

CodeList: PostProcessTradeItemTreatmentPhysicalCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
CROWN_REMOVEDKRONE ENTFERNT - Teil der Frucht oder des Gemüses entfernt, z.B. die Oberseite einer AnanasCROWN REMOVED - Product has had the plant part of itself removed e.g. the top of a pineapple-xxx
CUTGESCHNITTEN - z.B. in ScheibenCUT - e.g in slices-xxx
LEAFLESSBLATTLOS - Alle Blätter entfernt z.B. Sellerie, RettichLEAFLESS - Produce all leaves removed e.g. celery, radish-xxx
MINCEDGEHACKT - z.B. FleischMINCED - e.g. meat-xxx
PACKED_IN_ICEVERPACKT IN EIS - Erzeugnis ist in Eis verpacktPACKED IN ICE - Produce has been packed in ice-xxx
SPLITGETEILT - In Teile geschnitten oder aufgespaltenSPLIT - Produce has been cut/split into sections-xxx
STEM_REMOVEDSTIEL ENTFERNT - Stiel entfernt, z.B. Kirsche oder BrokkoliSTEM REMOVED - Stem of produce has been removed e.g cherry or Broccoli-xxx
TRIMMEDGEPUTZT - Geschnitten oder Teile entferntTRIMMED - Produce has been cut or removal of parts of item-xxx
WASHEDGEWASCHEN - Durch Waschen gesäubertWASHED - Produce has been cleaned by washing-xxx