

CodeList: PreservationTechniqueTypeCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
ACIDIFICATIONVerringern des pH-Wertes von LebensmittelnDropping pH of food-xxx
ALCOHOL_CURINGBehandlung von Lebensmitteln durch die Hinzugabe von Alkohol zu KonservierungszweckenTreatment of food by adding alcohol in order to preserve the product-xxx
ALIVELebende Tiere oder PflanzenAlive - Living animal or plant-xxx
ATTESTED_MILKRohmilch - Vorzugsmilch (Keine Wärmebehandlung)Raw milk - Attested milk (without heat treatment)Raw Milk (without heat treatment)xxx
BOILINGKochen - bei oder oberhalb des SiedepunktesBoiling - Cooking to or above the boiling temperatureCookingxxx
BRININGWassersättigung oder starke imprägnierung mit SalzWater saturating or strongly impregnating with salt-xxx
CANNINGKonserviert in einem luftdicht versiegelten Gebinde, gewöhnlicherweise aus dünnem EisenPreserved in a sealed airtight container, usually made of tin-coated iron-xxx
COLD_SMOKE_CURINGRäuchern des Lebensmittels zwischen 70 und 90 Grad FahrenheitTo smoke the food at between 70 degrees to 90 degrees F.-xxx
CONSERVEVor Gefahr oder Beschädigung geschütztKeep from harm or damage-xxx
DEHYDRATIONEntfernen von Wasser im LebensmittelTo remove water from food-xxx
DRYINGHerstellung mit verdampfter, entwässerter FeuchtigkeitMaking with moisture having evaporated, drained away-xxx
FERMENTATIONJede aus einer Gruppe von chemischen Reaktionen, die durch lebende oder nicht lebende Fermente induziert werden, die komplexe organische Verbindungen in relativ einfache Substanzen aufspalten.Any of a group of chemical reactions induced by living or nonliving ferments that split complex organic compounds into relatively simple substance-xxx
FINE_MICRO_FILTEREDFein gefiltertes / Micro gefiltertes pasteurisiertes ProduktFine-filtered/microfiltered pasteurized productA pasteurized product is treated to a very fine filtration process which removes virtually all the spoilage bacteria present in the product.xxx
FREEZE_DRYINGKonservierung von Lebensmitteln durch Gefrieren und anschließendes Trocknen im VakuumPreserving food by freezing and then drying in a vacuum-xxx
FREEZINGUmwandlung in Eis oder einen anderen festen Körper durch KälteTurning into ice or another solid by cold-xxx
FRESHFrische oder FrischhaltungFresh - Recently made or obtained in natural conditions-xxx
FRYBraten der Speisen in heißem Fett oder ÖlFry - Cooking of food in hot fats or oilThe cooking of food in hot fats or oils.xxx
HEATEDErhitzung (nach spez. Anforderungen)Heated (acc. to specific requirements)Preserving the food by exposure to heat (e.g. cooking, grilling, etc.). Specific heating requirements may be regulated by local legislation. Example: exposure to at least a temperature of 70 °C/158 °F for at least 10 minutes.xxx
HIGH_PRESSURE_PASTEURISATIONHochdruckpasteurisierungHigh Pressure PasteurisationHigh Pressure Pasteurisation is a pasteurisation process where the product is treated with pressure of up to 10'000 bar and heat between 0°C and 120°Cxxx
HIGH_PRESSURE_PROCESSINGHochdruckverarbeitungHigh Pressure ProcessingHigh Pressure Processing (HPP) is a pasteurisation process where the product is treated with pressure of up to 6’000 bar without the use of heatxxx
HIGH_TEMPERATURE_PASTEURISATIONPasteurisierung bei hohen TemperaturenHigh Temperature PasteurisationHigh Temperature Pasteurisation is a pasteurisation process where the product is treated with heat between 85°C and 135°Cxxx
HIGH_TEMPERATURE_SHORT_TIMEHigh temperature short time (HTST) - Pasteurisierung (Milch hoch erhitzt bei 72°C für 15 Sek.)High temperature short time (HTST) pasteurization (milk to be heated to 72°C for 15 seconds)High temperature short time (HTST) pasteurization requires fluid milk to be heated to 72°C for 15 seconds (continuous flow pasteurization).xxx
HIGH_TEMPERATURE_TREATED_MILKHocherhitzte Milch - Rechtlich auch Pasteurisierung, MHD länger (2 bis 3 Wochen), sog. ESL-Milch (Extended Shelf Life)High temperature treated milk - Legally also pasteurisation, MHD for longer (2 to 3 weeks), ESL-milk (Extended Shelf Life)Legally also pasteurisation, MHD for longer (about 2 to 3 weeks), ESL-milkxxx
HOT_SMOKE_CURINGDas Heißräuchern kocht das Essen teilweise oder ganz, indem es bei Temperaturen von 100 Grad bis 190 Grad F behandelt wird.Hot-smoking partially or totally cooks the food by treating it at temperatures ranging from 100 degrees to 190 degrees F.-xxx
IONISATIONZur Umwandlung in ein oder mehrere IonenTo convert into an ion or ions-xxx
IRRADIATIONDie Bestrahlung von Lebensmitteln ist der Prozess der Aussetzung von Lebensmitteln an ionisierende Strahlung, um Lebensmittel zu desinfizieren, zu sterilisieren oder zu konservieren.Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to ionising radiation in order to disinfest, sterilise, or preserve food.-xxx
MARINATEDMariniertMarinatedMarinate a food in a mixture of e.g. oil, vinegar, spices, or herbs, before cooking it, so that it can develop a special flavour. This preserves the product.xxx
OTHERAndereOtherThe value needed is not listed or is not defined within this list’s individual code values and definitions. Please send a work request into GS1 or your solution provider requesting the code you are searching for.xxx
PASTEURISATIONPasteurisierung - Teilweise Sterilisierung durch ErhitzenPasteurisation - Partially sterilisation by heatingPasteurisation is a process where the product is treated with heat from 60°C to 85°Cxxx
PRESERVED_WITHOUT_ARTIFICIAL_NITRATESKonservierung ohne künstliche Nitrate - Mit natürlichen Pökelstoffen behandelt, z.B. SelleriepulverPreserved without artificial nitrates - Treated with natural curing agents, e.g. celery powderA food is treated with natural curing agents and without artificial nitrates, e.g. celery powder.xxx
QUICK_FREEZINGSchnelles Einfrieren (Lebensmittel), um seine Eigenschaften zu erhalten.Freezing (food) rapidly so as to preserve its qualities-xxx
REFRIGERATEDKühlungRefrigeratedPreserving the food by chilling and keeping it cold.xxx
SALT_CURINGKonservierung durch Verwendung einer SalzlakePreserving by using a salt brine-xxx
SOUS_VIDENiedertemperatur-Langzeitgaren unter VakuumLow temperature long time cooking under vacuum-xxx
STERILISATIONSterilisation - Tötet übertragbare Erreger wie Pilze, Bakterien, Viren, Sporenformen etc.Sterilisation - Effectively kills or eliminates transmissible agents (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.).A process that effectively kills or eliminates transmissible agents (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.).xxx
SUGAR_CURINGBehandlung von Lebensmitteln durch Zugabe von Zucker zur Erhaltung des ProduktsTreatment of food by adding sugar in order to preserve the product-xxx
ULTRA_FILTEREDUltra gefiltertes pasteurisiertes ProduktUltra-filtered pasteurized productA pasteurized product that is passed through filters which permit the smaller lactose, water, mineral, and vitamin molecules to pass through the membrane, while the larger protein and fat molecules are retained and concentrated. As a result, the water and lactose (sugar) content is reduced; whereas the protein and calcium are increased.xxx
ULTRA_HIGH_TEMPERATUREUHT - Ultrahocherhitzung (speziell für Milch, H-Milch)UHT - Ultra heat treated (especially for milk)Ultra High Temperature (UHT) is a pasteurisation process where the product is treated with high heat between 135°C and 155°Cxxx
UNDER_MODIFIED_ATMOSPHEREVerpackt mit einem Gas mit SchutzeigenschaftenPacked with a gas with protective proprieties-xxx
VACUUM_PACKEDAbgedichtet nach teilweiser EntlüftungSealed after the partial removal of air-xxx