadische Milch) | 100 PERCENT CANADIAN MILK or Dairy | The use of a "100% Canadian Milk" or "100% Canadian Dairy" claim, with or without logos, vignettes etc., when used on dairy products, indicates all of the dairy ingredients in the product are derived from Canadian sources. | | x | x | x | |
100_PERCENT_VEGANSKT | 100% Veganskt (Vegan) - Zertifiziert durch Djurens rätt (Animal rights) | 100% Veganskt (vegan) - Certified by Djurens rätt (Animal rights) | 100% Veganskt (Vegan) is certified by Djurens rätt (Animal rights) and shows that the product does not contain animal ingredients. | | x | x | x | |
3PMSF | Three-peak mountain snowflake (3PMSF) - Symbol für schneetaugliche Reifen (UNECE Regulation 117, (EC) 661/2009) | Three-peak mountain snowflake (3PMSF) symbol - Tire with snow performance (UNECE Regulation 117, (EC) 661/2009) | A three-peak mountain snowflake (3PMSF) symbol branded on a tire's sidewall indicates the tire meets required performance criteria in snow testing to be considered severe snow service-rated. Originally used as a designation for winter tires, the 3PMSF symbol is now featured on some all-season and all-terrain tires with snow performance that meets the testing criteria. (UNECE Regulation 117, (EC) 661/2009) | | x | x | x | |
ACMI | ACMI-zertifiziert (Künsterlbedarf z.B. für Kinder) (ungiftig, AP, oder mit Warnhinweisen versehen, CL) | ACMI-certified (art materials e.g. for children) (non-toxic, AP, or cautionary labeling, CL) | Art And Creative Materials Institute, Inc. | | x | x | x | |
ADCCPA | ADCCPA - Zertifizierung für Konformität bei Lebensmittelprodukten, CQ - Certified Product Logo | ADCCPA - Food product conformity certification, manages the CQ - Certified Product logo | The ADCCPA is a non-profit association established in 1995, for the development of food product conformity certification. It manages the "CQ - Certified Product" logo, identifying the Product Conformance Certification (CCP) approach. | | x | x | x | |
AFIA_PET_FOOD_FACILITY | AFIA PET FOOD Facility Zertifizierung -Amerikanische Futterindustrie | AFIA PET FOOD Facility Certification - American Feed Industry | AFIA Pet Food Ingredient Facility Certification Program is launched by the American Feed Industry Association and administered by the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI). The program builds upon the domestic Safe Feed/Safe Food program, but is designed to meet the safety issues specifically related to the manufacturing of pet food. | | x | x | x | |
AGENCE_BIO | AGENCE BIO (biologische Landwirtschaft in Frankreich) | AGENCE BIO (organic agriculture in France) | The BIO Agency is a public interest group whose mission is to develop and promote organic agriculture. | | x | x | x | |
AGRI_CONFIANCE | AGRI Confiance Zertifizierung - Kooperative von Produzenten für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft (Frankreich) | AGRI Confiance certification - Producer cooperative for a sustainable agriculture (France) | Where do the food products come from? How and by whom are they produced? Are they respectful of the environment? It is to answer all these questions that Agri Confiance® was created in 1992. A collective approach of the producers organized in cooperative, engaged for a sustainable agriculture and for each one of us. A controlled engagement. An ambition. A movement. For there to be trust between us. | | x | x | x | |
AGRI_NATURA | Agri Natura - Zertifizierung für Fleisch aus integrierter Produktion | Agri Natura - Certification for meat out of integrated production | Certification for meat out of integrated production based on principles of IP-Suisse. Label owned by Ernst Sutter AG. | | x | x | x | |
AGRICULTURE_BIOLOGIQUE | Agriculture Biologique - Frankreichs nationales Logo für biologisch/ökologische Produkte | Agriculture Biologique - French national logo for organic products | France's national logo for organic products since 1985. Organic products carrying the logo must contain more than 95 percent organic components and be produced or processed within the EU, and were certified by one of the inspection bodies accredited according to EN 45011. | | x | x | x | |
AHAM | Zertifizierung und Standard für Luftfilter, Luftreiniger, z.B. Luftbefeuchter (AHAM) | Air cleaner performance standard, e.g. humidifiers (AHAM) | The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) is an organization that verifies the volume, energy and in some cases, performance, of many common household appliances. Since 1967, we've used outside laboratories to test products, and today you'll find the AHAM Verified Mark on all products included in our program – making comparing products easier for you | | x | x | x | |
AISE | AISE (Nachhaltigkeit in der Reinigungsmittelindustrie in Europa) | AISE (Sustainability in cleaning industry in Europe) | A.I.S.E., the international Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products is the official representative body of this industry in Europe. | | x | x | x | |
AISE_2005 | AISE Charter 2005 (Nachhaltigkeit in der Reinigungsmittelindustrie in Europa) | AISE Charter 2005 (Sustainability in cleaning industry in Europe) | A.I.S.E. Charter Version 2005. The International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products: This Charter logo on a product means that the company placing this product on the market is committed to the industry Charter for Sustainable Cleaning, and that the company has successfully complied with the Charter Sustainability Procedures. Consumers and professional users who see this logo on a product can be assured that the company making this product is voluntarily committed to delivering continual improvements in safety, environmental friendliness and other key aspects of sustainability. Only those companies that have signed up to the Charter, and meet the licensing conditions, are permitted to use it. | | x | x | x | |
AISE_2010 | AISE Charter Update 2010 (Nachhaltigkei in der Reinigungsmittelindustrie in Europa) | AISE Charter Update 2010 (Sustainability in cleaning industry in Europe) | A.I.S.E. Charter Version 2010. The International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products This logo will certify that the company which manufactured the product is following Charter update 2010 sustainability principles. | | x | x | x | |
AISE_2020_BRAND | AISE 2020 Kennzeichen für Marken | AISE 2020 mark for brands | The new mark certifies that your brand meets all Charter product sustainability standards, in addition to the manufacturing requirements (ISO 14025 standard for Type III environmental labels and declarations). | | x | x | x | |
AISE_2020_COMPANY | AISE 2020 Kennzeichen für Unternehmen | AISE 2020 mark for companies | This new mark certifies that your organisation meets the Charter company sustainability standards in their manufacturing facilities (ISO 14025 standard for Type III environmental labels and declarations). | | x | x | x | |
AKC_PEACH_KOSHER | Atlanta KASHRUS Kommission Certification - Koscher Zertifizierung in USA | Atlanta KASHRUS Commission Certification - Kosher certification in the U.S. | Atlanta Kashrus Commission Certification | | x | x | x | |
AKTIVSTALL_FUER_SCHWEINE | Aktivstall für Schweine - Das Logo steht für Produkte aus Fleischbetrieben, deren Schweine in einem Aktivstall gehalten wurden, einen Ringelschwanz haben und unter Vollnarkose kastriert wurden. | The logo stands for products from meat companies whose pigs have been reared in an active barn, have a ring tail and have been castrated under general anaesthetic | Aktivstall fuer Schweine guarantees that every farm with active housing is QS (Quality Seal) and ITW (Animal Welfare Initiative) certified. | | x | x | x | |
ALENTEJO_SUSTAINABILITY_PROGRAMME | Nachhaltigkeitsprogramm für Weine des Alentejo (WASP) | Wines of Alentejo Sustainability Programme (WASP) | The purpose of the WASP (Wines of Alentejo Sustainability Programme) is to align the sector's competitiveness with environmental, economic and social objectives, thus creating opportunities based on an integrated and sustainably oriented strategy. The certification of sustainable wine production is the guarantee that an independent evaluation, by a third party credentialed according to the Portuguese Quality System, confirms that good sustainability practices have been implemented. It is an important source of information to assess, guarantee and improve the environmental and socio-economic conditions of the industry. | | x | x | x | |
ALIMENTATION_DU_TOUT_PETIT | Ernährung von Kleinkindern | Alimentation du tout petit | The "childhood food" symbol guarantees that the product complies with French and European regulatory requirements. In addition to perfectly meeting the special nutritional needs of children from birth to 3 years old, the product meets very strict safety standards. Ingredient quality, strict monitoring of contaminants and microbiological risks, packaging composition... my child's meal is combed through to make sure everything is fine. | | x | x | x | |
ALIMENTS_BIO_PREPARES_AU_QUEBEC | Aliments BIO Prepares au Quebec - min. 85% Bioprodukt aus Quebec, verarbeitet und verpackt in Quebec | Aliments BIO Prepares au Quebec - contains min. 85% of Quebec organic products and is processed and packed in Quebec | The presence of Quebec Bio Food prepared on a product means that it is composed of minimally 85% of Quebec organic products. The processing and packaging of these foods must also be made in Québec. | | x | x | x | |
ALIMENTS_DU_QUEBEC | Aliments du Quebec - Lebensmittel aus Quebec | Aliments du Quebec - Food from Quebec | Aliments du Québec is an organization whose mission is to promote Quebec agri-food products. Promotional activities, brand identification at the points-of-sale and special events are all ways to inform consumers about the availability of Quebec food products Aliments du Québec is the holder of the unique label of origin for Quebec food products, recognized by the whole agri-food industry, we manage two certifications: Aliments du Québec and Aliments préparés au Québec. | | x | x | x | |
ALIMENTS_DU_QUEBEC_BIO | Aliments du Quebec BIO - Bio-Lebensmittel aus Quebec mit min. 85% Bioprodukt aus Quebec | Aliments du Quebec BIO - Food from Quebec that is composed of min. 85% of Quebec organic products | The presence of Quebec organic Food on a product means that it is entirely made from ingredients sourced in Quebec and composed of minimally 85% of Quebec organic products. | | x | x | x | |
ALIMENTS_PREPARES_AU_QUEBEC | Aliments Prepares au Quebec - verarbeitet und verpackt zu 100% in Quebec | Aliments Prepares au Quebec - processed and packed entirely in Quebec | Any product processed and packaged entirely in Quebec can be considered an "Aliments préparés au Québec . When the main ingredients are available in Quebec in sufficient quantities, they must be used. | | x | x | x | |
ALLERGY_UK_SEAL_APPROVAL | Allergy UK Seal of Approval - Gütesiegel der Britischen Stiftung für Allergien | Allergy UK Seal of Approval | Allergy UK Seal of Approval is a globally recognised product endorsement. This Seal of Approval is an endorsement of products which have been independently scientifically tested and proven to reduce or remove allergens from the indoor environment. | | x | x | x | |
ALLERGYCERTIFIED | Allergie zertifiziertes Produkt - Allergenfrei | Allergy certified products | The products with AllergyCertified logo have been searched and examined every ingredient in the product. They never contain any perfume and every ingredient has been evaluated with regards to allergenic, hormone disruptive and carcinogenic substances. | | x | x | x | |
ALMO | Almo Tierwohl | Almo Tierwohl (Almo beef) | The Almo label stands for the oxen's life in the wild, on local mountain pastures and meadows. They are fed with herbs, grass and fresh water. During winter months, they are kept in spacious free-range stables where they are fed only GMO-free feed. | | x | x | x | |
ALPINAVERA | Alpinavera - Zertifizierung für Produkte mit regionaler Herkunft aus Graubünden, Uri, Glarus, Tessin | Alpinavera - Certification for products with regional provenance of Graubünden, Uri, Glarus, Tessin | Certification for products with regional provenance of the Swiss regions Graubünden, Uri, Glarus and Tessin | | x | x | x | |
ALUMINIUM_GESAMTVERBAND_DER_ALUMINIUMINDUSTRIE | Recycelbares ALUMINIUM (Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie) | Recyclable ALUMINIUM (Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie) | The packaging is recyclable aluminium by Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie | | x | x | x | |
AMA_GENUSSREGION | AMA Genussregion (Österreich) | AMA Delight region (Austria) | AMA GENUSSREGION is a protected umbrella brand from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism and the Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GesmbH which certifies the regional provenance and quality of Austrian food products. | | x | x | x | |
AMA_ORGANIC_SEAL | AMA-Biozeichen (Österreich) | AMA organic seal (Austria) | Austria Ministry of Agriculture Organic Label, AMA Marketing licenses the AMA organic logo. Red, white and black indicates the majority of ingredients are of Austrian origin. | | x | x | x | |
AMA_ORGANIC_SEAL_BLACK | AMA BLACK (schwarzes Biozeichen ohne Urspungsangabe) (Österreich) | AMA BLACK organic seal (without indication of origin) (Austria) | AMA Assurance Organic products with a national origin are uniformly marked with the black AMA organic label without indication of origin. | | x | x | x | |
AMA_SEAL_OF_APPROVAL | AMA-Gütesiegel (Qualitätskontrolle, Österreich) | AMA seal of quality approval (Austria) | The AMA quality label ensures independent controls and stands for conventionally produced foods that meet exceptional quality criteria and whose origin is traceable. | | x | x | x | |
AMERICAN_DENTAL_ASSOCIATION | AMERICAN DENTAL - Amerikanische Zahnärztekammer | AMERICAN DENTAL Association | The American Dental Association's (ADA) Seal of Acceptance is a trusted symbol of a dental product's safety and effectiveness. In order to earn the Seal, manufacturers must supply objective data from clinical and/or laboratory studies that support the product's safety, effectiveness, and promotional claims. | | x | x | x | |
AMERICAN_HEART_ASSOCIATION_CERTIFIED | AMERICAN HEART - Amerikanische Herzgesellschaft - Zertifizierung | AMERICAN HEART Association Certified | The American Heart Association Certified attribute includes all products that have published the symbol by Heart-Check Food Certification Program on their packaging. | | x | x | x | |
ANIMAL_WELFARE_APPROVED_GRASSFED | FLEISCH von 100%igen WEIDETIEREN | ANIMAL WELFARE APPROVED GRASSFED (Meat from otdoor pasture animals) | Guarantees the meat comes from an animal raised entirely outdoors on pasture, and fed a 100-per-cent grass and forage diet. | | x | x | x | |
AOP | AOP (Appellation d'Origine Protegee), (geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung Schweiz) | AOP (Appellation d'Origine Protegee, i.e. Protected designation of origin, Switzerland) | For products with an AOP (Appellation d’Origine Protégée), everything from the raw material for processing to the end product comes from a clearly defined region of origin. AOP is a quality mark protected by Swiss law, e.g. Emmentaler AOP. After registration by the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture, the protected designation may only be used for products that meets the origin, process and quality requirements of the specifications. Independent certification bodies monitor their compliance. | | x | x | x | |
APPELLATION_ORIGINE_CONTROLEE | Appellation Origine Controlee (AOC) - Französisches Label für eine geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung, entspricht den Kriterien des PDO (European Protected Designation of Origin) | Appellation Origine Controlee (AOC) - French label meets the criteria of the European Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) | The registered designation of origin (AOC) is a label allowing to identify a product whose manufacturing stages (production and processing) are carried out in the same geographical area and according to recognized know-how. It is the combination of a physical and biological environment with a traditional human community which bases the specificity of an AOC product, with definition in a specification. The French AOC is an official French label that meets the criteria of the European Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). In France, since 2012, for products other than wine, the term AOC is replaced by AOP as soon as the product is registered at the European level. | | x | x | x | |
APPROVED_BY_ASTHMA_AND_ALLERGY_ASSOC | Asthma Allergy Nordic zugelassen | Approved by Asthma Allergy Nordic | The Association's recommendation of products should be seen as a guide for the consumer in the search for products that are good from an allergy point of view. Since the mid-1970s, the Asthma and Allergy Association has developed its business for product recommendations. | | x | x | x | |
AQUA_GAP | Aqua GAP - Zertifizierung für nachhaltige Aquakultur | Aqua GAP - Certification programme for sustainable aquaculture | Certification programme for sustainable aquaculture. | | x | x | x | |
AQUACULTURE_STEWARDSHIP_COUNCIL | ASC-Label für Meeresfrüchte aus Aquakultur (Aquakultur Stewardship Council) | ASC label for farmed seafood (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) | The Aquaculture Stewardship Council ASC certification and labelling programme for responsibly farmed seafood. A global organisation working with aquaculture producers, seafood processors, retail and foodservice companies, scientists, conservation groups and the public to promote the best environmental and social choice in seafood. The ASC's aquaculture certification programme and seafood label will recognise and reward responsible aquaculture. | | x | x | x | |
ARGE_GENTECHNIK_FREI | ARGE-Label (Ohne Gentechnik hergestellt) | ARGE label (without genetically modified ingredients) | ARGE logo stands for the production of food without genetically modified additives. | | x | x | x | |
ARGENCERT | Argencert - Zertifizierung der Bioqualität von der Herkunft bis zum Endprodukt | Argencert - Organic food certification from origin to the final product | Argencert guarantees the organic quality of a product from its origin to the final result, certifying both raw and processed products and the compatibility assessment of inputs. | | x | x | x | |
ARLA_FARMER_OWNED | Arla Farmer Owned - Arla Foods gehört zu 100% Landwirten | Arla Farmer Owned - 100% owned by farmers (Arla Foods) | The FARMER OWNED marque has been develop to use on pack on all Arla branded products. FARMER OWNED represents the fact that Arla Foods is 100% owned by farmers. The FARMER OWNED marque is implemented on Arla branded assortment across all markets. The Farmer Owned marque is owned and administered by Arla Foods. | | x | x | x | |
ASCO | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation - ASCO (Agricultural Services Certified Organic) | Organic Certifying Body - Agricultural Services Certified Organic (ASCO) | Agricultural Services Certified Organic, LLC provides quality, express and economical organic certification services as established by the National Organic Program that meets the individualized needs of our clients in the global market place | | x | x | x | |
ASMI | ASMI - Alaska Seafood Marketing Institut | ASMI - Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute | ASMI The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute is a marketing organization with the mission of increasing the economic value of the Alaska seafood resource through: • Increasing the positive awareness of the Alaska Seafood brand; • Quality assurance, technical industry analysis, education, advocacy and research; | | x | x | x | |
ASTHMA_AND_ALLERGY_FOUNDATION_OF_AMERICA | Asthma und Allergie Foundation (Stiftung), Amerika (AAFA) | Asthma and Allergy Foundation, America (AAFA) | The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), a not-for-profit organization founded in 1953, is the leading patient organization for people with asthma and allergies, and the oldest asthma and allergy patient group in the world. | | x | x | x | |
ATG | ATG (technische Prüfung durch Butgb, Belgian Union for technical approval in the construction) | ATG (technical approval by Butgb, Belgian Union for technical approval in the construction) | If there is no BENOR-mark for a specific material, then the manufacturers can ask for a technical approval by BUtgb (Belgian Union for technical approval in the construction). This technical approval (ATG) provides a technical advice, including a description and the technical characteristics. An ATG is a favourable review of one particular building product of one manufacturer for a particular application. It's all about systems, innovative products and products that contain multiple components. | | x | x | x | |
AUS_KAUP_ESTONIA | AUS KAUP ESTONIA (Fleisch aus Estland) | AUS KAUP ESTONIA (meat from Estonia) | Used to specify Estonia Meat in their product. Eesti Lihatöötlejate Assotsiatsioon www.ela.ee | | x | x | x | |
AUSTRALIAN_CERTIFIED_ORGANIC | Australian Certified Organic (ACO) - Australische Biozertifizierung | Australian Certified Organic (ACO) - Australian certification for organic and biodynamic produce | Australian Certified Organic (ACO) is Australia’s largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 1500 operators within its certification system. ACO provides certification services to operators from all sectors of the organic industry. Certification ensures compliance with national production standards and allows trace back of all products to their origin. | | x | x | x | |
AUSTRIA_BIO_GARANTIE | AUSTRIA BIO GARANTIE (ABG) (Biokontrollstelle Österreich) | AUSTRIA BIO GARANTIE (ABG) (Organic certification body Austria) | Austria Bio Garantie GMBH (ABG) is Austria's leading inspection body. It conducts inspections throughout Austria at all levels of the organic production chain (farmers-processors-traders-import/export) as well as in different foreign countries. | | x | x | x | |
AUSTRIAN_ECO_LABEL | AUSTRIAN ECO-Label für umweltfreundliche Produkte und Services | AUSTRIAN ECO label for envoironment-friendly products | The Austrian Eco Label guarantees envoironment-friendly products and services. | | x | x | x | |
BAUERN_LIEBE | Bauern Liebe | Bauern Liebe (Farmer's love) | Bauern Liebe guarantees more animal welfare, sustainability and appreciation of farmers. This means more animal welfare in livestock farming and sustainability in agriculture combined with fair conditions and special bonus payments for the farmers. | | x | x | x | |
BCARA_ORGANIC | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation der Provinz British Columbia - British Columbia Association for Regenerative Agriculture (BCARA), Canada | Organic Certifying Body - Province of British Columbia Certified Organic, British Columbia Association for Regenerative Agriculture (BCARA), Canada | BCARA is accredited by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as a certification body that certifies organic products under the Canada Organic Regime. Products certified under the Canada Organic Regime can be sold inter-provincially and internationally to countries that have equivalency agreements with Canada. The Organic Products Regulations require mandatory certification to the current National Organic Standard for agricultural products represented as organic in international and inter-provincial trade, or that bear the federal organic agricultural product legend (or federal logo). | | x | x | x | |
BDIH_LOGO | BDIH-Logo Deutschland (Natürliche Kosmetik) | BDIH Logo Germany (Natural Cosmetics) | BDIH Germany guidelines for Certified Natural Cosmetics | | x | x | x | |
BEBAT | BEBAT (Sortierung und Recycling für Batterien etc.) (Belgien) | BEBAT (sorting and recycling for batteries and flashlights) (Belgium) | BEBAT is a non-profit organization, founded in 1995 under a Belgian law on environmental taxes. BEBAT gives a new life to batteries and flashlights! We do that by sorting and recycling. The federal government and the regional authorities are working with us. | | x | x | x | |
BEDRE_DYREVELFAERD_1HEART | Bedre Dyrevelfaerd 1Heart - Dänisches Tierschutzlabel (kleinste Stufe) | Bedre Dyrevelfaerd 1Heart - Danish animal-welfare label | The government animal-welfare label will initially be for pork, but it will later be expanded to cover meat from other animals. Examples of animal welfare for this marking include free-range sows, curly tail/undocked tail, more straw, more space, max. 8 hours’ transport. | | x | x | x | |
BEDRE_DYREVELFAERD_2HEART | Bedre Dyrevelfaerd 2Heart - Dänisches Tierschutzlabel (2. Stufe, besserers tierisches Wohlergehen) | Bedre Dyrevelfaerd 2Heart - Danish animal-welfare label for better animal welfare | The government animal-welfare label will initially be for pork, but it will later be expanded to cover meat from other animals. Examples of animal welfare include free-range sows, curly tail/undocked tail, even more straw, even more space, max. 8 hours’ transport. | | x | x | x | |
BEDRE_DYREVELFAERD_3HEART | Bedre Dyrevelfaerd 3Heart - Dänisches Tierschutzlabel (3. Stufe, noch besserers tierisches Wohlergehen) | Bedre Dyrevelfaerd 3Heart - Danish animal-welfare label for best animal welfare | The government animal-welfare label will initially be for pork, but it will later be expanded to cover meat from other animals. Examples of animal welfare for this marking include free-range sows, curly tail/undocked tail, much more straw, much more Space, max. 8 hours’ transport, outdoor space, access to open fields. | | x | x | x | |
BEE_FRIENDLY | Bienenfreundliche Landwirtschaft | Bee friendly agricultural technics | The goal of the bee friendly label is to promote the agricultural technics which are not harmful to bee and other pollinators. | | x | x | x | |
BELGAQUA | BELGAQUA - Zertifizierung für Geräte mit Wasseranschluss (Belgian Federation for the Water Sector) | BELGAQUA - certification for devices connected to the water supply (Belgian Federation for the Water Sector) | Belgaqua is the Belgian Federation for the Water Sector, and verifies the conformity of devices connected to the water supply at the request of the manufacturer or the importer, and is responsible for the inspection of protections against back blends. | | x | x | x | |
BENOR | Belgische NORm (für Baumaterialien) | BElgian NORm (for building materials) | BENOR stands for BElgian NORm and points out that a product is according to Belgian standards. Is mainly used for traditional building materials such as steel, concrete, tile, brick, floor tiles and other concrete products, indicated by the abbreviation NBN. Mainly for building materials in road construction. | | x | x | x | |
BERCHTESGADENER_LAND | BERCHTESGADENER LAND (Regionalsiegel für landwirtschaftliche Produkte) | BERCHTESGADENER LAND (regional seal for agricultural products) | The regional seal "Berchtesgadener Land" approved regional origin and quality of organically and conventionally produced agricultural products and services in the region of Berchtesgaden. The award criteria go in terms of the origin and support of genetic engineering ban partially beyond legal requirements. | | x | x | x | |
BEST_AQUACULTURE_PRACTICES | BAP-zertifizierte Meeresfrüchte aus Aquakultur (Best Aquaculture Practices) | BAP Certified seafood from aquaculture (Best Aquaculture Practices) | The Best Aquaculture Practices Certified (BAP Certified) mark on retail packaging tells consumers that seafood came from BAP certified aquaculture facilities. The Best Aquaculture Practices standards, developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance, form the basis for BAP certification. The standards specifically protect biodiversity and worker rights within a program that addresses environmental, social, food safety and traceability issues throughout producers' operations. | | x | x | x | |
BEST_AQUACULTURE_PRACTICES_2_STARS | BAP-2-STERN zertifizierte Meeresfrüchte aus Aquakultur (Best Aquaculture Practices) | BAP-2-STAR certified seafood from aquaculture (Best Aquaculture Practices) | 2 Star BAP accreditation. The BAP program is the world’s most comprehensive third-party certification system for aquaculture facilities, addressing every key element of responsible aquaculture, including environmental responsibility, social responsibility, food safety, animal welfare, traceability and more. BAP standards encompassing the entire aquaculture production chain, including farms, processing plants, hatcheries and feed mills. | | x | x | x | |
BEST_AQUACULTURE_PRACTICES_3_STARS | BAP-3-STERN zertifizierte Meeresfrüchte aus Aquakultur (Best Aquaculture Practices) | BAP-3-STAR certified seafood from aquaculture (Best Aquaculture Practices) | 3 Star BAP accreditation. The BAP program is the world’s most comprehensive third-party certification system for aquaculture facilities, addressing every key element of responsible aquaculture, including environmental responsibility, social responsibility, food safety, animal welfare, traceability and more. BAP standards encompassing the entire aquaculture production chain, including farms, processing plants, hatcheries and feed mills. | | x | x | x | |
BEST_AQUACULTURE_PRACTICES_4_STARS | BAP-4-STERN zertifizierte Meeresfrüchte aus Aquakultur (Best Aquaculture Practices) | BAP-4-STAR certified seafood from aquaculture (Best Aquaculture Practices) | 4 Star BAP accreditation. The BAP program is the world’s most comprehensive third-party certification system for aquaculture facilities, addressing every key element of responsible aquaculture, including environmental responsibility, social responsibility, food safety, animal welfare, traceability and more. BAP standards encompassing the entire aquaculture production chain, including farms, processing plants, hatcheries and feed mills. | | x | x | x | |
BETER_LEVEN_1_STER | BESSERES LEBEN 1-STERN (Mindesanforderungen für Rinderhaltung) | BETTER LIFE 1 STAR (minimum requirements for cattle farming) | The one-star Beter Leven (better life) mark indicates that the product comes from a company that cares that animals are kept according to the minimal requirements for sanitation and wel-being for the cattle industry. See: http://beterleven.dierenbescherming.nl/1-ster | | x | x | x | |
BETER_LEVEN_2_STER | BESSERES LEBEN 2-STERNE (Verbesserungen für die Rinderhaltung) | BETTER LIFE 2 STARS (improvements in cattle farming) | The two-star Beter Leven (better life) mark indicates that the product comes from a company that provides for a higher wel-being of animals than that established by the minimal requirements for sanitation and wel-being for the cattle industry, yet the conditions are inferior to those of Biological-class products. See: http://beterleven.dierenbescherming.nl/2-sterren- | | x | x | x | |
BETER_LEVEN_3_STER | BESSERES LEBEN 3-STERNE (Biologische Rinderhaltung) | BETTER LIFE 3 STARS (biological-class in cattle farming) | The three-star Beter Leven (better life) mark is awarded to products that come from companies that excel in keeping animals according to top guidelines for Biological-class products. In some cases this mark is accompanied by an EKO indication. See: http://beterleven.dierenbescherming.nl/3-sterren- | | x | x | x | |
BETTER_BUSINESS_BUREAU_ACCREDITED | BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU (BBB) akkreditiert - Business-Standards für Vertauen, USA und Kanada | BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU (BBB) Accredited - Business Standards for Trust, USA and Canada | If a business has been accredited by the BBB, it means BBB has determined that the business meets accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB accredited businesses pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring for continued compliance and for support of BBB services to the public. BBB Code of Business Practices represents standards for business accreditation by BBB. Businesses based in the United States and Canada that meet these standards and complete all application procedures will be accredited by BBB. The Code is built on the BBB Standards for Trust, eight principles that summarize important elements of creating and maintaining trust in business. | | x | x | x | |
BETTER_COTTON_INITIATIVE | Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) - Bessere globale Standards in der Baumwollerzeugnung und -vermarktung | Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) - Better global standards in cotton farming and practices across 24 countries worldwide | The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is a not-for-profit organisation stewarding the global standards for Better Cotton, and bringing together cotton’s complex supply chain, from the farmers to the retailers. BCI exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in and better for the sector’s future, by developing Better Cotton as a sustainable mainstream commodity. | | x | x | x | |
BEVEG | BeVeg - globales veganes Netzwerk | BeVeg - global vegan network | BeVeg is a global vegan network that brings legal credibility to vegan claims, which inherently raises the standard of consumer transparency. BeVeg is ISO accredited and recognized by the world accreditation forum for its internationally accredited vegan standard. BeVeg is accredited under ISO 17065 as a published vegan standard for vegan conformity assessment. https://www.beveg.com/ | | x | x | x | |
BEWUSST_TIROL | BEWUSST TIROL - Lebensmittelqualität aus Tirol | BEWUSST TIROL - Quality food from Tyrol | Bewusst Tirol is a seal of quality marking food from the Tyrol. The "Awareness Tyrol" project promotes the use of local food in the hotel industry and gastronomy and thus strengthens the cooperation between tourism and agriculture. The participating companies are honoured for their high use of domestic products. http://amtirol.at/projekte/bewusst-tirol | | x | x | x | |
BEWUSTE_KEUZE | BEWUSTE KEUZE (Bewusste Wahl-Regal-Nahrungsmittel von besserem Gesundheitswert) (Niederlande) | BEWUSTE KEUZE (Conscious choice non-staple food of better health value) (Netherlands) | Identifies non-staple or non-essential products (e.g. soup, candy, desserts, etc.) that offer more nutritional value or less contain less of potentially harmful ingredients (such as sugar, salt, fat) in comparison to similar items according to the guidelines of the Dutch Wetenschappelijke Commissie. See: http://www.ikkiesbewust.nl/ | | x | x | x | |
BIKO_TIROL | BIKO TIROL-zertifiziert (für Produkte aus ökologischem Landbau) | BIKO TIROL-certified (for organic products) | BIKo TYROL covers Genetically Modified-free milk production, AMA seal, quality Tyrol and beef labeling are controlled and certified. The Biko Tyrol operates in accordance with EN 45011 and is an accredited certification body | | x | x | x | |
BIO_AUSTRIA_LABEL | BIO Austria | BIO Austria | Bio Austria is the largest organic farmers' association in Austria. The guidelines followed at Bio Austria require a higher level of compliance than the EU-Organic regulations. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_BAYERN_WITH_CERTIFICATE_PROVENANCE | Bio-Bayern mit Herkunftszertifikat - vergeben für ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel von Bioqualität vom Freistaat Bayern | Bio-Bayern with Certificate of Provenance and highest eco and Bio quality awarded by the Free State of Bavaria | In cases in which the products of a certain provenance (e.g. Bavaria) made according to the higher quality criteria can be tracked along the whole path from their production, via their processing, all the way to the shop counter, they can be given a biolabel stating the corresponding indication of geographical origin. In this case the origin is presented both in the form of a corresponding logo as well as the colours of the state of origin in the inner oval. The biolabel with the certificate of origin awarded by the Free State of Bavaria stands for products and services over and beyond the statutory standards a three-tier control system a full certificate of origin | | x | x | x | |
BIO_BAYERN_WITHOUT_CERTIFICATE_PROVENANCE | Bio-Bayern ohne Herkunftszertifikat - vergeben für ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel von Bioqualität vom Freistaat Bayern | Bio-Bayern without Certificate of Provenance but for highest eco and Bio quality awarded by the Free State of Bavaria | The biolabel awarded by the Free State of Bavaria offers companies in the farming and food sector in the European Union the opportunity to label goods produced in compliance with the terms of the EU-Eco Regulation in combination with higher quality criteria. The precisely defined regulations are a guarantee for the consumers of an economic system in harmony with nature and provide them with guidance when making their purchases. Both the farmers of organic products as well as the producers must fulfil the demanding inspection criteria and allow their products to be checked by state-approved and monitored inspection boards. The defined control system ensures a complete traceability of the products over the entire lifecycle. The biolabel awarded by the Free State of Bavaria stands for products and services over and beyond the statutory standards a three-tier control system | | x | x | x | |
BIO_BUD_SEAL | Bio-Knospe - Vollständig ökologisch aus tlw. importierten Rohmateralien | Bio-Bud - Fully organic with partly imported raw materials | Fully organic, with more than 10% of raw materials imported but subject to equivalent organic standards. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_BUD_SEAL_TRANSITION | Bio-Knospe in Umstellung - Vollständig ökologisch produziert während Umstellung auf vollständig ökologischen Anbau | Bio-Bud in Transition - Fully organic, produced within transition to fully organic farming | Fully organic, with more than 10% of raw materials imported but subject to equivalent organic standards. Produced within the 2 years period in which the producer is converting to fully organic farming. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_CZECH_LABEL | Bio Czech Label - BIO Kennzeichen der tschechischen Republik, Landwirtschaftsministerium | Bio Czech Label - BIO mark of the Czech Republic Ministry of Agriculture | National BIO mark of the Czech Republic. More information is available on the website of Czech Ministry of Agriculture. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_FISCH | BIO-FISCH (biologische Fischzucht in Österreich, ARGE) | BIO-FISCH (organic fish farming in Austria, ARGE) | ARGE Biofisch stands for criteria in rearing of fish according to agreed quality standards of organic fish farming in Austria. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_GOURMET_BUD | Bio-Gourmet-Knospe - Vollständig ökologisch produziert in der Schweiz und ausgezeichnet für Qualität und Geschmack | Bio-Gourmet-Bud - Fully organic, produced in Switzerland and awarded for taste and quality | Fully organic, produced in Switzerland. More than 90% of the raw materials come from Switzerland. Product has been awarded for taste and quality. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_LABEL_BADEN_WURTTENBERG | Bio-LABEL Baden-Württemberg - regional ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel von nachverfolgbarem Ursprung | Bio-LABEL Baden-Württemberg - regional organic foods with a traceable origin | The products marked with the Bio-Zeichen Baden-Württemberg are regional organic foods with a traceable origin. The use or labelling is based on the ecological standards of the EC Organic Regulation supplemented with the requirement that the products must be produced in fully converted farms and, in part, on the more stringent requirements of the organic farming associations. The regional origin of the products ensures an additional ecological advantage of the products. The rationality promotes short transport and marketing channels. The independent checks of food by authorized inspection bodies and the additional supervision by the sign holder ensure a high degree of credibility of the sign. The control number printed on the products makes the controls comprehensible. The seal clearly shows the consumer that the agricultural products and products come from Baden-Württemberg. This ensures not only that the processing takes place in the region, but also that the sourcing of raw materials is 100% regional. In the production and processing of food, the guidelines of the EU Organic Regulation are used as the basis. Many products that are labelled with the Baden-Württemberg organic label are also produced according to the stricter guidelines of an organic farming association. The farms participating in the Bio-Zeichen Baden-Württemberg must be 100% organic. A partial conversion is - with the exception of products from the orchard - not permitted. Neutral controls ensure compliance with the guidelines. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_LABEL_GERMAN | BIO-LABEL (Deutschland) | BIO LABEL (Germany) | German national organic certification label (Bio-Siegel), see www.bio-siegel.de | | x | x | x | |
BIO_LABEL_HESSEN | Bio-LABEL Hessen - ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel aus der Region | Bio-LABEL Hessen - organically produced product originates from the region | The organic Label - HESSEN shows the consumer that an organically produced product originates from the region. For this, the nationwide used organic seal was supplemented with a reference to the origin. Since 2006, there is this sign for Hesse. In 2010, the organic Label - HESSEN was supplemented by another appendix: the European Union logo for organically produced products. This allows companies to use only one logo on the packaging of their products instead of three different logos, because the European organic label is required. Behind the Bio-Seal - HESSEN, similar to the quality mark "Tested Quality - HESSEN", there are special requirements for producers, processors and marketers regarding the quality and traceable origin of their products. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_PARTENAIRE | Bio Partenaire - garantiert Bio-Landwirtschaft und fairen Handel mit Farmern in Entwicklungsländern | Bio Partenaire - guarantees Organic agriculture and fair trade with farmers in developing countries | Bio Partenaire guarantees that the product meets the European requirements for organic agriculture and a fair price is paid to farmers in developing countries. Previously, the label was known under the name Bio Equitable. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_RING_ALLGAEU | BIO-RING ALLGÄU (Bio-Landwirtschaft für regionale Produkte hoher Qualität) | BIO-RING ALLGÄU (Bavaria, Organic farming for high quality regional products) | The logo of Bio-Ring Allgäu e.V. is issued by an association of consumers and organic farmers since 1987 with the aim to strengthen the organic farming in the region of Allgäu. Their focus is on the involvement of an independent, public welfare-oriented regional development processes in connection with the marketing of high quality regional agricultural products. The association represents the interests of producers, whose production in excess of the statutory requirements and their quality criteria based on a wide range of areas basic criteria (eco-certifications) and are the life cycle (raw materials, production and processing, disposal) take into account the products. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_SLOVAK_LABEL | Bío-Label der Slowakischen Republik für ökologische landwirtschaftliche Erzeugung | Bio Slovakia label for organic agricultural production | National BIO mark of the Slovak Republic (Naturalis SK). The main subjects of business are control and certification in organic agricultural production (EPV). | | x | x | x | |
BIO_SOLIDAIRE | Bio Solidaire - Ökologischer Landbau nach der Bio solidaire Charta | Bio Solidaire - Meets the criteria of organic farming and of the Bio solidaire charter | The product meets both the criteria of organic farming and those of the "Bio solidaire" charter. This label aims to develop local partnerships between processors and (French) producers. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_SUISSE_BUD_SEAL | Bio-Knospe-Schweiz - Vollständig ökologisch produziert in der Schweiz | Bio-Bud-SUISSE - Fully organic, produced in Switzerland | Fully organic, produced in Switzerland. More than 90% of the raw materials come from Switzerland. | | x | x | x | |
BIO_SUISSE_BUD_SEAL_TRANSITION | Bio-Knospe-Schweiz in Umstellung - Vollständig ökologisch produziert in der Schweiz während Umstellung auf vollständig ökologischen Anbau | Bio-Bud-SUISSE in Transition - Fully organic, produced in Switzerland within transition to fully organic farming | Fully organic, produced in Switzerland. More than 90% of the raw materials come from Switzerland. Produced within the 2 years period in which the producer is converting to fully organic farming. | | x | x | x | |
BIOCHECKED_NON_GLYPHOSATE_CERTIFIED | BioChecked Non-Glyphosate zertifiziert | BioChecked Non-Glyphosate certified | BioChecked™ Agrees to provide third party certification for Non Glyphosate Certified™ (Zero Tolerance*) by reviewing and holding producer’s individual copy of laboratory test results of Glyphosate testing in house in secure and confidential manner for 1 year and as renewed. | | x | x | x | |
BIOCHECKED_NON_GMO_VERIFIED | BioChecked Non-GMO verifiziert | BioChecked Non-GMO verified | BioChecked™ offers Non GMO Certification for single input (mono ingredient) Non GMO Certified™ and multiple input (multi-ingredient) Non GMO Verified™ foods. It is certified multiple countries; | | x | x | x | |
BIODEGRADABLE | Biodegradable - Biologisch abbaubares Produkt | Biodegradable product | The product is biodegradable. There can be different variations of the logo. | | x | x | x | |
BIODEGRADABLE_PRODUCTS_INSTITUTE | Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) - wissenschaftliche Standards für biologischen Materialabbau in großen Kompostanlagen | Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) - scientifically based standards for compostable materials which biodegrade in large composting facilities | The Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) is a not-for-profit association of key individuals and groups from government, industry and academia. Through our innovative compostable label program, we educate manufacturers, legislators and consumers about the importance of scientifically based standards for compostable materials which biodegrade in large composting facilities. | | x | x | x | |
BIODYNAMIC_CERTIFICATION | BIODYNAMISCHE Zertifizierung - DEMETER USA | BIODYNAMIC CERTIFICATION - DEMETER USA | The Biodynamic Certified includes all products that have published the Demeter USA Certified Biodynamic Certification on their package. | | x | x | x | |
BIODYNAMISCH | Biodynamisch-Kennzeichen von Demeter für Lebensmittel und Kosmetika | Bio dynamic label by Demeter for food and cosmetics | The "Biodynamisch" indicates that products contain at least 95 percent organic and 90 percent demeter ingredients. The Label is issued by the association Demeter e.V. and is used for food and cosmetic products. | | x | x | x | |
BIOGARANTIE | Biogarantie - Belgisches Bio-Label (ökologisch, ökonomisch und sozial) | Biogarantie - Belgian label in ecological, economic and social fields | The Belgian Biogarantie® label, although based on the European regulations, is ahead of its time thanks to the addition of requirements in the ecological, economic and social fields. As a Biogarantie® user, you undertake to comply with the Biogarantie® specifications and the accompanying sustainability charter. | | x | x | x | |
BIOKREIS | Biokreis - Label vergeben von Biokreis e.V., Verband für ökologischen Landbau und gesunde Ernährung | Biokreis - label awarded by Biokreis Association for Organic Farming and Healthy Food | The Biokreis Association for Organic Farming and Healthy Food e. V. forgives the label. The label promotes cooperation between organic farmers and processing companies. They should comply with environmental and social principles. It also aims to make peasant agriculture in the sense of a circular economy. The criteria presuppose compliance with the EU organic regulation for the EU organic label, but go beyond this with its own requirements. | | x | x | x | |
BIOLAND | BIOLAND - Biolabel für Nahrungsmittel | BIOLAND - Organic food label | The Bioland-Label (organic label) identifies products from organic farming. The production method based on a circular economy - without synthetic pesticides and synthetic chemical nitrogen fertilizer. The animals are kept humanely and the food will be processed carefully. The guidelines go beyond the EU criteria. The organic label is assigned by the Bioland association. | | x | x | x | |
BIOLAND_ENNSTAL | BIOLANDwirtschaft ENNSTAL (kontrollierte biologische Landwirtschaft, Steiermark) | BIOLAND ENNSTAL (controlled organic farming, Styria) | The "organic farming Ennstal" was founded in 1989 as a regional initiative - today one in three farmers cultivated in Styria Liezen region its operation under the strict rules of organic farming. | | x | x | x | |
BIOPARK | Biopark - Label vergeben von Biopark e. V. | Biopark - label awarded by biopark e. V. | The biopark e. V. was founded in 1991 by farmers and scientists as an organic farming association. Biopark companies are represented throughout Germany. At the initiative of Biopark, the first GMO-free region was founded in Germany. The objective of the Biopark label, which has been awarded since 1991, is to promote organic farming. The aim is a closed loop as far as possible. It is about the protection of the environment, landscape management and animal welfare. Biopark certifies farms that have decided to convert their work to organic farming. The Biopark label can be found on meat and cereal products as well as on potatoes. The criteria presuppose compliance with the EU organic regulation for the EU organic label, but go beyond this with its own requirements. | | x | x | x | |
BIOS_KONTROLLE | BIOS - Biokontrollservice Österreich (zertifizierte Bio-Produkte) | BIOS - Biokontrollservice Austria (certified organic products) | The BIOS label ensures organic food that is not genetically modified and produced in accordance with environmental standards. The BIOS logo may be used for the labeling of certified organic products exclusively. | | x | x | x | |
BIRD_FRIENDLY_COFFEE_SMITHSONIAN_CERTIFICATION | BIRD FRIENDLY COFFEE Smithsonian Zertifizierung - Ökologischer, vogelfreundlicher Kaffeeanbau | BIRD FRIENDLY COFFEE Smithsonian Certification | The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre Bird Friendly logo guarantees that every bean is produced organically, under high-quality shade, that tropical "agroforests" are preserved and migratory birds find a healthy haven. | | x | x | x | |
BK_CHECK_VAAD_HAKASHRUS_OF_BUFFALO | Bk Check VAAD HAKASHRUS OF BUFFALO - Koscher Zertifizierung | Bk Check VAAD HAKASHRUS OF BUFFALO - Kosher food certification | Vaad HaKashrus of Buffalo Certification | | x | x | x | |
BLEU_BLANC_COEUR | Bleu Blanc Coeur - Landwirtschaft, die sich einem nachhaltigen und sozialen Ansatz verpflichtet | Bleu Blanc Coeur label - agriculture committed to a sustainable and social approach | The Blue-White-Heart approach was born between 1993 and 2000, from a simple observation made by a dairy farmer, Jean Pierre Pasquet to an agricultural engineer, Pierre Weill. He explained to him that he noticed that in the spring, when his cows were in pasture grass, they were in better shape, and the butter he made was softer and more spreadable than in winter. From this observation, Jean-Pierre Pasquet and Pierre Weill began their reflection on the importance of preserving the food chain and valuing plants and seeds of nutritional interest. Together, they created an agriculture committed to a sustainable and social approach with breeders eager to feed their fellow citizens. | | x | x | x | |
BLUE_ANGEL | BLAUER ENGEL (für öko-freundliche Produkte) | BLUE ANGEL (for eco-friendly products) | The Blue Angel is awarded to companies as kind of a reward for their commitment to environmental protection. They use it to professionally promote their eco-friendly products in the market. The Blue Angel is an ecological beacon showing the consumer the way to the ecologically superior product and promotes environmentally conscious consumption. See: http://www.blauer-engel.de/en/index.php | | x | x | x | |
BLUE_RIBBON_KOSHER | BLUE RIBBON Koscher Zertifizierung | BLUE RIBBON Kosher Certification | Blue Ribbon Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
BLUESIGN | Bluesign qualitätsgeprüft, z.B. Schuheinlagen und Stoffe | Bluesign Technologies AG Approved e.g., footwear insoles | The quality label bluesign® approved fabrics certifies that at least 90 per cent of the used fabrics comply with the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® criteria. Their suppliers and manufacturers have been verified as bluesign® system partners. | | x | x | x | |
BODEGAS_ARGENTINA_SUSTAINABILITY_PROTOCOL | Bodegas de Argentina Sustainability Protocol - Argentinische Weinzertifizierung | Bodegas de Argentina Sustainability Protocol - Certification for wine | Certification: a third party audit. National - A sustainability protocol created after a 4-year study at Catena Wine Institute. For certification, a third party audit must take place, with a minimum score in each category. http://discoversustainablewine.com/argentina/ | | x | x | x | |
BONSUCRO | BonSucro - Zertifizierungsstandard für Zuckerrohrproduzenten, Zucker- und Äthanolmühlen und nachgelagerte Verarbeiter von Zucker, z:B. Biokraftstoffe, Bio-Kunststoffe | BonSucro - Certification standard for sugarcane producers, sugar and ethanol mill, or downstream processors of sugar, biofuels and other derivative products such as bioplastics | The Bonsucro certification standard is available to any sugarcane producer, sugar and ethanol mill, or any downstream processor of sugar, biofuels and other derivative products such as bioplastics. Integrated mills can target both sugar and biofuel markets, meeting sustainability requirements of both supply chains. | | x | x | x | |
BORD_BIA_APPROVED | BORD BIA APPROVED - ALLE Inhaltsstoffe (Irland) (Qualität vom Hof bis zum Verbraucher) | BORD BIA APPROVED - ALL Ingredients (Ireland) (quality from farm to fork) | The Bord Bia Approved logo is awarded to a company which has been audited by Bord Bia to verify that processes, from farm to fork, comply with the highest Quality Assurance Standards. These standards include: animal welfare, traceability, environment, safety, feed, water, testing, inspection, hygiene and good manufacturing practice. "Bord Bia Approved" is awarded to a company where all the ingredients including meat content satisfy the Bord Bia requirements. www.bordbia.ie | | x | x | x | |
BORD_BIA_APPROVED_MEAT | BORD BIA APPROVED - NUR FLEISCH-Gehalt (Irland) (Qualität vom Hof bis zum Verbraucher) | BORD BIA APPROVED - ONLY MEAT content (Ireland) (quality from farm to fork) | Bord Bia Approved - Meat Content Only applies to companies where only the meat content satisfies certain conditions detailed in the Bord Bia requirements document. see http://www.bordbia.ie/industryservices/quality/Documents/Quality-Assurance-Scheme-Logo-GuidelinesV7.pdf for more details.http://www.bordbia.ie/industryservices/quality/Documents/Quality-Assurance-Scheme-Logo-GuidelinesV7.pdf for more details. | | x | x | x | |
BRA_MILJOVAL_LABEL_SWEDISH | BRA MILJOVAL-Label (Schwedisches Umweltzeichen der SSNC) | BRA MILJOVAL label (Swedish ecolabel of SSNC) | Bra Miljöval Bra Miljöval is the ecolabel of SSNC. It is referred to as "Good Environmental Choice" in English. SSNC started ecolabelling | | x | x | x | |
BRC_GLOBAL_STANDARDS | BRC GLOBAL STANDARDS (Sicherheits- und Qualitätszertifizierungsprogramm) | BRC GLOBAL STANDARDS (safety and quality certification programme) | BRC Global Standards is a leading safety and quality certification programme, used by over 22,000 certificated suppliers in 123 countries, with certification issued through a worldwide network of accredited certification bodies. | | x | x | x | |
BREATHEWAY | BreatheWay membranes - extend shelf life by reduced oxygen and managed carbon dioxide levels | BreatheWay Membran - verbesserte Haltbarkeit durch kontrollierten Sauerstoff- und Kohlendioxid-Durchlass | BreatheWay® membranes are designed to naturally extend the shelf life of virtually any fresh product that would benefit from reduced oxygen levels and managed carbon dioxide levels. A unique membrane solution manages all gas transfer requirements for the package, leaving more flexibility for the balance of the package to meet shipping or merchandising requirements. | | x | x | x | |
BRITISH_DENTAL_HEALTH | BRITISH DENTAL HEALTH (Zahngesundheitssymbol in UK) | BRITISH DENTAL HEALTH approval (UK) | A symbol used in the UK to indicate the dental health claims are clinically proven by the British Dental Health Foundation. | | x | x | x | |
BRITISH_RETAIL_CONSORTIUM_CERTIFICATION | BRITISH RETAIL CONSORTIUM (BRC) Zertifizierung | BRITISH RETAIL CONSORTIUM (BRC) Certification | BRC Global Standards is a leading safety and quality certification. The Standards guarantee the quality, safety and operational criteria and ensures that manufacturers fulfil their legal obligations and provide protection for the end consumer. | | x | x | x | |
BSCI | BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative für ethische Arbeitsbedingungen) | BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative for ethical working conditions) | Stands for Business Social Compliance Initiative, and aims to improve the working conditions in the supply chain around the world. It shows consumers that an article is produced according to ethical practices as regards working conditions. | | x | x | x | |
BUENDNERFLEISCH_GGA | Buendnerfleisch GGA (Graubünden, Schweiz) | Buendnerfleisch GGA (Graubünden, Switzerland) | Bündnerfleisch also known as Grisons Meat or Viande des Grisons is an air-dried raw cured product made from beef rump meat. The term "Bündnerfleisch" is a protected geographical indication (PGI) and is a registered trademark of the canton of Graubünden of Switzerland. The ProCert AG certification guarantees the authenticity of Bündnerfleisch. Only meat that is dried and processed in the Graubünden air are allowed to be labelled with the name. | | x | x | x | |
BULLFROG | BULLFROG Strom - Grüne Energie in Kanada | BULLFROG Power - Green energy in Canada | Bullfrog Power emerged on the energy scene with a visionary goal: to transform the electricity landscape in Canada. BullfrogPower offered homes and businesses a green choice where previously there wasn’t one: energy. | | x | x | x | |
CA_BEEF | Hergestellt mit kanadischem Rindfleisch | Made with Canadian Beef | "Product of Canada" claims can be applied to meat from Canadian animals that are slaughtered in Canada. Animals are considered Canadian if they are born or hatched, raised and slaughtered in Canada or, in the case of feeder cattle, if they have spent a period of at least 60 days in Canada prior to slaughter in Canada. | | x | x | x | |
CA_BOTH_DOM_IMPORT | Hergestellt in Kanada aus heimischen und importierten Zutaten | Made in Canada from Domestic and Imported Ingredients | When a food contains both domestic and imported ingredients, the label would state "Made in Canada from domestic and imported ingredients". This claim may be used on a product that contains a mixture of imported and domestic ingredients, regardless of the level of Canadian content in the product. | | x | x | x | |
CA_BULK | En gros nach Kanada eingeführt und dort abgepackt | Imported in bulk and packaged in Canada | To describe a food which is imported in bulk and packaged in Canada | | x | x | x | |
CA_CANNED | In Kanada in Dosen verpackt (z.B. grüne Bohnen) | Canned in Canada (e.g. green beans) | To describe green beans that were canned in Canada | | x | x | x | |
CA_DISTILLED | Destilliert in Kanada (z.B. Wasser in Flaschen) | Distilled in Canada (e.g. bottled water) | To describe bottled water that was distilled in Canada | | x | x | x | |
CA_IMPORT | Hergestellt in Kanada aus importierten Zutaten | Made in Canada from imported ingredients | When a food is made with ingredients that are all sourced from outside of Canada, the label would state "Made in Canada from imported ingredients." | | x | x | x | |
CA_INGREDIENT | Hergestellt in Kanada aus kanadischen Zutaten | Made in Canada from Canadian ingredients | The claim "Canadian" is considered to be the same as a "Product of Canada" claim. As such, all or virtually all major ingredients, processing, and labour used to make the food product must be Canadian. For example, the claim "Canadian" on a container of frozen lasagna would mean that the food meets the "Product of Canada" criteria. | | x | x | x | |
CA_MADE | Hergestellt in Kanada - D.h. der letzte entscheidender Fertigungsschritt erfolgte in Kanada | Made in Canada - Last substantial transformation of the product occurred in Canada | A "Made in Canada" claim with a qualifying statement can be used on a food product when the last substantial transformation of the product occurred in Canada, even if some ingredients are from other countries. | | x | x | x | |
CA_MUSTARD_SEEDS | Hergestellt aus kanadischen Senfsamen | Made with Canadian Mustard Seeds | The claim "Canadian" is considered to be the same as a "Product of Canada" claim. As such, all or virtually all major ingredients, processing, and labour used to make the food product must be Canadian. For example, the claim "Canadian" on a container of frozen lasagna would mean that the food meets the "Product of Canada" criteria | | x | x | x | |
CA_OATS | Hergestellt aus 100% kanadischem Hafer | Made with 100% Canadian Oats | When the claim "100% Canadian" is used on a label, the food or ingredient to which the claim applies must be entirely Canadian rather than "all or virtually all" Canadian | | x | x | x | |
CA_PREPARED | Zubereitet in Kanada | Prepared in Canada | To describe a food which has been intirely prepared in Canada | | x | x | x | |
CA_PROCESSED | Bearbeitet in Kanada | Processed in Canada | To describe a food which has been entirely processed in Canada | | x | x | x | |
CA_PRODUCT | Kanadisches Produkt | Product of Canada | A food product may use the claim "Product of Canada" when all or virtually all major ingredients, processing, and labour used to make the food product are Canadian. This means that all the significant ingredients in a food product are Canadian in origin and that non-Canadian material is negligible. | | x | x | x | |
CA_PROUD | Mit Stolz hergestelltes kanadisches Produkt | Proudly Canadian | A claim such as "Proudly Made in Canada" would need a qualifying statement if the product contains imported ingredients as this claim includes the phrase "Made in Canada | | x | x | x | |
CA_REFINED | Raffiniert in Kanada (Zucker aus importiertem Zuckerrohr) | Refined in Canada (sugar from imported cane sugar) | To describe imported cane sugar which has been refined in Canada; | | x | x | x | |
CA_ROASTED_BLENDED | Geröstet und verschnitten in Kanada (Kaffee) | Roasted and blended in Canada to describe coffee | To describe coffee since the coffee beans are always imported | | x | x | x | |
CAC_ABSENCE_EGG_MILK | Abwesenheit von Eiern und Milch - zertifizierte Allergenkontrolle (Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires) | Absence of Eggs and Milk is a Certified Allergen Control (CAC) (Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires) | The Absence of Eggs and Milk mark indicates that the product meets The Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires (AQAA)'s Allergen Control (CAC) Mark of Conformity. This program is intended for the food processing industry and aims to establish uniformity in allergen control measures in processed foods so that people directly or indirectly affected by food allergies can purchase safer products. | | x | x | x | |
CAC_ABSENCE_EGG_MILK_PEANUTS | Abwesenheit von Eiern, Milch und Erdnüssen - zertifizierte Allergenkontrolle (Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires) | Absence of Eggs, Milk and Peanuts is a Certified Allergen Control (CAC) (Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires) | The Absence of Eggs, Milk and Peanuts mark indicates that the product meets The Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires (AQAA)'s Allergen Control (CAC) Mark of Conformity. This program is intended for the food processing industry and aims to establish uniformity in allergen control measures in processed foods so that people directly or indirectly affected by food allergies can purchase safer products. | | x | x | x | |
CAC_ABSENCE_OF_ALMOND | CAC ABSENCE OF ALMOND (Abwesenheit von Mandeln) (Zertifizierung für konforme Allergenkontrolle durch die AQAA, Kanada) | CAC ABSENCE OF ALMOND (certification for conform allergen control by the AQAA, Canada) | The Absence of Almond mark indicates that the product meets The Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires (AQAA)'s Allergen Control (CAC) Mark of Conformity. This program is intended for the food processing industry and aims to establish uniformity in allergen control measures in processed foods so that people directly or indirectly affected by food allergies can purchase safer products. | | x | x | x | |
CAC_ABSENCE_OF_EGG | CAC ABSENCE OF EGG (Abwesenheit von Ei) (Zertifizierung für konforme Allergenkontrolle durch die AQAA, Kanada) | CAC ABSENCE OF EGG (certification for conform allergen control by the AQAA, Canada) | The Absence of Egg mark indicates that the product meets The Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires (AQAA)'s Allergen Control (CAC) Mark of Conformity. This program is intended for the food processing industry and aims to establish uniformity in allergen control measures in processed foods so that people directly or indirectly affected by food allergies can purchase safer products. | | x | x | x | |
CAC_ABSENCE_OF_MILK | CAC ABSENCE OF MILK (Abwesenheit von Milch) (Zertifizierung für konforme Allergenkontrolle durch die AQAA, Kanada) | CAC ABSENCE OF MILK (certification for conform allergen control by the AQAA, Canada) | The Absence of Milk mark indicates that the product meets The Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires (AQAA)'s Allergen Control (CAC) Mark of Conformity. This program is intended for the food processing industry and aims to establish uniformity in allergen control measures in processed foods so that people directly or indirectly affected by food allergies can purchase safer products. | | x | x | x | |
CAC_ABSENCE_OF_PEANUT | CAC ABSENCE OF PEANUT (Abwesenheit von Erdnuss) (Zertifizierung für konforme Allergenkontrolle durch die AQAA, Kanada) | CAC ABSENCE OF PEANUT (certification for conform allergen control by the AQAA, Canada) | The Absence of Peanut mark indicates that the product meets The Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires (AQAA)'s Allergen Control (CAC) Mark of Conformity. This program is intended for the food processing industry and aims to establish uniformity in allergen control measures in processed foods so that people directly or indirectly affected by food allergies can purchase safer products | | x | x | x | |
CAC_ABSENCE_PEANUT_ALMOND | Abwesenheit von Erdnüssen und Mandeln - zertifizierte Allergenkontrolle (Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires) | Absence of Peanuts and Almonds is a Certified Allergen Control (CAC) (Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires) | The Absence of Peanuts & Almonds mark indicates that the product meets The Association quebecoise des allergies alimentaires (AQAA)'s Allergen Control (CAC) Mark of Conformity. This program is intended for the food processing industry and aims to establish uniformity in allergen control measures in processed foods so that people directly or indirectly affected by food allergies can purchase safer products. | | x | x | x | |
CAFE_PRACTICES | C.A.F.E. (Coffee and Farmer Equity) Praktiken - nachhaltig angebauter Kaffee von hoher Qualität | C.A.F.E. (Coffee and Farmer Equity) Practices - high-quality sustainably grown coffee | Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices evaluates, recognizes and rewards producers of high-quality sustainably grown coffee. C.A.F.E. Practices is a green coffee sourcing guideline with third-party evaluation. | | x | x | x | |
CAN_BNQ_CERTIFIED | CAN/ BNQ (Bureau de normalisation du Quebec) Certified | CAN/ BNQ (Bureau de normalisation du Quebec) zertifiziert | The Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) as a certification organization. This accreditation guarantees the BNQ’s impartiality in the process, and the BNQ’s compliance with SCC requirements, as well as those of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in terms of competence and ethical practices. | | x | x | x | |
CANADA_GAP | CanadaGAP Programm Zertifizierungskennzeichen für Konformität | CanadaGAP program certification mark of conformity | CanadaGAP™ is a food safety program for companies that produce, pack and store fruits and vegetables. It is designed to help implement effective food safety procedures within fresh produce operations | | x | x | x | |
CANADIAN_AGRICULTURAL_PRODUCTS | AUS KANADISCHER LANDWIRTSCHAFT (z.B. Milchprodukte, Eier, Fleisch, Fisch, Früchte, Gemüse, Honig, Ahornsirup, etc.) | CANADIAN AGRICULTUAL PRODUCT (e.g. dairy, eggs, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, honey, maple etc.) | Products which are identified by the Canadian Agricultural Products (CAP) Act, e.g. dairy, eggs, fruits, vegetables, honey, maple, meat, poultry, fish. http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-0.4/page-6.html#h-8 | | x | x | x | |
CANADIAN_ASSOCIATION_FIRE_CHIEFS_APPROVED | Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) Approved - zertifiziert durch die kanadische Feuerwehr | Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) Approved | The Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) is an independent, non-profit organization with a voluntary membership representing approximately 3,500 fire departments across Canada. CAFC promotes the highest standard of public safety in an ever changing and increasingly complex world to ensure the protection of the public through leadership, advocacy and active collaboration with key stakeholders | | x | x | x | |
CANADIAN_CERTIFIED_COMPOSTABLE | Canadian Certified Compostable - kanadische Zertifizierung für kompostierbare Artikel (z.B. Plastiktüten) | Canadian Certified Compostable (e.g. for Plastic Bags) | The right to use the mark of conformity "COMPOSTABLE" on compostable plastic bags and on compostable products is granted only to those manufacturer/distributors that demonstrate that their product conforms with specific performance attributes and adheres to the parameters for "compostability" as set out in the BNQ documents, Compostable Plastic Bags - Certification Program. | | x | x | x | |
CANADIAN_DERMATOLOGY_ASSOCIATION_SKIN_HEALTH | Zertifizierung für Hautgesundheit durch den kanadischen Dermatologenverband | Recognized Canadian Dermatology Association for Skin Health | The Skin Health Program’s framework is based, in large part, on the CDA’s longstanding and successful Sun Protection Program (SPP). However, the scope of the Skin Health Program is much broader. The SHP was created to effectively fill a need expressed to us by consumers and industry for the development of an effective evidence-based program that reflects the most recent available dermatological science. The SHP will help people navigate the variety of products on the market designed to enhance and maintain skin health. | | x | x | x | |
CANADIAN_DERMATOLOGY_ASSOCIATION_SUN_PROTECTION | Zertifizierung für Sonnenschutz durch den kanadischen Dermatologenverband | Recognized Canadian Dermatology Association for Sun Protection | The Canadian Dermatology Association, founded in 1925, represents Canadian dermatologists. The association exists to advance the science and art of medicine and surgery related to the care of the skin, hair and nails; provide continuing professional development for its members; support and advance patient care; provide public education on sun protection and other aspects of skin health; and promote a lifetime of healthier skin, hair and nails. | | x | x | x | |
CARBON_FOOTPRINT_STANDARD | CARBON FOOTPRINT Standard des British Standard Institute (BSI) | CARBON FOOTPRINT Standard of British Standard Institute (BSI) | Carbon Footprint Ltd is ISO14001 certified for environmental management and has a Quality Management System certified to ISO 9001:2008. PAS 2060 Carbon Neutrality programme meets the British Standard Institute (BSI)'s specification on carbon neutrality. | | x | x | x | |
CARBON_NEUTRAL | Carbon Neutral - Zertifizierung und globaler Standard für kohlenstoffneutrale Produktion | Carbon Neutral - Certification and global standard for carbon neutral production | CarbonNeutral® certification, from The CarbonNeutral Company, is the global standard for businesses, products or services that have measured, reduced and offset their carbon emissions to net zero, set out in accordance with the rules and regulations of the CarbonNeutral Protocol. | | x | x | x | |
CARBON_NEUTRAL_NCOS_CERTIFIED | CARBON NEUTRAL NCOS zertifiziert - (NCOS = National Carbon Offset Standard) | CARBON NEUTRAL NCOS Certified | The Carbon Neutral Certified by NCOS certification attribute includes all products that have published the Carbon Neutral Certified seal by NCOS (National Carbon Offset Standard) on their packaging. | | x | x | x | |
CARBON_NEUTRAL_PACKAGING | CO2-neutrale Verpackung | Carbon Neutral packaging | The Carbon Neutral Protocol sets out a credible, transparent and practical framework for carbon neutral action. This provides businesses with a pragmatic, business-focused guidance to assure companies that their action is clear and of the highest quality. | | x | x | x | |
CARBON_NEUTRAL_SGS | Carbon Neutral zertifiziert durch SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) | Carbon Neutral certified by SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) | The label confirms, the audit and certification of a product’s carbon footprint by the accreditation body Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) based on the reference of ISO standard 14067 for the carbon footprint of products (CFP). | | x | x | x | |
CARIBBEAN_KOSHER | Kosher - Karibik | China Compulsory Certification | Caribbean Kosher, a division of Chabad Lubavitch of Puerto Rico | | x | x | x | |
CCA_GLUTEN_FREE | GLUTEN-FREE (Guten-frei) (Kanada) | GLUTEN-FREE (Canada) | Gluten Free Certification Program is available to those manufacturers & brand owners who produce gluten-free products. Manufacturers must comply with regulations governing gluten-free claims as set out by the Canadian Government. | | x | x | x | |
CCC | China Compulsory Certification (CCC) (China obligatorische Zertifizierung) | China Compulsory Certification (CCC) | “CCC” is the abbreviation of “China Compulsory Certification”, more commonly known as “3C Certification” or “3C Certificate”, a conformity assessment system of market access, is implemented by Chinese government in line with the international practices to assess products’ conformity with national compulsory standards and technical specifications. It is a mandatory requirement imposed on certain products sold in China market. For the list of madatory products, visit http://www.ccc-certificate.org/en/renzhengzhidu/qiangzhixingchanpinmubi | | x | x | x | |
CCF_RABBIT | CCF RABBIT Zertifizierung - Logo für Produkte ohne Tierversuche | CCF RABBIT Certification - Not Tested on Animals logo | CCF Rabbit Certification includes all products that present a CCF Rabbit Not Tested on Animal logo. | | x | x | x | |
CCOF | CCOF - California Certified Organic Farmers (Zertifizierung für ökologischen Landbau in Kalifornien) | CCOF - California Certified Organic Farmers (certifying agency) | California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) is a full-service organic certification agency and trade association passionate about being the leading voice for organic, and certifying, educating, advocating, and promoting organic. | | x | x | x | |
CCSW | Certified California Sustainable Vineyard and Winery (CCSW) - Nachhaltige Weinerzeugnung in Kalifornien | Certified California Sustainable Vineyard and Winery (CCSW) | Certification: Bottle certification. Regional, California, Industry. Environmental Soundness, Economical Feasibility and Social Equality. Over 100 criteria ranked 1-4. www.sustainablewinegrowing.org | | x | x | x | |
CEBEC | CEBEC - Belgisches Label für Niedervoltgeräte (entspricht EU Regelung) | CEBEC - Belgian label for electrical low voltage equipment (compliant with EU rules) | CEBEC is a Belgian label for electrical low voltage (1,000 V). It indicates that compliance is met with the rules applicable to such equipment from the European Union (including the Low Voltage Directive). | | x | x | x | |
CEL | Kanadisches Öko-Kennzeichen (Environmental Choice) - unabhängiger Umweltstandard | Canadian Eco Logo (Environmental Choice) | The Canadian EcoLogo (also known as Environmental Choice) helps you identify products and services that have been independently certified to meet strict environmental standards that reflect their entire life cycle — from manufacturing to disposal. EcoLogo standards are designed so that only the top 20% of products available on the market can achieve certification. More than 7,000 products — from paint to paper — carry this logo. | | x | x | x | |
CELIAC_SPRUE_ASSOCIATION | CELIAC SPRUE ASSOCIATION - Zöliakiegesellschaft für glutenfreie Lebensmittel | CELIAC SPRUE ASSOCIATION for gluten free food | The Celiac Support Association certification represents a company's manufacturing practices to reduce the risk of allergen contamination for celiac and gluten sensitive customers. Products with this certification are tested using the most sensitive validated testing method to ensure it's gluten free status. This recognition seal also indicates the company's commitment to communicating product information to the consumer. | | x | x | x | |
CENTRAL_RABBINICAL_CONGRESS_KOSHER | CENTRAL RABBINICAL CONGRESS Koscher Zertifizierung (USA und Kanada) | CENTRAL RABBINICAL CONGRESS Kosher Certification (USA and Canada) | Central Rabbinical Congress Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIE_TERROIR_CHARLEVOIX | Region Charlevoix - zertifiziert (Terroir Charlevoix, Canada) | Terroir Charlevoix certification (Canada) | A certification program to promote the products meet the original criteria of agricultural and food products of the Charlevoix terroir. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_ANGUS_BEEF | CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF (Zertifiziertes Angus Rind) | CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF | A package mark awarded to products that meet the certification criteria defined by Certified Angus Beef® | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_B_CORPORATION | Certified B CORPORATION (B Lab oder B Corp Zertifizierung) - Soziale Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutzstandards | Certified B CORPORATION (B Lab or B Corp certification) - Social sustainability and environmental performance standards | Certified B Corporations voluntarily meet the highest standards of verified, overall social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability. B Corps are certified by the non-profit organisation B Lab. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_CARBON_FREE | CERTIFIED CARBON FREE Label von Carbonfund (kohlenstoffneutrales Produkt) | CERTIFIED CARBON FREE label by Carbonfund (carbon neutral product) | Certified Carbon Free by Carbonfund is the 1st carbon neutral label in the US. It indicates the product is environmentally-friendly and carbon neutral. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_HUMANE_ORGANISATION | CERTIFIED HUMANE Organisation - Humane Farmtierhaltung (HFAC) | CERTIFIED HUMANE Organisation - Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) | Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is the leading non-profit certification organisation dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals in food production from birth through slaughter. The goal of the program is to improve the lives of farm animals by driving consumer demand for kinder and more responsible farm animal practices. When you see the Certified Humane Raised and Handled label on a product you can be assured that the food products have come from facilities that meet precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_NATURALLY_GROWN | CERTIFIED NATURALLY GROWN Logo - Zertifizierung für natürliche Aufzucht | CERTIFIED NATURALLY GROWN logo | Certified Naturally Grown attribute includes all products that present a Certified Naturally Grown logo. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_OE_100 | OE 100 Standard (kontrolliert und zertifiziert den Gehalt an biologisch angebauter Baumwolle) | CERTIFIED for OE 100 standard (controls the amount of organically grown cotton) | The OE 100 standard is a chain-of-custody standard that gives third party verification to a final product containing a given amount of organically grown cotton. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_ORGANIC_BAYSTATE_ORGANIC_CERTIFIERS | Certified ORGANIC BAYSTATE Organic Certifiers - USDA Nationales Zertifizierungsprogramm für biologischen Landbau, USA | Certified ORGANIC BAYSTATE Organic Certifiers - USDA National Organic Program, USA | Baystate Organic Certifiers is a USDA National Organic Program accredited certifying agent certifying farm and processing operations throughout the continental United States. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_ORGANIC_BY_ORGANIC_CERTIFIERS | CERTIFIED ORGANIC BY ORGANIC CERTIFIERS - biologisch angebautes Produkt, USA, KANADA | CERTIFIED ORGANIC BY ORGANIC CERTIFIERS - USA, CANADA | Organic Certifiers is USDA, ISO 17065, EU Equivalent, COR (Canadian Organic Regimen) accredited, and has been certifying the organic community since 1996. Organic Certifiers was one of the first accredited by the USDA in early 2002. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_PALEO | CERTIFIED PALEO - Zertifiziert für die Paleo Diät (Paleo Foundation) | CERTIFIED for PALEO Diet (Paleo Foundation) | "The Paleo Foundation was first organized for the purpose of helping Paleo Diet Adherents easily identify products that met the basic tenets of the diet. Certified Paleo certifies products that contain Paleo Diet ingredients, but have some 21st century processing methods allowing for shelf stability. https://paleofoundation.com" | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_PALEO_FRIENDLY | CERTIFIED PALEO FRIENDLY - Zertifiziert als Paleo-freundlich (Paleo Foundation) | CERTIFIED PALEO FRIENDLY (Paleo Foundation) | The Paleo Foundation offers The Paleo Friendly Program for products that are generally regarded as grey-area products such as kombucha, dark chocolate, and even grass-fed dairy. Some restrictions apply. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_PLANT_BASED | Certified Plant Based - zertifizierte Lebensmittel auf pflanzlicher Basis (NSF) | Certified Plant Based - certified plant-based food (NSF) | The Certified Plant Based program defines plant-based food to make it easy for consumers to choose a finished product that consists of ingredients derived from plants including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds and/or legumes. Additionally, fungi and algae, although not technically plants, will also be counted toward the percentage of plant-based ingredients. (https://www.nsf.org/services/by-industry/food-safety-quality/label-claims/certified-plant-based) | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_SUSTAINABLE_WINE_CHILE | Certified Sustainable Wine of Chile - Nachhaltige Weinerzeugnung in Chile | Certified Sustainable Wine of Chile | Certification: Certified Sustainable Wine of Chile. National - Certifies the sustainable management of the company. www.winesofchile.org Sustainability tab. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_WBENC | CERTIFIED WBENC - Geschäft zu 51 Prozent in Besitz, Betrieb, Kontrolle, Management von Frauen | CERTIFIED WBENC - business 51 percent owned, controlled, operated, and managed by women | WBENC Certification validates that the business is 51 percent owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman or women. WBENC Certification gives women owned businesses the ability to compete for real-time business opportunities provided by WBENC Corporate Members and government agencies. | | x | x | x | |
CERTIFIED_WILDLIFE_FRIENDLY | CERTIFIED WILDLIFE FRIENDLY von WFEN | CERTIFIED WILDLIFE FRIENDLY by WFEN | Products may be certified by WFEN if: The product contributes directly to in situ conservation of key species. Production has a positive impact on the local economy. Individuals or communities living with wildlife participate in the production, harvest, processing or manufacture of the product. The product’s conservation mission includes a clear enforcement mechanism, such that failure to follow through with required conservation actions results in immediate consequences, including forfeiture of any economic reward. | | x | x | x | |
CFG_PROCESSED_EGG | Verarbeitete Eiprodukte - Unter Kontrolle der kanadischen Regierung | Canadian Federal Government - Processed Egg Products | National trademarks under the Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Meat Inspection Act | | x | x | x | |
CFIA | Kanadische Lebensmittelinspektion (CFIA) - z.B. Fleisch | Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as Federally Registered and Inspected Facility e.g. meat | National trademarks under the Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Meat Inspection Act | | x | x | x | |
CFIA_DAIRY | Milchprodukte - Unter Kontrolle der kanadischen Regierung | Canadian Federal Government - Dairy Product Grade | National trademarks under the Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Meat Inspection Act | | x | x | x | |
CFIA_FISH | Kanadische Lebensmittelinspektion (CFIA) - Fisch | Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as Federally Registered and Inspected Facility - Fish | National trademarks under the Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Meat Inspection Act | | x | x | x | |
CFIA_GRADE_A | Geflügelfleisch und Eier Qualitätsstufe Kanada A - Lebensmittelinspektion (CFIA) der kanadischen Regierung | Canadian Federal Government - CFIA Grade Stamps Canada A e.g. poultry and eggs | National trademarks under the Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Meat Inspection Act | | x | x | x | |
CFIA_GRADE_C | Geflügelfleisch und Eier Qualitätsstufe Kanada C - Lebensmittelinspektion (CFIA) der kanadischen Regierung | Canadian Federal Government - CFIA Grade Stamps Canada C e.g. poultry & eggs | National trademarks under the Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Meat Inspection Act | | x | x | x | |
CFIA_ORGANIC | Kanadisches Logo für ein biologisch angebautes Produkt, zertifiziert von der kanadischen Lebensmittelinspektion | Canada Organic Canadian Organic Logo - organic certified by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency | The Canadian Organic Logo symbolizes products that are organic certified by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The use of the organic logo is only permitted on products that have an organic content that is greater than or equal to 95% and have been certified according to the requirements of the Canada Organic Regime. | | x | x | x | |
CFIA_UTILITY_POULTRY_EGG | Geflügelfleisch und Eier Qualitätsstufe Kanada Utility - Lebensmittelinspektion (CFIA) der kanadischen Regierung | Canadian Federal Government - CFIA Grade Stamps Canada Utility e.g. poultry & eggs | National trademarks under the Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Meat Inspection Act | | x | x | x | |
CHASSEURS_DE_FRANCE | Chasseurs de France - Label des Jagdverbandes Frankreichs (FNC) | Chasseurs de France - label awarded by the National Federation of Hunters (FNC) | The National Federation of Hunters (FNC) is a French fighter organization. It is chaired by Willy Schraen, who is also president of the departmental federation of hunters of the Pas-de-Calais, since August 2016. It brings together all the departmental and regional federations of hunters and represents approximately 1.1 million French hunters. | | x | x | x | |
CHEESE_WORLD_CHAMPION_CHEESE_CONTEST | World Champion Cheese Contest - Weltmeisterschaft im Käse Wettbewerb | Cheese - World Champion Cheese Contest | The World Championship Cheese Contest is the largest technical cheese, butter, and yogurt competition in the world. The contest organized by Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association. | | x | x | x | |
CHES_K | Ches K - Kosher Zertifizierung | Ches K - Kosher Certification | Ches K Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
CHICAGO_RABBINICAL_COUNCIL | CHICAGO RABBINICAL COUNCIL - Koscher Zertifizierung | CHICAGO RABBINICAL COUNCIL - Kosher Certification | Chicago Rabbinical Council Certification | | x | x | x | |
CINCINNATI_KOSHER | Cincinnati Kosher Zertifizierung | Cincinnati Kosher (Vaad Hoier of Cincinnati) | Cincinnati Kosher (Vaad Hoier of Cincinnati) | | x | x | x | |
CLARO_FAIR_TRADE | Claro Fair Trade - Siegel für fairen Handel, ökologisch und sozial hergestellte Produkte | Claro Fair Trade - Seal for fair trade and ecologically and socially produced products | Seal for fair trade and ecologically and socially produced products from the south. Label owned by claro fair trade AG. | | x | x | x | |
CLIMATE_NEUTRAL | CLIMATE NEUTRAL - Klimaneutrale Produktion (Niederlande und Süd-Afrika) | CLIMATE NEUTRAL (Netherlands and South-Africa) | The Climate Neutral Guaranteed standard gives you the acknowledgement that the results of your work are helping and are meaningful. The steps that have been taken are expertly tested against published criteria in a transparent process. With the logo, you can clearly communicate your commitment to your stakeholders, who are becoming more critical when it comes to socially, ecologically and economically responsible business. The Climate Neutral Group has offices in the Netherlands an South-Africa. | | x | x | x | |
CLIMATE_NEUTRAL_PARTNER | Klimaneutraler Partner | Climate neutral partner | The Climate Neutral label Indicates that Climate Partner guarantees that all carbon emissions of the product have been calculated and offset via recognised carbon offset projects. | | x | x | x | |
CMA | Compost Manufacturing Alliance (CMA) - Kompostieranlagen und -standards für industrielles Kompostieren | Compost Manufacturing Alliance (CMA) - facilities and standards for industrial composting | Compost Manufacturing Alliance (CMA) is a global leader in providing industrial composting facilities an acceptance standard for compostables by performing field disintegration testing through several prominent processing methods to ensure products sent to industrial compost facilities adequately break down within the production cycle. | | x | x | x | |
CNG | Natürlich gewachsen - Zertifizierung für Landwirtschaft und Bienenhaltung (CNG) | Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) - Farmers and beekeepers | Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) offers peer-review certification to farmers and beekeepers producing food for their local communities by working in harmony with nature, without relying on synthetic chemicals or GMOs | | x | x | x | |
CO2_REDUCERET_EMBALLAGE | CO2 Reduceret Emballage - Logo von Arla, das eine klimafreundlichere Verpackung kennzeichnet | CO2 Reduceret Emballage - Arla logo indicating more climate-friendly packaging | Arla have great focus for reducing the CO2 impact from their packaging. To make it simpler to see for the consumer, the logo indicates the packaging have been made more climate-friendly. | | x | x | x | |
CO2LOGIC_CO2_NEUTRAL_CERTIFIED | CO2 NEUTRAL Logo von CO2logic | CO2 NEUTRAL Certified - Logo by CO2logic | The CO2 neutral label by CO2logic is meant to provide both customers and companies with a basic understanding of the CO2 neutrality concept, based on the internationally recognised PAS2060 standard. This website helps them fully grasp, appreciate and recognise the benefits and challenges of the ‘CO2 Neutral’ approach.The text in the logo depends on the third party validation and the scope. | | x | x | x | |
COCOA_HORIZONS | Cocoa Horizons - Programm für Kakao-Anbau | Cocoa Horizons - program for cocoa farmers | Cocoa Horizons is an impact driven program focused on cocoa farmer prosperity and helping build self-sustaining farming communities that protect nature and children. The purpose is to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers and their communities through the promotion of sustainable, entrepreneurial farming, improved productivity, and community development, which protects nature and children. | | x | x | x | |
COCOA_LIFE | Cocoa Life - Ein besseres Leben für Kakaobauern und - gemeinschaften (Ghana) | Cocoa Life - Better life for cocoa farmers and communities (Ghana) | Cocoa Life is farmer-centric, empowered by strong partnerships, and aligned with our sourcing. These three non-negotiable principles inform every choice we make, every goal we set, and every initiative we launch. | | x | x | x | |
COMPOSTABLE_DIN_CERTCO | COMPOSTABLE DIN CERTCO (Sämling-Label für Produkte aus kompostierbaren Werkstoffen) | COMPOSTABLE DIN CERTCO (Seedling label for products of compostable materials) | The Seedling is a reliable label for compostability. The logo and the certificate number printed on the product assists in the decision on purchasing and disposing a product (packaging). The certification process is offered by Belgian certifier TÜV Austria Belgium and German certifier DIN CERTCO. Biodegradable and compostable products should be certified according to EN 13432 / 14995 standards. | | x | x | x | |
COMTE_GREEN_BELL | Comte green bell - Käse aus der französischen Region Franche-Comte | Comte green bell - Cheese from the French region of Franche-Comte | Comté is a hard raw milk cheese from the French region of Franche-Comté. Its production area extends to the departments of Jura, Doubs and eastern Ain. | | x | x | x | |
CONFIT_DE_FRANCE | Confit aus Frankreich | Confit from France | Confit is the generic name given to various foods immersed in a substance for both taste and preservation. This logo is a simple way of identifying French confit. | | x | x | x | |
CONFORMITE_EUROPEENNE | Conformité Européenne (CE) - EU Conformance - EU Normkonformität | Conformité Européenne (CE) - EU Conformance | The letters ‘CE’ appear on many products traded on the extended Single Market in the European Economic Area (EEA). They signify that products sold in the EEA have been assessed to meet high safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. When you buy a new phone, a teddy bear, or a TV within the EEA, you can find the CE mark on them. CE marking also supports fair competition by holding all companies accountable to the same rules. | | x | x | x | |
CONSUMER_CHOICE_AWARD | Consumer Choice Award - Kanadischer Verbraucherpreis | Canadian Consumer Choice Award | Consumer Choice Award recognizes business excellence in small and medium sized businesses. They only organization in Canada to conduct statistically accurate independent market research surveys to determine brand reputation, customer satisfaction and business excellence | | x | x | x | |
COR_DETROIT | COUNCIL OF ORTHODOX RABBIS - Zertifizierung für den Großraum Detroit | COUNCIL OF ORTHODOX RABBIS of Greater Detroit Certification | Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit Certification | | x | x | x | |
COR_KOSHER | KASHRUTH COUNCIL - KOSCHER-Zertifizierung, Kanada | KASHRUTH COUNCIL of Canada - Kosher Certification | Kashruth Council of Canada (COR) Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
CORRUGATED_RECYCLES | Corrugated Recycles - Logo der britischen Wellpappenindustrie für wiederverwertbare Kartonagen | Corrugated Recycles - Logo of the UK Corrugated Industry for recyclability of cardboard boxes | The UK Corrugated Industry have been running a continuous campaign for some time to highlight and raise awareness of the recyclability of cardboard boxes, they have done this by creating an internationally recognised logo which is to be placed on all manufactured recyclable boxes. | | x | x | x | |
COSMEBIO | COSMEBIO (natürliche und ökologische Kosmetik aus biologischem Landbau) | COSMEBIO (natural and ecological cosmetics from organic farming) | COSMEBIO is the Professional Association for Natural, Ecological and Organic cosmetics. COSMEBIO federates the professional players in the industry and brings together over 390 members in France and abroad. Since 2002, COSMEBIO has been working to promote natural and ecological cosmetics made with ingredients from organic farming and developed using green technologies (green chemistry). | | x | x | x | |
COSMEBIO_COSMOS_NATURAL | COSMEBIO COSMOS Natural | COSMEBIO COSMOS natural | The Cosmebio COSMOS natural signature is available for products that comply with the COSMOS-standard in all respects but do not meet the required minimum organic percentages as specified in the COSMOS-standard. | | x | x | x | |
COSMEBIO_COSMOS_ORGANIC | COSMEBIO COSMOS Bio | Cosmebio COSMOS organic | The Cosmebio COSMOS organic signature is available for products that comply with the COSMOS-standard in all respects and contain the required percentages of organic ingredients as specified in the COSMOS-standard. | | x | x | x | |
COSMETICI_BIOLOGICI | Cosmetici Biologici | Cosmetici Biologici | The Cosmetici Biologici certified label is awarded to companies that meet the criteria of their organic standard for cosmetic products. The principle behind the organic cosmetics standard is the sourcing of organically grown raw materials. | | x | x | x | |
COSMETICI_NATURALI | Cosmetici Naturali | Cosmetici Naturali | The Cosmetici Naturali certified label is awarded to companies that meet the criteria of their natural cosmetic standard. The principle of the standard for natural cosmetics is the raw materials used. The standard specifies the minimum requirements for ingredients, composition and manufacturing processes that a cosmetic product must meet in order to be certified as natural. | | x | x | x | |
COSMOS_NATURAL_BDIH | Cosmos natural zertifiziert durch BDIH (Bundesverband der Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen) | Cosmos natural certified by BDIH (Bundesverband der Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen) | The Bundesverband der Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen (BDIH) COSMOS logo with signature “natural” is used to certify products which comply with the COSMOS-standard and are containing less than 20% of organic origin. | | x | x | x | |
COSMOS_ORGANIC_BDIH | Cosmos organic zertifiziert durch BDIH (Bundesverband der Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen) | Cosmos organic certified by BDIH (Bundesverband der Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen) | The Bundesverband der Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen (BDIH) COSMOS logo with signature „organic“ is used to certify products which comply with the COSMOS-standard and contain the required percentages of organic ingredients (> 20%) as specified in the COSMOS standard. | | x | x | x | |
COTTON_MADE_IN_AFRICA | BAUMWOLLE AUS AFRIKA (Aid by Trade Foundation) | COTTON MADE IN AFRICA (Aid by Trade Foundation) | Cotton made in Africa is the first, and as yet the only initiative of the Aid by Trade Foundation. It improves the conditions of life of cotton farmers and their families in Africa, and contributes to environmental protection by promoting sustainable methods of cultivation. | | x | x | x | |
CPE_SCHARREL_EIEREN | CPE SCHARREL EIEREN (Eier aus Bodenhaltung in den Niederlanden) | CPE SCHARREL EIEREN (eggs standard in the Netherlands) | Eggs with this Dutch packaging mark are from chicken that are held according to certain quality standards. | | x | x | x | |
CPE_VRIJE_UITLOOP_EIEREN | CPE VRIJE UITLOOP EIEREN (Freilandeier in den Niederlanden) | CPE VRIJE UITLOOP (free range, open air eggs standard in the Netherlands) | eggs with this Dutch packaging Mark are from chicken that have the possibility for free range in open air | | x | x | x | |
CRADLE_TO_CRADLE | CRADLE TO CRADLE zertifiziertes Produkt | CRADLE TO CRADLE certified product | The Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard guides designers and manufacturers through a continual improvement process that looks at a product through five quality categories - material health, material reutilization, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship, and social fairness. A product receives an achievement level in each category - Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum - with the lowest achievement level representing the product's overall mark. | | x | x | x | |
CREATEUR_JOUET_FRANCAIS | Französischer Spielzeug-Designer | French toys designer | This logo is a simple way of identifying French toy designers | | x | x | x | |
CROSSED_GRAIN_SYMBOL | CROSSED GRAIN (Durchgestrichene Ähre) (Coeliac) (glutenfreie Nahrung) | CROSSED GRAIN symbol (by Coeliac) (gluten-free food) | Crossed grain logo is a trademark owned and administered by Coeliac. It is a worldwide symbol for safe gluten-free foods. Each country has their own Coeliac website for example UK www.coeliac.org.uk | | x | x | x | |
CROWN_CHK | Bais Din of CROWN HEIGHTS Vaad HaKashrus Koscher Zertifizierung | Bais Din of CROWN HEIGHTS Vaad HaKashrus Certification | Bais Din of Crown Heights Vaad HaKashrus Certification | | x | x | x | |
CRUELTY_FREE_PETA | Cruelty Free PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal) - Organisation für Tierrechte und Tierschutz | Cruelty Free PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal) - Animal rights organization | PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters. PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals who are often considered “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals. | | x | x | x | |
CSA_INTERNATIONAL | CSA INTERNATIONAL Zertifizierung (Sicherheit und Funktionsfähigkeit) | CSA INTERNATIONAL certification (safety and performance standards) | CSA International tests products for compliance to national and international standards, and issues certification marks for qualified products. Certification marks tell potential customers and users that a product has been evaluated by a formal process-involving examination, testing and follow-up inspection-and that it complies with applicable standards for safety and performance. | | x | x | x | |
CSA_NCA_GLUTEN_FREE | CSA/NCA - GLUTENFREI | CSA/NCA - GLUTEN FREE | NCA has become the recognized education and advocacy group for people with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders. | | x | x | x | |
CSI | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation - Centre for Systems Integration (CSI) | Organic Certifying Body - Centre for Systems Integration (CSI) | As an independent, not-for-profit organization, CSI is able to offer programs and services to augment and support the work of regulatory officials, including standards development, and certification system development. | | x | x | x | |
CULINARIUM | Culinarium - regionale Produkte aus der Ostschweiz | Culinarium - Regional products from Eastern Switzerland | Regional products from Eastern Switzerland | | x | x | x | |
CULTIVUP_EXIGENCE | CULTIV UP Voll-Zertifizierung Getreideproduktionskette in Frankreich (AXEREAL) | CULTIV UP requirement fully met, cereal production chain in France (certified by AXEREAL) | Originating from the Beauce and Champagne regions, AXEREAL is the leading cereal cooperative in France in the grain chain: collection, processing and trading. It has 13,000 members. Anxious to accompany its members towards a responsible agriculture approach, AXEREAL launches in 2017 a certification initiative for farmers: CULTIV UP. To show a strong commitment to the consumer: Your level of requirement goes beyond the "Responsible" base on one or more criteria. We can respond to your request by creating a chain and a complete traceability from the producer to the consumer. | | x | x | x | |
CULTIVUP_RESPONSABLE | CULTIV UP Basis-Zertifizierung für verantwortliche Getreideproduktion in Frankreich (AXEREAL) | CULTIV UP responsible cereal raw material production in France (certified by AXEREAL) | Originating from the Beauce and Champagne regions, AXEREAL is the leading cereal cooperative in France in the grain chain: collection, processing and trading. It has 13,000 members. Anxious to accompany its members towards a responsible agriculture approach, AXEREAL launches in 2017 a certification initiative for farmers: CULTIV UP. To add a "sustainable" mention on your products: Your raw materials come from farmers who produce according to a shared vision of sustainability: that of the members of the SAI platform. It is based on social, economic and environmental criteria. For you, an annual mass balance is carried out on our sustainable raw material. | | x | x | x | |
CZECH_FOOD | Czech Food - Nahrungsmittel aus tschechischen Zutaten, erzeugt in der Tschechischen Republik | Czech Food - Food products made from Czech ingredients and manufactured in the Czech Republic | This logo can be only used on labels of food products made only or mostly from Czech ingredients and manufactured in the Czech Republic. Rules for using the logo are maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and they are available at http://eagri.cz/public/web/mze/potraviny/znacky-kvality-potravin/ceska-potravina/ . | | x | x | x | |
CZECH_GUILD_STANDARDS | Czech Guild Standard - tschechischer Gildenstandard | Czech Guild Standards | - | | x | x | x | |
DALLAS_KOSHER | DALLAS KOSCHER Zertifizierung | DALLAS KOSHER Certification | Dallas Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
DANSK_IP_KVALITET | Dansk IP Kvalitet - Dänische I.P. (Danish Integrated Production) Gärtner, Züchter und Erzeuger | Dansk IP Kvalitet - Danish I.P. (Danish Integrated Production) organic gardeners and growers | The objective of Danish I.P. gardeners and growers are producing fruits and vegetables of high quality in a holistic manner that is prudent to both nature and man. Integrated Production requires, e.g.. taking advantage of the natural regulatory and useful mechanisms in nature. The goal is to reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizer to the bare minimum. Documentation and independent control is the guarantee of security. Nothing is left to chance when Danish fruit and vegetables is grown by I.P. method. | | x | x | x | |
DANSK_MAELK | Dansk Maelk - Dänische Milch, produziert und abgepackt in Dänemark (Danish Dairy Board) | Dansk Maelk - Danish milk, produced and packaged in Denmark (Danish Dairy Board) | The purpose of DANSK MÆLK marque is to determine that the products sold - using the DANSK MÆLK marque - originates from Danish milk, is produced and packaged in Denmark. The DANSK MÆLK marque is owned by Danish Dairy Board (Mejeriforeningen). The DANSK MÆLK marque may only be used for milk, dairy and drinking milk products. Only members of the Dairy Board can use the DANSK MÆLK marque. | | x | x | x | |
DEBIO | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation in Norwegen - Debio | Organic Certifying Body in Norway - Debio | All providers of organic products in Norway are certified by Debio. We ensure that farms and fish farms, processing and marketing enterprises, importers and others follow the regulations for organic production, and meet the requirements for marketing organic products under Debio’s Ø-label. - See more at: http://www.debio.no/information-in-english#sthash.TttuMTn9.dpuf | | x | x | x | |
DELINAT | Delinat - Ökologischer Weinbau und Sozialstandards | Delinat - Organic winegrowing, winemaking and social standards | Organic winegrowing, organic winemaking and social standards. | | x | x | x | |
DEMAIN_LA_TERRE | Demain la Terre (Für die Welt von morgen) - nachhaltige Obst- und Gemüseproduktion | Demain la Terre (Tomorrow the earth) | Demain la Terre is an association under the law of 1901 of producers of fresh or processed fruits and vegetables, gathered around a common project of sustainable development. | | x | x | x | |
DEMETER_GUARANTEED | Demeter guaranteed - garantiert mind. 95 % Bio- und 90 % Demeter-Inhaltsstoffe | Demeter guaranteed - stands for at least 95 % organic and 90 % Demeter ingredients | The "Biodynamisch" on the Demeter guaranteed label, indicates that products contain at least 95 percent organic and 90 percent Demeter ingredients. The label is issued by the association Demeter e.V. | | x | x | x | |
DEMETER_LABEL | DEMETER-Label (biologisch-dynamische Landwirtschaft) | DEMETER label (biodynamic agriculture) | Demeter International trademark for products of certified biodynamic production. Www.demeter.net | | x | x | x | |
DESIGN_FOR_THE_ENVIRONMENT | Design for the Environment (DFE) Safer Product Labeling Program (USA) - Kennzeichnung für eine sichere Umwelt | Design for the Environment (DFE) Safer Product Labeling Program (USA) | The Design for the Environment Safer Product Labeling Program advances the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mission to protect human health and the environment. The program uses EPA's chemical knowledge and resources to carefully evaluate products and to label only those that have met the program's leadership standard. | | x | x | x | |
DESIGN_FROM_FINLAND | Design aus Finnland | Design From Finland | Finnish label for designing. | | x | x | x | |
DIAMOND_K | DIAMOND K - Massachusetts Zertifizierung | DIAMOND K - Massachusetts Certification | Diamond K - Massachusetts Certification | | x | x | x | |
DIAMOND_KA_KASHRUT_AUTHORITY_OF_AUSTRALIA_AND_NZ | DIAMOND KA KASHRUT Autorität von Australien und Neuseeland - Zertifizierung | DIAMOND KA KASHRUT Authority Of Australia and NZ - Certification | The Kashrut Authority of Australia and NZ Certification | | x | x | x | |
DIRECT_TRADE | Direct Trade - Label kennzeichnet eine ethische, verantwortungsbewusste und soziale Verbindung von Bauern und Herstellern | Direct Trade - label indicating ethical, responsible and social connection between farmers and manufacturing companies | Direct Trade is an ethical, responsible and social connection between farmers and manufacturing companies without any intermediaries, in a way that the created value is shared between both parties equally. Hence, both parties work in a symbiotic relationship, outputting labour and effort in order to maximize the value of the raw materials and finished goods and become dependent on each other´s success. There are various versions of this label. | | x | x | x | |
DK_ECO | Ø-mærke Statskontrolleret økologisk von Dänemark für ökologische Produkte | Ø-mærke Statskontrolleret økologisk of Danmark for organic products | The red Ø-mærke with the text "Statskontrolleret økologisk", tells that the Danish authorities have been controlling the farm or the company which have processed, packed or marked an organic product. | | x | x | x | |
DLG_2_STERNE_BRONZE | DLG 2 Sterne Bronze (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) | DLG 2 Sterne Bronze (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) (German Agricultural Society, 2 stars bronze) | The DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft, German Agricultural Society) 2 star bronze label guarantees the second level of the DLG programme's standard in terms of animal husbandry on the participating dairy farms. | | x | x | x | |
DLG_3_STERNE_SILVER | DLG 3 Sterne Silber (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) | DLG 3 Sterne Silver (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) (German Agricultural Society, 3 stars silver) | The DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft, German Agricultural Society) 3 star silver label guarantees the third level of the DLG programme's standard in terms of animal husbandry on the participating dairy farms. | | x | x | x | |
DLG_4_STERNE_GOLD | DLG 4 Sterne Gold (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) | DLG 4 Sterne Gold (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) (German Agricultural Society, 4 stars gold) | The DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft, German Agricultural Society) 4 star gold label guarantees the highest standard of the DLG programme's standard in terms of animal husbandry on the participating dairy farms. | | x | x | x | |
DLG_AWARD | DLG-Prämierung (Lebensmittelqualitätsprüfungen) | DLG AWARD (quality assessment of food) | DLG award in bronze, silver and gold. The DLG promotes product quality of foods on the basis of binding and impartial quality standards, based on current scientific findings and the recognised test methods it has developed.With its International Tests the DLG leads quality assessment in Europe and is accredited in accordance with international norms. | | x | x | x | |
DLG_CERTIFIED_ALLERGEN_MANAGEMENT | DLG-zertifiziertes Allergenmanagement (Deutschland) | DLG certified allergen management (Germany) | Indicates that on the basis of the allergen management and risk assessment, the product is assessed that it will not cause allergic reactions in the majority of the allergic population. The label "DLG-certified allergen management" is awarded by the DLG TestService GmbH in cooperation with the German Allergy and Asthma Federation e.V. (DAAB). | | x | x | x | |
DNV_BUSINESS_ASSURANCE | DNV - Unternehmensversicherung (Det Norske Veritas) | DNV - Business Assurance (Det Norske Veritas) | DNV Business Assurance part of DNV GL (Det Norske Veritas) "the Norwegian truth" is one of the world's leading certification bodies, helping businesses assure the performance of their organization, products, people, facilities and supply chains through certification, verification, assessment, and training services. They certify the compliance of companies according to a third party standard, such as ISO 9001 (quality management system) or ISO 14001 (environmental management system). | | x | x | x | |
DOLPHIN_SAFE | DOLPHIN SAFE (Delphin-freundlicher Tunfischfang) | DOLPHIN SAFE (dolphin-safe and -friendly tuna fishing) | The Earth Island Institute monitors tuna companies around the world to ensure the tuna is caught by methods that do not harm dolphins and protect the marine ecosystem. | | x | x | x | |
DONAU_SOYA_STANDARD | Donau Soya-Standard - Qualitätssoja aus der Donauregion, frei von Gentchnik und mit geprüftem Ursprung | Donau Soya Standard for GM-free, origin-controlled quality soya from the Danube Region | The Donau Soja programme has been established to promote and propagate the cultivation, processing and marketing of GM-free, origin-controlled quality soya from the Danube Region. Our aim is to develop and guarantee a GM-free protein supply in Europe. | | x | x | x | |
DRP | Dermatology Review Panel (DRP) - Dermatologisches unabhängiges Kontrollgremium für nicht-verschreibungspflichtige Hautpflegeprodukte | Dermatology Review Panel (DRP) - Independent dermatologist’s review of non-prescription skin care products | The Dermatology Review Panel™, a division of DRP Dermatology Inc. ("DRP") has been formed to provide an independent dermatologists' review of non-prescription skin care products (includes over-the-counter and other consumer products with skin care-related claims). | | x | x | x | |
DUURZAAM_VARKENSVLEES | DUURZAAM VARKENSVLEES (strenge Vorschriften für das Wohlergehen von Schweinen und Umwelt) | DUURZAAM VARKENSVLEES (strict regulations for the well-being of pigs and the environment) | This label is awarded to farmers that comply with strict regulations for the well-being of both pigs and the environment. The compliance to these guidelines is reviewed yearly by independent certification bodies. | | x | x | x | |
DVF_VEGAN | DVF (Dansk Vegetarisk Forening) Vegan | DVF (Dansk Vegetarisk Forening) Vegan | The label of 'Vegan' from the The Vegetarian Society of Denmark, also known as Dansk Vegetarisk Forening (DVF), is a label to trust with stricter requirements than most other vegan labels. Besides the normal requirements for vegan, then products are not allowed to be tested on animals either for this vegan label. The logo is a registered trademark. | | x | x | x | |
DVF_VEGETARIAN | DVF (Dansk Vegetarisk Forening) Vegetarisch | DVF (Dansk Vegetarisk Forening) Vegetarian | The label of 'Vegetarian' from the The Vegetarian Society of Denmark, also known as Dansk Vegetarisk Forening (DVF), is a label to trust with stricter requirements than most other vegetarian labels. Besides the normal requirements for vegetarian, then any product from animals should be organic for this vegetarian label. The logo is a registered trademark. | | x | x | x | |
DYRENES_BESKYTTELSE | Dyrenes Beskyttelse - Empfohlen von der Tierschutzorganisation | Dyrenes Beskyttelse - Recommended by Animal Protection Association | The requirements for the label "Recommended by Animal Protection Association " is focused on animal welfare in production, transport and accommodation at the slaughterhouse and may be summarized in five points: 1. Animals must always have the freedom to move freely and be able to exhibit normal behaviour. 2. Animals must not be harmed physically or mentally. 3. Animals must not starve, but should have free access to natural feedstuffs and water so that they can maintain good health and vigour. 4. Animals must not be unnecessarily exposed to infection or suffer any harm. 5. Animals must not in any way be intimidated or unduly stressed. | | x | x | x | |
DZG_GLUTEN_FREE | GLUTEN-FREI - Zeichen der Deutschen Zöliakiegesellschaft (DZG) | GLUTEN-FREE label of the German Coeliac Society (DZG) | The German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakiegesellschaft – DZG) was founded 1974. Today the DZG has more than 40,000 members. The aim is to help people with coeliac disease or with Dermatitis Herpetiformis Duhring. The organisation also try to increase the publicity of coeliac disease and to improve the living conditions for coeliacs in Germany. | | x | x | x | |
EARTHKOSHER_KOSHER | EARTHKOSHER KOSHER Zertifizierung | EARTHKOSHER KOSHER Certification | EarthKosher Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
EARTHSURE | EARTHSURE Ökolabel (IERE) | EARTHSURE ecolabel (IERE) | Earthsure is the Ecolabel program of IERE. It provides environmental product declarations, or Environmental Product Declarations Much like a nutrition label the EPD shows some or all of the following impacts: climate change, depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, acidification of land and water sources & other impacts. | | x | x | x | |
ECARF_SEAL | ECARF Seal (Siegel) - Schwellenwerte und Ausschlusskriterien für allergische Reaktion bei verschiedenen Produktgruppen, z.B. Cremes Staubsauger und Hotels | ECARF Seal - Threshold values and exclusion criteria for allergic reaction for different product groups, such as creams, vacuum cleaners and hotels | The products and services we certify have been fully adapted to the needs of allergy sufferers. An independent advisory panel of 15 leading international scientists and technicians has developed the criteria we use to evaluate different product groups, such as creams, vacuum cleaners and hotels. They include threshold values and exclusion criteria that make an allergic reaction very unlikely. The criteria are regularly updated to reflect the latest scientific findings. A product receives the Seal when it can be proved through audits or studies that the criteria have been fulfilled. | | x | x | x | |
ECC_HALAL | ECC Halal - Europäisches Zertifizierungszentrum für Halal | ECC Halal - European Certification Centre for Halal | - | | x | x | x | |
ECO_KREIS | ECO-KREIS (Drucker und Faxgeräte, TÜV Rheinland) | ECO-KREIS (printers and fax machines, TÜV Rhineland) | corresponds to printers and fax machines, for the health and environmental criteria audited by TÜV Rheinland: www.tuv.com. | | x | x | x | |
ECO_LABEL_CZECH | Eco Label Czech von CENIA (Agentur für Umweltinformation des Umweltministeriums der Tschechischen Republik) | Eco Label Czech by CENIA (Czech Environmental Information Agency) of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic) | Mark accredited to products with low impact on environment. It is accredited by CENIA - Czech Environmental Information Agency of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic. | | x | x | x | |
ECO_LABEL_LADYBUG | Ökolabel LADYBUG (Marienkäfer, Finnland) | Eco label LADYBUG (Finland) | This is a Finnish label used by the Organic union, which represents the entire Finnish organic industry, consumers and producers in a common interest group. They work as a neutral voice in various working groups and consultations, and prepare position papers and presentations. The Federation also organizes training events and professional seminars. The Organic Federation also publishes the magazine Organic. | | x | x | x | |
ECO_LOGO | ECO LOGO (US) (Umweltstandard und Zertifizierungssymbol) | ECO LOGO (US) (environmental standard and certification mark) | Founded in 1988 by the Government of Canada but now recognized world-wide, EcoLogoTM is North America’s largest, most respected environmental standard and certification mark. | | x | x | x | |
ECO_SLOVAK_LABEL | Öko-Label der Slowakischen Republik für umweltfreundliche Produkte | Eco Slovakia label for environmentally suitable product | The national environmental labelling scheme, the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic awards the national environmental label "Environmentally suitable product" (EVP) to products and services that have met strict environmental criteria. | | x | x | x | |
ECOCERT_CERTIFICATE | ECOCERT-Zeichen für nachhaltige Entwicklung | ECOCERT certificate for sustainable development | ECOCERT is a certification body for sustainable development. Www.ecocert.com | | x | x | x | |
ECOCERT_COSMOS_NATURAL | ECOCERT COSMOS NATURAL (natürliche Kosmetik) | ECOCERT COSMOS NATURAL (natural cosmetics) | The COSMOS-standard certification was officially launched at the Biofach in February. The COSMOS-standard is a new cosmetic certification developed to harmonize various certifications and labels in order to create one standard that is internationally recognized for natural and organic cosmetics. The new certification is a result of Europe’s leading natural cosmetic certifiers coming together and forming a non-profit association, COSMOS-standard AISBL | | x | x | x | |
ECOCERT_COSMOS_ORGANIC | ECOCERT COSMOS ORGANIC (Bio-Kosmetik) | ECOCERT COSMOS ORGANIC (organic cosmetics) | The COSMOS-standard certification was officially launched at the Biofach in February. The COSMOS-standard is a new cosmetic certification developed to harmonize various certifications and labels in order to create one standard that is internationally recognized for natural and organic cosmetics. The new certification is a result of Europe’s leading natural cosmetic certifiers coming together and forming a non-profit association, COSMOS-standard AISBL | | x | x | x | |
ECOCERT_NATURAL_DETERGENT | ECOCERT natürliches Wasch-/Reinigungsmittel | ECOCERT natural detergent | The ECOCERT logo with signature “NATURAL DETERGENT” is used to certify detergents which comply with the ECOCERT Standard. Also labeled as "Ecocert Ecodetergent" | | x | x | x | |
ECOCERT_NATURAL_DETERGENT_MADE_WITH_ORGANIC | ECOCERT biologisches Wasch-/Reinigungsmittel (mind. 10 % Bio-Rohstoffe) | ECOCERT natural detergent made with at least 10% organic raw materials | The ECOCERT logo with signature “NATURAL DETERGENT made with ORGANIC” is used to certify detergents which comply with the ECOCERT Standard made from at least 10% organic raw materials. | | x | x | x | |
ECOCERT_ORGANIC | Biologische Zertifizierungsorganisation - EcoCert, Quebec, Canada | Organic Certifying Body - EcoCert, Quebec, Canada | Ecocert (Canada) is a control and certification organization that certifies organic products in Canada with its Ecocert label. It is managed by a private corporation based in Quebec, but that operates Canada-wide and is independent from all commercial entities | | x | x | x | |
ECOGARANTIE | ECOGARANTIE für ökologische Produkte (Kosmetik, Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel etc.) | ECOGARANTIE for ecological products (cosmetics, wash- and cleaning products etc.) | Ecogarantie is an international mark for ecological products. Ecogarantie has developed standards for cosmetics, personal care, washing- and cleaning products and salt. Consumers can rely on the fact that products with the Ecogarantie label, meet strict requirements whose goal it is to guarantee quality, safety and durability for generations to come. | | x | x | x | |
ECOLAND | Ecoland - regionale Herstellung, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und soziale Verantwortung | Ecoland label - regional production, sustainable agriculture and social commitment | The Ecoland label stands for regional production, sustainable agriculture and social commitment. Products with this label have not been treated with chemical pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Producers commits itself to promote the biodiversity of their area, to preserve soil fertility and to use water-efficient irrigation systems. All organic farmers are controlled in accordance with the strict requirements of the EU Organic Regulation and the guidelines of the Ecoland-Verband. This is done by state-approved inspection bodies, which are supervised by the state control authorities | | x | x | x | |
ECOLOGO_CERTIFIED | ECOLOGO Zertifizierung | ECOLOGO Certification | The EcoLogo certification attribute includes all products that have published the EcoLogo Certified seal on their packaging. | | x | x | x | |
ECOSMETICA_NATURAL | ECOSMETICA Natural - Qualitätsstandard und Zertifizierungen für natürliche Kosmetik (Ecogruppo Italia) | ECOSMETICA Natural - Quality standard and certifications for natural cosmetics (Ecogruppo Italia) | ECOSMETICA QUALITY certifications protect consumers concernes about safety and efficacy of cosmetics products. The Standard sets criteria for companies to ensure the use of vegetable substances and natural processes to create “natural” cosmetics. The certification confirms adherence to these criteria and and that the cosmetic is compliant following control from Ecogruppo Italia. | | x | x | x | |
ECOSMETICA_ORGANIC | ECOSMETICA Organic - Qualitätsstandard und Zertifizierungen für Biokosmetik (Ecogruppo Italia) | ECOSMETICA Organic - Quality standard and certifications for organic cosmetics (Ecogruppo Italia) | ECOSMETICA QUALITY certifications protect consumers concernes about safety and efficacy of cosmetics products. The Standard sets criteria for companies to ensure the use of vegetable substances and natural processes to create “organic” cosmetics. The certification confirms adherence to these criteria and and that the cosmetic is compliant following control from Ecogruppo Italia. | | x | x | x | |
ECOSUN_PASS | EcoSun Pass approved - BASF Prüfmethode des Umweltverträglichkeit von Sonnenschutz-Formulierungen | EcoSun Pass approved - BASF methodology to assess the environmental impact of sunscreen formulations | Based on a sense of environmental responsibility, scientific discipline and sensitivity to consumer wishes, BASF has introduced a methodology to assess the environmental impact of sunscreen formulations. The environmental impact of the selected combination of UV-filters (ultra-violet filters) is calculated by EcoSun Pass’ evaluation parameters. No UV-filters known to harm coral reefs or on EU’s priority list for potential endocrine disrupters are allowed. | | x | x | x | |
ECOVIN | ECOVIN (Wein aus ökologischer Produktion, nach EU-Gesetz) | ECOVIN (wine from organic production based on EU regulation) | ecovin label certifies wines produced with ecological production methods based on the EU eco regulation. | | x | x | x | |
ECZEMA_SOCIETY_OF_CANADA | Eczema Society of Canada - Accepted | Durch die kanadische Eczema Society akzeptiertes Produkt | Products that are identified as ‘accepted’ by the Eczema Society are free of ingredients know to be irritating for sensitive skin, have undergone dermatologist formulation review, and have earned our Seal of Acceptance. | | x | x | x | |
EESTI_OKOMARK | EESTI OKOMARK (estnisches Ökolabel für Bio-Nahrungsmittel) | EESTI OKOMARK (Estonian Eco label for organic food) | Estonian Eco Label: Ministry of Agriculture Ökomärk (Label of Organic Food) www.agri.ee | | x | x | x | |
EESTI_PARIM_TOIDUAINE | EESTI PARIM TOIDUAIN (Best Food Association der Nahrungsmittelindustrie Estland) | EESTI PARIM TOIDUAINE (Best Food Association of Estonia Food Industry) | Best Food Association of Estonia Food Industry http://www.toiduliit.ee/. An organisation that supports and promote Estonian food industry and economy, and contribute to a balanced and appropriate ethics to members of a favourable business environment for development. | | x | x | x | |
EKO | EKO - Biologisch produziert (Skal, Niederlande) | EKO - organic production (certified by Skal, Netherlands) | This symbol stands for organic production certified by Skal that meets the requirements of the EU-regulation for organic production. Skal is the inspection body for the organic production in the Netherlands. | | x | x | x | |
ELVI | ELVI - Tierwohllabel für Nutztiere in Finnland | ELVI - farm animal welfare mark in Finland | - | | x | x | x | |
ENEC | ENEC - European Norms Electrical Certification (für Beleuchtungsprodukte) | ENEC - European Norms Electrical Certification (for lighting equipment and related products) | ENEC is a European high quality mark for lighting equipment and related products and stands for European Norms Electrical Certification. ENEC is an alternative to the national marks within the entire European Union. This mark eliminates a producer the need for a separate label in each individual country. Each European country there are 1 or more independent testing bodies that are appointed to issue the ENEC certification mark to a product. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_A | Energielabel A | Energy label A | Energy label A The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_A+ | Energielabel A+ | Energy label A+ | Energy label A+ The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_A++ | Energielabel A++ | Energy label A++ | Energy label A++ The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_A+++ | Energielabel A+++ | Energy label A+++ | Energy label A+++ The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_B | Energielabel B | Energy label B | Energy label B The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_C | Energielabel C | Energy label C | Energy label C The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_D | Energielabel D | Energy label D | Energy label D The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_E | Energielabel E | Energy label E | Energy label E The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_F | Energielabel F | Energy label F | Energy label F The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_LABEL_G | Energielabel G | Energy label G | Energy label G The EU energy label gives information about the energy efficiency of a product. The label rates products from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). The label also shows total energy consumption and provides other information relevant to that product. Examples of products are lamps (light bulbs) and electric household appliances. | | x | x | x | |
ENERGY_STAR | ENERGY STAR (Stern für Energieeffizienz) | ENERGY STAR (for energy efficiency) | ENERGY STAR is a voluntary government-backed program dedicated to helping individuals protect the environment through energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR mark is the national symbol for energy efficiency, making it easy for consumers and businesses to identify high-quality, energy-efficient products, homes, and commercial and industrial buildings. | | x | x | x | |
ENTWINE_AUSTRALIA | Entwine Australia - Australisches Logo for Weinberge und Weinhersteller | Entwine Australia - Logo for vineyards and winemakers | Certification: ENTWINE. No certification program, members certify through SAW, Freshcare or ISO14001. However, the Entwine logo can be used on bottle if member is certified (=also part of one of those certification programs) and 85% of grapes come from certified vineyards. National. Umbrella organisation run by the Australian Wine Research Institute. Voluntary sustainability program to support growers and winemakers that primarily supplies information for research, benchmarking and development of program. https://www.awri.com.au/industry_support/entwine/ | | x | x | x | |
EPA_DFE | Design for the Environment (DfE) - Jeder Inhaltsstoff von EPA-Wissenschaftlern geprüft (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) | Design for the Environment (DfE) - Safer Choice label, i.e. every ingredient reviewed by EPA scientists (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) | The Safer Choice label, it means that every ingredient in the product has been reviewed by EPA scientists. Only products that meet our Safer Choice Standard, which includes stringent human health and environmental criteria, are allowed to carry the label. | | x | x | x | |
EPEAT_BRONZE | EPEAT BRONZE (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) | EPEAT BRONZE (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) | Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool | | x | x | x | |
EPEAT_GOLD | EPEAT GOLD (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) | EPEAT GOLD (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) | Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool | | x | x | x | |
EPEAT_SILVER | EPEAT SiILBER (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) | EPEAT SILVER (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) | Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool | | x | x | x | |
EQUAL_EXCHANGE_FAIRLY_TRADED | EQUAL EXCHANGE Fairer Handel | EQUAL EXCHANGE FAIRLY TRADED | Equal Exchange's mission is to build long-term trade partnerships that are economically just and environmentally sound, to foster mutually beneficial relationships between farmers and consumers and to demonstrate, through our success, the contribution of worker co-operatives and Fair Trade to a more equitable, democratic and sustainable world. | | x | x | x | |
EQUALITAS_SUSTAINABLE_WINE | Equalitas Sustainable Wine (Italy) - Zertifizierung für Wein, Weinerzeuger und Weinregionen in Italien | Equalitas Sustainable Wine (Italy) - Certification for wineries, wines and regions in Italy | Certification: Sustainable Company/Sustainable product (on bottle). National, industry, Italy. Certifying companies, wines and regions. The Sustainability Consortium has approved Equalitas as a program meeting their standards for procurement. www.equalitas.it | | x | x | x | |
ERDE_SAAT | ERDE SAAT (Fachverband für biologische Landwirtschaft) (Produkte aus ökologischem Landbau) | ERDE SAAT (Bioverband Earth and Seed) (products from organic agriculture) | The label of Bioverband Earth & Seed indicates organic agriculture that interacts in a constructive and life-enhancing way with natural systems and cycles. | | x | x | x | |
ERKEND_STREEK_PRODUCT | ERKEND STREEK PRODUCT (Niederlande) (regionales Produkt) | ERKEND STREEK PRODUCT (Netherlands) (regional product) | the Dutch mark Erkend Streekproduct indicates that the product and its ingredients come from a specific region. During production there has been attention for preservation and maintenance of characteristic values of the landscape and the environment. | | x | x | x | |
ETP | ETHICAL TEA Partnership (ETP) - Zertifizierung für nachhaltig produzierte Teeprodukte | ETHICAL TEA Partnership (ETP) - Sustainability of tea production | Membership is open to any company involved in the sourcing, trading or packing of tea sold in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. When you see the ETP Hand and Leaf logo on packaging it means the tea inside is from a member of Ethical Tea Partnership. Members range from large global brands and retailers to small boutique labels and specialty teas. Because we focus purely on improving the sustainability of tea production – and not herbs, the ETP logo can only be used on products that contain a minimum of 55% Camellia sinensis (tea) by weight. | | x | x | x | |
EU_ECO_LABEL | EU ECO-LABEL (EU Blume) | EU ECO-LABEL (EU flower) | The item is physically marked with the European Union Eco label a European environmental initiative supported by the European Commission. | | x | x | x | |
EU_ENERGY_LABEL | EU ENERGY LABEL (EU VO 2010/30/EU) | EU ENERGY LABEL (EU Directive 2010/30/EU) | the EU adopted the Directive 2010/30/EU on energy labels. Energy labels help consumers choosinging products which save energy and thus money. They also provide incentives for the industry to develop and invest in energy efficient product design. | | x | x | x | |
EU_ORGANIC_FARMING | EU ORGANIC FARMING (EU-Logo für ökologischen Landbau) | EU ORGANIC FARMING (EU logo) | New EU organic logo the EU introduced a new organic logo to ensure consumer protection and common standards. See www.organic-farming.europa.eu | | x | x | x | |
EUROPE_SOYA_STANDARD | Europe Soya Standard - Soja aus Europa, gentechnikfreie Qualität aus kontrollierter Herkunft | Europe Soya Standard - GM-free, origin-controlled quality soya from Europe | The Europe Soya programme has been established to promote and propagate the cultivation, processing and marketing of GM-free, origin-controlled quality soya from Europe. The aim is to develop and guarantee a GM-free protein supply in and from Europe. | | x | x | x | |
EUROPEAN_V_LABEL_NATURALLY_VEGAN | V-Label Vegan - Qualitätssiegel für natürliche vegane Produkte in ganz Europa (Schweiz) | V-Label Naturally Vegan - Quality seal for naturally vegan products throughout Europe (Switzerland-based) | The V-Label for vegan products is an internationally recognised and protected trademark for the labelling of such products. This V-label enables consumers to quickly and safely classify products with the easily comprehensible category "naturally vegan". The label consists of the V-signet in a circle and an additional category designation. | | x | x | x | |
EUROPEAN_V_LABEL_VEGAN | V-Label Vegan - international anerkanntes und registriertes Siegel für vegane Produkte | V-Label Vegan - internationally recognised, registered seal for labelling vegan products | The V-Label for vegan products is an internationally recognised and protected trademark for the labelling of such products. It is a simple and safe orientation aid for consumers. Companies create transparency and clarity with the V-label. Uniform criteria and regular controls make the V-Label a unique quality seal in the categories "vegan" throughout Europe. The V-label enables consumers to quickly and safely classify products with the easily comprehensible category "vegan". The label consists of the V-signet in a circle and an additional category designation. | | x | x | x | |
EUROPEAN_V_LABEL_VEGETARIAN | V-Label Vegetarian - international anerkanntes und registriertes Siegel für vegetarische Produkte | V-Label Vegetarian - internationally recognised, registered seal for labelling vegetarian products | The V-Label for vegetarian products is an internationally recognised and protected trademark for the labelling of such products. It is a simple and safe orientation aid for consumers. Companies create transparency and clarity with the V-label. Uniform criteria and regular controls make the V-Label a unique quality seal in the categories "vegetarian" throughout Europe. The V-label enables consumers to quickly and safely classify products with the easily comprehensible category "vegetarian". The label consists of the V-signet in a circle and an additional category designation. | | x | x | x | |
EUROPEAN_VEGETARIAN_UNION | Europäische Vegetariervereinigung - ACHTUNG: Code nicht mehr benutzen, wird in zukünftigem Release gelöscht | European Vegetarian Union - NOTE: Do not use this code anymore, it is being deprecated and removed with future release | Note: This code is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please follow the migration for correct population. The V Label is intended for the labelling of vegetarian and vegan products. The V Label makes it possible to safely and conveniently select vegetarian and vegan food without having to study the ingredients or make enquiries with the manufacturer. Products bearing the V Label must not contain any of the following ingredients: - Meat, fish and poultry - Ingredients that are produced from dead animals such as gelatine and fish oil - Eggs from hens kept in cages - Gelatine for the clarification of juices or vinegar - Calf-rennet for the production of cheese The V Label always states the vegetarian category the labelled product belongs to. The label must at least indicate the category “vegetarian” or “vegan”. Vegetarian products with milk and without egg can be labelled “lacto-vegetarian” (or “without eggs”) and vegetarian products with egg and without milk can be labelled “ovo-vegetarian” (or “without milk”). | | x | x | x | |
EWG_VERIFIED | EWG-geprüft (Environmental Working Group) | EWG Verified (Environmental Working Group) | The EWG VERIFIED™ mark, from Environmental Working Group (EWG), helps shoppers in stores and online to quickly and easily identify cosmetics and other personal care products which: avoid EWG's ingredients of concern, provide full transparency, and use good manufacturing practices. | | x | x | x | |
FABRICANT_JOUET_FRANCAIS | Französischer Spielzeug-Hersteller | French toys manufacturer | This logo is a simple way of identifying French toy manufacturers. | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_FLOWERS_FAIR_PLANTS | Fair Flowers Fair Plants (FFP) Label und Zertifizierung - Fairness für Umwelt, Arbeits- und Handelbedingungen im Blumen- und Pflanzenmarkt | Fair Flowers Fair Plants (FFP) label and certification - Fairness for environment, working- and trading conditions | Fair Flowers Fair Plants is a label attached to flowers and plants that originate from growers that meet the highest demands related to the environment and personnel, when it comes to issues such as working conditions, hygiene and safety. | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_FOOD_PROGRAM_LABEL | FAIR FOOD PROGRAM Label - Koalition der Arbeiter von Immokalee (CIW), Florida | FAIR FOOD PROGRAM Label - Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), Florida | The Coalition of Immokalee Workers' (CIW) Fair Food Program is a unique partnership among farmers, farmworkers, and retail food companies that ensures humane wages and working conditions for the workers who pick fruits and vegetables on participating farms. It harnesses the power of consumer demand to give farmworkers a voice in the decisions that affect their lives, and to eliminate the longstanding abuses that have plagued agriculture for generations. | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_FOR_LIFE | FAIR FOR LIFE (Zertifizierung für sozialen und fairen Handel (Menschenrechte und Fairness) | FAIR FOR LIF - Social and Fair Trade Certification (human rights and fairness) | Fair for Life Social & FairTrade Certification guarantees that human rights are guaranteed at any stage of production, that workers enjoy good and fair working conditions and that smallholder farmers receive a fair share. Fair trade improves the livelihood of thousands of smallholder farmers and workers by providing the means for social community projects and empowerment of people | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_MAST | Fair Mast (Tierwohl für die Geflügelmast) | Fair Mast (Animal welfare for poultry farming) | Fair Mast guarantees a modern and a more animal-friendly poultry farming, compliance with standards in the rearing of the animals and fulfil the criteria of the German Animal Welfare Association's label "Für Mehr Tierschutz". | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_N_GREEN | Fair ’n Green - Zertifizierung für nachhaltigen Weinbau (Deutschland) | Fair ’n Green - Certification for sustainable winery (Germany) | Certification: Fair’N Green. National - Soil compaction, toxicity analysis included, in addition to waste management, water use, CO2-footprint etc. After the initial analysis by an external consultant, the winery is ready to apply. Certification through third party examination rather than audit (NOT same company as consultant), passing score allows entry. | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_TRADE_MARK | FAIR TRADE MARK (internationale Standards für fairen Handel) | FAIR TRADE MARK (international Fair trade Standards) | The FAIR TRADE Mark certifies that products meet the social, economic and environmental International Fair trade Standards. The FAIR TRADE Mark is usually supported by a local Fair Trade Labelling Organisation and certifies products not companies. It does not cover the companies or organizations selling the product | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_TRADE_USA | FAIR TRADE USA Zertifizierung | FAIR TRADE USA certification | Fair Trade USA- The Fair Trade certification model is designed and audited to ensure equitable trade practices at every level of the supply chain. To earn a license from Fair Trade USA to use the Fair Trade Certified™ label on their products, companies must buy from certified farms and organizations, pay Fair Trade prices and premiums and submit to a rigorous supply chain audits. This process entails a high level of transparency and traceability in their global supply chains. Today, our partner companies range from small, mission-driven coffee roasters to some of the largest transnational corporations in the world. | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_TRADE_USA_INGREDIENTS | FAIR TRADE USA INGREDIENTS - mind. 20 % Fair Trade Inhaltsstoffe | FAIR TRADE USA INGREDIENTS (20% or more) | Products bearing the Fair Trade Certified Ingredient logo are required to contain 20% or more Fair Trade Certified Ingredients by weight excluding water and salt. Additionally, any individual Fair Trade Certified ingredients used in the product are 100% Fair Trade Certified. | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_TSA | FAIR TSA (Fair Trade Sustainability Alliance) - Fairer Handel und Nachhaltigkeit | FAIR TSA (Fair Trade Sustainability Alliance) | The Fair Trade Sustainability Alliance (FairTSA) is an organisation specializing in Fair Trade and social responsibility standard development, ethical supply chain management, and accountable, sustainable community development. We are the only Fair Trade standard holder with an "open" certification system, meaning that every certifier who is interested in working with our standard can do so, provided that they comply with our basic requirements. These can be found on the Producers and Licensees pages respectively. | | x | x | x | |
FAIR_WILD | Fair Wild Standard - Schutz für Wildpfanzen und -tiere | Fair wild | Fair Wild stands for sustainability for wild plants and protection for those who collect and trade them. Our standard protects local plant species and wildlife from the effects of overexploitation, and ensures that local collectors enjoy fair working conditions. | | x | x | x | |
FAIRCHOICE_GERMANY | FairChoice Germany - Siegel (des DINE e.V.) für zertifizierte nachhaltige Weinproduktion | FairChoice Germany - Seal for certified sustainable wine production, by DINE e.V. | A scientifically based seal for certified sustainable wine production, from scientists of the DINE e.V. (Deutsches Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung e.V.) guarantee: wine, controlled sustainably. | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_CASHEW_NUTS | Cashewnüsse Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Cashew Nuts | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Cashew Nuts used in a package of mixed nuts. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_CINNAMON | Zimt Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade sourced ingredient cinnamon | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Cinnamon in a breakfast cereal. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_COCOA | Kakao Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Cocoa | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Cocoa in a breakfast cereal. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_COCONUT | Kokosnüsse Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Coconut | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Coconut in a breakfast cereal. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_COFFEE | Kaffee Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade sourced ingredient coffee | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Coffee in a milk mix product. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_COTTON | Baumwolle Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Cotton | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Cotton in clothing. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_DRIED_APRICOTS | Getrocknete Aprikosen Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Dried Apricots | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Dried Apricots in a breakfast cereal. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_GREEN_TEA | Grüner Tee Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Green Tea | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Green Tea used in drinks. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_HONEY | Honig Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Honey | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Honey in a breakfast cereal. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_LIME_JUICE | Limettensaft Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Lime Juice | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Lime Juice in mixed juice. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_MANGO_JUICE | Mangosaft Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Mango Juice | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Mango Juice used in mixed juice. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_OLIVE_OIL | Olivenöl Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Olive Oil | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Olive Oil in a dressing. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_PEPPER | Pfeffer Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Pepper | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Pepper used in mixed spices. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_QUINOA | Quinoa Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Quinoa | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Quinoa used in biscuits. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_RICE | Reis Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Rice | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Rice in a breakfast cereal. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_ROSES | Rosen Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Roses | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Roses used in teas. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_SUGAR | Zucker Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Sugar | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Sugar in a breakfast cereal. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_TEA | Tee Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Tea | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Tea used in mixed drinks. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FAIRTRADE_VANILLA | Vanille Zutat aus fairem Handel | Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient Vanilla | These white Marks indicate that the ingredient named on the tab has been sourced as Fairtrade, such as Fairtrade Vanilla used in tea. (This is different from the black FAIRTRADE Mark, which signifies that all the ingredients that are available as Fairtrade are Fairtrade certified). | | x | x | x | |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission (U.S.) - Reguliert Radio-, TV-, Satelliten- und Kabel- Kommunikation | Federal Communications Commission (U.S.) - Regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable | The FCC is responsible for managing and licensing the electromagnetic spectrum for commercial users and for non-commercial users including: state, county and local governments. This includes public safety, commercial and non-commercial fixed and mobile wireless services, broadcast television and radio, satellite and other services. In licensing the spectrum, the Commission promotes efficient and reliable access to the spectrum for a variety of innovative uses as well as promotes public safety and emergency response. | | x | x | x | |
FEDERALLY_REGISTERED_INSPECTED_CANADA | Staatlich REGISTERIERT oder ÜBERWACHT in KANADA | Federally REGISTERED or INSPECTED in CANADA | Federally Registered/ Inspected in Canada | | x | x | x | |
FIDELIO | Fidelio - Siegel für Fleisch aus ökologischer Erzeugung | Fidelio - Seal for meat from organic farming | Seal for meat from organic farming. Label owned by Fidelia Biofreiland AG. | | x | x | x | |
FINNISH_HEART_SYMBOL | HERZ-Symbol der FINNISCHEN Herzgesellschaft (Fett und Sodium) | HEART symbol of the FINNISH Heart Association (fat and sodium) | The heart symbol to inform the consumer at one glance that the product marked with this symbol is a preferred choice in its product group with regard to fat and sodium. Finnish Heart Association www.sydanmerkki.fi | | x | x | x | |
FISH_WISE_CERTIFICATION | FISH WISE Zertifizierung - Nachhaltige Meeresfrüchte | FISH WISE certification - Sustainable seafood | Fish Wise certification defines sustainable seafood as coming from sources, whether fished or farmed, that can maintain or increase production in the future without jeopardizing the structure or function of affected ecosystems. | | x | x | x | |
FLAMME_VERTE | FLAMME VERTE Label (Frankreich) (holzbetriebene Heizgeräte) | FLAMME VERTE label (France) (wood processing heating appliances) | "Flamme Verte label was launched in France in 2000 by l’Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME), and manufacturers of household appliances. Its mission: to promote the use of wood processing heating appliances of which the design responds to the most demanding quality in terms of fuel efficiency and emissions. In addition, Flamme verte provides assurance that its products are environmentally friendly by emitting very few fine particles." | | x | x | x | |
FLANDRIA | Flandria (Flandern) - Belgisches Qualitätslabel für Obst und Gemüse | Flandria - Belgian quality label for fruits and vegetables | Flandria is the Belgian quality label for fruits and vegetables. It is used by the six most important fruit-and-vegetable auctions grouped under LAVA. Since its inception in 1995, the Flandria label has given added value to fresh products and produce. This seal of approval guarantees concern and care for the environment during their cultivation, plus quality and freshness. | | x | x | x | |
FLEURS_DE_FRANCE | Blumen aus Frankreich - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | Flowers from France - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case flowers: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
FLUSTIX_COMPLETELY_FREE_FROM_PLASTICS | Flustix - Komplett frei von Plastik | Flustix - completely free from plastics | The label confirms that the complete product, packaging as well as content, is completely free from plastics. | | x | x | x | |
FLUSTIX_PLASTIC_FREE_PACKAGING | Flustix - Plastikfreie Verpackung | Flustix - plastic-free packaging | The label confirms that products, of any kind, are sold in a plastic-free packaging. | | x | x | x | |
FLUSTIX_PLASTIC_FREE_PRODUCT | Flustix - Plastikfreies Produkt | Flustix - plastic-free product | This label confirms that products are plastic-free, but have to be packed in plastic due to sanitary reasons, such as medical appliances, children toys or similar. | | x | x | x | |
FLUSTIX_PRODUCTS_FREE_FROM_MICROPLASTICS | Flustix - Produkte frei von Mikroplastik | Flustix - products free from microplastics | The label confirms that products, especially liquid product contents, are microplastic-free. Flustix tests and certifies with its accredited partners on the basis of the only internationally respected and followed microplastic definition by European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) . | | x | x | x | |
FLUSTIX_PRODUCTS_FROM_RECYCLED_PLASTICS | Flustix - Produkte aus recyceltem Plastik | Flustix - products made from recycled plastics | The label confirms that products are fully or partly made from recycled plastics. The percentage of recycled plastics is determined by an audit analyzing the manufacturing process and products, including packaging. The certification is awarded for goods of any kind. | | x | x | x | |
FLUSTIX_RECYCLABLE_PACKAGING | Flustix - Recyclingfähige Verpackung | Flustix - recyclable packaging | The label confirms the recyclability of the packaging, certified by flustix. | | x | x | x | |
FODMAP | Monash Universität FODMAP (Fermentierbare Oligosaccharide, Disaccharide, Monosaccharide und Polyalkohol) - Geeignet für eine Diät reduziert an FODMAPs | Monash University FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols) - Suitable for low FODMAP diet | Monash University identified a group of short-chain carbohydrates found in food that are either poorly absorbed in the small intestine or impossible to digest. The Monash team named these carbohydrates FODMAPs, an acronym which stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. This accreditation signifies the product can be used in a low FODMAP diet which can reduce symptoms in people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). | | x | x | x | |
FODMAP_FRIENDLY | FODMAP Friendly Logo - Reduziert an fermentierbaren Oligosacchariden, Disacchariden, Monosacchariden und Polyolen | FODMAP Friendly logo - low in Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols | The Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols (FODMAP) Friendly certification (Fodmap Accreditation) program, incorporating the FODMAP Friendly logo, is the only registered certification trademark worldwide certifying FODMAP levels in food products that have been laboratory tested to be low in FODMAP’s. It is designed to enable consumers with symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) who are following a Low FODMAP diet to easily identify and select suitable packaged food products. | | x | x | x | |
FOIE_GRAS_DE_FRANCE | Stopfleber (Foie gras) aus Frankreich | Foie gras from France | Foie gras is a culinary speciality made from fresh liver from the rearing and fattening by force-feeding of geese and ducks. This logo is a simple way of identifying French foie gras. | | x | x | x | |
FOOD_ALLIANCE_CERTIFIED | FOOD ALLIANCE Zertifizierung - Logo | FOOD ALLIANCE certified logo | Food Alliance Certified attribute includes all products that present a Food Alliance Certified logo. | | x | x | x | |
FOOD_JUSTICE_CERTIFIED | FOOD JUSTICE Zertifizierung - Soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Nahrungskette vom Feld bis auf den Tisch | FOOD JUSTICE certified - Social justice standards in the food chain from farm to table | Food Justice Certified is a label based on high-bar social justice standards for farms, processors, and retailers, including every link in the food chain from farm to table. Our approach is holistic; we ensure fair treatment of workers, fair pricing for farmers, and fair business practices. Food Justice Certified is designed for all agricultural production systems, fibre and cosmetics as well as food. | | x | x | x | |
FOOD_SAFETY_SYSTEM_CERTIFICATION_22000 | FOOD SAFETY System Certification (FSSC) 22000 (Lebensmittelsicherheit) | FOOD SAFETY System Certification (FSSC) 22000 | The FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System provides a framework for effectively managing your organisation's food safety responsibilities. FSSC 22000 is fully recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is based on existing ISO Standards. It demonstrates your company has a robust Food Safety Management System in place that meets the requirements of your customers and consumers. Already, 10.000+ organisations over 140 countries achieved FSSC 22000 certification. With currently 100+ Licensed Certification Bodies and over 1,500 auditors worldwide, our mission is to ensure consumer trust in the supply of safe food and drinks. | | x | x | x | |
FOODLAND_ONTARIO | FOODLAND ONTARIO (Landwirtschaftliche Produkte aus Ontario) | FOODLAND ONTARIO (Ontario agricultural foods) | Foodland Ontario is a consumer promotion program of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. It has partnered with producers to champion, promote and support the consumption of fresh Ontario produce and processed agricultural foods. | | x | x | x | |
FOR_LIFE | For Life (Soziale Verantwortung) | For Life (Social Responsibility) | Demonstration of social and fair business practices; providing good working conditions, guaranteeing the fair treatment of employees and the community and environmental responsibility. | | x | x | x | |
FOREST_PRODUCTS_Z809 | Forest Products - Produktlinie aus einem zertifziertem Wald | Forest Products - Product lines from a certified forest | At least 70% of the input used to make this product line has been tracked and monitored from its point of origin (a Z809 certified forest) to the end consumer. This mark appears on product and/or packaging. None of the wood-based raw materials shall have come from Controversial Sources. | | x | x | x | |
FOREST_STEWARDSHIP_COUNCIL_100_PERCENT | FSC 100 Prozent (100 % Material aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft) | FSC 100 Percent (100 % material from sustainable forestry) | FSC is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. The 100% label stands for products containing 100% material from FSC certified forests. | | x | x | x | |
FOREST_STEWARDSHIP_COUNCIL_LABEL | FSC-Label für nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft (Forest Stewardship Council) | FSC label for sustainable forestry (Forest Stewardship Council) | The item is physically marked with the Forest Stewardship Council label. | | x | x | x | |
FOREST_STEWARDSHIP_COUNCIL_MIX | FSC MIX (Materialmix aus kontrollierten forstwirtschaftlichen Quellen) | FSC MIX (material mix from controlled forestry sources) | FSC is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. Products with material from FSC certified forests , recycled materials or other controlled sources | | x | x | x | |
FOREST_STEWARDSHIP_COUNCIL_RECYCLED | FSC RECYCLED (nur Recyclingmaterial) | FSC RECYCLED (recycling material only) | FSC is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. The label stand for products containing only recycled material. | | x | x | x | |
FOUNDATION_ART | FOUNDATION ART (zertifizierte Diebstalprevention bei Zweiradfahrzeugen | FOUNDATION ART (certified anti-theft prevention of two-wheeled vehicles) | "The Foundation ART has the aim to increase the level of anti-theft prevention of two-wheeled vehicles (bicycles, mopeds, scooters and motor cycles). Anti-theft prevention of two-wheeled vehicles can be promoted by influencing social behaviour, registration and tracing, guarded shelters and anti-theft provisions. The activities of Foundation ART are focussed on (mechanical) anti-theft provisions. The Foundation ART promotes the safety provisions against theft by: •arranging requirements for mechanical security systems for two-wheeled vehicles •testing (by third parties) of systems for which an application for homologation was submitted •certification of approved products •promoting the use of approved mechanical security systems | | x | x | x | |
FRAN_SVERIGE | Fran Sverige - Schwedisches Produkt | Fran Sverige | In composite products, i.e. a product with at least one added ingredient, at least 75% to be Swedish (water does not count) . Bread, cheese and fruit yogurt are examples of composite products. Meat, eggs and raw milk should always be 100% Swedish, even as an ingredient in a product. All animals must be born, raised and slaughtered in Sweden .Cultivation should have taken place in Sweden .All processing and packaging must take place in Sweden. | | x | x | x | |
FRANCE_LIMOUSIN_MEAT | FRANCE LIMOUSIN Fleisch (Jedes Tier ist registriert und überwacht von Geburt bis zur Schlachtung) | FRANCE LIMOUSIN Meat (every animal is registered and monitored from birth to slaughter) | France Limousin meat is meat that is constantly monitored from birth to slaughter. Every animal has it's own unique registration number and when exported is assigned an official certificate of origin | | x | x | x | |
FREILAND | FREILAND (Ökologische Landwirtschaft und Tierhaltung, Eier und Fleisch) | FREILAND (organic farming and animal husbandry, eggs and meat) | FREILAND The yellow triangle with the flower is only awarded to food and firms that adhere strictly to the principles of organic farming and beyond the highest standards of animal husbandry | | x | x | x | |
FRESHCARE | Freshcare - Australische Zertifizierung für Weinbau/Weinkellerei, auf Basis von ISO14001 | Freshcare - Australian certification for Viticulture/Winery, based on ISO14001 | Certification: based on ISO14001. Private non profit owned by Australian horticultural industry bodies. Can certify that a code of practice exists for Viticulture/Winery, only Viticulture or only Winery. Process based and based on ISO14001. Described as a guide how to manage business risk through identification and evaluation. https://www.freshcare.com.au/ | | x | x | x | |
FRIEND_OF_THE_SEA | FRIEND OF THE SEA (Kontrollierte Fischerei) | FRIEND OF THE SEA (approved fisheries) | Friend of the Sea Approved Fisheries: - target stocks which are not overexploited - use fishing methods which don't impact the seabed, and - generate less than average 8% discards. | | x | x | x | |
FRUITS_ET_LEGUMES_DE_FRANCE | Obst und Gemüse aus Frankreich - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | Fruits and Vegetables from France - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case fruit and legumes: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
FUME_EN_FRANCE | Geräuchertes aus Frankreich | Smoked in France | The "Fumé en France" salmon logo is gradually appearing in shops to make it easier to identify French production. It is subject to strict compliance with the French Smoked Salmon Charter. | | x | x | x | |
GAA | GÄA (Ökologischer Landwirtschaftsverband in Deutschland) | GÄA (organic farming association in Germany) | Gäa is a diverse farming association for farmers, processors and traders inside. Focal point is Germany. Gäa is a special design for the structure of the organic farming. | | x | x | x | |
GANEDEN_BC30_PROBIOTIC | GANEDEN BC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) Probiotika enthalten | GANEDEN BC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) probiotics contained | Ganeden® BC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) is a patented probiotic ingredient which can be found in food, beverage, sports nutrition and companion animal products. Unlike most other probiotic strains, Ganeden® BC30 is a spore-former which makes it highly stable and allows it to remain viable through most manufacturing processes, three years of shelf life and the low pH of stomach acid. https://www.ganedenprobiotics.com | | x | x | x | |
GAP_1 | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) Zertifizierungslevel 1 - Basis | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) certification level 1 - Base | Animal Welfare Certified - Base Certification: Base certification is our minimum G.A.P. animal welfare certification level. This means that all of the farms and/or ranches raising the animal have met over 100+ animal welfare standards including more space to move around, and no cages or crates that would confine them. When you see our G.A.P. Animal Welfare Certified label, it means that the animals were raised without antibiotics and no added hormones, and were also fed a vegetarian diet with no animal by-products. | | x | x | x | |
GAP_2 | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) Zertifizierungslevel 2 - Bessere Umgebung | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) certification level 2 - Enriched Environment | Animal Welfare Certified - Enriched Environment: Animals were raised in environments that provide them with more space and additional enrichments (such as straw bales and perches) to encourage natural behaviors. Again, all G.A.P. certified animals were raised without antibiotics or any added hormones, and were fed a vegetarian diet with no animal by-products. | | x | x | x | |
GAP_3 | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) Zertifizierungslevel 3 - Freiluftzugang | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) certification level 3 - Outdoor Access | Animal Welfare Certified - Outdoor Access: Animals have the choice of indoor or outdoor living (weather permitting for poultry), and also have additional enrichments indoors and out. At this level, farms and ranches ensure the animals are managed in both environments. | | x | x | x | |
GAP_4 | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) Zertifizierungslevel 4 - Weideaufzucht | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) certification level 4 - Pasture Raised | Animal Welfare Certified - Pasture Raised: Animals are raised on pasture year-round. In some climates where pastures need to be protected for use the next year, animals must still be given daily access to outdoor areas. Cattle, sheep, goats and bison are not permitted to be finished in feedlots. Farmers and ranchers raise animals that are well suited for outdoor living, and sustainably manage their environments. | | x | x | x | |
GAP_5 | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) Zertifizierungslevel 5 - Tierwohlzentriert | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) certification level 5 - Animal Centered | Animal Welfare Certified - Animal Centered: Animals live on pasture year-round, with protection from the environment (shelters, windbreak, etc.). Farmers and ranchers raise animals that are well suited for outdoor living, and sustainably manage their environments. No physical alterations are performed on any of the animals (e.g. castration, tail docking, etc). | | x | x | x | |
GAP_5_PLUS | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) Zertifizierungslevel 5PLUS - Lebenslanger Farmverbleib | Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) certification level 5PLUS - Entire Life on Farm | Animal Welfare Certified - Entire Life on Farm: This is our top tier of animal welfare certification. All of the requirements of the Animal Centered level are met (animals live on pasture year round with protection, no physical alterations allowed, etc.) but animals are also processed on-farm, or through the use of a mobile slaughter facility, so their entire life is spent on the farm. | | x | x | x | |
GASKEUR | GASKEUR (Niederländischer Qualitätsstandard für Boiler, Zusatz zum CE Zeichen) | GASKEUR (Dutch quality standard for boilers, addition to the CE mark) | Gaskeur is a hallmark of KIWA. The label is applied voluntarily in the Netherlands to boilers. It indicates the additional standards the installation complies with, above the legal requirements that the equipment must meet. It is an addition to the CE mark. | | x | x | x | |
GASTEC | GASTEC-qualitätsgeprüft (für Gasprodukte) | GASTEC Quality Approved (for gas related products) | GASTEC QA (Quality Approved) is a quality mark for gas related products and is issued exclusively by KIWA. GASTEC QA not only makes the quality and safety of the product itself visible but also of the whole production process. | | x | x | x | |
GCP | GCP - Logo der Global Coffee Platform (Globale Kaffeeplattform) | GCP - Logo of the Global Coffee Platform | The GCP logo is the key identifier of the Global Coffee Platform. It symbolizes the core attributes that are at the heart of what the organization does: farmer-centric, multi-stakeholder, inclusive, shared responsibility. | | x | x | x | |
GEBANA | Gebana - Qualitätssiegel für Artikel aus fairer und sozial verträglicher Produktion | Gebana - Quality seal for fairly traded and socially acceptable products | Quality seal for fairly traded and socially acceptable products from the south. Label owned by gebana. | | x | x | x | |
GENUSS_REGION_AUSTRIA | GENUSS REGION AUSTRIA (Österreich) (regionale landwirtschaftliche Produkte und Spezialitäten) | DELIGHT REGION AUSTRIA (regional agricultural products and specialities) | GENUSS REGION ÖSTERREICH is an initiative of the Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GesmbH and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. It stands for domestic and regional agricultural products and specialities. | | x | x | x | |
GEPRUEFTE_SICHERHEIT | GS-Label (Geprüfte Sicherheit für technische Geräte in Deutschland und Europa) | GS mark (tested safety for technical equipment in Germany and Europe) | The Geprüfte Sicherheit ("Tested Safety") or GS mark is a voluntary certification mark for technical equipment. It indicates that the equipment meets German and, if available, European safety requirements for such devices. | | x | x | x | |
GEZONDERE_KEUZE | GEZONDERE KEUZE (Besondere Wahl, Grundnahrungsmittel von besserem Gesundheitswert) (Niederlande) | GEZONDERE KEUZE (Special choice of basic staple food of better health value) (Netherlands) | Identifies basic staple products (such as fruit, milk, bread, etc.) that constitute a healthier choice for | | x | x | x | |
GFCO | GFCO (Gluten-Frei Zertifizierungsorganisation, Nord Amerika) | GFCO Gluten-Free Certification (North America) | The Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO) is a program of The Gluten Intolerance Group. GFCO’s Scientific and Professional Board review the practices of GFCO. GFCO inspects products and manufacturing facilities for gluten. GFCO does not certify products for other potential allergens. The contents of this site are not intended as medical advice. | | x | x | x | |
GFCP | GFCP (Gluten-Frei Zertifizierungsprogramm, Nord Amerika) | GFCP (Gluten-Free Certification Program, North America) | The Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP), Endorsed by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA)- The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness endorsed Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) is a voluntary certification program designed to designate trusted gluten-free products in the marketplace by displaying the NFCA certification trademark. Based on a robust third-party audit certification process at the manufacturing facility, the GFCP verifies that the manufacturing process for a product regularly meets stringent requirements for managing gluten as part of their food safety programs. The GFCP is a North American solution, using a single process to certify products for distribution in the US and Canada. | | x | x | x | |
GGN | GGN (GLOBALG.A.P. Nummer) - Zertifizierung für Global Good Agricultural Practices (Global GAP) | GGN (GLOBALG.A.P. Number) - Certification for Global Good Agricultural Practices (Global GAP) | The GlobalG.A.P. Number (GGN) can only be used on consumer labels for GlobalG.A.P. certified products under the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) Standards for: aquaculture; flowers and ornamental plants (floriculture); fruit and vegetables. | | x | x | x | |
GIG_GLUTEN_FREE_FOODSERVICE | GIG - GLUTEN-FREE Foodservices (GFFS) (Glutenfreie Lebensmittel im Foodservice-Sektor) | GIG - GLUTEN-FREE Foodservices (GFFS) | The Gluten-Free Food Services (GFFS) Training and Accreditation Program, a program of GIG, is designed to work with all food service establishments who wish to provide for and serve gluten-free consumers. GFFS works with experts in food preparation to develop, educate, and train service establishments to meet and adhere to the highest gluten-free standards. | | x | x | x | |
GLOBAL_CARE | Global Care - innovative Beleuchtungslösungen | Global Care - innovative lighting solutions | Global Care" represents our commitment to social and environmental responsibility worldwide. As a leader in innovative lighting solutions, we are dedicated to products and processes that contribute to solving global sustainability challenges, address economic needs and protect the environment for today and for the future. That way we ensure sustainable development not only for the company, but also for society and the environment. | | x | x | x | |
GLOBAL_GAP | GLOBAL G.A.P standard - NOTE: Do not use this code anymore, it is being deprecated and removed with future release; use GGN instead | GLOBAL G. A.P standard - ACHTUNG: Code nicht mehr benutzen, wird in zukünftigem Release gelöscht; nutzen Sie GGN stattdessen | NOTE: This code will be deleted in a future release, please use code GGN. GLOBALG.A.P. is a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of production processes of agricultural (including aquaculture) products around the globe. The GLOBALG.A.P. standard is primarily designed to reassure consumers about how food is produced on the farm by minimising detrimental environmental impacts of farming operations, reducing the use of chemical inputs and ensuring a responsible approach to worker health and safety as well as animal welfare. | | x | x | x | |
GLOBAL_ORGANIC_LATEX_STANDARD | GLOBAL ORGANIC LATEX Standard | GLOBAL ORGANIC LATEX Standard | The Global Organic Latex Standard certification attribute includes all products that have published the Global Organic Latex Standard seal on their packaging. | | x | x | x | |
GLOBAL_ORGANIC_TEXTILE_STANDARD | GOTS - Globaler Oekologischer TextilStandard | GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard | The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide credible assurance to the consumer. | | x | x | x | |
GLOBAL_RECYCLED_STANDARD | Recyclingstandard | Global Recycled Standard | The Global Recycled Standard is intended for companies that are making and/or selling products with recycled content. The standard applies to the full supply chain and addresses traceability, environmental principles, social requirements, and labeling. Developed with the textile industry in mind, the GRS may also be applied to products from any industry. | | x | x | x | |
GLYCAEMIC_INDEX_FOUNDATION | GLYCAEMIC INDEX Foundation Stempel | GLYCAEMIC INDEX Foundation Stamp | The Glycaemic Index Foundation certification includes all products that have published the Glycemic Index Foundation stamp on their package. | | x | x | x | |
GLYCAEMIC_RESEARCH_INSTITUTE | GLYCAEMIC RESEARCH Institut | GLYCAEMIC RESEARCH Institute | The Glycaemic Research Institute certification includes all products that have published the Glycemic Research Institute stamp on their package. | | x | x | x | |
GMO-FREE_SK | GMO free - Frei von GMOs (Slovakei) | GMO free (Slovakia) | The mark "Made without the use of GMOs" is assigned by the certification authority AgroCert only if it is proven that no genetically modified products are used in the entire production line of the product. | | x | x | x | |
GMO_GUARD_FROM_NATURAL_FOOD_CERTIFIERS | GMO GUARD von Zertifizierern für natürliche Nahrungsmittel | GMO GUARD from Natural Food Certifiers | The GMO-Guard from Natural Food Certifiers certification includes all products that have published the GMO-Guard from Natural Food Certifiers stamp on their package. | | x | x | x | |
GMO_MARKED | GMO MARKED (von genetisch modifiziertem Ursprung) | GMO MARKED (of genetically modified origin) | The item is physically marked as of genetically modified origin. | | x | x | x | |
GMP_CERTIFIED | GMP-zertifiziert für Gute Produktionspraktiken (Good Manufacturing Practices) | GMP-certified for Good Manufacturing Practices | Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) introduces a management systems approach to documenting and regulating the production, control, storage, and shipment of products. For example in 2011, the World Health Organization updated GMP requirements in the good manufacturing practices standard (WHO TRS 961, 2011 for certification of Pharmaceuticals). WHO has also created GMP processes for other product types. Also FDA and other organisations. | | x | x | x | |
GMP_ISO_22716 | GMP-ISO 22716 zertifiziert für Gute Produktionspraktiken bei Kosmetikprodukten | GMP-ISO 22716-certified for Good Manufacturing Practices for cosmetic products | Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) introduces a management systems approach to documenting and regulating the production, control, storage, and shipment of products. ISO standard 22716 is for cosmetic products that are manufactured according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). | | x | x | x | |
GOA_ORGANIC | Global Organic Alliance (GOA), Ohio, U.S.A. - biologisch-ökologische Zertifizierungen | Organic Certifying Body - Global Organic Alliance (GOA), Ohio, U.S.A. | Global Organic Alliance (GOA) provides services to various organic certification or compliance verification programs. | | x | x | x | |
GODKAND_FOR_EKOLOGISK_ODLING_KRAV | Godkänd för ekologisk odling KRAV - geeignet für biologischen Anbau | Godkänd för ekologisk odling KRAV - approved for use in organic farming | KRAV's label for production aids, the so-called arrow label with the text “Godkänd för ekologisk odling”, states that the product on which the label is attached is approved for use in organic farming. The products are inspected annually by independent certification bodies - so-called third-party certification. Manufacturers of production aids may, if they comply with KRAV's regulations and have been approved by a certification body, use the arrow mark. | | x | x | x | |
GOOD_HOUSEKEEPING | GOOD HOUSEKEEPING (Qualitätsgarantie des Good Housekeeping Institutes) | GOOD HOUSEKEEPING (warranty seal of the Good Housekeeping Institute) | Good Housekeeping maintains good taste and exercises strict editorial judgment as to products that are eligible for Good Housekeeping's limited warranty to consumers. Good Housekeeping bestows its limited warranty Seal on those products that have been evaluated by the Good Housekeeping Institute and been assessed to perform as intended. These judgments are the basis of the Good Housekeeping Consumers' Refund Policy. | | x | x | x | |
GOODS_FROM_FINLAND_BLUE_SWAN | Ware aus FINNLAND (BLAUER SCHWAN) | Goods from FINLAND (BLUE SWAN) | http://www.finfood.fi/ Finfood Suomen Ruokatieto Ry | | x | x | x | |
GOODWEAVE | GoodWeave - Stopp für Kinderarbeit in der Teppichindutrie | GoodWeave - Stop child labour in the carpet industry | GoodWeave aims to stop child labour in the carpet industry and to replicate its market-based approach in other sectors. | | x | x | x | |
GRASKEURMERK | GRASKEURMERK-Label (für Hersteller von Produkten, die mit den niederländischen Richtlinien für Weide- und Landwirtschaft übereinstimmen) | GRASKEURMERK-Label (for manufacturers of products who comply with the Dutch guidelines for pasturing and agriculture) | This label is awarded by the Stichting Gras Keurmerk to manufacturers of both vegetable and animal products who comply with the Dutch guidelines for pasturing and agriculture (Normering Grasdier Landbouw). These guidelines establish that cattle/animals are to be kept at stables with enough space and are allowed to go outside daily. Under these guidelines, crops are to be grown using animal fertilizer and with very limited use of other substances. | | x | x | x | |
GRASP | GRASP - GLOBAL G.A.P. Zertifizierung für soziale Standards in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben | GRASP - Risk Assessment on Social Practise (GLOBAL G.A.P. certification) | GRASP stands for GLOBAL G.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice. GRASP is a voluntary ready-to-use module designed to assess social practices on the farm. The requirements catalogue consists of 11 standardized requirements and one additional QMS requirement that address specific aspects of workers’ health, safety and welfare. GRASP is designed to extend the social standards of your GLOBALG.A.P. Certification. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_AMERICA_CERTIFIED_BUSINESS | GREEN AMERICA CERTIFIED BUSINESS - Gold-, Silber-, oder Bronze-Siegel | GREEN AMERICA CERTIFIED BUSINESS - Gold-, Silver-, or Bronze-Seal | The Green America Certified Business certification attribute includes all products that have published the Green America Certified Business Gold, Silver, or Bronze seal on their packaging. Businesses earn this seal after staff at Green America's Green Business Network reviews and approves their application. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_DOT | GREEN DOT (GrünerPunkt) - ARA (Verpackungskennzeichen) | GREEN DOT - ARA (packaging mark) | Not Available | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_E_ENERGY_CERT | GREEN E ENERGY Zertifizierung - Erneuerbare Energie in Nord-Amerika | GREEN E ENERGY Certified - Renewable Energy in North America | Green-e Energy certifies renewable energy that meets the highest standards in North America: it must be generated from new facilities, marketed with complete transparency and accuracy, and delivered to the purchaser, who has sole title. Green-e verifies the entire chain of custody of certified renewable energy from generation to retirement to ensure individuals and businesses are getting exactly what they paid for. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_E_ORG | GREEN E ENERGY - Erneuerbare Energie in Nord-Amerika | GREEN E ENERGY - Renewable Energy in North America | Green-e Energy is the nation's leading voluntary certification program for renewable energy. For two decades, Green-e Energy has been certifying renewable energy that meets environmental and consumer protection standards that it developed in conjunction with leading environmental, energy and policy organisations. Green-e Energy also requires that sellers of certified renewable energy disclose clear and useful information to potential customers, allowing consumers to make informed choices. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_EXPERIENCE_ITALY | Green Experience Italy - verantwortungsvoller und nachhaltiger Weinbau im Piemont | Green Experience Italy - Green, rethought and sustainable viticulture in Piedmont | Green Experience is a Coldiretti Cuneo project, aimed at creating a network of Piedmontese producers who practice green, rethought and sustainable viticulture. It is presented to consumers with two specifications and two respective alternative brands (blue butterfly, for integrated production, and gold butterfly, for organic), 10 rules to follow and a unique future-oriented collaboration project. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_RESTAURANT_ASSOCIATION_ENDORSED | GREEN RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION ENDORSED (bestätigt als grünes Restaurant) | GREEN RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION ENDORSED | The item is physically marked with the Green Restaurant Association Endorsed symbol. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_SEAL | GREEN SEAL (Produkte für eine gesündere, sauberere Umwelt) | GREEN SEAL (products for a healthier and cleaner environment) | An independent, non-profit organization that strives to achieve a healthier and cleaner environment by identifying and promoting products. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_SEAL_CERTIFIED | GREEN SEAL ZERTIFIZIERT (unterstützt Nachhaltigkeit, grüne Wirtschaft) | GREEN SEAL CERTIFIED (supports sustainability, green economy) | The item is physically marked with the Green Seal Certified symbol. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_SHIELD_CERTIFIED | GREEN SHIELD Zertifizierung - Schädlingsbekämpfung unter Minimierung von Pestiziden | GREEN SHIELD Certified - Pest control while minimizing the need to use pesticides | Green Shield Certified is an independent, non-profit certification program that promotes practitioners of effective, prevention-based pest control while minimizing the need to use pesticides. | | x | x | x | |
GREEN_STAR_CERTIFIED | GREEN STAR ZERTIFIZIERT (frei von genetisch modifiziertem Inhalt) | GREEN STAR CERTIFIED to be free of genetically modified contents (USA) | Green Star Certified- "GMO FREE CERTIFIED™ brand program certifies producers have provided laboratory results that their produce or products are GMO Free. The United States does not mandate GMO Free labelling or even recommend labelling, however producers want to provide peace of mind their produce and products are GMO free with the trusted GMO FREE CERTIFIED™ seal. Green Star Certified allows these same producers and manufactures to participate in the "GMO FREE CERTIFIED™" program by having there produce, seeds, feed and processed food tested by leading independent genetic testing laboratories. Once their products meet and maintain the Green Star Certified standards/threshold these producers can place the GMO FREE CERTIFED™ brand on their marketing and product labels. | | x | x | x | |
GREENCHOICE | GreenChoice 100 - umfassend umweltzertifizierte Pappe und Kartonagen | GreenChoice 100 - environmentally certified superior paperboard | GreenChoice 100™ is superior paperboard and the only one that is Eco-Logo, FSC, and Rainforest Alliance certified all at the same time. All energy used for GreenChoice 100™ is 100% offset by renewable wind energy producers. It’s 100% carbon-neutral, as all carbon emitted is fully offset by new plantings. GreenChoice 100™ is also 100% recyclable, as 100% of fibres used come from recycled sources. Approximately 35% is post-consumer material and 65% is pre-consumer (fibres returned from the supply chain). | | x | x | x | |
GROEN_LABEL_KAS | Groen Label Kas (für Firmen, die umweltfreundliche Gewächshäuser benutzen) | Groen Label Kas (for companies using environment-friendly greenhouses) | This label is awarded to companies which use environment-friendly greenhouses. These greenhouses are to be set up according to strict regulations which aim to ensure the impact of the environment remains at a minimal level (less water and energy waste, no chemical waste). | | x | x | x | |
GRUYERE_FRANCE | Französischer Gruyere Käse | French Gruyere Cheese | Gruyère de France comes from the meadows of Savoie and Franche-Comté (Haute-Saône and Doubs). It is a tasty cooked pressed cheese with raw milk, guaranteeing precious nutritional qualities. | | x | x | x | |
GUARANTEED_IRISH | GUARANTEED IRISH (Ware garantiert aus Irland) | GUARANTEED IRISH (Ireland) | Ireland: The Guaranteed Irish symbol makes shopping for Irish products and services a lot easier. Shoppers know that when they buy a product or service featuring the guaranteed Irish logo they are supporting Irish companies and safeguarding Irish jobs. http://www.guaranteedirish.ie/ | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_AHF | Amerikanische Halal Foundation (AHF) - (Stiftung) | American Halal Foundation (AHF) | - | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_AUSTRALIA | Halal Australien - zertifiziertes Halal Fleisch und Fleischprodukte in Australien | Halal Australia - certified halal meat and meat products in Australia | For all exports, only recognised Islamic organisations such as Halal Australia can certify halal meat and meat products in Australia. The Halal Australia certification is back by Australian government assurance that the product has been produced in accordance with Islamic Shari'aa standards. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_CERTIFICATION_SERVICES | Halal Certification Services - Schweiz-basierte Halal Zertifizierungsorganisation | Halal Certification Services - Swiss-based inspection and certification body | Halal Certification Services (HCS) is a Swiss-based inspection and certification body established in 1987, recognized and respected worldwide for its Halal services. Halal Certification Services has acquired official recognitions from JAKIM Malaysia, MUI Indonesia and MUIS Singapore enabling HCS to meet the exporting demand of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. HCS’s objectives are to raise the availability of Halal certified raw materials and products enabling the manufacturers to produce authentic Halal products. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_CERTIFICATION_SERVICES_CH | Halal Certification Services, CH - Schweiz-basierte Halal Zertifizierungsorganisation. Nur für in der Schweiz produzierte Produkte | Halal Certification Services, CH - Swiss-based inspection and certification body. Only for products produced in Switzerland | Halal Certification Services (HCS) is a Swiss-based inspection and certification body established in 1987, recognized and respected worldwide for its Halal services. Halal Certification Services has acquired official recognitions from JAKIM Malaysia, MUI Indonesia and MUIS Singapore enabling HCS to meet the exporting demand of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. HCS’s objectives are to raise the availability of Halal certified raw materials and products enabling the manufacturers to produce authentic Halal products. This label can only be used for products produced in Switzerland. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_CORRECT | HALAL (Halal Standard-Konformität garantiert) | HALAL (Halal standard conformity guaranteed) | The standard HALAL CORRECT is a standard quality and guarantees the Halal conformity of the whole chain, from slaughtering until the packaging of the Halal products. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_FOOD_COUNCIL_OF_SOUTH_EAST_ASIA_THAILAND | Halal Food Council of South East Asia Thailand - Lebensmittelzertifizierung | Halal Food Council of South East Asia Thailand - Certification | HALAL Certification of Halal Food Council of South East Asia Thailand. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_HIC | Halal Inspections and Certification (HIC) - Halal Zertifizierung in Kanada | Halal Inspections and Certification (HIC) - Canada | Halal Inspections and Certification (HIC) CANADA BY THE B.C. MUSLIM ASSOCIATION (BCMA) was established to help ensure that all muslims could be confident that the meat and products they consume are ‘genuinely Halal’. The HIC CANADA organization is an independent, not for profit, registered charity which monitors, inspects and certifies halal products for the benefit of the muslim community. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_HPDS | Halal HPDS (Halal Product Development Services) - Kanadische Firma für Halal bezogene Dienstleistungen | Halal HPDS (Halal Product Development Services), Canadian Company for halal and market related services | Halal Product Development Services (HPDS) is a Canadian company providing a range of halal and market related services. HPDS has experience in providing halal services to various sectors of the food business including agriculture, processing, food service and the grocery sector. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_HTO | Halal Transactions, Omaha | Halal Transactions of Omaha | - | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_IIDC | Halal IIDC (Islamic Information Documentation and Certification GmbH) | Halal IIDC (Islamic Information Documentation and Certification GmbH) | Halal Islamic Information Documentation and Certification GmbH (IIDC) is an independent and internationally accredited inspection and certification center for halal foods and services. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_INDIA | Halal India - Halal Zertifizierungsorganisation in Indien | Halal India - Halal Certification body in India | Halal India is one of the established Halal Certification body in India. They are committed to achieve excellence in consultation, issuing halal compliance certification, independent auditing & monitoring systems and promoting other acceptable products and services as per shariah (law). | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_ISLAMIC_CULTURAL_CENTER_OF_SCANDINAVIA | Halal Zertifizierung durch das Islamische Kulturzentrum Skandinaviens | Halal certification of Islamic Cultural Center of Scandinavia | Halal certification of Islamic Cultural Center of Scandinavia. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_ISLAMIC_FOOD_CANADA | Halal Islamic Food and Nutrition Council Kanada (IFANCC) - Lebensmittelzertifizierung | Halal Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of Canada (IFANCC) - Certification | The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of Canada (IFANCC) is Canada’s leading Halal certifying organization. The IFANCC Halal certificate is an authoritative, reliable and independent testimony to support your claim as a manufacturer or operator that your products meet Halal requirements. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_ISLAMIC_SOCIETY_OF_NORTH_AMERICA | Halal Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) - Lebensmittelzertifizierung | Halal Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) - Certification | ISNA® Canada has been providing Halal Certification service to the Muslim communities not only in Canada and the United States but throughout the Muslim world. ISNA® Canada developed its Halal Logo (see below) to be put on the packages certified by it to assure the Muslims that package contains the Halal food. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_ISWA_HCD | ISWA Halal Zertifizierungsabteilung - USA Handelskammer | ISWA Halal Certification Department - USA Chamber of Commerce | - | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_PLUS | HALAL PLUS (Halal Konformität höchster Qualität garantiert) | HALAL PLUS (Halal high quality conformity guaranteed) | The standard HALAL PLUS is high-quality Halal, certified by the Foundation Halal Correct and biologically certified by SKAL. | | x | x | x | |
HALAL_QUALITY_CONTROL | Halal Quality Control (HQC), Deutschland | Halal Quality Control (HQC), Germany | Halal Quality Control (HQC) is the German certification body established in 1983, globally recognized and accredited for its Halal services. | | x | x | x | |
HAUTE_VALEUR_ENVIRONNEMENTALE | Haute Valeur Environnementale - Label der Nationalen Kommission für Umweltzertifizierung (NCEC) | Haute Valeur Environnementale - Label awarded by the National Commission for Environmental Certification (NCEC) | The National Commission for Environmental Certification (NCEC), was created on October 25, 2011 to monitor the implementation of the device. It is made up of representatives of the State, agricultural unions, approved associations for the protection of the environment, the agri-food industry, distribution and consumer organizations. The NCEC has in particular defined the control plans defining the precise framework allowing the certification of farms for each level of the system. | | x | x | x | |
HAZARD_ANALYSIS_CRITICAL_CONTROL_POINT | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) - Gefahrenanalyse zur Lebensmittelsicherheit nach Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) der WHO und der Welternährungsorganisation (FAO) | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) - food safety according to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) by the WHO and the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an approach to food safety that is systematic and preventive. It is recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the United Nations international standards organization for food safety. HACCP is used by most countries around the world. It has been in use since the 1960s. A HACCP system allows you to identify hazards and put in place controls to manage these throughout your supply chain during production. The HACCP scheme meets the requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) – established by the World Health Organisation and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to bring together international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice to ensure fair trade. It can also be used to support the requirements of management standard requirements, such as ISO 22000 Food Safety Management. | | x | x | x | |
HEALTH_CHECK | HEALTH CHECK zertifiziert (kanadisches Heart and Stroke Program) | HEALTH CHECK certified (Canadian Heart and Stroke Program) | Specifies if product has been certified by Canadian Heart & Stroke Health Check Program. | | x | x | x | |
HEALTH_FOOD_BLUE_HAT_SIGN | Blaues Hut-Kennzeichen für Natur-, Bio-Lebensmittel | Health Food Blue Hat Sign | With the approval of relevant regulatory authorities, the blue hat sign is marked on health food's package. | | x | x | x | |
HEUMILCH | HEUMILCH (Österreich) (natürlichste Form der Milchproduktion) | HAY MILK (Austria) (most natural form of milk production) | ARGE Heumilch: Milk production of "hay milk" is the most natural form of milk production. Products that use "Hay Milk" in their production are awarded the certification label. Hay milk is milk that no animals feed from food that is from silage (fermented feed) is produced. The feeding is the natural course of the year: summer up to 50 different types of grasses and herbs in the meadows, pastures and meadows. In winter, the animals are fed with hay and grain meal, are just some examples of the guidelines. Heumilch from Austria is made according to a strict regulations. This is monitored by independent authorities. The AMA seal of approval guarantees 100% Austrian raw materials. | | x | x | x | |
HFAC_HUMANE | Certified Humane - Label für Fleisch, Milchprodukte, Eier und Geflügel, die unter dem Tierschutzstandards der U.S. Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) erzeugt werden | Certified Humane - Label for meat, dairy, eggs and poultry raised under the animal care standards of the U.S. Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) | Certified Humane Raised and Handled® label on a product ensure that the food products have come from facilities that meet precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment | | x | x | x | |
HMCA_HALAL_MONTREAL_CERTIFICATION_AUTHORITY | HMCA - Halal Montreal Zertifizierungsstelle | HMCA - Halal Montreal Certification Authority | The mission at Halal Montreal Certification Authority (HMCA) has always been that of guidance and support to companies wishing to broaden their Halal market potential, whether local or abroad. | | x | x | x | |
HOCHSTAMM_SUISSE | Hochstamm Suisse - nur Obst von Hochstammbäumen | Hochstamm Suisse - Only fruits from high stem fruit trees | Only fruits from high stem fruit trees | | x | x | x | |
HOW_2_RECYCLE | How2Recycle - Label für standardisierte Recycling Information auf der Verpackung für Verbraucher in Nordamerika | How2Recycle - Label for standardized on-package recycling information for consumers in North America | How2Recycle is a standardized labeling system that clearly communicates recycling instructions to the public. It involves a coalition of forward thinking brands who want their packaging to be recycled and are empowering consumers through smart packaging labels. The How2Recycle label was created to provide consistent and transparent on-package recycling information to consumers in North America. | | x | x | x | |
HUMANE_HEARTLAND | HUMANE HEARTLAND Logo | HUMANE HEARTLAND Logo | Humane Heartland attribute includes all products that present a Humane Heartland logo. | | x | x | x | |
HYPERTENSION_CANADA_MEDICAL_DEVICE | Medizinprodukt nach Hypertension Canada (kanad. Organisation zum Thema Bluthochdruck) | Hypertension Canada Medical Device | Hypertension Canada is the only national non-profit organization dedicated solely to the prevention and control of hypertension and its complications. We work with leading minds across medical and health disciplines to advance research and professional and public education, and with policy makers to ensure Canadians can avoid the potentially deadly complications of hypertension. | | x | x | x | |
ICADA | ICADA-Kennzeichen für ökologische und natürliche Kosmetik | ICADA mark for organic and natural cosmetics | The ICADA (International Cosmetic and Detergents Association) mark makes it for the consumer visible that only raw materials were used for the production of organic and natural cosmetics, which conform to the strict requirements. | | x | x | x | |
ICEA | ICEA-Kennzeichen (Instituto Certicazione Etica e Ambientale, Respekt vor Mensch und Natur) | ICEA mark (Instituto Certicazione Etica e Ambientale, respect of people and nature) | ICEA (Instituto Certicazione Etica e Ambientale, Environmental and Ethical Certification Institute) is a Consortium that control and certifies companies that carry out their activities in respect of people and nature, defending workers dignity and rights of consumers. ICEA is among most important bodies of the sector in Italy and in Europe, where it operates to favour a fair and socially sustainable development that ranges from organic farming to other bio related sectors. | | x | x | x | |
ICELAND_RESPONSIBLE_FISHERIES | ISLAND FISCHFANG | ICELAND FISHERY | The Iceland Responsible Fisheries logo indicates Icelandic origin of fish catches in Icelandic waters and responsible fisheries management. | | x | x | x | |
ICS_ORGANIC | Ökologische Zertifizierung - International Certification Services, Inc. (ICS), North Dakota, USA | Organic Certifying Body - International Certification Services, Inc. (ICS), North Dakota, USA | Organic Certification assures consumers that organically produced foods and textiles meet a consistent set of standards that were developed and are regulated by the USDA National Organic Program (USDA NOP), or similar internationally recognized standard. In order to label products as Organic, certification is required by law in the U.S. and many other countries. As a USDA NOP Accredited Certifier, ICS verifies that all its clients are compliant with these standards. ICS certifies all categories of operations: Family Farms, Commercial Farms, On-farm processing, Contract Services, Processor/Manufacturers, and Handlers. | | x | x | x | |
IFANCA_HALAL | IFANCA Halal | IFANCA Halal | IFANCA, one of the world's leading resources for halal information. Halal, when applied to food, is a dietary set of guidelines for Muslims living an Islamic lifestyle. Since 1982, IFANCA is committed to helping halal consumers through research, education and advocacy. One of the services IFANCA provides to halal consumers is third-party halal certification. Our certification symbol, the Crescent helps halal consumers select goods, assuring them that what they buy is halal without a doubt. | | x | x | x | |
IFOAM | IFOAM Akkreditierung (fairer, ordnungsgemäßer Handel mit Bioprodukten) | IFOAM Accreditation (fair and orderly trade of organic products) | International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Accreditation is primarily a means of ensuring fair and orderly trade of organic products. It is in this sense a service for the trade and producers as well as for certifiers. IFOAM Accreditation facilitates equivalency of organic certification bodies worldwide by confirming whether they meet IFOAM's international norms. | | x | x | x | |
IFS_HPC | IFS HPC (Standard, der alle gesetzlichen Sicherheits- und Qualitätsanforderungen umfasst) | IFS HPC (Standard that helps to comply with all legal food and non-food safety and quality requirements) | IFS Standards help to comply with all legal food and non-food safety and quality requirements and give common and transparent standards to all concerned suppliers and service providers as well as a concrete and strong answer to the high safety and quality expectations of customers. | | x | x | x | |
IGP | IGP (Indication Géographique Protégée) - Geschütze geographische Herkunftsbezeichnung | IGP (Indication Géographique Protégée) - Protected geographical indication | The IGP label (indication géographique protégée) is for products with a protected geographical indication. This means that the speciality has either been produced, processed, or refined in the place of origin. The raw materials used are 100 % Swiss in origin. | | x | x | x | |
IHTK_SEAL | IHTK-Siegel (ohne Tierversuche) | IHT seal (without animal experiments) | Cosmetics according to the guidelines of the German Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( Deutscher Tierschutzbund e. V. ) The German Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the International Manufactory Association against Animal Testing in Cosmetics ( IHTK e. V.) carry on their consequent work against animal testing in 2001 http://www.ihtk.de/ihtk-en.htm | | x | x | x | |
IKB_EIEREN | IKB EIEREN (Holländisches Qualitätssystem für die Eierproduktion) | IKB EIEREN (Dutch quality system for the production of eggs) | IKB egg is a Dutch quality system for the production of eggs | | x | x | x | |
IKB_KIP | IKB KIP (Geflügel-Qualitätskennzeichen) (Benelux) | IKB KIP (Chicken quality mark) (Benelux) | The Product Board for Poultry and Eggs has registered the IKB Chicken quality mark with the Benelux Trademarks Office, for the purpose of recognisability of rigorously inspected, quality poultry meat, produced and handled in conformity with the regulations of the IKB Chicken certification scheme stipulated by the management of the Product Board for Poultry and Eggs. | | x | x | x | |
IKB_VARKEN | IKB VARKEN (holländisches Qualitätssystem für Schweinefleischprodukte) | IKB VARKEN (Dutch quality system for pork meat products) | products produced within the Dutch quality system IKB pig come from companies that are checked with regard to their use of animal feed, use of animal medication, hygiene and transportation | | x | x | x | |
INDEKLIMA_MAERKET | Dansk Indeklima Maerket (DIM) - dänische Kennzeichnung für begrenzte Emission von Gasen, Fasern, Partikeln und Gerüchen zur Sicherung des Innenraumklimas | Dansk Indeklima Maerket (DIM) - voluntary labeling scheme on limited emission of gas, fibres, particles and smell to secure high indoor climate | Dansk Indeklima Mærkning (DIM) is a voluntary labeling scheme. DIM requires documented limited emission of gas, fibres, particles and smell to secure high indoor climate. | | x | x | x | |
INITIATIVE_TIERWOHL | Initiative Tierwohl | Initiative Tierwohl (Animal welfare initiative) | The Animal Welfare Initiative provides more orientation for the consumer. It guarantees that meat products come from a farm that participates in the Animal Welfare Initiative. | | x | x | x | |
INSTITUT_FRESENIUS | FRESENIUS (Qualitätssiegel für Nahrungsmittel) | FRESENIUS (quality seal for food and cooking products) | This INSTITUT FRESENIUS Quality Seal on a package, certify, that this item is a quality product that consumer can trust in. That’s because Fresenius thoroughly examine products, that indicates it is high-class quality. The main focus on food products and related cooking products. | | x | x | x | |
INT_PROTECTION | INT PROTECTION (Intern. Einstufung elektr. Geräte in Bezug auf Schutz gegen internen Schaden und Gefahr für den Benutzer) | INTPROTECTION (Intern. rating for electr. appliances on protection against internal damage and danger to the user) | "The IP Code (International Protection Rating, sometimes called Ingress Protection) on electrical appliances is an indication of the degree of protection of the design of electrical and electronic equipment against internal damage in ""hostile environments"" and against any danger to the user. The IP designation is internationally standardized in IEC 60529. The IP designation has two numbers: the first indicates the degree of protection against contact and ingress of objects, the second indicates the degree of protection against moisture. Companies can use their own logo." | | x | x | x | |
INTEGRITY_AND_SUSTAINABILITY_CERTIFIED | Integrity and Sustainability Certified (zertifizierte Integrität und Nachhaltigkeit) - Weinzertifizierung in Südafrika | Integrity and Sustainability Certified - Wine certification in South Africa | Certification: Integrity and Sustainability Certified. National, South Africa. Integrity and Sustainability Certified is IPW + Wine of Origin in a single label. It must include vineyards, winery, processing and packaging. http://www.swsa.co.za/ | | x | x | x | |
INTERNATIONAL_ALOE_SCIENCE_COUNCIL_CERTIFICATE | INTERNATIONAL ALOE Science Council Zertifikat | INTERNATIONAL ALOE Science Council Certificate | The International Aloe Science Council Cert certification includes all products that have published the International Aloe Science Council Certification stamp on their package. | | x | x | x | |
INTERNATIONAL_KOSHER_COUNCIL | Internationaler Koscherrat | International Kosher Council | The International Kosher Council was established to assist food manufacturers in the many facets that encompass getting a product kosher certified. | | x | x | x | |
INTERNATIONAL_TASTE_QUALITY | Internationale Geschmack- und Qualitätsauszeichnung | International Taste & Quality (iTQi) Superior Taste Award | The Superior Taste Award label is a powerful marketing tool that is used to communicate about the products and the company's success, in both domestically and internationally. Its visibility of the label brings an immediate differentiation amongst the vast product choices on the marketplace and reassures consumers in their buying decision. | | x | x | x | |
INTERTEK_CERTIFICATE | INTERTEK Zertifikat | INTERTEK Certificate | The ETL Mark is proof of product compliance to North American safety standards. Authorities Having Jurisdiction(AHJs) and code officials across the US and Canada accept the ETL Listed Mark as proof of product compliance to published industry standards. The ETL Listed Mark is proof that a product has been independently tested and meets the applicable published standard. | | x | x | x | |
INTERTEK_ETL | Intertek Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL) Mark - Standard für elektrische Produkte in Nord Amerika | Intertek Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL) Mark - Standards for electrical products in North America | Intertek’s ETL Mark is a safety mark which is recognised all over North America. It indicates that your product has been tested by an accredited third party testing laboratory, and meets the applicable safety standards and minimal requirements for sale or distribution within North America. | | x | x | x | |
IP_SUISSE | IP Suisse - Qualitätsprodukte aus umweltfreundlicher und tiergerechter Erzeugung | IP Suisse - High quality products which are produced environmentally friendly and in line with the animal needs | High quality products which are produced environmentally friendly and in line with the animal needs. | | x | x | x | |
ISA | Islamic Services of America (ISA) - Halal Zertifizierung und Auditing Dienste | Islamic Services of America (ISA) | ISA (Islamic Services of America) is a recognized global leader in Halal Certification and Auditing Services with a team of regional offices, professionals, and industry leaders throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. ISA confidently provides any organization from multinationals, SME’s, and even startups, a level of integrity and service in Halal certification ensuring a comprehensive approach and plan for all your Halal needs. | | x | x | x | |
ISCC | ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) - Zertifizierungsstandard für eine biologische Kreislaufwirtschaft | ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) | ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) is a voluntary certification standard to support the shift towards the circular economy and bio-economy. This label can be used by ISCC system users with a valid ISCC certificate or that are certified under an ISCC group certification. (https://www.iscc-system.org/) | | x | x | x | |
ISCC_SUPPORTING_THE_BIOECONOMY | ISCC Unterstützung der Bioökonomie | ISCC Supporting the Bioeconomy | ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) is an independent multi-stakeholder organisation providing a globally applicable certification system for the sustainability of raw materials and products. This label can be used for products linked to bio-circular materials. Bio-circular materials are materials made from biological waste and residues. This logo can also be used for mixed products linked to bio-circular and bio materials. (https://www.iscc-system.org/process/marketing-with-iscc/) | | x | x | x | |
ISEAL_ALLIANCE | ISEAL ALLIANZ - Globale Vereinigung für Nachhaltigkeitsstandards | ISEAL ALLIANCE - Global association for sustainability standards | ISEAL is the global association for sustainability standards. They develop guidance and facilitate coordinated efforts to improve their members’ effectiveness and scale up their social and environmental impacts. | | x | x | x | |
ISO_QUALITY | ISO Qualität | ISO Quality | Products bearing this certification are certified by a 3rd party ensuring they follow the ISO standards. ISO standards give world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. They are instrumental in facilitating international trade. | | x | x | x | |
IVN_NATURAL_LEATHER | IVN NATURLEDER (Öko-freundliche Lederprodukte in Europa) | IVN NATURAL LEATHER (eco-friendly leather products in Europe) | "Naturleder" is an IVN ( Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft e. V.) standard. This is the only standard for eco-friendly leather products in Europe. All products certified with this standard offer a high level of ecology and quality. | | x | x | x | |
IVN_NATURAL_TEXTILES_BEST | IVN NATURTEXTILIEN BEST (Öko-freundliche Textilprodukte) | IVN NATURAL TEXTILES BEST (eco-friendly textile products) | This IVN ( Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft e. V.) quality seal, well known within Europe, currently sets the strictest ecological standard for textile production at the highest technical level currently feasible. BEST reflects the standards for eco-friendly textiles developed by the International Association of Natural Textile Industry (IVN) since 1990 and reviews the entire textile production chain both in terms of ecological standards and in terms of social accountability. | | x | x | x | |
IVO_OMEGA3 | IVO Seal - International Verified Omega-3, z.B. Fischöl | IVO Seal - International Verified Omega-3 e.g., Fish oil | International Verified Omega-3 is an independent not-for-profit organization whose goal is to: 1) increase consumer confidence in the quality of marine oils (including fish oils) rich in omega-3s, 2) help consumers identify and select the best omega-3 products for their health, 3) to advocate for and support responsible marine stewardship and the long term sustainability of fish populations and habitat around the world. | | x | x | x | |
JAS_ORGANIC | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation in Japan - JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standards) | Organic Certifying Body - JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standards) | Japanese Agricultural Standards are standards for the agriculture industry maintained by the Japanese Government. They are comparable to Japanese Industrial Standards but for food and agricultural products. Once a product has passed tests conducted by government-backed rating bureaus the JAS seal (right) is appended to the product | | x | x | x | |
JAY_KOSHER_PAREVE | JAY KOSHER PAREVE - Koscher-Zertifizierung | JAY KOSHER PAREVE Certification | Jay Kosher Pareve Certification | | x | x | x | |
JODSALZ_BZGA | JODSALZ - Jodsiegel der BZGA | IODIZED SALT - logo of the BZGA | The "Jodsiegel" were built up by the Federal Centre for Health and Education (BZgA) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health. The seal is provided on packages of products by the food manufacturer, when the products made with iodized salt. With the help of the label, consumers can see the use of iodized salt directly. The logo is part of a series of awareness campaigns BZgA together with the Arbeitskreis Jodmangel (working group of iodine deficiency), which aim to make the use of iodized salt to a rule. | | x | x | x | |
KABELKEUR | KABELKEUR (holländisches Qualitätssiegel für Fernseher, Fernsehkabel, -splitter und -verstärker) | KABELKEUR (Dutch quality mark for television and television cables, splitters and amplifiers) | Kabelkeur is the quality mark for television and television cables, splitters and amplifiers and is an initiative of the industry association of the Dutch NLkabel cable companies. The purpose of this label is to increase the quality of television and television accessories. | | x | x | x | |
KAGFREILAND | KAGfreiland - Qualitätsprodukte im Einklang mit den Bedürfnissen der Tiere | KAGfreiland - Quality products in line with animal needs | Quality products in line with animal needs. | | x | x | x | |
KEHILLA_KOSHER_CALIFORNIA_K | KEHILLA KOSHER California-K Zertifizierung | KEHILLA KOSHER California-K Certification | Kehilla Kosher California-K Certification | | x | x | x | |
KEHILLA_KOSHER_HEART_K | KEHILLA KOSHER Heart-K Zertifizierung | KEHILLA KOSHER HEART K Certification | Kehilla Kosher Heart-K Certification | | x | x | x | |
KEMA_KEUR | KEMA KEUR (holländisches Qualitätssiegel für elektrische Sicherheit) | KEMA KEUR (Dutch quality mark for electrical safety) | KEMA quality mark is a household name in the Netherlands and is based on international standards for electrical safety. It is recognized throughout Europe. | | x | x | x | |
KIWA | KIWA Qualitätssiegel (technische Eigenschaften von Rohren, Armaturen etc.) | KIWA quality mark (technical quality of products like pipes, fittings etc.) | The KIWA quality mark applies mainly to the (construction) technical qualities of a product and, depending on the product, environmental aspects . The KIWA label is mainly reflected on products from the construction sector, specially from the drinking water supply such as pipes, fittings and faucets. | | x | x | x | |
KLASA | Klasa - tschechisches Qualitätskennzeichen | Klasa - Czech national mark of quality | Czech national mark of quality. The KLASA Mark has been awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture since 2003. Only the best quality food and agricultural products earn it. | | x | x | x | |
KOF_K_KOSHER | KOF K Koscher-Zertifizierung | KOF K KOSHER Certification | KOF-K Kosher Supervision is one of the world’s most widely known kosher certification and supervision agencies, serving food producers, manufacturers, and processors around the world. KOF-K’s roster of clients includes Fortune 500 companies and the world’s largest brand names. The KOF-K trademark on a product is recognized and respected world wide as a designation of quality and purity that has been earned through full compliance with the highest of kosher standards to meet the expectations of the kosher market. The KOF-K symbol is protected under U.S. Federal law and is vigilantly guarded against unauthorized use, so that the customer can choose a KOF-K labelled product with complete confidence. | | x | x | x | |
KOMO | KOMO Qualitätssiegel (Bauwesen und Installationssektor, Niederlande) | KOMO quality certificate (construction and installation sector, Netherlands) | The KOMO-quality mark is a collective mark of quality with a focus on products in the construction and installation sector and requires quality, environmental and safety aspects for the Dutch market. The trademark KOMO covers several quality marks for specific sectors (KOMO- reduction, KOMO install and KOMO climb-label). The Foundation KOMO manages the labels and the KOMO-quality certificates are submitted by certification settings. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_AUSTRALIA | KOSHER AUSTRALIA-Zertifizierung | KOSHER AUSTRALIA Certification | Kosher Australia Certification | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_BDMC | Kosher BDMC (Beth Din Minchas Chinuch) Siegel | Kosher BDMC (Beth Din Minchas Chinuch) seal | The Badatz Tartikov hechsher has been the seal of one of the most respected kashrus supervision organizations in the world for close to 20 years,. To this day, our specialty remains to satisfy the standards of the most stringent consumers in the Jewish world. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_CERTIFICATION_SERVICE | KOSHER Certification Service-Zertifizierung | KOSHER Certification Service Certification | Kosher Certification Service Certification | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_CHECK | Kosher Check - kanadische Zertifizierungsorganisation | Kosher Check - Canadian certification agency | Kosher Check is a non-profit global kosher certification agency headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. With Regional offices located throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. We currently serve hundreds of food manufacturers throughout Canada, the US, the Pacific Rim, and the Far East, through our extensive network of regional rabbinic representatives around the globe. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_CHICAGO_RABBINICAL_COUNCIL_DAIRY | Kosher - Chicago Rabbinical Council (CRC) Dairy, Koscherzertifizierung von Milchprodukten, Nordamerika | Kosher - Chicago Rabbinical Council (CRC) Dairy, certification for Dairy products, North America | The largest regional Orthodox organization in North America, the cRc is a not-for-profit offering a wide variety of Jewish services including kosher certification (kosher approval for products). Kosher certification is available around the world and throughout the year, including kosher Passover supervision. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_CHICAGO_RABBINICAL_COUNCIL_PAREVE | Kosher - Chicago Rabbinical Council (CRC) Pareve, Koscherzertifizierung von Pareve-Produkten, Nordamerika | Kosher - Chicago Rabbinical Council (CRC) Pareve, certification for Dairy products, North America | The largest regional Orthodox organization in North America, the cRc is a not-for-profit offering a wide variety of Jewish services including kosher certification (kosher approval for products). Kosher certification is available around the world and throughout the year, including kosher Passover supervision. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_COR_DAIRY | Kosher COR - Milchprodukte - Koscherzertifizierung | Kosher COR Dairy - certification | Kosher COR Dairy | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_COR_DAIRY_EQUIPMENT | Kosher COR - Milchprodukte Ausrüstung - Koscherzertifizierung | Kosher COR Dairy Equipment | Kosher COR Dairy, this trademark is for Dairy. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_COR_FISH | Kosher COR Fisch - Koscherzertifizierung | Kosher COR Fish - certification | Kosher COR Fish | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_EIDAH_HACHAREIDIS | Kosher Eidah Hachareidis in Jerusalem | Kosher Eidah Hachareidis of Jerusalem | The Beis Din Tzedek of the Eidah Hachareidis of Jerusalem Binyanei Zupnick. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_GRAND_RABBINATE_OF_QUEBEC_PARVE | Koscher Großrabbinat Quebec Parve - Zertifizierung | Kosher Grand Rabbinate of Quebec Parve - certification | Certified Kosher by the Grand Rabbinate of Quebec. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_GREECE | Kosher Koscherzertifizierung Griechenland | Kosher Kosher Greece - certification | Kosher Kosher Greece | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_INSPECTION_SERVICE_INDIA | KOSHER Inspection Service India-Zertifizierung | KOSHER Inspection Service India Certification | Kosher Inspection Service India Certification | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_KW_YOUNG_ISRAEL_OF_WEST_HEMPSTEAD | KOSHER KW Young Israel Of West Hempstead-Zertifizierung | KOSHER KW Young Israel Of West Hempstead Certification | Kosher KW Young Israel of West Hempstead Certification | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_MADRID_SPAIN | Kosher Koscherzertifizierung Madrid Spanien | Kosher Kosher Madrid Spain - certification | Kosher Kosher Madrid Spain | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_OK_DAIRY | Koscher OK Milchprodukte - Zertifizierung | Kosher OK Dairy - certification | OK Kosher Dairy Certification | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_ORGANICS | Kosher Organics - weltweite Organisation | Kosher Organics - worldwide organization | Kosher Organics with headquarters in the United States, is a worldwide organization founded by a cross section of Rabbi’s and observant lay leaders to provide individuals and businesses focused resources on the growing kosher organic and natural products market. Our organization serves as a source of advocacy for kosher dietary laws and as a centre for environmental information, education and support for sustainable agriculture, natural health and well-being lifestyles. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_ORTHODOX_JEWISH_CONGREGATION_PARVE | Koscher Orthodoxe Jüdische Gemeinde Parve - Zertifizierung | Kosher Orthodox Jewish Congregation Parve - certification | The OU (Orthodox Union) Kosher Parve certification | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_OTTAWA_VAAD_HAKASHRUT_CANADA | Koscherzertifzierung durch Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut - Kanada | Kosher certification by Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut - Canada | OTTAWA VAAD HaKASHRUT facilitates the availability of a wide variety of reliably kosher food, products, and services to the Ottawa Jewish Community | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_PARVE_BKA | Kosher Parve B.K.A. (Brasilien) | Kosher Parve B.K.A. (Brazil) | Kosher Parve B.K.A. Brazil To enable the regular supply of products that require the supervision seal, Kosher Mart Produtos Alimentícios Ltda . Was created , for which special lots with a seal are billed (verified and manufactured with mashguiach monitoring ) and later passed on to the points of sale. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_PARVE_NATURAL_FOOD_CERTIFIER | Koscher-Parve-Zertifzierung von Bioprodukten durch Natural Food Certifier (NFC) | Kosher Parve Natural Food Certifier (NFC) | NFC (Natural food Certifier) exclusively certifies the natural, and organic products industry. Their certification includes NFC Apple Kosher | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_PERU | KOSHER Peru-Zertifizierung | KOSHER Peru Certification | Kosher Peru Certification | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_RAV_LANDAU | Kosher Rav (Rabbi) Landau - Zertifizierungsorganisation in Beni Brak, Israel | Kosher Rav (Rabbi) Landau - certification agency in Beni Brak, Israel | Rabbi Moshe Yehudah Leib Landau kosher certification agency in Beni Brak, Israel. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_STAR_K_PARVE | Kosher Star-K-Parve | Koscher Star-K-Parve | Kosher Star-K-Parve | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_STAR_K_PARVE_PASSOVER | Koscher Star-K-Parve und Pessachfest | Kosher Star-K-Parve and Passover | Kosher Star-K -Parve, Passover | | x | x | x | |
KOSHER_STAR_S_P_KITNIYOT | Kosher Star S für Pessach Kitniyot | Kosher Star S for passover kitniyot | The Rabbinical Assembly, the governing body for the Conservative movement of Judaism, declared that kitniyot, which encompasses legumes (such as peanuts, beans and peas), rice, and corn, are kosher for Passover. | | x | x | x | |
KOSHERMEX | KosherMex - Hoshgoche Charedis in Mexiko 'Koshermex' | KosherMex - Hoshgoche Charedis of Mexico 'Koshermex' | Hoshgoche Charedis of Mexico "Koshermex" | | x | x | x | |
KOTT_FRAN_SVERIGE | Kott Fran Sverige - 100 % schwedisches Fleisch (geboren, aufgezogen, geschlachtet, verarbeitet und verpackt in Schweden) | Kott Fran Sverige - 100 % Swedish meat (born, raised, slaughtered, processed and packed in Sweden) | Products labelled with “Kott Fran Sverige” contain 100 % Swedish meat according to the criteria that all animals must be born, raised and slaughtered in Sweden .Cultivation should have taken place in Sweden .All processing and packaging must take place in Sweden. | | x | x | x | |
KRAV_MARK | KRAV MARK (Schwedisch) für biologisch produzierte Produkte | KRAV MARK (Swedish) for organically produced products | The KRAV-label is a registered Swedish brand. Only the companies that are authorised by an accredited certification body may use the name KRAV or the KRAV-label on a product. The label shall always be accompanied by the name of the producer. This is to preserve the credability of the organically produced products. | | x | x | x | |
KSA_KOSHER | KSA-KOSHER-Zertifizierung, von Kosher Supervision | KSA - KOSHER Certification by Kosher Supervision | Kosher Supervision of America is a not-for-profit Kashrus certification agency recognized by rabbinical associations throughout the world. KSA is the largest, recognized and accepted, kosher certification agency based in the western United States. | | x | x | x | |
KSA_KOSHER_DAIRY | KSA D-KOSHER-Zertifizierung für Milchprodukte, von Kosher Supervision | KSA D - KOSHER Dairy Certification by Kosher Supervision | Kosher Supervision of America for dairy products is a not-for-profit Kashrus certification agency recognized by rabbinical associations throughout the world. KSA is the largest, recognized and accepted, kosher certification agency based in the western United States. | | x | x | x | |
KVBG_APPROVED | KVBG APPROVED (Sicherheit und Funktion von Erdgasflächen, Belgien) | KVBG APPROVED (safety and good functioning of natural gas lands, Belgium) | The Royal Association of Belgian Gas companies (ARGB) unites the natural gas suppliers and distribution system operators who are active in Belgium. The Association's role is to ensure the safety and good functioning of natural gas lands as well as to promote a good image for the use natural gas. | | x | x | x | |
KVH_KOSHER | KVH (Kashrus Vaad Harabonim) Kosher Zertifizierung | KVH (Kashrus Vaad Harabonim) Kosher Certification | KVH (Kashrus Vaad Harabonim) Kosher, a premier authority on Kashrus, brings together consumers, retailers and manufacturers, to make Kosher accessible in the Greater Boston area, the New England region and across the globe. | | x | x | x | |
LAATUVASTUU | Finnisches Zertifizierungsystem für Schweinefleisch | Finnish Pork Meat Certification System | Finnish Pork Meat certification system | | x | x | x | |
LABEL_OF_THE_ALLERGY_AND_ASTHMA_FEDERATION | Label des ALLERGIE- und ASTHMA-Bunds (Finnland) | Label of the ALLERGY and ASTHMA Federation (Finland) | Allergy and Asthma Federation is a non-profit public health organisation. Our aim is to improve quality of life of the allergy and asthma patients. http://www.allergia.fi/in-english/ | | x | x | x | |
LABEL_ROUGE | LABEL ROUGE (Qualitätsgeflügel und -eier aus traditioneller Freilandhaltung) | LABEL ROUGE (high quality poultry and eggs from traditional, free-range farming) | Label Rouge products guarantee that the poultry and eggs you purchase are superior to standard products because they are produced using traditional, free-range farming methods that ensure the poultry’s welfare and protect the environment. | | x | x | x | |
LACON | LACON (Privatinstitut für Qualitätssicherung und Zertifizierung ökologisch erzeugter Lebensmittel) | LACON (Institute for quality assurance and certification of organically produced food) | Lacon Institute stands for the assurance of quality and the certification of organically produced food. | | x | x | x | |
LAENDLE_QUALITAET | LAENDLE-Qualitätssiegel - (Vorarlberger Produkte, definierte Qualitätsstandards) | LAENDLE-Quality seal (products from Vorarlberg, defined quality standards) | The logo stands for regional and domestic products which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geographical area using recognised quality standards. Only local products with 100 percent guarantee of origin are given this seal. It is given not only the green Ländle brand products but also other products that keep clearly defined in writing and retained quality guidelines. | | x | x | x | |
LAIT_COLLECTE_ET_CONDITIONNE_EN_FRANCE | Milch produziert und konditioniert in Frankreich - Logo für Trinkmilch | Milk collected and conditioned in France - logo for drinking milk | In 2015, a new logo began to appear on French milk cartons and bottles: "Milk collected and packaged in France". This logo was created on the initiative of French professionals in the liquid milk sector, brought together within Syndilait, and is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and the FNPL (National Federation of Milk Producers). Two years after its launch, this logo is a great success with professionals in the sector, distributors and consumers, as it is already present on more than 60% of the bottles and cartons of milk on sale. | | x | x | x | |
LAIT_COLLECTE_ET_TRANSFORME_EN_FRANCE | Milch produziert und verarbeitet in Frankreich - Logo für Milchprodukte | Milk collected and processed in France - logo for milk products | A new complementary logo for dairy products other than drinking milk. Professionals in the sector have decided to go further in this citizen, collective and responsible approach in favour of French milk by using the logo "Milk collected and processed in France" on other products resulting from the processing of milk such as milk drinks, cream, cheese, fresh products or butter. All of these products are now able to carry a the logo "Milk collected and processed in France" while the logo "Milk collected and packaged in France" remains reserved for drinking milk. | | x | x | x | |
LAPIN_DE_FRANCE | Kaninchenfleisch aus Frankreich - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | Rabbit from France - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case rabbit: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
LE_PORC_FRANCAIS | Schweinefleisch aus Frankreich - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | Pork from France - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case pork: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
LEAPING_BUNNY | LEAPING BUNNY (Springendes Kaninchen Logo für Produktion ohne Tierversuche) | LEAPING_BUNNY (logo for production without animal testing) | The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program administers a cruelty-free standard and the internationally recognized Leaping Bunny Logo for companies producing cosmetic, personal care, and household products. The Leaping Bunny Program provides the best assurance that no new animal testing is used in any phase of product development by the company, its laboratories, or suppliers. See also www.leapingbunny.org | | x | x | x | |
LEGUMES_DE_FRANCE | Gemüse aus Frankreich | Vegetables of France | Vegetable producers created the National Federation of Vegetable Producers in 1946. Vegetables (FNPL) to defend and promote their profession. It federates producers of vegetables and represents all vegetable production intended to be used in the production of marketed fresh. It became the Producteurs de Légumes de France in 2008. The Producteurs de Légumes de France work to defend the interests of the producers of and improving the profitability and competitiveness of their businesses by intervening on all subjects that concern them. | | x | x | x | |
LETIS_ORGANIC | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation in Argentinien - Letis S.A. | Organic Certifying Body - Letis S.A. | Certification is a process in which an independent third party certification body, as LETIS, ensures compliance with a specific standard. At LETIS, compliance is assessed by a methodical system of audits, accredited by national and international monitoring and accreditation bodies | | x | x | x | |
LGA | LGA Qualitätssiegel (für zahlreiche Produkte, Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern, TÜV) | LGA quality mark (for various products, by Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern, TÜV) | According to the LGA (Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern) directive, checks are done on security, features, usability, performance, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and hygiene of various products. The LGA has become part of TÜV, this quality mark is therefore issued by TÜV. | | x | x | x | |
LOCALIZE | Ontario - Localize - Regalauszeichnungsprogramm in Nord Amerika | Ontario - Localize - Shelf label program in North America | Localize is the only Local shelf label program in North America. We are dedicated to continuously collecting, growing, and ensuring the integrity of our data. Localize’s powerful database and application contain geographical and socially relevant information that is valuable for grocers and vital to shoppers looking for information at the shelf-edge | | x | x | x | |
LODI_RULES_CODE | Lodi Rules Certified Green - Kalifornische Zertifizierung für nachhaltig erzeugte Weintrauben | Lodi Rules Certified Green - Californian certification for sustainable produced wine grapes | Certification: Certified Green. Regional, California. First American sustainability program. Certifies the GRAPES NOT THE WINERY/WINEMAKING. Wines must contain 85% certified grapes. www.lodigrowers.com | | x | x | x | |
LONDON_BETH_DIN_KOSHER | London Beth Din KOSHER-Zertifizierung | London Beth Din KOSHER Certification | Court of The Chief Rabbi London Beth Din Certification | | x | x | x | |
LONKI_GUTES_LEBEN | Lonki Gutes Leben (Tierwohl für Kaninchen) | Lonki Gutes Leben (Animal welfare for rabbits) | Lonki guarantees more animal-friendly and sustainable meat production in the field of rabbit products. The requirements aim to improve animal welfare with measurable and verifiable criteria. | | x | x | x | |
LONKI_PARK | Lonki Park (Tierwohl für Kaninchen, Gruppenhaltung auf Grünflächen) | Lonki Park (Group keeping of rabbits in parks) | Lonki Parks guarantees a group keeping of rabbits in parks. | | x | x | x | |
LOODUSSOBRALIK_TOODE_ESTONIA | Umweltfreundliche Produkte (Estland) | Eco-friendly products (Estonia) | Eco-friendly product The sign "eco-friendly product" is designed to make environmentally friendly products on store shelves more as significant. When it comes to food shall be used for agriculture, natural farming methods. No use of mineral fertilizers, insect control and plant poisons. http://www.stockmann.ee/portal/7765/ | | x | x | x | |
LOVE_IRISH_FOOD | LOVE IRISH FOOD (hergestellt in Irland mit irischen Zutaten) | LOVE IRISH FOOD (manufactured in Ireland with Irish ingredients) | Love Irish Food - a promotional label printed on the product packaging to indicate to the consumer that the food is manufactured in Ireland using Irish ingredients. http://www.loveirishfood.ie/ | | x | x | x | |
LVA | LVA Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt (Kontrolle der Nahrungsmittelsicherheit) | LVA - ISACert Austria (controlled for food safety) | the Lebensmittel Vertrauen Analsen LVA is ISACert ISACert Austria as partner of the globally successful certification company. ISACert the leading certifier is in the area of food safety. | | x | x | x | |
MADE_FOR_RECYCLING_INTERSEROH | Geeignet für das Interseroh Recycling System | Made for recycling Interseroh | Seal from Interseroh for environmentally friendly packaging that has been analysed and proven to meet the company’s criteria of recyclability. This includes: recyclable materials, ease of sorting, disposal, etc. | | x | x | x | |
MADE_GREEN_IN_ITALY | Made Green in Italy - Italienische Lebenszyklus-Analyse, Ökobilanzierung und -zertifizierung nach ISO14001 | Made Green in Italy - National Life Cycle Assessment and ISO14001certification | Certification: Life Cycle Assessment and ISO14001. National, not industry specific. Newly established with the goal of limiting the confusion around sustainability programs by using Life Cycle Assessment and ISO14001 as a tool. Does not include the standard sustainability pillars of social and financial sustainability. According to plan, will measure Organization Environmental Footprint and Product Environmental Footprint. Not yet operational. Does not collaborate with VIVA or Equalitas, which it considers confusing and non-scientific. http://www.minambiente.it/pagina/made-green-italy | | x | x | x | |
MADE_IN_FINLAND_FLAG_WITH_KEY | Hergestellt in Finnland (Flagge mit Schlüssel) | Made in Finland (flag with key logo) | Made in Finland Products that are made in Finland Avainlippu (Key Flag) Suomalaisen Työn www.avainlippu.fi | | x | x | x | |
MADE_IN_SLOVAKIA | Hergestellt in der Slovakei | Made in Slovakia | The "Made in Slovakia" logo can only be used by companies that carry out production activities on the territory of the Slovak Republic, are registered in the GS1 Slovakia association and have an application for the use of the logo on specific products approved by the association. The "Made in Slovakia" logo is protected by copyright law. | | x | x | x | |
MADE_OF_PLASTIC_BEVERAGE_CUPS | Getränkebecher aus Einwegkunststoff (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Beverage cups made from single-use plastic (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Labelled/embossed on beverage cups made of plastic. Regulatory requirement of single-use plastic products have to be marked: EU regulation 2020/2151. Note: The language(s) on the label may vary by country. | | x | x | x | |
MADE_WITH_CANADIAN_BEEF | Mit kanadischem Rind hergestellt | Made with Canadian Beef | Canada Beef Inc. is an independent national organization representing the research, marketing and promotion of the Canadian cattle and beef industry worldwide. Its efforts to maximize demand for Canadian beef and optimize the value of Canadian beef products is funded by cattle producers and the National Beef Check-Off, which in turn makes it possible to access beef industry market development funds provided by the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta. | | x | x | x | |
MAGRET_DE_FRANCE | Magret (Fillet von der Enten- oder Gänsebrust) aus Frankreich | Magret from France | The magret is a lean meat fillet, native to the Gers cuisine, cut from the breast of a fattened goose or duck, fattened by force-feeding, the same ones used to produce confit and foie gras. This logo is a simple way of identifying French magret. | | x | x | x | |
MAITRE_ARTISAN | Maitre artisan (hergestellt von einem erfahrenen ausgebildeten Handwerksmeister) | Maitre artisan (made by an experienced and studied craftsman) | A product containing the Maitre Artisan label that an experienced craftsman (more than 3 years experience) made the product and recognises their ability as a craftsman. Also, they have obtained a technician certificate (Obtained in 2 years of study). | | x | x | x | |
MANCHESTER_BEIS_DIN | Manchester beis din Kosher in England | Manchester beis din Kosher, England | Based in the North West of England, the MK (Manchester Kosher) has dedicated teams travelling the world, certifying manufacturers of raw material, ingredients and finished retail goods to the highest standards of Kosher. The MK Kosher certification services is a division of the Manchester beis din, otherwise known as Badatz Manchester, the largest Jewish court of law in the North West of England. | | x | x | x | |
MARINE_CONSERVATION_SOCIETY | Marine Conservation Society (UK-basierte Gesellschaft zum Schutz der Meere) | Marine Conservation Society - UK-based | The Marine Conservation Society is a UK-based not for profit organisation, it consists of a community of ocean lovers all working together towards the vision of a sea full of life, where nature flourishes and people thrive. | | x | x | x | |
MARINE_STEWARDSHIP_COUNCIL_LABEL | MSC-Label für zertifizierte Nahrungsmittel aus dem Meer (Marine Stewardship Council) | MSC label for certified sustainable seafood (Marine Stewardship Council) | The MSC is the world's leading certification and ecolabelling program for sustainable seafood. Look for the blue MSC ecolabel when shopping or dining out. The item is physically marked with the Marine Stewardship Council label. | | x | x | x | |
MAX_HAVELAAR | Fairtrade Max Havelaar | Fairtrade Max Havelaar | Fair trade Max Havelaar symbol awarded to manufacturers which contribute to improving the living and working conditions of small farmers and agricultural workers in disadvantaged regions. This symbol may also be used in France and Switzerland. | | x | x | x | |
MCIA_ORGANIC | MCIA Organic (biologisch) | MCIA Organic | MCIA is an Accredited Certifying Agent (ACA) authorized by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) to provide organic certification that allows you to display the NOP Certified Organic seal on qualified products. | | x | x | x | |
MEHR_WEG | MEHRWEG-Initiative (Österreich) | MEHRWEG (Reusable Packaging Initiative in Austria) | Mehrweg platform for the promotion of Austrian refillable beverage containers and returnable transport packaging. In addition to the website as an information center and forum for discussion mehrweg.at is targeted lobbying activity for reuse systems. | | x | x | x | |
MIDWEST_KOSHER | Midwest Kosher | Midwest Kosher | Midwest Kosher | | x | x | x | |
MILIEUKEUR | MILIEUKEUR (holländisches Umweltlabel) | MILIEUKEUR (Dutch environmental quality label) | Products and services with Milieukeur are produced with a lower impact on the environment and respect for working conditions, animal welfare and food safety. This is applicable for the Dutch market | | x | x | x | |
MINNESOTA_KOSHER_COUNCIL | Minnesota Kosher Council | Minnesota Kosher Council | Minnesota Kosher, based in Minneapolis, concentrates primarily on local establishments in the greater Minneapolis area. In July 2017, Minnesota Kosher was acquired by the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc-Kosher). | | x | x | x | |
MJOLK_FRAN_SVERIGE | MJOLK FRAN SVERIGE - Milch aus Schweden | MJOLK FRAN SVERIGE - Milk from Sweden | The ‘Från Sverige’, ‘Kött från Sverige’ and ‘Mjölk från Sweden’ origin labelling scheme is a joint initiative of the Swedish Food Federation, Svensk Dagligvaruhandel (Swedish Food Traders) and the Federation of Swedish Farmers (MILK) | | x | x | x | |
MOEBELFAKTA | Möbelfakta - Nachhaltige hergestellte Möbel | Möbelfakta - Sustainability label for furniture | Möbelfakta is a sustainability label for furniture. The label is owned by IVL and Trä- och Möbelföretagen (TMF). Möbelfakta works to establish harmonized requirements for furniture that ensures sustainable development, both nationally and internationally. A piece of furniture that lives up to Möbelfakta's three parts meets the market's requirements for the environment, is manufactured in accordance with ethical guidelines and complies with international requirements specifications for quality. | | x | x | x | |
MOMS_CHOICE_AWARD | Mom’s Choice Auszeichnung (MCA) - familiengerechte Medien, Produkte und Dienstleistungen in USA | Mom’s Choice Award (MCA) - family-friendly media, products and services in USA | The Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA) evaluates products and services created for children, families and educators. The program is globally recognized for establishing the benchmark of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. The organization is based in the United States and has reviewed thousands of items from more than 55 countries. | | x | x | x | |
MONTREAL_VAAD_HAIR_PAREVE | MONTREAL VAAD HAIR (Mk) PAREVE Zertifizierung | MONTREAL VAAD HAIR (Mk) PAREVE Certification | Montreal Vaad Hair (MK) - Pareve Certification | | x | x | x | |
MORTADELLA_BOLOGNA | Mortadella Bologna - Qualitätskontrolle für italienische Mortadella | Mortadella Bologna - Quality control for Italian Mortadella | Since 2001, Consorzio Mortadella Bologna has brought together the major producers of this fantastic product, guaranteeing that Mortadella Bologna IGP is safe and guaranteed due to controls; is high quality, made from a traditional, simple and authentic recipe; is produced in Italy; has the characteristic, recognizable and appealing smell. | | x | x | x | |
MPS_A | MPS-A (Zertifikat für umweltfreundlichen Anbau höchster Stufe) | MPS-A (environmental registration certificate for most environmentally-friendly cultivation) | MPS-A is an environmental registration certificates. The qualification is awarded to participants who record their usage of crop protection agents, fertilisers, energy and waste. The qualification MPS-A stands for most environmentally-friendly cultivation. The qualifications MPS-B, MPS-C and MPS-D also exist depending on the earned points. | | x | x | x | |
MUNDUSVINI_GOLD | MUNDUSVINI GOLD - Prädikat (Internationale Weinauszeichnung) | MUNDUSVINI GOLD award (International Wine Awards) | The "GOLD" award of the Great MUNDUS VINI International Wine Awards. At least 90 points must be achieved in the judging of the wines by the international jury. Only the wines achieving the highest number of points in this range will receive the gold medal. This means that the minimum number of points required for this award may be higher. | | x | x | x | |
MUNDUSVINI_SILVER | MUNDUSVINI SILBER - Prädikat (Internationale Weinauszeichnung) | MUNDUSVINI SILVER award (International Wine Awards) | The "SILVER" award of the Great MUNDUS VINI International Wine Awards. At least 85 points must be achieved in the judging of the wines by the international jury. Only the wines achieving the highest number of points in this range will receive the gold medal. This means that the minimum number of points required for this award may be higher. | | x | x | x | |
MUSLIM_JUDICIAL_COUNCIL_HALAAL_TRUST | Muslimischer Justizrat Halaal Trust (MJCHT) | Muslim Judicial Council Halaal Trust (MJCHT) | Internationally, the Muslim Judicial Council Halaal Trust (MJCHT) is well-known and acknowledged by various renowned Halal Certifying Bodies or Authorities (HCB) from numerous countries. | | x | x | x | |
MY_CLIMATE | MY CLIMATE-Label (Klimaschutz) | MY CLIMATE label (climate protection) | The non-profit foundation myclimate – The Climate Protection Partnership, is an international initiative with Swiss origins. Founded in 2002 as an ETH Zurich spinoff, myclimate is among the world leaders when it comes to voluntary carbon offsetting measures. | | x | x | x | |
NAOOA_CERTIFIED_QUALITY | NAOOA Certified Quality - Nord Amerikanisches Olivenöl | NAOOA Certified Quality - North American Olive Oil | The North American Olive Oil Association (NAOOA) offers a Certified Quality Seal Program as a way to recognize and promote olive oils that measure up to the industry's standards of excellence. | | x | x | x | |
NAPA_GREEN_VINEYARD | Zertifizierung für nachhaltigen Weinbau im Napa County, Kalifornien | Napa Green Vineyard certification | Napa Green Vineyard certification provides a pathway for growers to improve soil health, become carbon neutral to negative, and increase the resilience of vineyards, businesses, and our community. | | x | x | x | |
NAPA_GREEN_WINERY | Nachhaltiges Weinbauprogramm im Napa County, Kalifornien | Napa Green Winery - sustainable winegrowing program for wineries in Napa County | Napa Green is one of only four sustainable winegrowing programs nationwide offering the opportunity for comprehensive soil to bottle certification in both the vineyard and winery. 40% of all of the certified sustainable wineries in California are in Napa County. | | x | x | x | |
NASAA_CERTIFIED_ORGANIC | NASAA (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia) Bio-Zertifizierung | NASAA certified organic (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia) | The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA) plays a critically important role in supporting and promoting the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that lead to safer and more sustainable food production systems. Our subsidiary business, NASAA Certified Organic (NCO), certifies organic commodities to meet all domestic and international export market requirements. | | x | x | x | |
NATRUE_LABEL | NATRUE-Label für Natur- und Biokosmetikprodukte | NATRUE label for natural and organic cosmetic products | The NATRUE Label guarantees that the products that carry it are made only with natural and organic ingredients, through soft manufacturing processes and environmentally friendly practices. The NATRUE Label is awarded by NATRUE, a non-profit organisation committed to promote and protect high standards of quality and environmental integrity. See: http://www.natrue.org/home/ | | x | x | x | |
NATURA_BEEF | Natura - Beef - Rindfleisch von 10 Monate alten Kälbern aus Mutterkuh-Tierhaltung | Natura - Beef - Meat of 10-month-old calves raised in suckler cow husbandry | Natura-Beef refers to the meat of 10-month-old calves raised in suckler cow husbandry. | | x | x | x | |
NATURA_VEAL | Natura - Veal - Kalbfleisch aus Mutterkuh-Tierhaltung | Natura - Veal - Veal from suckler cow husbandry | Natura-Veal stands for veal from suckler cow husbandry | | x | x | x | |
NATURE_AND_RESPECT | Nature und Respekt (Tierwohl in der Geflügelhaltung) | Nature and Respect (Animal welfare in poultry farming) | The Nature & Respect label guarantees core values of sustainable poultry farming, where breeders committed to provide high quality poultry. | | x | x | x | |
NATURE_CARE_PRODUCT | Nature Care Product - basiert auf EU Verordnung über die ökologische/biologische Produktion | Nature Care Product - based on the requirements of the EU Regulation on Organic Agriculture | The standard is particularly designed for detergents and cleaning agents, leather and textile care products, sanitary products, pesticides, repellents for vertebrates and mollusks, insecticides, disinfectants, fungicides, acaricides, and fertilizers. Products used to clean, protect, or care for humans or animals are regulated by the NCS Natural Cosmetic Standard (www.natural-cosmetic.cc). | | x | x | x | |
NATURE_ET_PROGRES | NATURE ET PROGRES, Frankreich und Belgien | NATURE ET PROGRES, France and Belgium | Nature et Progrès operates as a PGS with its own private organic standard and its own certification procedures (involving peer review). The aim of the initiative is to grant an organic quality guarantee on the basis of its 15 different production standards (vegetable, livestock, cosmetics, wine, beer, etc.) and of its Ethical Chart, defined through a participatory approach by its members. Since 2011, these standards are part of the IFOAM Family of Standards and IFOAM - Organics International has endorsed Nature et Progrès through its PGS recognition program. | | x | x | x | |
NATUREPLUS | NATUREPLUS-Label (Nachhaltigkeit für Bauprodulte) | NATUREPLUS label (Sustainability for building and accommodation products) | Natureplus is the international label of quality for all building and accommodation products, which provides an orientation towards sustainability for all those involved in the building process. Products which carry this label are characterised by their high level of quality in the areas of health, the environment and functionality. | | x | x | x | |
NATURLAND | NATURLAND (weltweiter ökologischer Anbauverband) | NATURLAND (organic farming association world over) | Naturland promotes organic agriculture the world over and its 53,000 members make it one of the major organic farming associations. As a forward-looking association, Naturland attributes the same importance to issues of social responsibility as to organic expertise. | | x | x | x | |
NATURLAND_FAIR_TRADE | Naturland Fair Trade - Zertifizierung | Naturland Fair Trade certification | Naturland established in 2005 with its social standards. It now has erected a third pillar of sustainability to provide added support to our organic association’s holistic concept: International partners can apply for certification to Naturland for fair trade standards in the course of their annual organic inspection. | | x | x | x | |
NATURLAND_WILDFISH | Naturland-Wildfisch - Standard für nachhaltige Fischerei | Naturland Wildfish - standard for sustainable fishing | Naturland is an association of organic farmers, and develops standards for organic farming. Naturland has also developed a standard for sustainable fishing. This standard considers sustainability from a holistic perspective and includes ecological and social and economic factors, such as food quality and working conditions, in the assessment. Not only the effects of the fishing practices themselves, but also of the product processing are assessed. The assessment is carried out by an independent expert and there is a possibility for public participation. The supply chain history of the fish products is easily traceable. | | x | x | x | |
NC_NATURAL_COSMETICS_STANDARD | Natural Cosmetics Standard (NCS) - Kosmetik aus natürlichen Ausgangsmaterial | NC Natural Cosmetics Standard label - from natural original materials | Products bearing the Natural Cosmetics Standard (NCS) label undergo in-depth tests and fulfil the highest quality requirements ensuring the products are consist of natural original materials. | | x | x | x | |
NC_NATURAL_COSMETICS_STANDARD_ORGANIC_QUALITY | Natural Cosmetics Standard (NCS) - Kosmetik zu 95 Prozent aus natürlichem biologischen Ausgangsmaterial | NC Natural Cosmetics Standard, 95 percent from natural original organic sources | Products bearing the Natural Cosmetics Standard (NCS) label undergo in-depth tests and fulfil the highest quality requirements ensuring the products are consist of natural original materials and a minimum of 95% organic sources. | | x | x | x | |
NC_VEGAN_NATURAL_COSMETICS | NC VEGAN - Natürliche vegane Kosmetik | NC Vegan Natural Cosmetics | Products bearing the Natural Cosmetics Standard (NCS) label undergo in-depth tests and fulfil the highest quality requirements ensuring the products are consist of natural original materials, neither from nor by animal products. | | x | x | x | |
NC_VEGAN_NATURAL_COSMETICS_STANDARD_ORGANIC_QUALITY | NC VEGAN ORGANIC - Natürliche vegane Bio-Kosmetik | NC Vegan Natural Cosmetics Standard organic quality | Products bearing the Natural Cosmetics Standard (NCS) label undergo in-depth tests and fulfil the highest quality requirements ensuring the products are consist of natural original materials with organic and vegan quality. | | x | x | x | |
NCA_GLUTEN_FREE | National Celiac Association (NCA) - Aufklärung und Förderung von Personen mit Zöliakie und nicht-zöliakischer Glutenempfindlichkeit | National Celiac Association (NCA) - Educating and advocating for individuals with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivities | The National Celiac Association is dedicated to educating and advocating for individuals with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivities, their families, and communities throughout the nation. | | x | x | x | |
NDOA | NDOA (Nevada Landwirtschaftsministerium -Programm zur Bio-Zertifzierung) | NDOA (Nevada Department of Agriculture - Organic Certification Program) | Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDOA) - The Nevada Organic Certification Program provides assurance to consumers who purchase organic products by verifying that products were grown and handled according to USDA National Organic Program standards. The program also benefits Nevada's agricultural producers and handlers by providing an in-state organic certification service which allows eligible operations to market agricultural products as “organic”. | | x | x | x | |
NEA | NEA Akzeptiert - National Eczema Association (NEA) für Menschen mit Ekzemen und empfindlicher Haut (U.S.A.) | NEA Seal of Acceptance - National Eczema Association (NEA) for people with eczema and sensitive skin (U.S.A.) | As a service to individuals and the corporate community, and to encourage/recognize product innovations that provide benefits and improve the quality of life for people with eczema and sensitive skin, the National Eczema Association has established the NEA Seal of Acceptance™ program. | | x | x | x | |
NEULAND | NEULAND-Logo (Fleisch und Fleischprodukte aus tiergerechter und umweltschonender Nutztierhaltung) | NEULAND logo (meat and meat products of humane and environmentally friendly livestock origin) | The Neuland logo marks meat and meat products which have humane and environmentally friendly livestock origin. The high demands of the marking based on guidelines, which include among others criteria on housing, feeding and transporting the animals. The seal was founded in 1988, by the Verein für tiergerechte und umwelt-schonende Nutztierhaltung e. V. Sponsors by BUND and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bäuerliche Landwirtschaft. | | x | x | x | |
NEW_ZEALAND_SUSTAINABLE_WINEGROWING | New Zealand Sustainable Winegrowing - Zertifizierung für nachhaltigen Weinanbau in Neuseeland | New Zealand Sustainable Winegrowing - Certification | Certification: Accredited NZ Sustainable Wine. National. Relies on *self reporting and on peer pressure as wineries are given feedback on their results compared to industry averages. Strong on energy use (key benchmarking indicator), modern wineries. The goal and the work to reach it are third-party audited. However, this goal is individually set and is not communicated on the bottle. https://www.nzwine.com/en/sustainability/ | | x | x | x | |
NF_MARQUE | NF-Zertifizierung in Frankreich (garantiert Qualität und Sicherheit für Produkte und Services) | NF CERTIFICATION MARK in France (guarantees quality and safety of products and services) | The NF mark is a French collective certification mark. It guarantees the quality and safety of the products and services certified. The NF mark guarantees compliance not only with current standards, but also with additional quality criteria that meet consumers' needs. | | x | x | x | |
NFCA_GLUTEN_FREE | Gluten-frei zertifiziert - Allergen Kontrollgruppe der National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) | Gluten-free Certified - Allergen Control Group of the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) | NFCA endorsed GFCP trademark – for use on products destined for sale in the United States. This is a registered trademark owned by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness who grants exclusive rights to ACG as part of operating the Gluten-Free Certification Program. | | x | x | x | |
NIX18 | Nix18 Kampagne, Niederlande (Kein Alkohol, kein Rauchen bis 18) - ACHTUNG: Code nicht mehr benutzen, wird in zukünftigem Release gelöscht | Nix18 campaign in the Netherands (no alcohol or smoking until 18) - NOTE: Do not use this code anymore, it is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release | Note: This code is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please follow the migration for correct population. The NIX18 campaign is to strengthen the social norm "do not drink and smoke until your 18". The initiative is from the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and a large number of partners (Koninklijke Horeca Netherlands, KWF Cancer, Lung Fund, Trimbos Institute, NOC * NSF, supermarkets united in the Food Retail, GGD Netherlands, Thuiswinkel.org, the Dutch Food Safety Authority and the Ministry of Security and Justice). The campaign focuses on the whole society, in particular the area of youth. | | x | x | x | |
NMX | NMX - Mexikanischer Standard | NMX - Mexican Standards | The Mexican Standards (NMX) are technical regulations issued by the Ministry of Economy whose application is voluntary and that allow to establish quality specifications on processes, products, services, test methods, competences, etc., as well as helping in the orientation of the consumer. | | x | x | x | |
NOM | NOM - Offizieller mexikanischer Standard | NOM - Offical Mexican Standards | It is the symbol that allows the consumer to verify that the products comply with the official regulations of our country that apply to them. Compliance with the Official Mexican Standards (NOM) is mandatory for producers, manufacturers, importers and service providers, as they provide the consumer with confidence and confidence in the products they purchase. | | x | x | x | |
NON_GMO_BY_EARTHKOSHER | NON-GMO Zertifizierung von Earthkosher | NON-GMO Certification by Earthkosher | EarthKosher’s non-GMO Certification Program evaluates the final product from its’ initial stages of ingredient sourcing, handling and throughout the production process until it reaches the store shelf. By evaluating and controlling the sourcing, handling, production and distribution of the products, EarthKosher’s non-GMO Certification Program ensures that the company’s products are non-GMO compliant and safe. | | x | x | x | |
NON_GMO_PROJECT | NON GMO PROJEKT - Verifikationssiegel (erzeugt unter bestmöglicher GMO Vermeidung) | NON GMO PROJECT verification seal (produced according to best practices for GMO avoidance) | The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building the non-GMO food supply, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices. The verification seal indicates that the product bearing the seal has gone through the Non-GMO Project verification process. Verification is an assurance that a product has been produced according to consensus-based best practices for GMO avoidance. | | x | x | x | |
NPA | NPA (Natural Products Association) zertifiziert (USA) (Körper- und Heimpflegeprodukte) | NPA (Natural Products Association) certified (USA) (personal and home care products) | Natural Products Association (NPA) - The Science and Regulatory Affairs Department at NPA oversees the TruLabel® program and is charged with implementing education and certification programs—third-party certified good manufacturing practices (GMPs) for all supply members. | | x | x | x | |
NSF | NSF-Zertifizierung (National Standards Foundation) (USA) | NSF certification (National Standards Foundation) (USA) | National Standards Foundation (NSF) accredited third-party certification provides all stakeholders – industry, regulators, users and the general public – assurance that a certified product, material, component or service complies with the technical requirements of the referenced standard. The NSF certification process is specific to the product, process or service being certified and the type of certification. | | x | x | x | |
NSF_CERTIFIED_FOR_SPORT | NSF Certified for SPORT (Zertifizierung für Sport) | NSF Certified for SPORT | The NSF - Certified for Sport certification includes all products that have published the NSF - Certified for Sport stamp on their package. NSF's Certified for Sport® Program helps athletes, coaches, dietitians and trainers make more informed decisions when choosing sports supplements. The program is recognized by NFL, NFLPA, MLB, MLBPA, PGA, LPGA, NHL, CPSDA, Taylor Hooton Foundation and CCES. | | x | x | x | |
NSF_GLUTEN_FREE | NSF GLUTENFREI | NSF GLUTEN FREE | Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley that is responsible for the elastic nature of dough. For many people this protein is easily digestible and has no effect on their overall health. But for those with any type of gluten intolerance, the ramifications of eating gluten can range from constipation and bloating to diarrhoea and malabsorption, which can result in malnutrition. For individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, a gluten-free diet is essential. To help consumers who are looking for gluten-free products, NSF International has developed a science-based gluten-free certification program. | | x | x | x | |
NSF_NON_GMO_TRUE_NORTH | NSF NON-GMO True North Standard | NSF NON-GMO True North Standard | The NSF Non-GMO True North standard was created to assure the integrity of non-GMO claims and to grow the breadth and diversity of non-GMO/GE verified products sold at retail and non-GMO certified ingredients sold throughout the supply chain. NSF Non-GMO True North incorporates elements from the EU and Vermont GMO labelling requirements and pulls best practice from commonly used leading food safety standards. To access the standard, please complete the form on the right. | | x | x | x | |
NSF_SUSTAINABILITY_CERTIFIED | NSF SUSTAINABILITY - Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung | NSF SUSTAINABILITY Certified | The NSF Sustainability certification attribute includes all products that have published the NSF Sustainability Certified seal on their packaging. | | x | x | x | |
NSM | National Safety Mark (NSM) (Nationales Sicherheitskennzeichen) des kanadischen Transportministeriums, z.B. Autokindersitze | Transport Canada National Safety Mark (NSM), e.g. child car seats | The national safety mark (NSM) is the property of the Government of Canada and its use is authorized by the Minister of Transport to manufacturers of new vehicles offered for sale in Canada. Transport Canada requires the manufacturers that are authorized to affix the mark, to have the capability to certify their vehicle production to comply with the regulations under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. | | x | x | x | |
NYCKELHALET | NYCKELHALET (grünes Schlüsselloch) für gesunde Nahrungsmittel in Sweden, Dänemark und Norwegen) | NYCKELHALET (green key hole) for healthy foods in Sweden, Denmark and Norway) | The green key hole is to be put on the healthy foods in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway within certain product groups in order to make it easier for the customers to make a healthy choice. http://www.norden.org/ | | x | x | x | |
OCEAN_WISE | Ocean Wise Empfehlung für verantwortungsvolles Bewirtschaften der Fisch- und Meeresfrüchte-Ressourcen - Vancouver Aquarium Artenschutzprogramm | Ocean Wise Recommended Sourced Responsibly - Vancouver Aquarium conservation program | Ocean Wise is a Vancouver Aquarium conservation program, created to help businesses and their customers make environmentally friendly choices. The Ocean Wise symbol next to a seafood item assures you that option is the best choice for the health of the oceans | | x | x | x | |
OCIA | OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Association) Bio-Zertifizierung (Amerikas und Asien) | OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Association) organic certification (Americas and Asia) | Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) International provides certification services to thousands of organic farmers, processors and handlers in North, Central and South America, and Asia. | | x | x | x | |
OCQV_ORGANIC | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation der Organisme de Certification Québec Vrai (OCQV) | Organic Certifying Body - Organisme de Certification Québec Vrai (OCQV) | Québec Vrai is accredited (no. AC-07-03) for certifying organic products in accordance with ISO / IEC Guide 65:1996 through the Reserved Designations and Added-Value Claims Board (CARTV). This is the only provincial authority that is responsible for the management and protection of reserved designations in Quebec. It is by virtue of the powers conferred by the Act Respecting Reserved Designations and Added-Value Claims (RSQ cA-20.03) and the recognition granted by the United States Department of Agriculture under Regulation 7 CFR § 205.500 (1) that the CARTV allows organic certification for agricultural and food products (goods and services). Québec Vrai is also accredited to verify the Chain of Custody of certified products. The requirements for organic certification are contained in the Quebec Organic Reference Standards and the National Organic Program (NOP) Regulations. | | x | x | x | |
OECD_BIO_INGREDIENTS | Biodegradable Ingredients (Biologisch abbaubare Inhaltsstoffe) - Testrichtlinien der OECD | Biodegradable Ingredients - Test Guideline for chemicals of the OECD | This Test Guideline is a screening method for the evaluation of ready biodegradability of chemicals. | | x | x | x | |
OEKO_CONTROL | OEKO-CONTROL (Verband für ökologische Möbel) | OEKO CONTROL (ecological furniture association) | ÖkoControl is a subsidiary of the Europäischen Verbands ökologischer Einrichtungshäuser e.V., in which about 50 ecologically engaged furniture dealers have joined forces. The objective of this eco-leading group is to provide consumers, retailers and manufacturers with more safety in a healthy living. With ÖkoControl the association has created a powerful tool to control the products offered. | | x | x | x | |
OEKO_KREISLAUF | OEKO-KREISLAUF Moorbad Harbach (landwirtschaftliche Produkte aus ökologischer Produktionskette) | OEKO-KREISLAUF Moorbad Harbach (agricultural products from entire organic production chain) | Ökologischer Kreislauf Moorbad Harbach The label marks agricultural products grown organically that progress towards an entire organic production chain, which is both socially just and ecologically responsible. Produkte: Fleisch- und Milchprodukte, Eier, Gemüse und Getreide Vergabe: Bioverband ökologischer Kreislauf Moorbad Harbach Website: www.oeko-kreislauf.at Kriterien: Es gelten die EU-Verordnung 834/2007, ÖLK A8 und Verbandsrichtlinien. | | x | x | x | |
OEKO_QUALITY_GUARANTEE_BAVARIA | ÖKO QUALITÄT GARANTIERT - BAYERN (regionales Ökolabel) | OEKO QUALITY GARANTEED - BAVARIA (regional eco-label) | Öko Qualität Garantiert Bayern is for products of organic farming origin in Bavaria a regional eco-label organic quality guaranteed Bavarian. This is maintained by Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (StMELF) | | x | x | x | |
OEKO_TEX_LABEL | OEKO TEX-Label (für Textilien ohne Gesundheitsrisiko) | OEKO TEX label (for textiles without health risk) | Confidence in textiles – this has been the motto of the independent test institutes of the International Oeko-Tex® Association since 1992, with their tests for harmful substances according to Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 for textile products of all types which pose no risk whatsoever to health. See www.oeko-tex.com | | x | x | x | |
OEKO_TEX_MADE_IN_GREEN | OEKO-Tex Made in Green - Unabhängiges Textil-Label | OEKO-Tex Made in Green - Independent textile label | MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® is an independent textile label for highlighting consumer products and semi-finished products at all levels of the textile chain that are made from materials tested for harmful substances and that have been manufactured by using environmentally friendly processes and under safe and socially responsible working conditions. | | x | x | x | |
OEUFS_DE_FRANCE | Eier aus Frankreich - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | Eggs from France - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case eggs: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
OFF_ORGANIC | Entspricht den ökologischen Richtlinien der Organic Food Federation in UK | Complies with organic regulations of the Organic Food Federation in UK | It shows that the product complies with organic regulations. The Organic Food Federation is one of the UK’s leading certification bodies operating nationally in all areas of organics.UKAS accredited to ISO/IEC 17065:2012. | | x | x | x | |
OFFICIAL_ECO_LABEL_SUN | Offizielles ECO-LABEL SONNE (für kontrolliert biologische Produktion in Finnland) | Official ECO LABEL SUN (for controlled organic production in Finland) | Luomo Sun Sign Denotes controlled organic production. The official label of the Finnish inspection authorities; owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. http://opetus.ruokatieto.fi/ | | x | x | x | |
OFG_ORGANIC | Zertifizierung für biologische Landwirtschaft (Organic Farmers and Growers, UK2) | Organic Farmers and Growers (Organic Certification UK2) | Organic Certification is OF&G’s main inspection and certification scheme, and is relevant to the majority of licensees. The programme is based on the European Organic Regulation which sets the core standards organic producers must adhere to across the EU (regulation EC 834/2007). | | x | x | x | |
OHNE_GEN_TECHNIK | OHNE GENTECHNIK (kontrolliert von VLOG) | OHNE GEN TECHNIK (without genetic engineering) (controlled by VLOG) | VLOG controls the “Ohne GenTechnik” product seal (GM-free, produced without genetic engineering). The “Ohne GenTechnik” seal enables consumers to choose foods that have been produced without genetic engineering and to support GM-free agriculture. | | x | x | x | |
OK_COMPOST_HOME | OK Compost Home - TÜV Austria Zertifizierung | OK Compost Home - TÜV Austria certification | On account of the comparatively small volume of waste involved, the temperature in a garden compost heap is clearly lower and less constant than in an industrial composting environment. Composting in the garden is therefore a more difficult, slower-paced process. TÜV AUSTRIA’s innovative answer to this challenge is the OK compost HOME certification system to guarantee complete biodegradability in the light of specific requirements, even in your garden compost heap. | | x | x | x | |
OK_COMPOST_INDUSTRIAL | OK Compost Industrial - TÜV Austria Zertifizierung | OK Compost Industrial - TÜV Austria certification | Packaging or products bearing the OK compost INDUSTRIAL label are guaranteed to be biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. This applies to all of their components, inks and additives. The sole reference point for the certification program is the harmonized EN 13432: 2000 standard: in any event, any product bearing the OK compost INDUSTRIAL logo complies with the requirements of the EU Packaging Directive (94/62/EEC). | | x | x | x | |
OK_COMPOST_VINCOTTE | OK Kompost-Label von Vincotte (EN 13432: 2000 Standard) | OK Compost label by Vincotte (EN 13432: 2000 standard) | Packaging or products featuring the OK Compost label by Vincotte are guaranteed as biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. This applies to all components, inks and additives. The sole reference point for the certification programme is the harmonised EN 13432: 2000 standard: in any event any product featuring the OK compost logo complies with the requirements of the EU Packaging Directive (94/62/EEC). | | x | x | x | |
OK_KOSHER | OK Koscher-Zertifizierung | OK Kosher Certification | OK Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
OKOTEST | ÖKOTEST-Zeichen (Test-Magazin) | ÖKOTEST sign (test magazine) | Ökotest is a magazine that tests product for of the health risks, side effects environmental impact. They issue labels to products which have passed their tests for safety and publish results in their magazine. | | x | x | x | |
OLIVIA_PANNON_WHITE | Olivia Pannon White (Kaninchenfleisch) | Olivia Pannon White (Rabbit meat) | The Olivia Pannon guarantees the conformity of rabbit meat production with the requirements of the husbandry system. | | x | x | x | |
OLIVIA_PANNON_WHITE_PLUS | Olivia Pannon White Plus (Kaninchenfleisch) | Olivia Pannon White Plus (Rabbit meat) | The Olivia Pannon White+ guarantees that the production of rabbit meat complies with the requirements of the husbandry system. | | x | x | x | |
ON_THE_WAY_TO_PLANETPROOF | On the way to planetproof - Qualitätslabel für nachhaltige Erzeugung von Gemüse, Obst, Blumen, Pflanzen, Bäume und Blumenzwiebeln | On the way to planetproof - Quality label for sustainably grown vegetables, fruit, flowers, plants, trees and flowering bulbs | This quality label is used to mark vegetables, fruit, flowers, plants, trees and flowering bulbs that are grown sustainably. The label has five areas of interest: water, energy, climate, production & consumption, soil, landscape & biodiversity. The certified growers comply with super-statutory requirements for e.g. clean air, fertile soil, good water quality, more nature around farms and recycling. https://www.planetproof-international.eu/ | | x | x | x | |
ONE_PERCENT_FOR_THE_PLANET | 1 Prozent für den Planeten (globale Bewegung) | 1 percent for the Planet (global movement) | 1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions (Education, alternative transportation, fossil fuel efficiency, etc.) through annual memberships and everyday actions. | | x | x | x | |
ONTARIO_APPROVED | Ontario approved legend - Inspektion von Fleischprodukten in der Provinz Ontario, Kanada | Ontario approved legend - Inspected meat products, provincially licensed plants | Inspection of a food animal by an inspector in accordance with Part VIII before the animal is slaughtered; (“inspection ante mortem”) | | x | x | x | |
ONTARIO_PORK | Hergestellt mit Schweinefleisch aus Ontario | Made with Ontario Pork | Ontario Pork represents over 1, 500 pork farmers across the province in consumer education, research, government representation, environmental issues, animal care and food quality assurance. Ontario Pork acts as the official spokes-group for the industry and is a source of information about all things pork and pigs. | | x | x | x | |
ORB | Orthodox Rabbinical Board | Orthodox Rabbinical Board | Orthodox Rabbinical Board (ORB) | | x | x | x | |
ORBI | ORBI (ökologischer Landbau in Österreich) | ORBI (Organic Bio in Austria) | ORBI Organic Bio is a community of farmers to enhance organic agriculture and is the pioneer group of organic-organic farming in Austria | | x | x | x | |
OREGON_KOSHER | Koscherzertifzierung durch Oregon Kosher - Zertifzierung im Pazifischen Nordwesten | Kosher Oregon Kosher - Certification in the Pacific Northwest | Oregon Kosher is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Kashrus through supervision, education, and research. certifies many food production facilities, bakeries, and wineries here in the Pacific Northwest. We have become an affordable kosher certification accepted across the globe. | | x | x | x | |
OREGON_LIVE | Oregon LIVE (Low Input Viticulture and Enology) - Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung für Weinanbau und Weinkellerei in den Staaten Oregon, Washington und Idaho | Oregon LIVE (Low Input Viticulture and Enology) - Certification for vineyard and winery | Certification: LIVE Certified Sustainable. Regional, Oregon, Washington State and Idaho. The system includes creating processes and guidance documents in several categories, reporting primarily the existence of these documents and reporting use numbers to track yearly use over time. Vineyard and winery certified, wines must be 97% certified grapes. Lists red, green and yellow categories. https://livecertified.org | | x | x | x | |
OREGON_TILTH | OREGON TILTH - Zertifizierung | OREGON TILTH Certification | Oregon Tilth provides certification services of the highest quality that reflect and respect your dedication to organics. Regardless of where you are in the certification process, our staff is committed to providing you with excellent customer service and technical assistance to ensure that your certification experience is educational, transparent and timely. | | x | x | x | |
ORGANIC_100_CONTENT_STANDARD | ORGANIC CONTENT STANDARD (OCS) (verifiziert den Gehalt des biologisch angebauten Materials) | ORGANIC CONTENT STANDARD (OCS) (verifies the content of a given organically grown material) | The Organic Content Standard (OCS) relies on third-party verification to verify a final product contains the accurate amount of a given organically grown material. | | x | x | x | |
ORGANIC_COTTON | Organic Cotton (Ökologische erzeugte Baumwolle) | Organic Cotton | Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides, fungicides and synthetic fertilizers. *No formaldehyde is used in finishing product. *These all impact our environment and the people who have to farm the cotton as well. The organic cotton is a kinder choice to the earth and to the workers. *Organic cotton has not been exposed to metals and chemicals, and this likely gives the fabric lasting strength over time. *Organic cotton has strict standards in the way it is manufactured. We feel good about giving our dogs and yours a fabric that is grown, processed and dyed in a rigorous manner, purchased from excellent sources that meet the certification requirements of organic materials. | | x | x | x | |
ORGANIC_TRADE_ASSOCIATION | Organic Trade Association (OTA) in Kanada und USA | Organic Trade Association (OTA) in Canada and US | Organic Trade Association on behalf of their membership, promotes and protects organic agriculture and trade through legislative and regulatory advocacy in Canada and US. | | x | x | x | |
ORIGIN_OF_EGGS | Herkunft der Eier von KAT geprüft | Origin of eggs approved by KAT | The label indicates the "Origin of eggs - approved by KAT". The label guarantees the actual origin of eggs used for egg products or food production. Egg products with this label may only be produced from eggs from KAT-certified laying farms. This means that only KAT eggs may be used for the production of KAT egg products. This is the only way to guarantee a cross-stage traceability throughout the entire process chain from the laying farm to the egg product factory and the food industry. | | x | x | x | |
ORIGINE_FRANCE_GARANTIE | Origine France Garantie - bescheinigt die französische Herkunft eines Produktes | Origine France Garantie - certifies the French origin of a product | The Origine France Garantie certification was created in June 2010 following the publication of Yves Jégo's report on the France brand. The certification, simple and understandable by all, is the result of a collective approach of actors who wish to work together to promote the "produce in France" and the valorization of industrial and artisan know-how. The Pro France association which promotes Origine France Garantie is made up of business leaders supporting this initiative. Its goal is: Give clear and precise information to the consumer about the French origin of the products Make known the companies that manufacture in France The Origine France Garantie certification distinguishes itself from other mentions such as "made in France", "designed in France", "Made in France" ... which are self-declarative and too loose. Origine France Garantie is the only certification that certifies the French origin of a product. It is transversal (all sectors combined) and indisputable (certification, mandatory, is carried out by an independent certifying body). The Origine France Garantie certification ensures consumers traceability of the product by giving a clear and objective indication of origin. Certification is achieved through two cumulative criteria that companies must meet to obtain it: Between 50% and 100% of the unit cost is French The product takes its essential characteristics in France | | x | x | x | |
OTCO_ORGANIC | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation - OTCO (OREGON TILTH CERTIFIED ORGANIC), Oregon, U.S.A. | Organic Certifying Body - OTCO (OREGON TILTH CERTIFIED ORGANIC), Oregon, U.S.A. | Oregon Tilth is a leading nonprofit certifier, educator and advocate for organic agriculture and products since 1974. Our mission to make our food system and agriculture biologically sound and socially equitable requires us to find practical ways to tackle big challenges. We advance this mission to balance the needs of people and planet through focus on core areas of certification, conservation, public health, policy and the marketplace. | | x | x | x | |
OU_KOSHER | ORTHODOX UNION Koscher-Zertifizierung | ORTHODOX UNION Kosher Certification | Orthodox Union: the oldest Orthodox Jewish organisations in the United States. It is best known for its kosher certification service. Its circled-U symbol, Ⓤ, a hechsher mark, is found on the labels of many kosher commercial and consumer food products. https://oukosher.org/ | | x | x | x | |
OU_KOSHER_DAIRY | OU KOSHER DAIRY, Koscher-Zertifizierung für Milchprodukte, Orthodox Union | OU KOSHER DAIRY Certification by the Orthodox Union | The Hebrew word “kosher” means fit or proper as it relates to Jewish dietary law. Kosher foods are permitted to be eaten, and can be used as ingredients in the production of additional food items. Products bearing the OU-D logo are certified kosher by the Orthodox Union and are or contain dairy. | | x | x | x | |
OU_KOSHER_FISH | OU KOSHER FISH, Koscher-Zertifizierung für Fisch, Orthodox Union | OU KOSHER FISH Certification by the Orthodox Union | The Hebrew word “kosher” means fit or proper as it relates to Jewish dietary law. Kosher foods are permitted to be eaten, and can be used as ingredients in the production of additional food items. Products bearing the OU-Fish logo are certified kosher by the Orthodox Union and are or contain fish. | | x | x | x | |
OU_KOSHER_MEAT | OU KOSHER MEAT, Koscher-Zertifizierung für Fleisch, Orthodox Union | OU KOSHER MEAT Certification by the Orthodox Union | The Hebrew word “kosher” means fit or proper as it relates to Jewish dietary law. Kosher foods are permitted to be eaten, and can be used as ingredients in the production of additional food items. Products bearing the OU-Meat logo are certified kosher by the Orthodox Union and are or contain meat. | | x | x | x | |
OU_KOSHER_PASSOVER | OU KOSHER PASSOVER, Koscher-Zertifizierung der Orthodox Union | OU KOSHER PASSOVER Certification by the Orthodox Union | The Hebrew word “kosher” means fit or proper as it relates to Jewish dietary law. Kosher foods are permitted to be eaten, and can be used as ingredients in the production of additional food items. Products bearing the OU-P logo are certified kosher for Passover by the Orthodox Union. | | x | x | x | |
OZONE_FRIENDLY_GENERAL_CLAIM | OZON-freundlich | OZONE friendly | A mark or label on a trade item communicating that the trade item itself, associated production processes and/or packaging do not produce gases that are harmful to the ozone layer during the trade item’s entire life cycle. There is currently no standard definition for the term. There is no organization independently certifying this claim. The producer or manufacturer decides and self-declares to use the claim and is not free from its own self-interest. | | x | x | x | |
PACS_ORGANIC | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation - Pacific Agricultural Certification, Society (PACS), British Columbia, Kanada | Organic Certifying Body - Pacific Agricultural Certification, Society (PACS), British Columbia, Canada | The PACS is an incorporated society within the province of British Columbia and as a not for profit society is controlled by the clients it serves. As there are no profits, fees are tied directly to costs. The PACS has a number of programs including Canada Organic Regime organic certification, which gives clients the option of exporting to other provinces, the USA and overseas. We certify enterprises Canada wide. | | x | x | x | |
PALEO_APPROVED | PALEO APPROVED - Geeignet für die Paleo-Diät, Paleo Foundation | PALEO APPROVED, Paleo Foundation | The Paleo Foundation was first organized for the purpose of helping Paleo Diet Adherents easily identify products that met the basic tenets of the diet. The Paleo Approved Certification Program certifies Farms and Ranches that meet requirements for species-appropriate diet, and environmentally beneficial husbandry practices. Differing from other Paleo Certifications, Paleo Approved Standards vary by species. | | x | x | x | |
PALEO_BY_EARTHKOSHER | PALEO-Zertifizierung von Earthkosher | PALEO Certification by Earthkosher | EarthKosher offers joint Kosher + Paleo certification. What further distinguishes the EarthKosher Paleo certified symbol, is that EarthKosher actually inspects certified companies on an ongoing basis to insure that they strictly comply with Paleo standards. This approach exceeds the standards of other forms of Paleo Certification, which simply ask for a list of ingredients, and based on this alone, provide Paleo Certification. | | x | x | x | |
PARENT_TESTED_PARENT_APPROVED | Parent Tested Parent Approved (PTPA) (Getestet und für gut befunden durch Eltern) - Logo | Parent Tested Parent Approved (PTPA) Winner’s Seal of Approval | Parent Tested Parent Approved is about putting your product in the hands of real parents, listening to their honest opinions and letting your new brand advocates spread the word about how awesome your product is for families. | | x | x | x | |
PAVILLON_FRANCE | Pavillon France - gemeinsame Marke aller am französischen Fischereisektor Beteiligten | Pavillon France - collective brand involving all the actors of the French fishing sector | It is the collective brand involving all the actors of the French fishing valuing its trades, its commitments and its products. It is supported by the association "France Filière Pêche", an association of interprofessional nature, that is to say which gathers all the links of the sector | | x | x | x | |
PCO | PCO (Pennsylvania Certified Organic) Bio-Zertifizierung | PCO (Pennsylvania Certified Organic) organic certification | Pennsylvania Certified Organic (PCO) is a USDA-accredited organic certifying agency that educates and certifies growers, processors and handlers of organic crops, wild crops, livestock and livestock products in Pennsylvania and adjoining states. | | x | x | x | |
PEFC | PEFC (Programm für nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft durch unabhängige Dritt-Zertifikation) | PEFC (Program for sustainable forestry through independent third-party certification) | Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFCC_ is an international non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification | | x | x | x | |
PEFC_CERTIFIED | PEFC-Zertifiziert - Variante 1 (nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft) | PEFC CERTIFIED - Variant 1 (sustainable forestry) | PEFC Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes PEFC Certified at least 70% of wood from PEFC-certified forests that meets or exceeds PEFC’s Sustainability Benchmark requirements and recycled material; and wood from controlled sources The overall content of recycled material shall not be higher than 85%. Where the product does not include recycled material, the label claim shall be used without the world 'recycled'. | | x | x | x | |
PEFC_RECYCLED | PEFC-RECYCLED-Zertifizierung - Variante 2 (nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft) | PEFC-RECYCLED certified - Variant 2 (sustainable forestry) | PEFC Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes PEFC Recycled at least 70% PEFC certified material from recycled sources; and wood from controlled sources. | | x | x | x | |
PET_TO_PET | PET to PET (Recycling von PET Flaschen) | PET to PET (recycling of PET bottles) | PET to PET stands for a company responsible for the recycling of PET bottles. | | x | x | x | |
PGI_CNIPA | Geschützte geografische Angabe-CNIPA (China) | Protected Geographical Indication-CNIPA (China) | A special mark granted by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) for a product protected by a geographical indication. | | x | x | x | |
PGI_GAQSIQ | Geschützte geografische Angabe-GAQSIQ (China) | Protected Geographical Indication-GAQSIQ (China) | A special mark granted by the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China (GAQSIQ) for a product protected by a geographical indication. | | x | x | x | |
PGI_MARA | Geschützte geografische Angabe-MARA (China) | Protected Geographical Indication-MARA (China) | A special mark granted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China (MARA) for an agro-product protected by a geographical indication. | | x | x | x | |
PGI_TO_SAIC | Geschützte geografische Angabe-TO-SAIC (China) | Protected Geographical Indication-TO-SAIC (China) | A special mark granted by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China (TO-SAIC) for a product protected by a geographical indication. | | x | x | x | |
PLASTIC_FREE_TRUST_MARK | Plastic Free Trust Mark - Zertifizierung für Verpackung frei von Plastik | Plastic Free Trust Mark | All packaging is carefully evaluated by A Plastic Planet’s Plastic Free Panel of world experts in all packaging materials. | | x | x | x | |
PLASTIC_IN_FILTER_TOBACCO | Einwegplastik in Tabakprodukten mit Filter (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Single-use plastic in tobacco products with filters (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Labelled on packaging "Plastic in Filter" of tobacco products with filters, and packaging for filters marketed for use in combination with tobacco products . Regulatory requirement of single-use plastic products have to be marked: EU regulation 2020/2151. Note: The language(s) on the label may vary by country. | | x | x | x | |
PLASTIC_IN_PRODUCT_BEVERAGE_CUPS | Einwegplastik in Getränkebechern (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Single-use plastic in beverage cups (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Labelled on beverage cups containing plastic. Regulatory requirement of single-use plastic products have to be marked: EU regulation 2020/2151. Note: The language(s) on the label may vary by country. | | x | x | x | |
PLASTIC_IN_PRODUCT_TAMPONS | Einwegplastik in Tamponverpackungen und Tampon Applikatoren (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Single-use plastic in tampon packagings and tampon applicators (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Labelled on packaging of tampons and tampon applicators containing plastic. Regulatory requirement of single-use plastic in products have to be marked: EU regulation 2020/2151. Note: The language(s) on the label may vary by country. | | x | x | x | |
PLASTIC_IN_PRODUCT_WIPES_SANITARY_PADS | Einwegplastik in Reinigungstüchern und Damenbinden (Einlagen) (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Single-use plastic in wipes and sanitary towels (pads) (EU regulation 2020/2151) | Labelled on packaging of personal wipes and sanitary towels (pads) containing plastic. Regulatory requirement of single-use plastic products have to be marked: EU regulation 2020/2151. Note: The language(s) on the label may vary by country. | | x | x | x | |
PLASTIC_NEUTRAL | Plastikneutral (neutralisierter Plastikfußabdruck) | Plastic neutral (neutralized plastic footprint) | Indicates that partners ensure to compensate an equivalent amount of plastic brought to the market in cooperation with Plastic Bank. Plastic Bank neutralize the product’s plastic footprint and helps to improve lives by cleaning the environment. | | x | x | x | |
PME_PLUS | PME (Petite et Moyenne Entreprise) Ethik-Standard und Label für unabhängige kleine und mittlere französische Unternehmen | PME (Petite et Moyenne Entreprise) plus | PME+ (Petite et Moyenne Entreprise, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) is the label for independent French companies on a human scale, with ethical and responsible practices. The PME+ label is awarded after an annual audit carried out by Ecocert environment, according to a reference system inspired by the ISO 26000 standard. | | x | x | x | |
POMMES_DE_TERRES_DE_FRANCE | Kartoffel aus Frankreich - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | Potatoes from France - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case potatoes: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
PREGNANCY_WARNING | Schwangerschaftswarnung - ACHTUNG: Code nicht mehr benutzen, wird in zukünftigem Release gelöscht | Pregnancy warning - NOTE: Do not use this code anymore, it is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release | Note: This code is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please follow the migration for correct population. The purpose of the pregnancy icon is making clear to pregnant women that they should not drink alcoholic beverages. Legislation or self-regulation is country dependent. | | x | x | x | |
PRO_NATURE | Pro Nature | Pro Nature | The Pro Nature Certified label is awarded to companies that meet the criteria of the Standard for all natural products and stands for the protection of nature. The principle of the standard is the certification of different products such as cosmetics, detergents, food supplements and other areas. | | x | x | x | |
PRO_SPECIE_RARA | Pro Specie Rara (Schweiz) | Pro Specie Rara (Switzerland) | Swiss Foundation for cultural, historical and genetical diversity of plants and animals. | | x | x | x | |
PRO_TERRA_NON_GMO_CERTIFICATION | PRO-TERRA NON-GMO-Zertifizierung | PRO-TERRA NON-GMO Certification | Pro-Terra Non-GMO Certification attribute includes all products that present a Pro-Terra Non-GMO logo. | | x | x | x | |
PRO_WEIDELAND | Pro Weideland | Pro Weideland (Pro grassland) | The Pro Weideland label guarantees that raw materials have been sourced with special consideration for animal welfare. Only partners who opt for the more complex but more sustainable grassland farming method and meet specific criteria are allowed to use it. | | x | x | x | |
PROCERT_ORGANIC | Ökologische Zertifizierungsorganisation - Pro-Cert Organic Systems, Saskatchewan, Kanada | Organic Certifying Body - Pro-Cert Organic Systems, Saskatchewan, Canada | Pro-Cert provides professional organic certification services to the following Standards/Regulations: 1.The Canadian Organic Standard (CAN/CGSB - 32.310 and 32.311) and Organic Products Regulation (OPR) 2.Equivalency to the European Organic Program 3.The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) 4.The Quebec Organic Program (CARTV) 5.Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS via CERES) 6.BIOSUISSE (Switzerland) - Data collection only 7.Brazil Organic Program (via IBD) The above programs provide global access for Pro-Cert clients. Unregulated countries accept these programs and arrangements for organic status. | | x | x | x | |
PRODERM | PRODERM - dermatologisch geprüft | PRODERM - dermatologisch bestätigt | proDERM address manufacturers of high quality products who do not fear an intense test.To meet qualification a the formula must meet current dermatological and toxicological standards. And the product must have been tested in two independent studies. These would usually be a consumer orientated study (i. e. a Use-test in which the products are self-applied at home) and a tolerability study (a patch test appropriate for the product) | | x | x | x | |
PRODUCT_OF_THE_YEAR_CONSUMER_SURVEY | Product of the Year (Produkt des Jahres), Verbraucherumfrage für Produktinnovationen | Product of the Year - consumer-voted award for product innovation | Product of the Year™ is the world’s largest consumer-voted award for product innovation. Product of the Year is a champion of innovation, is voted on by consumers and is recognized globally. Product of the Year currently operates in 40 countries with the same goal: to guide consumers to the most innovative products in their market and reward the entrants for quality and innovation. In Canada, the Product of the Year seal is backed by the votes of thousands of Canadian consumers, serving as a shortcut for shoppers to save time and money. For entrants of the winning products, the award is a powerful marketing message proven to increase product awareness, trial and quality. | | x | x | x | |
PRODUIT_DE_FRANCE | Produkt aus Frankreich | Product of France | This logo is a simple way of identifying French product. | | x | x | x | |
PRODUIT_EN_BRETAGNE | Produziert in der Bretagne - Bretonische Herkunft | Produced in Bretagne (Brittany) - Breton origin of the product | Originally designed to indicate the Breton origin of the product, the logo displays it in letters. It is during a family meal in Savoy that one of the Breton entrepreneurs hears from his brother, which for him, Savoyard, was representative of our region: a lighthouse, a map of Brittany, a light beam. This is how the current logo was born, on a corner of paper tablecloth. This sketch was brought back to Brittany and acclaimed by the members of the time. After two years of tests in stores, and a very favourable reception from Scarmor stores (E. Leclerc stores), the logo is adopted and the statutes are fixed in 1995. | | x | x | x | |
PROTECTED_DESIGNATION_OF_ORIGIN | GESCHÜTZTE URSPRUNGSBEZEICHNUNG (für landwirtschaftliche Produkte oder Nahrungsmittel) | PROTECTED DESIGNATION OF ORIGIN (for agricultural product or foodstuff) | The Protected designation of origin is the name of an area, a specific place or, in exceptional cases, the name of a country, used as a designation for an agricultural product or a foodstuff, the entire product must be traditionally and ENTIRELY manufactured (prepared, processed AND produced) within the specific region and thus acquire unique properties. Protected Geographical Status (PGS) is a legal framework defined in European Union law to protect the names of regional foods. | | x | x | x | |
PROTECTED_GEOGRAPHICAL_INDICATION | GESCHÜTZTE GEOGRAPHISCHE ANGABE (PGS) (für regionale Nahrungsmittel) | PROTECTED GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION (PGS) (for regional foods) | The Protected geographical indication is the name of an area, a specific place or, in exceptional cases, the name of a country, used as a description of an agricultural product or a foodstuff, the entire product must be traditionally and at least PARTIALLY manufactured (prepared, processed OR produced) within the specific region and thus acquire unique properties. Protected Geographical Status (PGS) is a legal framework[1] defined in European Union law to protect the names of regional foods. | | x | x | x | |
PROTECTED_HARVEST_CERTIFIED | Protected Harvest-zertifiziert - Nachhaltig (vom Feld bis zum Einzelhändler) | Protected Harvest-certified - Sustainable (from field to retail market) | The item is physically marked with the Protected Harvest Certified symbol. | | x | x | x | |
PROVEN_QUALITY_BAVARIA | PROVEN QUALITY BAVARIA - Geprüfte Qualität (GQ) Bayern | PROVEN QUALITY BAVARIA (GQ-Bayern) | The quality label "Geprüfte Qualität Bayern" is featuring agriculture and food industry of Bavaria. Support of the sign by the State of Bavaria, represented by the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry. The Ministry decides on the granting of licenses. The aim of the quality label is agricultural produce economic and nutritional products of high quality. | | x | x | x | |
PUHTAASTI_KOTIMAINEN | PUHTAASTI KOTIMAINEN (KEIMBLATT) (Gemüse, Beeren und Blumen aus Finnland) | PUHTAASTI KOTIMAINEN (SEED LEAF) (vegetables, berries and flowers of Finnish origin) | Seed leaf flag indicates vegetables, berries and flowers of Finnish origin. Its license is granted and monitored by the Finnish Horticultural Products Society. Products will be first-class quality and from environmentally friendly farming. Product quality is also monitored in stores. Vegetable products in connection with any vegetable raw material must be Finnish. www.sirkkalehti.fi | | x | x | x | |
QAI | QAI - Quality Assurance International (Zertifizierung für Bio-Produkte) | QAI - Quality Assurance International (organic product certifying agency) | Quality Assurance International (QAI) is a leading USDA-accredited organic product certifying agency. QAI is an active leader in the organic industry, advocating for high integrity organic. QAI is committed to ensuring organic integrity at every link in the organic production chain and providing excellent customer service, domestically and internationally. QAI is a member of the NSF International family of companies. NSF is a global leader in public health and safety. QAI's certification programs are designed to provide certification services throughout the supply chain. QAI certification assures compliance with organic standards for: agricultural producers, food processing facilities, integrated manufacturing operations, contract packing operations, traders, distributors, retailers, and ultimately consumers. | | x | x | x | |
QCS_ORGANIC | Biologische Zertifizierungsorganisation - Quality Certification Services (QCS), Florida, U.S.A. | Organic Certifying Body - Quality Certification Services (QCS), Florida, U.S.A. | QCS Offers Certification Internationally in All Areas of the Organic Supply Chain, as well as Several Food Safety and Ethical Certification Schemes. | | x | x | x | |
QM_MILCH | QM Milch (Qualitätsmanagement Milch) | QM Milch (Quality management milk) | QM (Qualitätsmanagement Milch) guarantees quality standards for milk production for dairy farms. The QM standard ensures quality of the product as well as a transparent and traceable production process. | | x | x | x | |
QM_MILCH_PLUS | QM Milch+ (Qualitätsmanagement Milch) | QM Milch+ (Quality management milk+) | The QM+ (Qualitätsmanagement Milch) add-on module ensures an even more animal-friendly and sustainable milk production than QM. The QM+ add-on has been developed to promote animal welfare on dairy farms. | | x | x | x | |
QS | QS Zertifizierungszeichen (von Hof bis zum Laden) | QS certification mark (from farm to shop) | QS is a quality assurance scheme for fresh foodstuffs that involves all participants in the food industry – from farm to shop. By inspecting and integrating the entire supply chain, the QS certification mark creates the basis for increased food safety and well-founded trust from the consumers. | | x | x | x | |
QS_PRODUCTION_PERMIT | QS Produktionserlaubis (Chinesisch) | QS Production Permit (Chinese) | The blue QS sign containing Chinese characters "生产许可" (Production Permit) on the packaging of products, as approved by relevant regulatory authorities. | | x | x | x | |
QUALENVI | Qualenvi - HVE Level 3, Zertifizierung für unabhängige Weinerzeuger in Frankreich | Qualenvi - HVE level 3, Certification for independent winemakers in France | Certification: HVE level 3. Qualenvi is a certification system for independent winemakers in France who run the whole process from growing to producing and bottling. | | x | x | x | |
QUALITAET_TIROL | QUALITAET TIROL - Siegel für regionale Produkte von kleinen Höfen, ausgezeichnet von Agrarmarketing Tirol (AM Tirol) | QUALITAET TIROL - Seal for products from regional and small-scale farming awarded by the Agrarmarketing Tirol (AM Tirol) | Seal of quality for high-quality products from regional and small-scale farming and is awarded by the Agrarmarketing Tirol (AM Tirol). Products bearing this seal of approval are produced exclusively from Tyrolean raw materials and processed in the Tyrol.www.qualitaet.tirol.at, | | x | x | x | |
QUALITY_CONFORMANCE_MARKING_CN | Qualitätskonformitätskennzeichnung China | Quality Conformance Marking China | Marks, signs or characters that are marked on the packaging of cosmetics, pet food and other products in China to declare that the item conforms to quality requirements, as specified by relevant regulations. | | x | x | x | |
QUALITY_LABEL_SLOVAK_1 | Slovakisches Qualitäts-Label - Level 1 | Slovak quality label level 1 | The quality mark is the property of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic. The priority of the program was to make domestic quality food products and agricultural products visible and thus their competitiveness on the domestic market. The quality mark is awarded level 1. | | x | x | x | |
QUALITY_LABEL_SLOVAK_2 | Slovakisches Qualitäts-Label - Level 2 | Slovak quality label level 2 | The quality mark is the property of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic. The priority of the program was to make domestic quality food products and agricultural products visible and thus their competitiveness on the domestic market. The quality mark is awarded level 2. | | x | x | x | |
QUALITY_MARK_IRELAND | QUALITY MARK IRLAND (kontrolliert biologischer Anbau) | QUALITY MARK IRELAND (controlled organic farming) | Control IMO Organic farming is an alternative, environmentally friendly method of food production. It forbids the use of chemicals and requires production methods that respect animal welfare and do not damage the environment. The term ‘organic’ can only be used on food labels in Ireland if the food product meets strict Irish and EU organic standards and is licensed by an approved certification body. | | x | x | x | |
QUALITY_RHOEN | QUALITY RHOEN (regionale Rhön-Produkte) | QUALITY RHOEN (regional products from the Rhön area) | The logo represents the regional Rhön products. The products with this sign has a regional origin and quality of agricultural products and services on the basis of criteria the partially extend beyond legal requirements and came from this typical area. | | x | x | x | |
QUALIVO | Qualivo (Premium-Rindfleisch) | Qualivo (High quality beef) | Qualivo guarantees high quality meat and high control standards. | | x | x | x | |
QZBW | Qualitaetszeichen Baden-Wuerttemberg (QZBW) | Qualitaetszeichen Baden-Wuerttemberg (QZBW) (Quality mark) | The QZBW (Qualitaetszeichen Baden-Wuerttemberg) is a quality mark of the State of Baden-Württemberg. Supervised by the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg sourcing their natural ingredients with respect for people and biodiversity. | | x | x | x | |
QZHE | Qualitaetszeichen Hessen (QZHE), Deutschland | Qualitaetszeichen (qualty mark) Hessen (QZHE), Germany | The QZHE (Qualitaetszeichen Hessen) is a quality mark of the State of Hessen. Supervised by the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Hessen sourcing their natural ingredients with respect for people and biodiversity. | | x | x | x | |
RABBINICAL_COUNCIL_OF_BRITISH_COLUMBIA | RABBINICAL COUNCIL von Britisch-Kolumbien, Zertifizierung | RABBINICAL COUNCIL of British Columbia, Certification | Rabbinical Council of British Columbia Certification | | x | x | x | |
RABBINICAL_COUNCIL_OF_CALIFORNIA_(RCC) | RABBINICAL COUNCIL von Kalifornien | RABBINICAL COUNCIL of California (RCC) | Rabbinical Council of California (RCC) Certification | | x | x | x | |
RABBINICAL_COUNCIL_OF_NEW_ENGLAND | RABBINICAL COUNCIL von Neu England | RABBINICAL COUNCIL of New England | Rabbinical Council of New England Certification | | x | x | x | |
RAINFOREST_ALLIANCE | RAINFOREST Allianz (zertifziert zum Schutz des Regenwaldes) | RAINFOREST Alliance certified (for rainforest protection) | The item is physically marked with the Rainforest Alliance Certified symbol. | | x | x | x | |
RAINFOREST_ALLIANCE_PEOPLE_NATURE | Rainforest Alliance people & nature Label (Regenwaldallianz Mensch & Natur) | Rainforest Alliance people & nature label | Rainforest Alliance people & nature label indicates that partner supports a healthier planet and an improve quality of life for people in farming communities. | | x | x | x | |
RAL_QUALITY_CANDLES | RAL Gütezeichen KERZEN | RAL Quality CANDELS | This RAL (Reichs-Ausschuss für Lieferbedingungen) quality mark indicates, that the trade item complies with the standard of the of the Quality Association for Candles in terms of raw materials, burning duration and burning behavior. Compliance with these standards is monitored by DEKRA Umwelt GmbH. | | x | x | x | |
REAL_CALIFORNIA_CHEESE | REAL CALIFORNIA CHEESE (Käse aus Kalifornien) (California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) | REAL CALIFORNIA CHEESE, California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) | The California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB), an instrumentality of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, exists for one purpose: to spread the word about the extraordinary dairy products made with Real California Milk. This label states that this is made with Califiornian cheese. | | x | x | x | |
REAL_CALIFORNIA_MILK | REAL CALIFORNIA MILK (Milch aus Kalifornien) (California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) | REAL CALIFORNIA MILK (California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) | The California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB), an instrumentality of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, exist for one purpose: to spread the word about the extraordinary dairy products made with Real California Milk. | | x | x | x | |
REAL_FOOD_SEAL | REAL FOOD Seal, Milchprodukte in USA | REAL FOOD Seal, Dairy products in the U.S. | The dairy industry four decades ago created the REAL® Seal. It’s an assurance that you are buying a genuine dairy product, made with milk from cows on U.S. dairy farms, and meeting strict manufacturing requirements. | | x | x | x | |
RECUPEL | RECUPEL (Materialrückgewinnung aus Elektroschrott) | RECUPEL (recovery of materials from waste of electrical devices) | Recupel strives in Belgium for a better environment through optimal recovery of materials from waste of electrical devices. Recupel ensures that waste of electrical appliances are collected and processed in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. | | x | x | x | |
RECYCLABLE_GENERAL_CLAIM | RECYCELBAR | RECYCLABLE | A generic Recycling codes are used to identify the material from which an item is made, to facilitate easier recycling or other reprocessing. Multiple agencies use this design. | | x | x | x | |
REGIONAL_FOOD_CZECH | Regionales tschechisches Nahrungsmittel | Regional Food Czech | Mark accredited by Czech Ministry of Agriculture to the best quality agricultural or food products from each region of the Czech Republic. | | x | x | x | |
REGIONALFENSTER | REGIONAL-Fenster (für Nahrungsmittel in Deutschland) | REGIONAL window (for food in Germany) | Products that bear the "Regionalfenster" for food, ensure greater transparency. Consumers can identify with the logo at a glance which foods actually come from the region indicated on the packaging. This gives consumers a nationwide uniform and reliable identification of regional products. The initiative was started by Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV). | | x | x | x | |
REGIONALTHEKE_FRANKEN | REGIONALTHEKE FRANKEN (Produkte Fränkischen Ursprungs und Qualität) | REGIONALTHEKE FRANKEN (products of Frankish origin and quality) | The logo "Regionaltheke Franken" identifies products by Frankish farmers and documented to be of regional origin and quality of agricultural products and services in this area. The quality criteria go in relation to the proof of origin partly legal specifications as well. The logo is pursuing a criteria and control system for regional products with the involvement of the Bundesverbands der Regionalbewegungen. | | x | x | x | |
RELAX_RABBIT | Relax Rabbit (Kaninchenfleisch) | Relax Rabbit (Rabbit meat from RelaxRabbit) | The RelaxRabbit guarantees a careful and constant monitoring of the production of rabbit meat. The production is based on IFS (International Featured Standards). | | x | x | x | |
REPAIRABILITY_INDEX | Reparierbarkeitsindex für Haushaltsgeräte | Repairability index | The reparability index is deployed on 5 categories of household appliances and electronics. This tool, provided for by the anti-waste law for a circular economy, aims to better inform consumers about the more or less repairable nature of their purchases. | | x | x | x | |
RETURNABLE_CAN_NL | Dosenpfand in den Niederlanden | Returnable can Netherlands | Statiegeld Nederland is an organisation for the Dutch can deposit. The logo informs the consumers and collection points that a package deposit is charged and registered in the deposit system. The use of the logo is mandatory on cans the start of 2023. | | x | x | x | |
RETURNABLE_PET_BOTTLE_NL | Mehrweg PET Flasche (NL, Pfandsystem) | Returnable PET bottle (NL, deposit system) | Statiegeld Nederland is the implementing organization for the Dutch deposit system for large and small PET bottles of soft drinks and water. The use of the logo is mandatory on large and small PET bottles from 1 July 2021, which are charged with a deposit and are registered in the deposit system. The logo makes it clear to consumers and collection points whether or not a package has a deposit associated with it. | | x | x | x | |
RHP | RHP-Foundation (Qualitätssicherung für Torf und Erde-Produkte) | RHP-Foundation (quality assurance of peat and soil products) | This quality mark is managed by the Foundation RHP. RHP optimizes and secures the quality of peat products, raw materials, potting soil compositions, substrates, soil supply and soil improvers. | | x | x | x | |
ROQUEFORT_RED_EWE | Roquefort Red Ewe - Französischer Mutterschafskäse | Roquefort Red Ewe - French cheese from whole ewe's milk | Roquefort is a cheese made from raw, whole ewe's milk, blue-veined and with a natural rind, produced exclusively in a large part of the department of Aveyron and a few communes in the departments of Aude, Lozère, Gard, Hérault and Tarn in the Occitanie region. | | x | x | x | |
ROUNDTABLE_ON_RESPONSIBLE_SOY | Runder Tisch für verantwortliche Soya-Produktion, -Verarbeitung und -Vermarktung | Round Table on Responsible Soy - For responsible production, processing and trading of soy on a global level | The Round Table on Responsible Soy is a civil organisation that promotes responsible production, processing and trading of soy on a global level. Encourage current and future soybean is produced in a responsible manner to reduce social and environmental impacts while maintaining or improving the economic status for the producer. Through: • The development, implementation and verification of a global standard • The commitment of the stakeholders involved in the value chain of soybean. That soy help to meet social needs, environmental and economic consequences of the present generation without compromising the resources and the welfare of future generations and allowing the construction of a better world through consensus and joint action. | | x | x | x | |
RSB | RSB (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials) - Globaler Zertifizierungstandard für nachhaltig erzeugte Biomaterialien, Biokraftstoffe und Biomasse | RSB - Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials - Global certification standard for sustainable biomaterials, biofuels and biomass production | The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) is a global, multi-stakeholder independent organisation that drives the development of a new world bioeconomy through sustainability solutions, certification, and collaborative partnerships. It provides tools and solutions that mitigate business risk and contribute to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and has the world’s most trusted, peer-reviewed, global certification standard for sustainable biomaterials, biofuels and biomass production. | | x | x | x | |
RUP_GUADELOUPE | RUP GUADELOUPE - Logo von Guadeloupe als eine der ultra-peripheren Regionen (RUP) in der POSEI-Regelung der EU | RUP GUADELOUPE - logo of Guadeloupe as one of the ultra-peripheral regions (RUP) in the POSEI program of the EU | The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) recognises the structural situation, economic and social development of the outermost regions: nine regions located in three States members: the Azores and Madeira for Portugal, the Canary Islands for Spain, Guadeloupe, the French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, and Saint Martin for France. These outermost regions benefit from specific measures adapting European law to local needs and remoteness from the metropolitan territory. These measures include, from 1991, the principle of creating a specific symbol to make products better known and food production in these regions. This is the graphic symbol of the regions ultra-peripherals or RUP logo integrated in the Remote Specific Options Program and Insularity (POSEI). | | x | x | x | |
RUP_GUYANE | RUP GUYANE - Logo von Guayana als eine der ultra-peripheren Regionen (RUP) in der POSEI-Regelung der EU | RUP GUYANE - logo of Guiana as one of the ultra-peripheral regions (RUP) in the POSEI program of the EU | The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) recognises the structural situation, economic and social development of the outermost regions: nine regions located in three States members: the Azores and Madeira for Portugal, the Canary Islands for Spain, Guadeloupe, the French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, and Saint Martin for France. These outermost regions benefit from specific measures adapting European law to local needs and remoteness from the metropolitan territory. These measures include, from 1991, the principle of creating a specific symbol to make products better known and food production in these regions. This is the graphic symbol of the regions ultra-peripherals or RUP logo integrated in the Remote Specific Options Program and Insularity (POSEI). | | x | x | x | |
RUP_MARTINIQUE | RUP MARTINIQUE - Logo von Martinique als eine der ultra-peripheren Regionen (RUP) in der POSEI-Regelung der EU | RUP MARTINIQUE - logo of Martinique as one of the ultra-peripheral regions (RUP) in the POSEI program of the EU | The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) recognises the structural situation, economic and social development of the outermost regions: nine regions located in three States members: the Azores and Madeira for Portugal, the Canary Islands for Spain, Guadeloupe, the French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, and Saint Martin for France. These outermost regions benefit from specific measures adapting European law to local needs and remoteness from the metropolitan territory. These measures include, from 1991, the principle of creating a specific symbol to make products better known and food production in these regions. This is the graphic symbol of the regions ultra-peripherals or RUP logo integrated in the Remote Specific Options Program and Insularity (POSEI). | | x | x | x | |
RUP_MAYOTTE | RUP MAYOTTE - Logo von Mayotte als eine der ultra-peripheren Regionen (RUP) in der POSEI-Regelung der EU | RUP MAYOTTE - logo of Mayotte as one of the ultra-peripheral regions (RUP) in the POSEI program of the EU | The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) recognises the structural situation, economic and social development of the outermost regions: nine regions located in three States members: the Azores and Madeira for Portugal, the Canary Islands for Spain, Guadeloupe, the French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, and Saint Martin for France. These outermost regions benefit from specific measures adapting European law to local needs and remoteness from the metropolitan territory. These measures include, from 1991, the principle of creating a specific symbol to make products better known and food production in these regions. This is the graphic symbol of the regions ultra-peripherals or RUP logo integrated in the Remote Specific Options Program and Insularity (POSEI). | | x | x | x | |
RUP_REUNION | RUP REUNION - Logo von Reunion als eine der ultra-peripheren Regionen (RUP) in der POSEI-Regelung der EU | RUP REUNION - logo of Reunion as one of the ultra-peripheral regions (RUP) in the POSEI program of the EU | The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) recognises the structural situation, economic and social development of the outermost regions: nine regions located in three States members: the Azores and Madeira for Portugal, the Canary Islands for Spain, Guadeloupe, the French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, and Saint Martin for France. These outermost regions benefit from specific measures adapting European law to local needs and remoteness from the metropolitan territory. These measures include, from 1991, the principle of creating a specific symbol to make products better known and food production in these regions. This is the graphic symbol of the regions ultra-peripherals or RUP logo integrated in the Remote Specific Options Program and Insularity (POSEI). | | x | x | x | |
RUP_SAINT_MARTIN | RUP SAINT MARTIN - Logo von Saint Martin als eine der ultra-peripheren Regionen (RUP) in der POSEI-Regelung der EU | RUP SAINT MARTIN - logo of Saint Martin as one of the ultra-peripheral regions (RUP) in the POSEI program of the EU | The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) recognises the structural situation, economic and social development of the outermost regions: nine regions located in three States members: the Azores and Madeira for Portugal, the Canary Islands for Spain, Guadeloupe, the French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, and Saint Martin for France. These outermost regions benefit from specific measures adapting European law to local needs and remoteness from the metropolitan territory. These measures include, from 1991, the principle of creating a specific symbol to make products better known and food production in these regions. This is the graphic symbol of the regions ultra-peripherals or RUP logo integrated in the Remote Specific Options Program and Insularity (POSEI). | | x | x | x | |
SA8000 | SA8000 Standard und Zertifizierungssystem | SA8000 Standard and Certification System | The SA8000 Standard and Certification System provide a framework for organizations of all types, in any industry, and in any country to conduct business in a way that is fair and decent for workers and to demonstrate their adherence to the highest social standards. | | x | x | x | |
SAFE_FEED_SAFE_FOOD | SAFE FEED - SAFE FOOD - Standard für Nahrungssicherheit | SAFE FEED SAFE FOODD | Safe Feed/Safe Food Certification Program is designed for the total feed industry. The Safe Feed/Safe Food program establishes comprehensive standards of excellence that go beyond existing regulations to maximize food and feed safety. | | x | x | x | |
SAFE_QUALITY_FOOD | SAFE QUALITY Food (SQF-Code) | SAFE QUALITY Food (SQF Code) | The Safe Quality Food (SQF) program is recognized by retailers and foodservice providers around the world as a rigorous, credible food safety management system. It is the only certification system recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) that offers certificates for primary production, food manufacturing, food packaging, distribution, retail/wholesale grocers and foodservice establishments. This enables suppliers to assure their customers that food has been produced, processed, prepared and handled according to the highest possible standards, at all levels of the supply chain. | | x | x | x | |
SAFER_CHOICE | Safer Choice Label (Sicherere Wahl) der U.S. Umweltschutzbehörde (EPA) | Safer Choice Label of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Safer Choice label helps consumers, businesses, and purchasers identify products which perform and contain ingredients that are safer for human health and the environment. The label is for products which meet requirements for: Safer chemical ingredients, Product performance, Packaging sustainability, Ingredient disclosure, Surveillance and audits, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions. | | x | x | x | |
SALMON_SAFE_CERTIFICATION | SALMON SAFE-Zertifizierung - Sicherer Fisch | SALMON SAFE Certification | Salmon-Safe offers a series of peer-reviewed certification and accreditation programs linking site development land management practices with the protection of agricultural and urban watersheds. | | x | x | x | |
SALZBURGER_LAND_HERKUNFT | Salzburger Land Herkunfts-Zertifikat (Austria) | Salzburger Land Origin Certificate (Austria) | Seal that marks products which are certified and guaranteed regional from the Austrian province Salzburg. | | x | x | x | |
SCHARRELVLEES | SCHARRELVLEES - Tieraufzucht ohne Antibiotika (Fleischprodukte in den Niederlanden) | SCHARRELVLEES - animals grown without antibiotics (meat based products in the Netherlands) | A symbol used in the Netherlands Target Market intended for meat based products which guarantees that the animals has been growth without the use of antibiotics. | | x | x | x | |
SCHLESWIG_HOLSTEIN_QUALITY | Gütezeichen Schleswig-Holstein (Lebensmittel) | Schleswig-Holstein Quality (foods) | The label of the Chamber of Agriculture Schleswig-Holstein. All foods with this award are reviewed serveral times during a year by independent laboratories. Since product quality is closely linked to the process quality, the laboratories are testing the overall business as well. Through these measures, the requirements are met in terms of quality and taste of the label products. | | x | x | x | |
SCROLL_K | Vaad Hakashrus von Denver SCROLL K Zertifizierung | Vaad Hakashrus of Denver SCROLL K Certification | Vaad Hakashrus of Denver (Scroll K) Certification | | x | x | x | |
SCS_RECYCLED_CONTENT_CERTIFICATION | SCS-Zertifizierung für recycelte Inhalte (RCC) | SCS Recycled Content Certification (RCC) | SCS Recycled Content Certification (RCC) recognizes products made either in whole or part from recycled waste material in place of virgin raw materials. The percentage of post-consumer or pre-consumer recycled content is reported in compliance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines and ISO standards. | | x | x | x | |
SCS_SUSTAINABLY_GROWN | SCS Sustainably Grown - Nachhaltiger Anbau | SCS Sustainably Grown | The certification program currently requires conformance with the Sustainably Grown Standard V1.3, which provides a comprehensive framework and common set of requirements grouped into three categories – Environmental Sustainability, Social & Economic Sustainability, and Product Integrity. Agricultural crops of all types and production systems of all sizes are eligible. | | x | x | x | |
SEACHOICE | SeaChoice - für nachhaltige Fischerei und Aquakultur auf allen Ebenen der Lieferkette für Fisch und Meeresfrüchte | SeaChoice - Supporting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture at all levels of the seafood supply chain | SeaChoice was created to help Canadian businesses and shoppers take an active role in supporting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture at all levels of the seafood supply chain. Based on scientific assessments, SeaChoice has created easy-to-use tools that help you make the best seafood choices. Working in collaboration with the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s acclaimed Seafood Watch program, SeaChoice undertakes science-based seafood assessments, provides informative resources for consumers, and supports businesses through collaborative partnerships. | | x | x | x | |
SEPARATE_COLLECTION | Getrennte Sammlung zur Entsorgung | Separate collection for disposal | Code indicating that the product should not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste but should be discarded at a respective separate collection point. | | x | x | x | |
SFC_MEMBER_SEAL | SFC (Sustainable Furnishings Council) Mitgliedssiegel | SFC (Sustainable Furnishings Council ) Member Seal | The Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) Member Seal is a label representing those companies which have made a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability and to improvement. These companies are involved in the home furnishings industry. The Exemplary status is voluntary - all members make a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability, to transparency, and to continuous improvement. This seal is for basic members. | | x | x | x | |
SFC_MEMBER_SEAL_GOLD | SFC (Sustainable Furnishings Council) Mitgliedssiegel Gold | SFC (Sustainable Furnishings Council) Member Seal Gold | The Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) Member Seal is a label representing those companies which have made a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability and to improvement. These companies are involved in the home furnishings industry. The Exemplary status is voluntary - all members make a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability, to transparency, and to continuous improvement. This seal is for gold level members. | | x | x | x | |
SFC_MEMBER_SEAL_PLATINUM | SFC (Sustainable Furnishings Council) Mitgliedssiegel Platin | SFC (Sustainable Furnishings Council) Member Seal Platinum | The Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) Member Seal is a label representing those companies which have made a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability and to improvement. These companies are involved in the home furnishings industry. The Exemplary status is voluntary - all members make a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability, to transparency, and to continuous improvement. This seal is for platinum level members. | | x | x | x | |
SFC_MEMBER_SEAL_SILVER | SFC (Sustainable Furnishings Council) Mitgliedssiegel Silber | SFC (Sustainable Furnishings Council) Member Seal Silver | The Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) Member Seal is a label representing those companies which have made a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability and to improvement. These companies are involved in the home furnishings industry. The Exemplary status is voluntary - all members make a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability, to transparency, and to continuous improvement. This seal is for silver level members. | | x | x | x | |
SGS_ORGANIC | SGS ORGANIC Produktzertifizierung (Österreich) | SGS ORGANIC product certification (Austria) | SGS Our services enable companies to operate in a more sustainable manner by improving quality and productivity, reducing risk, verifying compliance and increasing speed to market. | | x | x | x | |
SHOPPER_ARMY | Shopper Army - Testen neuer Konsumgüter, Plattform von BrandSpark International, Toronto | Shopper Army - testing of new CPG products, platform created by Toronto-based BrandSpark International | Shopper Army is the proprietary name of a platform created by Toronto-based BrandSpark International to aggregate and deliver to the brand self-selecting but demographically appropriate groups of consumers who are willing to serve as sounding boards and guinea pigs for CPG product launches. | | x | x | x | |
SIP | Sustainable In Practice (SIP) - Zertifizierung für Weinherstellung und Weinanbau an der zentralen Küste von Kalifornien | Sustainable In Practice (SIP) - Certification for winery or vineyards, Central Coast California | Certification: SIP Certified. Regional, Central Coast California. Economic viability, environmental stewardship, social equity with a points system. A winery or vineyard needs 75% of the total possible sustainability points which includes the pesticides on the Prohibited Materials List. http://www.sipcertified.org | | x | x | x | |
SKG_CERTIFICATE | SKG Zertifikat - SKG Zertifikat (Bauwesen in den Niederlanden) - Diesen Code nicht verwenden, stattdessen einen der 3 SKG-Star-Codes! | SKG Certificate - SKG certificate (building industry in the Netherlands) - Do not use this code, use one of the SKG-Star-Codes instead! | SKG is the independent institute in the Netherlands for testing and certification for the building industry. Note:Do not use this code. Use SKG_CERTIFICATE_1_STAR, SKG_CERTIFICATE_2_STAR, or SKG_CERTIFICATE_3_STAR. | | x | x | x | |
SKG_CERTIFICATE_1_STAR | SKG 1 star - Standard diebstahlgesichert (3 Minuten Widerstand gegen Diebstahl mit einfachen Werkzeugen) - UnabhängigesZertifizierung für Produkte der Bau- und Gebäudeindustrie | SKG 1 star - Standard burglar proof (3 minutes resistance to burglary with simple tools) - Independent certification for building products, (Netherlands) | SKG is an independent organisation that monitors the quality of products in the construction industry. On the basis of an inspection SKG determines how much resistance a lock or latch provides against burglary. This resistance is in 3 classes. 1 Star - 3 minutes (standard burglar proof) Building hardware with this label means that it provides at least 3 minutes resistance to burglary with simple tools like a crowbar or screwdriver. | | x | x | x | |
SKG_CERTIFICATE_2_STAR | SKG 2 star - Stark diebstahlgesichert (3 Minuten Widerstand gegen Diebstahl mit umfangreicher Werkzeugausstattung) - Unabhängige Zertifizierung für Produkte der Bau- und Gebäudeindustrie | SKG 2 star - Heavily burglar-proof (3 minutes resistance to burglary with a comprehensive tool kit) - Independent certification for products of the building industry) | SKG is an independent organisation that monitors the quality of products in the construction industry. On the basis of an inspection SKG determines how much resistance a lock or latch provides against burglary. This resistance is in 3 classes. 2 Stars - 3 minutes (heavily burglar-proof): With security locks and latches this label must provide for at least 3 minutes resistance to burglary with a comprehensive tool kit. | | x | x | x | |
SKG_CERTIFICATE_3_STAR | SKG 3 star - Besonders stark diebstahlgesichert (5 Minuten Widerstand gegen Diebstahl mit schwersten Werkzeugen) - Unabhängige Zertifizierung für Produkte der Bau- und Gebäudeindustrie | SKG 3 star - Extra heavy anti-burglary (5 minutes resistance to a burglar with heavy tools) - Independent certification for products of the building industry) | SKG is an independent organisation that monitors the quality of products in the construction industry. On the basis of an inspection SKG determines how much resistance a lock or latch provides against burglary. This resistance is in 3 classes. 3 Stars - 5 minutes (extra heavy anti-burglary): Building hardware with this label have to provide resistance to a burglar with heavy tools for at least 5 minutes for your property. It is not only the lock, the hinges and the cylinder that has to be of this heavy quality, but also the door and the frame must provide sufficient resistance. | | x | x | x | |
SLG_CHILD_SAFETY | SLG CHILD SAFETY (Geprüft auf Kindersicherheit) | SLG CHILD SAFETY approved | SLG Sächsische Landesgewerbeförderungsgesellschaft mbH Distinguishes products that protect children from danger or indicates that no danger for the children comes from the product | | x | x | x | |
SLG_TYPE_TESTED | SLG BAUART GEPRÜFT (Zertifizierung und Fertigungsüberwachung) | SLG TYPE TESTED (certification and production monitoring) | The SLG (Sächsische Landesgewerbeförderungsgesellschaft mbH) Testing and Certification GmbH is a family-owned company. Industrial enterprises, commercial, private and public clients appreciate our neutral and independent services. We offer our customers a comprehensive range of testing and inspection services. | | x | x | x | |
SLK_BIO | SLK-BIO Label (Salzburger Landwirtschaftliche Kontrolle) | SLK-BIO label (Salzburger Landwirtschaftliche Kontrolle) | SLK GmbH The aim of organic agriculture is to fullfil standards which emphasise careful processing methods, limited refining, energy saving technologies, minimal use of additives and processing aids etc. | | x | x | x | |
SMAK | SMAK-Label für schwedische Kartoffelproduktion auf zertifizierten Farmen | SMAK-labelled Swedish potatoe production on certified farms | Svensk Potatis works to ensure that the production of SMAK-labelled potatoes takes place on certified farms where growers work to ensure high food quality and good environmental considerations. They are also responsible for quality analysis of potatoes, which is performed by inspectors from Svensk Potatis. The Potatisbranschen Foundation has developed the national quality rules for edible potatoes, which guarantee that you get a certified and food-safe product. | | x | x | x | |
SOCIETY_PLASTICS_INDUSTRY | Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) (Gesellschaft der Kunststoffindustrie) - Codierungssystem für Kunstharze | Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) - resin coding system | Many plastic and packaging products display a symbol that looks like the Möbius loop, but has a different purpose and meaning. This symbol is part of a resin coding system produced by the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) that identifies the different resins found in plastic bottles and rigid containers. Recycling firms have varying standards for the plastics they accept and the presence of an SPI code does not mean the product is recyclable or recycled in your community. | | x | x | x | |
SOIL_ASSOCIATION_ORGANIC_SYMBOL | SOIL ASSOCIATION ORGANIC (Standard für biologisch nachhaltigen Anbau in Großbritannien und Irland) | SOIL ASSOCIATION ORGANIC (Standard for sustainable organic farming in the UK) | The Soil Association Organic Symbol is a symbol used in the UK to show that products meet a strict set of organic standards that protect health, sustainability and the environment. | | x | x | x | |
SOIL_COSMOS_NATURAL | SOIL Cosmos Natural - Logo für NEIN zu Tierversuchen, genmanipulierten Inhaltsstoffen, umstrittenen Chemikalien, Parabenen und Phthalaten, synthetischen Farben, Färbemitteln und Duftstoffen | SOIL Cosmos Natural - Logo for NO Animal testing, GM ingredients, controversial chemicals, parabens and phthalates, synthetic colours, dyes or fragrances | All products with the Soil Association COSMOS logo guarantee: - NO Animal testing - NO GM ingredients - NO Controversial chemicals - NO Parabens and Phthalates - NO Synthetic colours, dyes or fragrances | | x | x | x | |
SOIL_ORGANIC_COSMOS | SOIL Organic Cosmos - Logo für ökologisch erzeugte Produkte | SOIL Organic Cosmos - Organic logo | For a product to be labelled organic e.g 'Organic facial oil' 95% of ALL ingredients must be organic. For leave on products, 95% of all physically processed agro-ingredients* must be organic and at least 20% of the total ingredients must be organic. For rinse off products, 95% of all physically processed agro-ingredients must be organic and at least 10% of the total ingredients must be organic. | | x | x | x | |
SOSTAIN | SOSTain - Zertifizierung in Sizilien, Italien | SOSTain - Certification in Sicily, Italy | Certification: Private, regional, Sicily, Italy. One of the smaller Italian programs, this one only on Sicily. Best practice sharing. Includes organic/biodynamic/natural and conventional producers. http://sostain.it | | x | x | x | |
SPCA_BC | BC SPCA - Zertifizierung landwirtschaftlicher Höfe und Kennzeichnung von Nahrungsmitteln, artgerechte Tierhaltungsstandards in Kanada | BC SPCA - Farm certification and food-labelling program for farm animal welfare standards in Canada | SPCA Certified is an innovative farm certification and food-labelling program dedicated to improving farm animal welfare standards in Canada. | | x | x | x | |
SQNPI | Sistema Qualità Nazionale di Produzione Integrata (SQNPI) - Italienisches Qualitäts- bzw. Zertifizierungssystem für Integrierte landwirtschaftliche Pflanzenproduktion | Sistema Qualità Nazionale di Produzione Integrata (SQNPI) - Italian Integrated Production Quality System for agricultural produce | National Integrated Production Quality System (SQNPI) is a certification scheme that focuses on the objective of enhancing the production of agricultural produce obtained in accordance with regional integrated production regulations. SQNPI certification is recognised at a community level according to Reg. (EC) 1974/2006. | | x | x | x | |
SRP_VERIFIED | SRP-Verified (Sustainable Rice Platform) - Programm und Standard für nachhaltigen Reisanbau | SRP-Verified (Sustainable Rice Platform) | The SRP-Verified (Sustainable Rice Platform) label represents the integrity of claims to sustainable best practices according to the SRP Standard, as verified through the SRP Assurance Scheme. Sustainable Rice Platform is a global alliance aiming to transform the rice sector through improving smallholder livelihoods, reducing environmental impact, and providing a sustainable supply of rice. | | x | x | x | |
STAR_D_KOSHER | STAR D KOSCHER-Zertifizierung | STAR D KOSHER Certifiction | Star D Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
STAR_K_KOSHER | STAR K KOSCHER-Zertifizierung | STAR K KOSHER Certifiction | STAR-K Kosher Certification has provided kosher supervision for over fifty years. As a leader in the international world of kosher certification, the STAR-K is most proud of its reputation for providing prompt, friendly and professional service to both the kosher consumer and members of the food industry. | | x | x | x | |
STEEL_RECYCLING | Steel Recycling Institute (SRI) (Stahlrecycling) | Steel Recycling Institute (SRI) | The Steel Recycling Institute (SRI) was established in late 1988 as the Steel Can Recycling Institute, a not-for-profit trade association with the mission of promoting and sustaining steel can recycling. With headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA, it was formed by eight North American steel companies and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). The Institute's focus was a grassroots effort to implement steel can recycling in communities across North America. | | x | x | x | |
STELLAR_CERTIFICATION_SERVICES | STELLAR-Zertifizierungsdienste | STELLAR Certification Services | Founded in 2002 and one of the oldest organic certifiers in the nation, Stellar Certification Services provides individualized attention and deep agricultural expertise to our members nationwide. When the USDA implemented the National Organic Program (NOP) to provide and enforce a uniform marketplace definition for the term “organic,” Stellar was originally formed to provide organic certification for our Biodynamic farmers and processors. While the NOP standard forms the base to the Demeter Biodynamic standard, in order for a Biodynamic member to receive organic certification they must be certified organic through the NOP program. | | x | x | x | |
STIFTUNG_WARENTEST | STIFTUNG WARENTEST (Deutschland, Vergleichstests von Waren und Dienstleistungen) | STIFTUNG WARENTEST (Germany, comparable testing of goods and services) | A consumer test organization was founded in 1964 by decision of the German Bundestag to the consumer through the comparative testing of goods and services to provide independent and objective assistance. | | x | x | x | |
STOP_CLIMATE_CHANGE | STOP CLIMATE CHANGE (Stop Klimawandel) (Emissionskontrolle) | STOP CLIMATE CHANGE (survey of emissions) | AGRA-teg agricultural and Umwelttechnick GmbH is a spin-off undertaking of the University of Goettingen and criteria according to strict scientific carries out the survey of emissions from a product line or from a company as a whole. | | x | x | x | |
STREEKPRODUCT_BE | Streekproduct.be - Label für traditionell flämische Erzeugnisse | Streekproduct.be - Label for Flemish traditional regional products | This label was created to make Flemish traditional regional products recognizable and recognizable. Consumers can easily recognize traditional regional products and also get well informed. The producer is rewarded with a recognition and can thus put his traditional product in the spotlight. All these products meet the 5 criteria of the definition for traditional regional product. | | x | x | x | |
STRICTLY_KOSHER_NORWAY | Strikte Koscher Zertifizierung durch das Orthodoxe Rabbinat von Norwegen | Strictly Kosher certification by the Orthodox Rabbinate of Norway | In Norway, the Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Oslo certifies production facilities on behalf of the Orthodox Union (OU). In addition, the community also performs its own certification making it possible to obtain an internationally recongised kosher certificate. | | x | x | x | |
SUISSE_GARANTIE | Suisse Garantie - Nicht genmodifizierte Lebensmittel aus der Schweiz, umweltfreundlich und tiergerecht produziert | Suisse Garantie - Food produced in Switzerland, environmentally friendly, in line with animal needs and not gene-modified | Food, produced in Switzerland, environmentally friendly, in line with the animal needs and not gene-modified. | | x | x | x | |
SUNSHINE_STATE_KOSHER | Sunshine State Kosher - Kosher Zertifizierung in Florida | Sunshine State Kosher - Florida Kosher certification | Sunshine State Kosher. Sunshine State Kosher provides Torah-centered, transparently managed industrial and foodservice kashruth supervision and education to Florida's Jewish community. | | x | x | x | |
SUOMEN_HAMMASLAAKARILIITTO_SUOSITTELEE_KSYLITOLIA | Die finnische Zahnärztekammer empfiehlt Xylit | The Finnish Dental Association recommends xylitol | The Finnish Dental Association recommends xylitol and requires properties of the xylitol product. In order to receive a recommendation, the applicant for the recommendation must submit a document produced by an independent laboratory as an annex to the application, confirming that the product meets the criteria. Please see the website for the criteria required. https://www.hammaslaakariliitto.fi/en/home/recommendations-finnish-dental-association#.X9IAYdgzZPY | | x | x | x | |
SUS | SUS - Schweinefleisch-Kennzeichnung (Nachverfolgbarkeit von Geburt bis Schlachtung) | SUS - pork-labeling system (tracebility from birth to slaughter) | The pork-labeling system "sus" makes it possible for consumers to pursue the path of the product without a long investigation. Sus stands for the tracebility from birth to slaughter of pork. | | x | x | x | |
SUSTAINABLE_AUSTRALIA_WINEGROWING | Sustainable Australia Winegrowing (SAW), McLaren Vale - Nachhaltigkeitsbeurteilung für die Erzeugung von Weintrauben in Australien | Sustainable Australia Winegrowing (SAW), McLaren Vale - Vineyard sustainability assessment program for grape growing in Australia | Certification: Sustainable Australia Winegrowing (and Entwine if member of that). Regional, Mc Laren Vale, Australia - expanded. Vineyard sustainability assessment program for grape growing in Australia. Self-assessment tool allowing growers to categorise their practices from least to most sustainable and identify where action is needed. mclarenvale.info | | x | x | x | |
SUSTAINABLE_AUSTRIA | Sustainable Austria Certification - Label für Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung in Österreich | Sustainable Austria Certification Label | Certification: Certified Sustainable Austria. National - System of spider diagram where the lowest quartile lands in red (unsustainable) and the highest quartile lands in green (sustainable) with half in yellow, in order to recognise top performers. Much thought about balancing different sustainability practices. | | x | x | x | |
SUSTAINABLE_FORESTRY_INITIATIVE | SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY Initiative (Zertifizierungsprogramm) | SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY initiative (certification program) | SFI Inc. is an independent, non-profit organization responsible for maintaining, overseeing and improving a sustainable forestry certification program that is internationally recognized and is the largest single forest standard in the world. | | x | x | x | |
SUSTAINABLE_PALM_OIL_RSPO | Zertifiziertes nachhaltiges Palmölprodukt nach RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) - insb. wenn aus identifizierbaren und zertifizierten Lieferquellen | Certified Sustainable Palm Oil by RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) - especially when sources are identity preserved, certified and segregated | The 'Certified RSPO' logo needs to be displayed if one of the two supply chain models below are utilized: Identity Preserved (IP): The Identity Preserved (IP) supply chain model assures that the RSPO certified oil palm product delivered to the end user is uniquely identifiable to a single RSPO certified mill and its certified supply base. Segregated (SG): The Segregated (SG) supply chain model assures that RSPO certified oil palm products delivered to the end user come only from RSPO certified sources. https://www.rspo.org/key-documents/certification/rspo-supply-chain-certification | | x | x | x | |
SUSTAINABLE_PALM_OIL_RSPO_CREDITS | Nachhaltiges Palmöl - RSPO Credits | Sustainable Palm Oil RSPO Credits | The 'Credits RSPO' logo needs to be displayed if the supply chain model below is utilized: Book and Claim (BC): Model that supports the production of RSPO-certified sustainable oil palm products through the sale of RSPO Credits. One (1) RSPO Credit represents one (1) metric tonne of RSPO certified sustainable oil palm product. | | x | x | x | |
SUSTAINABLE_PALM_OIL_RSPO_MIXED | Nachhaltiges Palmöl - RSPO gemischt | Sustainable Palm Oil RSPO Mixed | Supply chain model that allows certified claims to be transferred from one oil palm product to another either through physical blending or administratively under strictly controlled circumstances. | | x | x | x | |
SUSTAINABLE_WINEGROWING_AUSTRALIA | Nachhaltiger Weinanbau Australien | Sustainable Winegrowing Australia | Sustainable Winegrowing Australia is Australia’s national program for grapegrowers and winemakers to demonstrate and continuously improve their sustainability in the vineyard and winery through the environmental, social and economic aspects of their businesses. The program is administered by the Australian Wine Research Institute with governance, endorsement and active support from Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia. The program is modelled on global best practices and aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with progress towards these monitored annually. | | x | x | x | |
SUSTAINABLE_WINES_OF_GREAT_BRITAIN | Nachhaltige Weine aus Großbritannien | Sustainable Wines of Great Britain | Sustainable Wines of Great Britain - To secure environmental sustainability at the heart of the UK wine production industry. Their vision is to create a strong and vibrant community within the English and Welsh wine industry that actively promotes sustainability through information sharing and a certification scheme that is inclusive, effective and well-respected by customers. | | x | x | x | |
SVANEN | SCHWAN (Nordisches Umweltlabel) | Neuer Text | The Swan is the Nordic environmental label. It was established by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1989 and Denmark joined in 1997. The Swan is used in all Nordic countries, i.e. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. | | x | x | x | |
SVENSK_FAGEL | SVENSK FAGEL (schwedisches Geflügel) | SVENSK FAGEL (swedish poultry) | From the year 2006 include all Swedish chicken and turkey that is part of Swedish Bird with a clear blue and yellow markingsThe Swedish Poultry Meat Association represents 99 % of all broilermeat production in Sweden. They represent the total logistic chain i e from import of day-old Grand-Parent chickens to the slaughterplants. The hatcheries, growers and feed-companies are also members. The Blue and Yellow origin mark guarantees that the chicken is hatched, reared, slaughtered and processed in Sweden. | | x | x | x | |
SVENSKT_KOTT | SVENSKT KOTT (schwedische Fleischprodukte vom Schwein, Rind und Lamm) | SVENSKT KOTT (swedish meat products from pork, beef and lamb) | The brand Swedish meat is a voluntary origin labeling. The mark indicates that the meat product derived from animals that were born and raised in Sweden. The product is also manufactured and packaged in Sweden.The mark may be used on meat and meat products derived from raw pork, beef and lamb. The trade organization Swedish meat is a brand independent organization that develops, manages and controls the voluntary origin labeling Swedish meat. | | x | x | x | |
SVENSKT_SIGILL_KLIMATCERTIFIERAD | Svenskt Sigill Klimatcertifierad - Schwedische Zertifizierung für klimafreundliche Erzeugung | Svenskt Sigill Klimatcertifierad - Swedish climate certification - Production aimed at reducing climate impact | When companies climate certification the production, rules that are specifically aimed at reducing climate impact must be met. The rules are developed together with KRAV and are based on the latest research in the area. The most important rules for climate certification relate to the choice of feed, nitrogen fertilizers, animal welfare and energy efficiency. The certification focuses on reducing climate impact, but there are also other positive results, such as reduced eutrophication, increased biodiversity and sustainable energy systems. | | x | x | x | |
SVENSKT_SIGILL_NATURBETESKOTT | Svenskt Sigill Naturbeteskott - Natürliches Rindfleisch gewachsen in schwedischen Naturlandschaften | Svenskt Sigill Naturbeteskott - Natural Beef Meat fed on the Swedish natural areas | Natural Beef Meat certified according to the IP standard meets the Sigill Level's requirements for food safety, animal welfare and environmental responsibility. In addition, the optional module ensures that all the animals are fed on the Swedish natural areas - hedges, beach meadows, river lakes. | | x | x | x | |
SWEDISH_SEAL_OF_QUALITY | SCHWEDISCHE QUALITÄT (Qualitätssiegel für Umweltverantwortung) | SWEDISH QUALITY (seal of quality indicating environmental responsibility) | The item is physically marked with the Swedish Seal of Quality label which intends to guarantee the responsibility for the environment of the product. | | x | x | x | |
SWISS_ALLERGY_LABEL | Schweizer Allergie Gütesiegel | Swiss Allergy Label | The Swiss Allergy Label was launched in 2006 and now, thousands of certified food products pass over the counters of wholesalers and specialist shops. Various cosmetic lines, cleaning and technical products and other consumer goods bear the label. | | x | x | x | |
SWISS_ALPS_PRODUCT | Produkt aus den Schweizer Alpen | Products from the Swiss alps | Products sourced and also processed in Swiss alps | | x | x | x | |
SWISS_MEAT | Swiss meat - Schweizer Fleisch | Swiss meat | - | | x | x | x | |
SWISS_MOUNTAIN_PRODUCT | Produkt aus den Schweizer Bergen | Products from Swiss mountain regions | Products sourced and also processed in Swiss mountain regions | | x | x | x | |
SWISS_PARKS | Swiss parks (Schweizer Pärke) | Swiss parks | - | | x | x | x | |
SWISSGAP | SwissGAP - Schweizerisches Qualitätssiegel für Erzeuger landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | SwissGAP - Quality seal for manufacturers of agricultural products | Quality seal for manufacturers of agricultural products. Owned by SwissGAP. http://www.swissgap.ch/ | | x | x | x | |
SWISSMILK_GREEN | SWISSMILK GREEN - Schweizer Logo für Qualitäts- Milchprodukte | SWISSMILK GREEN - Swiss logo for quality milk products | A standard for the natural and sustainable production of Swiss milk. With "swissmilk green", one thing is certain: this milk and dairy products have been produced to the highest standards. | | x | x | x | |
SWISSPRIMGOURMET | SwissPrimGourmet - Schweizer Gourmetrind-, kalb- und Schweinefleisch | SwissPrimGourmet - Swiss gourmet beef, veal and pork | Swiss gourmet beef, veal and pork. In addition to stringent quality requirements regarding the meat, the label programme is characterized by animal-friendly husbandry, natural feed and 100% traceability. | | x | x | x | |
TARNOPOL_KASHRUS_KOSHER | TARNOPOL KASHRUS KOSCHER-Zertifizierung | TARNOPOL KASHRUS KOSHER Certification | Tarnopol Kashrus Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
TCO_DEVELOPMENT | TCO Entwicklung (schwedisches Firmenzertifikat für eine bessere Umwelt) | TCO development (Swedish company certificate for a better environment) | A Swedish company that certifies products and services to provide a better environment. | | x | x | x | |
TCO_ORGANIC | Biologische Zertifizierungsorganisation - Trans Canada Organic Certification Services (TCO), Saskatchewan, Canada | Organic Certifying Body - Trans Canada Organic Certification Services (TCO), Saskatchewan, Canada | TCO Cert is member owned and controlled, Chapter based and is accredited as a Certifying Body under Canada’s Organic Regime. TCO Cert is managed by a Board of Directors elected by the Association’s members at the Annual General Meeting. The main office, in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, maintains documents pertaining to the incorporation of TCO Cert and has an experienced team able to meet the needs of its members | | x | x | x | |
TERRA_VITIS | Terra Vitis - HVE Level 2, Zertifizierung für unabhängige Weinerzeuger in Frankreich, Anwendung von integrierter Schädlingsbekämpfung | Terra Vitis - HVE level 2, Certification for independent winemakers in France using integrated pest management | Certification: Gives automatic level 2 in HVE system. Regional, independent - French association of independent winegrowers using integrated pest management. Focus is on limiting health risks from chemical exposure for winegrowers and consumers. Thus, focus is on limiting use of pesticides and using correct handling. Six regional associations (Alsace, Bourgogne, Bordeaux, Loire, Rhone and Champagne). | | x | x | x | |
TERRACYCLE | TERRACYCLE - U.S. Recycling Business | TERRACYCLE - U.S. recycling business | TerraCycle is a private U.S. recycling business headquartered in Trenton, New Jersey. It primarily runs a volunteer-based curb side collection program to collect non-recyclable pre-consumer and post-consumer waste, and then partners with corporate donors or municipalities to turn it into raw material to be used in new products. The company licenses its name to manufacturers of roughly 200 products made using its raw material. TerraCycle also manages Loop, a consumer products shopping service with reusable packaging. | | x | x | x | |
THE_FAIR_RUBBER_ASSOCIATION | The Fair Rubber Association - Fair produzierter Gummi (natürlicher Latex) | The Fair Rubber Association | The aim of the Fair Rubber Association is to contribute to an improvement of the working and living conditions of the primary producers of natural latex (rubber). To achieve this, the Fair Rubber Association is a multi-stakeholder initiative and has among its members companies, which buy Fairly produced rubber (products) from supplier partner. | | x | x | x | |
THE_NATURAL_AND_ORGANIC_AWARDS | The Natural and Organic Awards - Auszeichnung für natürliche und Biolebensmittel durch das britische Natural Products Magazin | The Natural and Organic Awards - by Britain’s Natural Products magazine | Natural Products is Britain’s leading trade magazine for the natural and organic products industry. Published since 1993 Natural Products provides a unique campaigning edge with a strong reputation for editorial quality and is the must-read title within the industry. | | x | x | x | |
THREE_LINE_KOSHER | THREE LINE KOSCHER-Zertifizierung (Rabbi Kelemer & Associates) | THREE LINE KOSHER Certification (Rabbi Kelemer & Associates) | Three Line K Kosher Certification (Rabbi Kelemer & Associates) Certification | | x | x | x | |
TICINO_REGIO_GARANTIE | Ticino regio.garantie - Produkte aus dem Tessin | Ticino regio.garantie | - | | x | x | x | |
TIERSCHUTZBUND | Tierschutzbund 2 Sterne | Tierschutzbund 2 Sterne (Animal protection 2 stars) | The Tierschutzbund with 2 stars guarantees compliance with even higher requirements than Tierschutzbund 1 star in terms of husbandry and processing. | | x | x | x | |
TIERSCHUTZBUND_1_STERN | Tierschutzbund 1 Stern | Tierschutzbund 1 Stern (Animal protection 1 star) | The Tierschutzbund 1 star label guarantees improvements and standards for animals. The entry level (1 gold star) offers a first clear added value for the animals with more space, structures and activity opportunities. | | x | x | x | |
TNO_APPROVED | TNO geprüft (hoher Standard für Nachhaltigkeits-Innovationen, Niederlande) | TNO approved (high standards of sustainable innovation, Netherlands) | TNO awards the TNO label to various products in the Netherlands which meet high standards of sustainable innovation. | | x | x | x | |
TOOTHFRIENDLY | TOOTHFRIENDLY (zahnfreundlich) (lizensiert durch Toothfriendly International) | TOOTHFRIENDLY (licensed by Toothfriendly International) | A symbol to indicate the product is safe to teeth - non-cariogenic and non-erosive by the Institutes licensed by Toothfriendly International. | | x | x | x | |
TRADITIONAL_SPECIALTY_GUARANTEED | GARANTIERT TRADITIONELLE SPEZIALITÄT (für Nahrungsmittel) | TRADITIONAL SPECIALTY GUARANTEED (for foodstuff) | The Traditional specialty guaranteed is a trademark for an agricultural product or a foodstuff, which has a certain feature or a set of features, setting it clearly apart from other similar products or foodstuffs belonging to the same category. The product or foodstuff must be manufactured using traditional ingredients or must be characteristic for its traditional composition, production process, or processing reflecting a traditional type of manufacturing or processing. | | x | x | x | |
TRIANGLE_K | TRIANGLE K (Kashrut) -Zertifizierung | TRIANGLE K (Kashrut) Certification | Triangle K (kashrut) Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
TRIANGLE_K_DAIRY | Triangle K (kashrut) Kosher-Zertifizierung für Milchprodukte | Triangle K (kashrut) Kosher Dairy certification | Triangle K (kashrut) Kosher certification for dairy. | | x | x | x | |
TRIMAN | Triman - französisches Label für eine erweiterte Verantwortung des Herstellers bei der Wiederverwertung | Triman - French label with extended producer responsibility for recycling | Since 01/01/2015, if you are placing recyclable products on the French market (producers, importers and distributors) that are subject to an extended producer responsibility system and that fall under a sorting instruction, you are required to affix the Triman signage. | | x | x | x | |
TRUE_FOODS_CANADA_TRUSTMARK | True Foods Canada - Qualitätskennzeichen | True Foods Canada Trustmark - Quality label | True Foods™ provides assurance to discerning consumers that food products bearing this trustmark are verified and continually monitored from farm to shelf to ensure that they consistently conform to the label claims on the package. | | x | x | x | |
TRUE_SOURCE_CERTIFIED | TRUE SOURCE zertifiziert | TRUE SOURCE Certified | True Source Certified attribute includes all products that present a True Source Certified logo. | | x | x | x | |
TUEV_GEPRUEFT | TÜV geprüft (TÜV Süd, Deutschland) | TÜV approved (TÜV Süd = South, Germany) | German label for food safety. The TÜV SÜD as a recognized, neutral testing agency, with its mark both for trading partners and consumers is an important decision-making aid. | | x | x | x | |
TUNNUSTATUD_EESTI_MAITSE | TUNNUSTATUD EESTI MAITSE (Geprüfte estonische Produkte - Qualität, Tradition, Ursprung, Nachverfolgbarkeit) | TUNNUSTATUD EESTI MAITSE (Approved Estonian Products - quality, tradition, origin, traceability) | Approved Estonian Taste - Quality/Tradition/Origin/Traceability for Estonian products. All raw materials must be 100% Estonian. Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce | | x | x | x | |
TUNNUSTATUD_MAITSE | TUNNUSTATUD MAITSE (kontrollierter Geschmack und Qualität estonischen Ursprungs) | TUNNUSTATUD MAITSE (approved taste and quality of Estonian origin) | Approved Taste label (designed as a barn swallow) denoting Estonian origin and high quality was introduced. This label has been given to products for Food quality and safety. Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce (ECAC) www.epkk.ee | | x | x | x | |
UDEN_GMO_FODER | UDEN GMO FODER - Produkt von einer genfreien dänischen Milchfarm | UDEN GMO FODER - Product from a Danish milk farm from cows fed without any GMO feed | The purpose of “UDEN GMO FODER” marque is to determine and guarantee that the products sold - using the “UDEN GMO FODER” marque - originates from a Danish milk farm which cows are fed without any GMO feed (Genetically Modified Organisms). | | x | x | x | |
UEBT | UEBT (Union for Ethical Biotrade) Zertifizierung - ethischer Handel mit Rohstoffen | UEBT (Union for Ethical Biotrade) certification | The UEBT (Union for Ethical Biotrade) Certified label is awarded to companies that meet the criteria of the Ethical Bio-trade Standard. UEBT offers two types of certification. One is for brands and is certification of ethical sourcing systems and another is for suppliers or producers of natural ingredients. The UEBT certification label is used for both types of certification. In the case of specific ingredient certification, the label is used on-product with the specific ingredient just above the label. (https://www.ethicalbiotrade.org/using-our-mark) | | x | x | x | |
UK_CONFORMITY_ASSESSED | UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) - Produktzertifizierung in Großbritannien | UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) - product certification in Great Britain | The letters UKCA appear on many products traded in the United Kingdom. They signify that products sold in the United Kingdom have been assessed to meet high safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. The UK CA marking supports fair competition by holding all companies accountable to the same rules. | | x | x | x | |
UMWELTBAUM | UMWELTBAUM-Standard | UMWELTBAUM standard (The Environment Tree) | Conformity with Umweltbaum (The Environment Tree)'s standard is verified by an independent organization (third party). Applicable life cycle and supply chain phases Social and environmental attributes Mutual recognition with other ecolabels Standard details, including standard document, review frequency | | x | x | x | |
UNDERWRITERS_LABORATORY | UL (Underwriters laboratory) (Sicherheitsrechtliche Produkt-Zertifizierungen) | UL (Underwriters laboratory) (for safety-related product certifications) | The source across the globe for product compliance. | | x | x | x | |
UNDERWRITERS_LABORATORY_CERTIFIED_CANADA_US | Underwriters Laboratory (UL) - zertifiziert für Kanada und die USA | Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Certified, for Canada and U.S. | There are multiple variations of marks for UL’s Listing service, some of which are for use in the United States, others for use in Canada and still others for use in both markets. Products carrying marks for Canada have been evaluated to Canadian safety requirements, which may be somewhat different from U.S. safety requirements. A combination mark indicates compliance with both Canadian and U.S. requirements. | | x | x | x | |
UNIQUELY_FINNISH | UNIQUELY FINNISH (nationales Qualitätslabel für Nahrungsmittel-, Handwerks- und ländliche Tourismusunternehmen in Finnland) | UNIQUELY FINNISH (national quality label for foodstuff, handicraft and rural tourism companies in Finland) | Uniquely Finnish http://www.maakuntienparhaat.fi/en/ The Uniquely Finnish label is a national quality label for small entrepreneurs. ProAgria Association of Rural Advisory Centres grants the label to qualified foodstuff, handicraft and rural tourism companies based on applications. | | x | x | x | |
UNITED_EGG_PRODUCERS_CERTIFIED | Vereinigte Eier-Produzenten - Zertifizierung | United EGG Producers Certified | The purpose of “UDEN GMO FODER” marque is to determine and guarantee that the products sold - using the “UDEN GMO FODER” marque - originates from a Danish milk farm which cows are fed without any GMO feed (Genetically Modified Organisms). | | x | x | x | |
UNSER_LAND | UNSER LAND (regionale Herkunft und hohe Qualität landwirtschaftlicher Produkte und Dienstleistungen) | UNSER LAND (our country) (regional origin and high quality of agricultural products and services) | The regional seal ""Unser Land"" (Our Country) documented regional origin and quality of agricultural products and services based on criteria that go beyond legal requirements. They take into account the strengthening of regional economic cycles in cooperation with all relevant actors work towards a common good regional solidarity economy. | | x | x | x | |
URDINKEL | Urdinkel - Qualitätssiegel für Dinkel schweizerischen Ursprungs und ohne Einkreuzung von Weizen | Urdinkel - Quality seal for spelt (Triticum spelta) which has no cross in from wheat (triticum) and is of Swiss origin | Urdinkel - Quality seal for spelt (Triticum spelta) which has no cross in from wheat (triticum) and is of Swiss origin. The seal needs an independent certification according to the set standards. | | x | x | x | |
USDA | USDA - US Department of Agriculture (US Landwirtschaftsministerium) | USDA - US Department of Agriculture | US Department of Agriculture | | x | x | x | |
USDA_CERTIFIED_BIOBASED | USDA zertifiziertes biologisches Produkt | USDA certified biobased product | The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) uses the term "biobased product" to mean a product is: (A) composed, in whole or in significant part, of biological products, including renewable domestic agricultural materials, renewable chemicals, and forestry materials; or (B) an intermediate ingredient or feedstock. Biobased Products are derived from raw materials such as plants and other renewable agricultural, marine, and forestry materials. Biobased products generally provide an alternative to conventional petroleum derived products and include a diverse range of offerings such as lubricants, detergents, inks, fertilizers, and bioplastics. Biobased products do not include food, feed, or fuel. | | x | x | x | |
USDA_GRADE_A | USDA GRAD A, z.B. Eier - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) | USDA GRADE A e.g. eggs - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) | USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, through the Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program’s Quality Assessment Division, offers a voluntary program which provides for the official grading of eggs in accordance with the U.S. Grade Standards for the Voluntary Grading of Shell Eggs (pdf) (7 CFR Part 56) and the United States Standards, Grades, and Weight Classes for Shell Eggs (pdf) (AMS 56). | | x | x | x | |
USDA_GRADE_AA | USDA Grad AA, z.B. Eier - U.S. Landwirtschaftsministerium | USDA Grade AA, e.g. eggs - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) | USDA GRAD AA, z.B. Eier - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) | | x | x | x | |
USDA_INSPECTION | USDA Inspection - Gütesiegel auf Fleisch, Geflügel und verarbeiteten Eiprodukten in den USA | USDA Inspection - seal of approval on meat, poultry and processed egg products in the USA | The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides a mark of inspection which can be found on labels and products. The mark serves as a seal of approval, bolstering consumers' confidence the meat, poultry and processed egg products they are about to enjoy are safe and wholesome. The inspections are conducted by the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service. | | x | x | x | |
USDA_ORGANIC | USDA ORGANIC-Siegel - für Kosmetik und Lebensmittel (Landwirtschaftsministerium USA) | USDA ORGANIC seal - for cosmetics and food (U.S. Department of Agriculture) | The U.S. Department of Agriculture has put in place a set of national standards that food labeled products must meet, whether it is grown in the United States or imported from other countries. Organic foods are produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. | | x | x | x | |
UTZ_CERTIFIED | UTZ-zertifiziertes Produkt aus Kaffee, Tee, Kakaobohnen, Palmöl und Anderem (soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit) | UTZ-certified product made from coffee, tea, cocoa beans, palm oils and other commodities (social and environmental sustainability) | A certification which is intended to assure the social and environmental quality in the production of coffee, tea, cocoa beans, palm oils and other commodities. Products made with these ingredients may be marked with this certification. | | x | x | x | |
UTZ_CERTIFIED_COCOA | UTZ-zertifiziertes KAKAO-Produkt | UTZ-Certified COCOA product | UTZ Certified is one of the largest programs for sustainable farming of coffee and cocoa in the world. This certification means that a product or brand practices sustainable farm management, good agricultural practices and above standard living and social conditions for the environment. | | x | x | x | |
VAAD_HOEIR_KOSHER | VAAD HOEIR Koscher-Zertifizierung | VAAD HOEIR Kosher Certification | Vaad Hoeir Kosher Certification | | x | x | x | |
VAELG_FULDKORN_FORST | VOLLKORN-Label Dänemark | WHOLE GRAIN label (Denmark) | Grain based foods (bread, breakfast products, baking articles etc.) which have got a high content of whole grain will be puffed with a nutritional puff from the beginning of 2009: Please choose whole grain first! Denmark http://www.fuldkorn.dk/ | | x | x | x | |
VDE | VDE (für elektrische Geräte, Komponenten und Systeme, Deutschland) | VDE (for electrical equipment, components and system, Germany) | VDE stands for "Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik". This German Institute tests and certifies electrical equipment, components and systems and is like Dutch KEMA-quality mark. | | x | x | x | |
VDS_CERTIFICATE | VDS ZERTIFIKAT (für Feuer und Einbruch) | VDS CERTIFICATE (for fire and burglary) | VdS (Vertrauen durch Sicherheit) is an independent and recognized German inspection and certification agency for fire and burglary. Whether it is a safe in a company, a sprinkler system in a production hall or a smoke detector in a house: VdS examines to the smallest detail. | | x | x | x | |
VEGAN_AWARENESS_FOUNDATION | VEGAN AWARENESS Foundation (gibt das Certified Vegan Logo heraus) | VEGAN AWARENESS Foundation (administers the Certified Vegan Logo) | The Vegan Awareness Foundation (Vegan Action) administers the “Certified Vegan” Logo, an easy-to-recognize trademarked symbol. The Logo is a registered trademark, similar in nature to the “kosher” mark, for products that do not contain animal products or byproducts and that have not been tested on animals. Companies must submit and have approved by the Vegan Awareness Foundation that acceptable steps are taken to thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces, vessels, utensils and machinery used between vegan and non-vegan production cycles to minimize cross-contamination if shared machinery is used. | | x | x | x | |
VEGAN_BY_EARTHKOSHER | VEGAN von Earthkosher | VEGAN by Earthkosher | EarthKosher offers a Vegan Verification program. The standards for the Vegan Verification program are that a product contains no animal products or animal product derivatives whatsoever, i.e. “Zero Tolerance”. | | x | x | x | |
VEGAN_NATURAL_FOOD_CERTIFIERS | VEGAN Natural Food Certifiers - Zertifizierung | VEGAN Natural Food Certifiers logo | Vegan Natural Food Certifiers attribute includes all products that present a Vegan Natural Food Certifiers logo. | | x | x | x | |
VEGAN_SOCIETY_VEGAN_LOGO | Garantiert VEGAN (Produkt und Produktionsprozess tierbestandteil- und tierversuchsfrei) | Garanteed VEGAN (product and production are animal free) | The Vegan logo is a registered trademark and is a symbol of our Vegan 'Animal-free' Standards . It appears on thousands of animal free products, and is displayed by catering businesses, that have been registered with The Vegan Society. | | x | x | x | |
VEGAPLAN | Vegaplan - primär für Bauernhöfe und Agrarunternehmer, die eine Zertifizierung anstreben (Belgien) | Vegaplan - primarily for farms and agricultural entrepreneurs who wish to obtain certification (Belgium) | The Vegaplan vzw was founded in 2003 by the members of the Platform for the Transformation and Trading of Raw Materials and Plant Products (PTMV) bringing together the different sectors and by the agricultural associations (Algemeen Boerensyndicaat, Boerenbond and Walloon Federation of 'Agriculture). Vegaplan vzw is intended primarily for farms and agricultural entrepreneurs who wish to obtain certification based on the 'Standard Vegaplan' specifications and / or the 'Sector Guide' recommended by the FASFC (Federal Agency for Safety of the food chain). The Vegaplan vzw also targets buyers of raw materials from the plant sector, namely companies in the "trade and transformation of plant products" link, with a view to optimizing quality within the plant sector. | | x | x | x | |
VEGATARIAN_SOCIETY_V_LOGO | VEGATARIAN Society - Vegetarisch-Logo | VEGATARIAN Society - Vegetarian Logo | The Vegetarian Society influences, inspires and supports people to embrace and maintain a vegetarian lifestyle. We work constructively with businesses, government agencies, policy makers and professionals, whilst always remaining independent. We rely on membership subscriptions and donations to carry out this vital work. Established in 1847, we are the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. (Note: The code value contains a spelling error "VEGA", it is intentionally left this way to avoid unnecessary costs by the community to fix). | | x | x | x | |
VEGECERT | VEGECERT - Zertifiziertes veganes oder vegetarisches Lebensmittel | Vegan - VEGECERT - Certified vegan or vegetarian food product | VegeCert is a non-profit organization that certifies vegan and vegetarian food products. Vegans and Vegetarians represent approximately 5% of American and Canadian consumers, and VegeCert helps this key demographic make informed decisions about the food that they eat. VegeCert is unique in that we make physical inspections of our certified food manufacturing facilities to ensure that they conform to VegeCert's high standards. | | x | x | x | |
VEILIG_WONEN_POLITIE_KEURMERK | POLITIE KEURMERK VEILIG WONEN (Qualitätssiegel für Schlösser, Spiegel, Rauchmelder und Beleuchtungskörper, Niederlande) | POLITIE KEURMERK VEILIG WONEN (quality mark for locks, mirrors, smoke detectors and lighting fixtures, Netherlands) | The Dutch "Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen" quality mark focuses on the prevention of intrusion in homes or buildings. The quality mark is given to locks by means of stars in which the burglar resistance is specified in minutes. Incidentally this label covers not only locks but also mirrors, smoke detectors and lighting fixtures. | | x | x | x | |
VERBUND_OEKOHOEFE | VERBUND OEKOHOEFE - Zertifizierung für biologische Landwirtschaft (strengere Richtlinien als die gesetzlichen Anforderungen der EU) | VERBUND OEKOHOEFE - Certification for organic farming (stronger guidelines than the legal requirements of the EU) | The label certifies that the guidelines of Verbund Ökohöfe e.V. are met. These guidelines are stronger than the legal requirements of the EU for organic farming (EC-Eco-Basis Ordinance (EC) No. 834/2007). For example, the following rules apply to the producers: - In cattle keeping: no dehorning, no tethering, pasture (at least 100 days) - CMS hybrids from protoplast fusion (horticultural cultures) and rye, wheat, triticale, barley, flower and herbal hybrids are not permitted. In addition, different restrictions apply to vegetable hybrids. - Conventional dung GMO (genetically modified organism) fed mammals is not permitted. - Copper preparations may only be used in fruit, wine and potato cultivation (maximum copper quantity 3kg / ha and year, calculated on the basis of the five-year average of rotation). - For horticultural crops, a 100 m distance to the motorway and 30 m to other busy roads must be observed. - settlecomposts - also from quality-tested systems - are not permissible, since the GMO is not guaranteed in the process. | | x | x | x | |
VERGERS_ECORESPONSABLES | Umweltgerechte Obstproduktion (Frankreich) | Eco-responsible orchards (France) | The Eco-responsible orchards approach meets new consumer expectations. It marks the commitment of apple growers to production methods that respect the environment and biodiversity in the orchards, in order to offer a French apple of quality, healthy and rich in taste! | | x | x | x | |
VIANDE_AGNEAU_FRANCAIS | Französische Lammfleischprodukte - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | French lamb products - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case lamb: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
VIANDE_BOVINE_FRANCAISE | Französische Rindfleischprodukte - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | French beef products - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". This identifies French cattle products. Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
VIANDE_CHEVALINE_FRANCAISE | Französische Pferdefleischprodukte - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | French horse products - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case chevaline products: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
VIANDE_DE_CHEVRE_FRANCAISE | Französische Ziegenfleischprodukte - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | French goat meat products - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case meat from goats: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
VIANDE_DE_CHEVREAU_FRANCAISE | Französisches Fleisch vom Zicklein - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | French meat from young goats - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case meat products from young goats: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
VIANDE_DE_VEAU_FRANCAISE | Französische Produkte vom Kalb - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | French veal products - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case veal products: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
VIANDE_OVINE_FRANCAISE | Französische Schaffleischprodukte - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | French meat products from sheep - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case meat products from sheep: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
VIANDES_DE_FRANCE | Fleisch aus Frankreich - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | Meat from France - French origin of agricultural products | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case meat products: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
VIGNERONS_EN_DEVELOPPEMENT_DURABLE | Vignerons en Développement Durable (VDD) - Private Weinzertifizierung in Frankreich | Vignerons en Développement Durable (VDD) - Private wine certification in France | Certification: Based on ISO26000 (social responsibility). Private, France - Started with a charter created by 10 producers in 2007, and is still producer run. The charter has 37 commitments. The cellars create their own specific performance goals which must be met. The individual performance goals are to be used as a framework for decision making. v-dd.com | | x | x | x | |
VIGNERONS_ENGAGES | Sozial engagierte französische Weinbauern | Committed French winemakers | The association Vignerons en Développement Durable (Winegrowers in Sustainable Development) brings together winegrowers who are committed to a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach from the vine to the glass. | | x | x | x | |
VIM_CO_JIM | Vím, co jím - Logo kennzeichnet Lebensmittel, die zu einer ausgewogenen Ernährung beitragen. Gebrauch in der Tschechischen Republik und der Slowakei | Vím, co jím - logo for quality foodstuffs that are nutritionally balanced. Used in the Czech Republic and Slovakia | The logo marks quality foodstuffs that are nutritionally balanced. Food and beverages products marked with logo “Vím, co jím” contain less salt, added sugars, trans-fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. For some product categories, it informs the consumer that the product is rich of fiber and/or contain appropriate amount of energy (calories). The same logo is used in both the Czech Republic (under the name “Vím, co jím”) and Slovakia (under the name “Viem, čo jem”). This program is part of the global program “The Choices Programme”. https://www.vimcojim.cz | | x | x | x | |
VINATURA | Vinatura - Schweizer Wein aus nachhaltiger Produktion | Vinatura - Swiss wine out of sustainable production | Swiss wine out of sustainable production. | | x | x | x | |
VINHO_VERDE | VINHO VERDE-Qualitätssiegel - Produkt der Vinho Verde Region | VINHO VERDE - Product of the Vinho Verde Region | The Seal of Guarantee certifies the authenticity and genuineness of Vinho Verde, assuring its origin and strict controls carried out at all stages of the production process, from the vineyard to the glass. Each stamp is unique, with coding both unique and traceable. | | x | x | x | |
VITICULTURE_DURABLE_EN_CHAMPAGNE | Viticulture Durable en Champagne (VDC) - Zertifizierung für regionalen Wein aus der Champagne, Frankreich | Viticulture Durable en Champagne (VDC) - Certification for regional wine from Champagne, France | Certification: Viticulture Durable en Champagne. Regional, Champagne, France. French wine region with own certification. Similar to national HVE. Champagne as a region has recognised the need to go from being the least sustainable wine region in France to the most - especially as it is vulnerable to global warming, image effects and quality questions of bulk grape purchases. https://www.champagne.fr/en/viticulture-durable/ | | x | x | x | |
VIVA | V.I.V.A. - Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung für Wein durch die italienische Regierung | V.I.V.A. - Sustainability certification of wine by the government of Italy | Certification: Equalitas does not consider VIVA to be a certification but a “declaration” of data results. National, governmental, Italy. First sustainability certification of wine to be directly promoted by a national government. http://www.viticolturasostenibile.org/EN | | x | x | x | |
VOLAILLE_FRANCAISE | Französische Geflügelprodukte - französische Herkunft landwirtschaftlicher Produkte | French poultry products - agricultural products, poultry | The French agricultural organizations have created a common visual identity in order to highlight the French origin of agricultural products in this case poultry products: the signatures "Agricultural Products of France". Remarkable to their elegant silhouette in a tricolor pentagon that is available for each family of products, these signatures reflect the commitment of the professionals of the sectors to value the know-how, the territories and the French jobs. Covering a variety of productions, these signatures all have a common basis, which consists of four criteria: Origin France of the products concerned, The existence of specifications or regulations governing the use of the logo, A formal commitment from the operators of the sectors concerned wishing to use these logos, Controls performed by a third party. | | x | x | x | |
WARRANT_HOLDER_OF_THE_COURT_OF_BELGIUM | Offizieller Lieferant des belgischen Hofes | Warrant holder of the court of Belgium | Becoming an official supplier to the Belgian Court is a source of particular pride for a craftsman or company to seeing their talent and professionalism rightly recognized by His Majesty the King. | | x | x | x | |
WEIDEMELK | WEIDEMELK (Weidemilch) - Zertifikat für Milchprodukte in den Niederlanden | WEIDEMELK certification for dairy products in the Netherlands | A certification given in the Netherlands to dairy products made from milk produced by cattle (bovine) that is allowed to roam free in the pasture for at least a minimum of 120 days in a year. | | x | x | x | |
WEIGHT_WATCHERS_ENDORSED | Unterstützt das Weight Watchers Programm | Weight Watchers Endorsed | Foods and meals in the Weight Watchers program are assigned points, and you're allotted a certain number of points daily depending on your initial body weight and weight loss goals. Some packaged food brands and even certain restaurants have teamed up with Weight Watchers to promote this healthy point-based weight-loss program. | | x | x | x | |
WELFARE_QUALITY | Wohlergehen für die Tiere auf dem Hof und während der Schlachtung | Welfare Quality (for animals on the farm and during slaughter) | Welfare Quality states that the welfare of the animals both on the farm and during slaughter is followed in accordance with the welfare quality procedure. Consumers know that the welfare of the animals is protected. | | x | x | x | |
WESTERN_KOSHER | Western Kosher (WK) - Koscherzertifizierung | Kosher Western Kosher (WK) | Western Kosher provides assistance with Kashruth supervision by certifying bakeries, butcher shops, caterers, restaurants, hotels, manufacturers or processors involved in producing Kosher food products for year-round use for Canada and the United States. Western Kosher, formerly the Vaad Ha'ir of Winnipeg, provides its 120 licensees with the North American standard of kashruth – a standard adhered to throughout all of Canada and the U.S. | | x | x | x | |
WHOLE_GRAIN_100_PERCENT_STAMP | 100 PROZENT VOLLKORN-Stempel des Vollkornrates (Mindestanforderung: 16 g Vollkorn pro Portion) | WHOLE GRAIN 100 PERCENT Stamp of the Whole Grain Council (Minimum requirement of 16 g of whole grain per labelled serving) | The Whole Grain 100 Percent Stamp is a program of The Whole Grain Council. The Whole Grains Council helps consumers find whole grain foods and understand their health benefits; helps manufacturers and restaurants create delicious whole grain foods; and helps the media write accurate, compelling stories about whole grains. If a product bears the 100% Stamp, then all its grain ingredients are whole grains. There is a minimum requirement of 16g (16 grams) – a full serving – of whole grain per labelled serving, for products using the 100% Stamp. | | x | x | x | |
WHOLE_GRAIN_BASIC_STAMP | BASIS-VOLLKORN-Stempel des Vollkornrates (Mindestanforderung: 8 g Vollkorn pro Portion) | WHOLE GRAIN BASIC Stamp of the Whole Grain Council (Minimum requirement of 8 g of whole grain per labelled serving) | The Whole Grain Basic Stamp is a program of The Whole Grain Council. The Whole Grains Council helps consumers find whole grain foods and understand their health benefits; helps manufacturers and restaurants create delicious whole grain foods; and helps the media write accurate, compelling stories about whole grains. If a product bears the Basic Stamp, it contains at least 8g (8 grams) – a half serving – of whole grain, but may also contain some refined grain. Even if a product contains large amounts of whole grain (23g, 37g, 41g, etc.), it will use the Basic Stamp if it also contains extra bran, germ, or refined flour. | | x | x | x | |
WHOLE_GRAIN_COUNCIL_STAMP | VOLLKORN-Ratsstempel (für Vollkornprodukte in USA und Kanada) | WHOLE GRAIN COUNCIL Stamp (for whole grain products in the U.S. and Canada) | The Whole Grain Stamp is a certification symbol from the Oldways Whole Grains Council that communicates the gram amount of whole grain in a product. There are three different versions of the Whole Grain Stamp that can appear on packages (the 100% Stamp, the 50%+ Stamp, and the Basic Stamp), depending on what percentage of the grain ingredients are whole grain (or in Canada, what percentage of the product weight is whole grain). wholegrainscouncil.org/whole-grain-stamp | | x | x | x | |
WHOLE_GRAINS_50_PERCENT_STAMP | 50 PROZENT VOLLKORN-Stempel des Vollkornrates (Mindestanforderung: 8 g Vollkorn pro Portion) | WHOLE GRAIN 50 PERCENT Stamp of the Whole Grain Council (Minimum requirement of 8 g of whole grain per labelled serving) | 50 PROZENT VOLLKORN-Stempel des Vollkornrates (Mindestanforderung: 8 g Vollkorn pro Portion) | | x | x | x | |
WIETA | WIETA (Wine and Agricultural Ethical Trading Association) - Ethische Standards in Weinbau und Landwirtschaft | WIETA (Wine and Agricultural Ethical Trading Association) | The Wine and Agricultural Ethical Trading Association (WIETA). WIETA’s vision is to promote fair treatment, respectful relationships and dignified lives toward achieving a transformed agricultural sector. | | x | x | x | |
WINERIES_FOR_CLIMATE_PROTECTION | WINERIES for Climate Protection (WfCP) - Klimaschutzzertifizierung für Weingüter in Spanien | WINERIES for Climate Protection (WfCP) - Certification in Spain | Certification: Wineries for Climate Protection - certificate. Certifies individual wineries, not companies. Industry, Spain (global intent in future). Aligned with Europe 2020 strategy objectives, 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. www.wineriesforclimateprotection.com | | x | x | x | |
WISCONSIN_K | KOSHER - Zertifizierung in WISCONSIN | KOSHER Certification - SUPERVISORS of WISCONSIN | Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin Certification | | x | x | x | |
WQA_TESTED_CERTIFIED_WATER | Geprüft und zertifiziert nach Water Quality Association (WQA) | Water Quality Association (WQA) - tested and certified | WQA's Certified Product Listings are available to help connect consumers with water treatment products that have been tested and certified to industry standards. WQA's Gold Seal Product Certification Program ensures that the product is constructed or formulated from safe materials, the claims listed on the packaging are backed by test data, and the product will hold up under normal usage conditions. | | x | x | x | |
WSDA | WSDA - Organic Food Program (Bio-Nahrungsmittel) | WSDA - Organic Food Program | Washington State Department of Agriculture Organic Food Program (WSDA) Organic Food Program The WSDA Organic Food Program, a USDA-accredited certifier, upholds the integrity of the organic label through certification and inspection of organic crop and livestock producers, processors, handlers and retailers. Whether you are looking to market your organic product at home or abroad, WSDA offers certification services to meet your needs. Please browse below to find out how WSDA can put your business on the path to certification. | | x | x | x | |
WWF_PANDA_LABEL | WWF PANDA-Label (unterstützt den World Wildlife Fund) | WWF PANDA label (supports World Wildlife Fund) | Products that support the WWF http://www.worldwildlife.org/ | | x | x | x | |
YCOA | Yolo Certified Organic Agriculture (YCOA) - Zertifizierungsprogramm im Yolo County in Kalifornien | Yolo Certified Organic Agriculture (YCOA) - Certification program in the Yolo County in California | YCOA (Yolo County Agricultural) Commissioner's office is one of the few counties in California to offer an organic certification program to qualified agricultural producers and handlers. The certification standards used by YCOA are the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP). YCOA is a USDA accredited certification agency. | | x | x | x | |
ZELDZAAM_LEKKER | ZELDZAAM LEKKER label (unterstützt die Bewahrung von seltenen Nutztieren) | ZELDZAAM LEKKER label (supports the preservation of rare or uncommon cattle and animal sorts) | This label is awarded to companies that support (through their products or services) the preservation of rare or uncommon cattle and animal sorts. | | x | x | x | |
ZERO_RESIDU_DE_PESTICIDES | Null Pestizidrückstände | Zero pesticide residue | The "Zero Pesticide Residue" programme guarantees consumers that products bearing the label are free of residues of active substances that are not compatible with this programme. | | x | x | x | |
ZERO_WASTE_BUSINESS_COUNCIL_CERTIFIED | ZERO WASTE Business Council zertifiziert | ZERO WASTE Business Council Certified, U.S. | U.S. Zero Waste Business Council Certification Program is created by U.S. Zero Waste Business Council. It is the first third-party Zero Waste Facility Certification program for facilities that meet the requests of Zero Waste Business for a valid, comprehensive verification of their Zero Waste achievements. | | x | x | x | |