

CodeList: ProduceSeedPresenceCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
ALMOST_SEEDLESSFast kernlos – Enthält erheblich weniger Kerne als für diese Sorte typischAlmost seedless – Item contains significantly less than normal mature seeds for this particular varietyALMOST_SEEDLESS – Item contains significantly less than normal mature seeds for this particular variety. Some mature seeds will exist in trade item. The determination of this is made by the supplier and is subject to target market regulations or trade organization guidelinesxxx
SEEDLESSKernlos – Enthält keine Kerne oder möglicherweise einige fehlgeleitete Kerne.Seedless – Item contains No mature Seeds or potentially a few errant seeds.SEEDLESS – Item contains No mature Seeds or potentially a few errant seeds. The determination of this is made by the supplier and is subject to target market regulations or trade organization guidelines.xxx
SEEDSMit Kernen – Enthält die normale Menge von Kernen, die für dieses Produkt typisch sind.Seeds – Item contains the normal amount of mature seeds which are typical for this trade item.SEEDS – Item contains the normal amount of mature seeds which are typical for this trade item. The determination of this is made by the supplier and is subject to target market regulations or trade organization guidelines.xxx
UNIDENTIFIEDNicht identifiziert – Quantität oder Vorhandensein von Kernen nicht festgehaltenUnidentified – Quantity or presence of seeds not determinedUNIDENTIFIED – Quantity or presence of seeds not determinedxxx