

CodeList: ReferencedFileTypeCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
360_DEGREE_IMAGE360 Grad Bild360 Degree ImageAllows x-axis interactive rotation of product via website.xxx
3D_RENDERED_MODEL3D gerendertes Modell3D rendered model-xxx
AMBIENCE_MOOD_IMAGEAmbiente/Stimmungsbild zum ProduktAmbience/mood imageTrade Item image representing the image the manufacturer is supplying to the consumer to invoke a connection to the item by setting a "mood" or feeling for the item and its use.xxx
APPLICATION_IMAGEBild zur Anwendung des ProduktsApplication imageTrade Item image representing the image the manufacturer is supplying to the consumer to depict how the product itself is used.xxx
ASSEMBLY_INSTRUCTIONSAufbau-/MontageanleitungAssembly InstructionsLink to a file the explains how to assemble (put together) the trade item.xxx
AUDIOAudio Clip zum Produkt, z.B. Werbespot oder GebrauchsanleitungAudio clip relevant to the product, e.g. commercials or instructionsLink to a file containing an audio clip which is relevant to the product. Examples are commercials, or instructional/ how to use audio files.xxx
AWARD_CERTIFICATEAuszeichnungsurkundeAward certificateThe award certificate is a written document created by the Award Committee that describes the terms and conditions of the Award. Example: http://www.cronierwines.com/awards-in-2016/xxx
BARCODEStrichcodeBarcodeLink to a file containing a visual representation of the barcode which is on the product or its packaging.xxx
CERTIFICATIONZertifizierungsdokument einer DrittparteiCertification document by a third partyDocument which contains a special certification by a third party (e.g. International Food Standard [IFS], QS-Approval Mark for meat product, sausage, fruit, vegetables and potatoes or bio audits).xxx
CHEMICAL_ASSESSMENT_SUMMARYChemischer InhaltsberichtChemical Assessment SummaryLink to a file containing the chemical ingredient information sent to the supplier from a third party as a result of the assessment.xxx
CHEMICAL_SAFETY_REPORTChemischer SicherheitsberichtChemical Safety ReportLink to the file containing a report detailing the risks arising from the manufacture and/or use of a substance and to ensure that they are adequately controlled.xxx
CHILD_NUTRITION_LABELKindernahrungslabelChild Nutrition LabelLink to a file containing the Child Nutrition Label as formatted according to regulations and rules of an appropriate regulatory body for the target market.xxx
CLEANING_DISINFECTION_STERILISATION_INSTRUCTIONSInstruktionen zur Reinigung, Desinfektion und SterilisationCleaning, disinfection and sterilisation instructionsThe cleaning, disinfection and/or sterilisation instructions that apply to the product. These may be in accordance with EN-ISO 17664.xxx
CLINICIAN_MEDICINE_INFORMATIONKlinisch medizinische InformationClinician medicine informationA clinician focused product information document that is written by the pharmaceutical company responsible for the medicine. This document is intended to assist doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals in prescribing and dispensing medicines. In addition, this information can be used by health professionals in their consultations with patients, so that the patient can be better informed about their medicines.xxx
COLOUR_PALETTEFarbpaletteColour paletteLink to a website, file, or image containing the product's colour palette to show the full overview of the different colours of the product. The overview is mainly used by suppliers to indicate the colours with their own reference numbers and names e.g. in cosmetics for make up, nail polish, lip stick etc.xxx
CONSUMER_HANDLING_AND_STORAGEHersteller-Handhabungs- und Lagerhinweise für den KonsumentenConsumer Handling and Storage Instructions of the ManufacturerLink to a website, file, or image containing the manufacturer's recommendations for how the consumer or end user should store and handle the product.xxx
CONTENT_TEXTURE_IMAGEBild zum Inhalt oder zur Textur des ArtikelsContent/texture imageTrade Item image representing the image the manufacturer is supplying to the consumer to depict the content or texture of an item. The image should be designed in such a way that the texture can be experienced by the consumer similar to stationary retail, e.g. creme, lipstick.xxx
CROSSSECTION_VIEWQuerschnittansicht des Artikels (z.B. bei Stahlgürtelreifen)Cross section view of the trade item (e.g. of a steel belt tire)A picture of a trade item with a cut away vertical plane removed (e.g. Cross-section of a Tire revealing steel belts and tire tread detail).xxx
DECLARATION_OF_CONFORMITYKonformitätserklärungDeclaration of ConformityA Declaration of Conformity is a document in which the manufacturer states that the product satisfies the essential requirements of the applicable legislation(s), e.g. for toys, medical devices or electrical equipment. By drawing up and signing the EU Declaration of Conformity, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for the compliance of the product. For more information please see https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32019R1020&from=DExxx
DETAIL_TECHNOLOGY_IMAGETechnische DetaildarstellungDetail/technology image-xxx
DIET_CERTIFICATEErnährungszertifikat für das ProduktDiet certificate granted to the productLink to a website or file containing a diet certificate granted to the productxxx
DISPOSAL_INSTRUCTIONSEntsorgungsanleitungInstructions for disposalLink to a website, file or instruction movie how to dispose a product properly or how to clean up a broken product in case the product contains materials like mercury.xxx
DOCUMENTProduktinformation (z.B. Gebrauchsanleitung)Product information (e.g. instruction manual)Link to a document or text file containing product information. Examples of this type could be an instruction manual, assembly guide, or warranty document.xxx
DOP_SHEETLeistungserklärung zum Produkt (DOP - Declaration of Performance), Bild oder DokumentDeclaration of Performance Sheet (DOP), an image or a documentLink to a file containing the product's Declaration of Performance Sheet (DOP). This file can be either an image or a document.xxx
DRUG_FACT_LABELMedikamenteninformationen zum ProduktDrug Fact LabelThe file link is to a drug fact panel of the trade item. A drug fact label usually contains such items as active ingredients, uses, warnings, purpose, directions, etc.xxx
ECOLOGICAL_FACT_SHEETÖkologisches DatenblattEcological fact sheetLink to a file containing the details of a product with its environmental impact and performance. E.g. Beelong.ch Eco-Score Fact Sheet.xxx
ENERGY_LABELEnergielabel des ArtikelsEnergy label of the trade itemLink to the energy label for a trade item. On 19 May 2010, the EU adopted the Directive 2010/30/EU on energy labels. Energy labels help consumers choosing products which save energy and thus money. They also provide incentives for the industry to develop and invest in energy efficient product design. They are found on a selection of white goods and other products and are designed to help customers see how energy efficient a model is before they buy.xxx
EPREL_PRODUCT_SHEETEPREL Produktinformationsblatt (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling)EPREL Product Information Sheet (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling)Link to the Product Information Sheet stored in the EPREL (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling). These sheets are in PDF and can be provided in multiple different languages.xxx
FOOD_CONTACT_CONFORMITY_CERTIFICATEBescheinigung über die Regeln für die Berührung mit Lebensmitteln gemäß EU Verordnung Nr. 1935/2004Food contact conformity certificat (acc. To EC Regulation 1935/2004)The certificate of conformity for suitability for food contact is a document issued by the manufacturer or the person placing the product on the European market. It certifies that the product sold complies with the EC Regulation 1935/2004. Thus, it is proven to be safe to get in contact with food.xxx
GROUP_CHARACTERISTIC_SHEETGruppeneigenschaften, BlattGroup characteristic sheetDefinition not available.xxx
HAZARDOUS_SUBSTANCES_DATAOrt der zusätzlichen 'out of network' GefahrstoffdatenLocation of additional 'out of network' hazardous substances dataLink to a file where to locate the ‘out of network data’ additional data concerning the control of substances can be found.xxx
IFUIFU/eIFU (Electronic Instructions for use) - Elektronische GebrauchsanweisungIFU/eIFU - Electronic Instructions for useLink to a file containing the (electronic) Instructions For Use (IFU or eIFU).xxx
IFU_INCLUDING_CLEANING_DISINFECTION_STERILISATION_INSTRUCTIONSGebrauchsanleitung inkl. Instruktionen zur Reinigung, Desinfektion und SterilisationInstructions for use including cleaning disinfection sterilisation instructionsIndicates that the instructions for cleaning/disinfecting/sterilisation are included in the IFU (Instructions For Use).xxx
INGREDIENTS_LABELZutatenlabelIngredients labelThe Ingredients label image is a list of ingredients printed on the packaging. It may be separated by language in multiple areas on the product.xxx
INTERNAL_VIEWInnenansicht des Artikels (z.B. bei Kühlschrank oder Aktentasche)Internal view of the trade item (e.g. of refrigerator or suitcase)The picture of the inside of a trade item mainly used for non food products (e.g., The inside of a refrigerator or the inside of a suitcase.xxx
LIGHTING_FACT_LABELEtikett LichteigenschaftenLighting fact labelLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product label containing information related to the light characteristics of the product. The lighting facts label makes it easy to compare bulb characteristics such as brightness, colour, life, and estimated operating cost for the year.xxx
LOGOHersteller- oder Marken-Logo(s)Manufacturer or Brand Logo(s)Link to a file containing the Manufacturer or Brand Logo(s) associated with the product.xxx
MARKETING_INFORMATIONMarketinginformationMarketing informationLink to a file with product information associated with selling a product or service.xxx
MATERIAL_SAMPLESMaterialbeispiele zum ProduktMaterial SamplesURL to website, images that the potential material, swatches, finishes the trade item might be available in.xxx
MOBILE_DEVICE_IMAGEProduktabbildung zur Verwendung auf digitalen MobilgerätenMobile Device ImageTrade Item image that represents the image the manufacturer supplies to the consumer for mobile device applications. This would be a pack shot or image of the trade item that may be optimised for digital mobile display or added elements to help consumer recoginise the product. This should not be used as the Mobile Ready Hero Image. Some regulations require an actual image of the product and do not allow Mobile Ready Hero Images.xxx
MOBILE_READY_HERO_IMAGEMobile Ready Hero Image - Web-Banner des Produktes zur Verwendung auf digitalen MobilgerätenMobile Ready Hero ImageA Mobile Ready Hero Image (MRHI) is a representation of a real world product that may differ from a standard pack shot, but that maintains the majority of the physical pack’s key elements of design, shape and colour, and is therefore recognisable on a digital shelf. In addition the image should contain elements of The 4 Ws: Who is the brand, What it is, Which variety it is and how much. The Mobile Ready Hero Image (MRHI) is specified in the GS1 Mobile Ready Hero Image Guideline https://www.gs1.org/standards/Mobile-Ready-Hero-Imagexxx
MONTAGE_IMAGEMontage BildMontage ImageA Montage is the physical over layering of distinct images to create a final digital image. This process allows for a composite to be created with the future possibility of reconstruction without having to return to studio for correction, should an element be added or removed.xxx
NUTRITION_FACT_LABELNährstoffinformationen, -fakten zum ProduktNutrition Fact LabelLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product label containing the nutritional information.xxx
NUTRITION_FACT_LABEL_WITH_INGREDIENTSNährwertkennzeichnung mit ZutatenNutrition Fact Label with IngredientsLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product label containing the nutritional information with the inclusion of the ingredient statement.xxx
OPTIMISED_HERO_IMAGEOptimiertes HeldenbildOptimised hero imageAn Optimised Hero Image type is to support retail, consumers, distributors and foodservice operators in completing their online sites. These images will assist consumers to identify specific information about the products they are purchasing. The image is a representation of a real world product, built specifically for use on larger screens that may differ from a standard pack shot, but that maintains the majority of the physical pack’s key elements of design, shape and colour, and is therefore recognisable on a digital shelf.xxx
ORGANIC_CERTIFICATEBio-, ÖkozertifikatOrganic CertificateLink to a website or file containing an organic certificate granted to the product.xxx
OTHER_EXTERNAL_INFORMATIONWeitere externe Produktinformation (nicht spezifiziert)Further external product information (unspecified)Link to a file containing product information of an unspecified type.xxx
OUT_OF_PACKAGE_IMAGEOhne Verpackung - Abbildung des Artikels, gebrauchsfertig aufgebaut für den VerbraucherOut of package image of the item, assembled ready for use by the end userLink to an image of an item out of its packaging and, if necessary, assembled ready for use by the end user. This type of file is subject the current version of the GDSN Product Image Specification Standard.xxx
PACKAGING_ARTWORKVerpackungs-BebilderungPackaging ArtworkDesign files for packaging artwork for example Adobe source files.xxx
PATIENT_INFORMATION_LEAFLETPatienteninformationsbroschürePatient information leafletA leaflet or brochure containing important information to patients/consumers about the product to facilitate discussion and assist with the decision-making process. Example: A leaflet on a medical device like a hip joint. Or a consumer/patient-focused leaflet that contains information on the safe and effective use of a medicines. Often known in some markets as Consumer Medicines Information sheet (CMI), Product Information Leaflet (PiL/ePIL).xxx
PETFOOD_FEEDING_INSTRUCTIONSFütterungshinweise für HeimtierfutterPetfood Feeding InstructionsLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product label containing the feeding instructions for the petfood product.xxx
PHARMACEUTICAL_DRUGS_MEDICAL_DEVICESAbbildungen bzgl. Medikamente/Medizinische GerätePharmaceutical Drugs/Medical DevicesThe Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medical Devices images refers to products (medical devices or pharmaceutical drugs and components) used in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease that achieves its primary intended purpose through pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means within or on the body. Includes medical equipment and supplies, all drugs, biologicals or therapeutic nutritionals for human applications.xxx
PLANOGRAMPlanogramm, das illustriert wie und wo das Produkt ausgestellt werden sollPlanogram illustrating how and where the product should be displayedLink to a file illustrating how and where retail products should be displayed.xxx
PREPARATION_INSTRUCTIONSZubereitungshinweisePreparation InstructionsLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product label containing the preparation instructions.xxx
PRODUCT_FORMULATION_STATEMENTProduktformulierung, -rezeptur, anstelle eines KindernahrungslabelsProduct Formulation Statement in lieu of a Child Nutrition LabelLink to a file containing the Product Formulation Statement, in lieu of a Child Nutrition Label, as formatted according to regulations and rules of an appropriate regulatory body for the target market.xxx
PRODUCT_IMAGEProduktabbildungProduct imageLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product.xxx
PRODUCT_IMAGE_FORMEDProduktabbildung in 3-D (getragen/geformt - ohne Modell)Product image formed (in 3-D)An image of a product that has the supporting shape/form (for example a model, mannequin, hanger) removed to give the product a 3-D look.xxx
PRODUCT_LABEL_IMAGEAbbildung des ProduktlabelsProduct label imageLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product label.xxx
PRODUCT_WEBSITEWebseite des ProduktesProduct websiteLink to a website containing product specific information. Examples of this could be a link to a website dedicated to the product or a link to the area within the manufacturer or brand owner website that contains the product informationxxx
QR_CODEVerknüpfung zum QR URL/URILink to QR CodeLink to a QR code URL/URI.xxx
QUALITY_CONTROL_PLANPlan zur Qualitätskontrolle (z.B. labor/analytische Tests und Evaluierungsparameter)Quality Control Plan (e.g. laboratory/analytical tests and evaluated parameters)Document which detailed information about the quantity of laboratory/analytical tests and the evaluated parameters.xxx
RECIPE_WEBSITEWebsite mit Rezepten zum ProduktWebsite with recipies to the productLink to a website containing recipes associated with the productxxx
RECYCLABILITY_ASSESSMENT_CERTIFICATENachweis / Zertifikat über die Recyclingfähigkeit der VerpackungRecyclability assessment certificate for the packagingLink to a file containing the certificate for recyclability granted to the packaging of the item.xxx
REGULATED_PRODUCT_CONTENT_WEBSITEWebseite mit produktspezifischen InformationenRegulated product content websiteLink for a regulatory or industry governed product content website containing product specific information.xxx
REGULATORY_INSPECTION_AUDITInspektionsbericht bei behördlich regulierten ProduktenRegulatory inspection report for products that are regulatedInspection report of the inspections. For example foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and other types of products that are regulated.xxx
RISK_ANALYSIS_DOCUMENTDokument zur Risiko-Analyse - beschreibt wie der Lieferant die Qualitätskontrolle des Endprodukts oder während der Produktion sicherstelltRisk Analysis Document - how the supplier assured the quality control of the end products or during the production processDocument which describes how the supplier assured the quality control of the end products or during the production process. The process can be a supplier internal control system, a simple kind of risk analysis or systematic preventive approach according Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).xxx
SAFETY_DATA_SHEETSicherheitsdatenblatt (Abbildung oder Dokument)Safety Data Sheet (SDS) (image or document)Link to a file containing the product's Safety Data Sheet (SDS). This file can be either an image or a documentxxx
SAFETY_SUMMARY_SHEETChemischer Inhalts- und Sicherheitsbericht für Chemikalien in NotfallsituationenSafety Summary Sheet - How to deal with chemicals in an emergency situationA link to a summary sheet document that is available to workers to understand how to deal with chemicals in an emergency situation.xxx
SAMPLE_SHIPPING_ORDERMuster eines Versandauftrags- oder Lieferschein für das ProduktSample shipping order to be used for the productDocument is a sample shipping order. A sample shipping order isn´t needed for every item (GTIN), but a shipping order can differ from GTIN to GTIN. E.g. in case an item is an organic product the sample shipping order needs to contain the organic product origin number according article 31 of the implementing regulations EG Nr. 889/2008. For non-organic items this information isn´t needed.xxx
SIDEKICK_IMAGEErgänzende Abbildungen zum ProduktSidekick imageRetail, consumers, distributors and foodservice operators complete their online transactions using their smart devices. These images may be used to inform a customer of benefits or nutritional claims of a product. This is a supplementary image or graphic, generally used to support the Hero image.xxx
SIZE_COMPARISONGrößenvergleichSize ComparisonAn image that makes clear the actual size of the product, e.g., via a schematic depiction of a person or well-known object (e.g., one-euro coin) in the background.xxx
SOCIAL_MEDIA_IMAGEProduktbild für Soziale MedienSocial media imageTrade Item image representing the image the manufacturer is supplying to the consumer to depict the social media associated to the item. This image is being shared on the social media outlet.xxx
SUMMARY_OF_PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICSZusammenfassung der Merkmale des ArzneimittelsSummary of Product Characteristics (for medicinal products)Specific document required before any medicinal product or biocidal product is authorized for marketing. Example European Commissionxxx
SUPPLEMENT_FACT_LABELEtikett Wirkstoff-/NährstoffangabenSupplement facts labelLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product label containing information related to the supplement or nutrient product. The supplement facts label provides about what active/nutritional ingredients are used in the formula along with dosage recommendations for dietary supplements.xxx
TECHNICAL_DATA_SHEETTechnisches DatenblattTechnical data sheetThe product specification sheet, created by the manufacturer, summarises the technical characteristics and other properties of the product, relating to technological and commercial purposes. Example: https://dl.gedal.fr/docsgedal/FP/3255290252425.pdfxxx
TECHNICAL_DRAWINGTechnische ZeichnungTechnical DrawingA precise and detailed technical drawing of an object, as employed in industries such as engineering, construction, architecture etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineering_drawing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_drawingxxx
TESTING_METHODOLOGY_RESULTSMikrobiologische und physikalisch-chemische Testergebnisse zum ProduktMicrobiological and physico-chemical findings of the product observed during product testingDocument which contains microbiological and physico-chemical findings of the product which are observed during product testing.xxx
TRADE_ITEM_DESCRIPTIONReferenz (z.B. URL) zu externer ArtikelbeschreibungLink to an external description of the trade item (e.g. URL)Identifies the reference to an external description of a Trade Item. The link (e.g. URL) to the external description. will be in the appropriate attributexxx
TRADE_ITEM_IMAGE_WITH_DIMENSIONSProduktabbildung mit Maßangaben. Wichtig z.B. für Einbaugeräte wie Öfen oder KühlschränkeProduct's image with its dimensions. Especially important for built-in products as ovens and fridgesLink to a website, file, or image containing the product's image with its dimensions. This especially important for built-in products as ovens and fridges. Ex : http://www.docstoc.com/docs/125126778/GSS-GEW-Food-Savers-Food-Storage-Containers.xxx
VIDEOVideo Clip zum Produkt, z.B. Werbespot oder GebrauchsanleitungVideo clip relevant to the product, e.g. commercials or instructionsLink to a file containing a video clip which is relevant to the product. Examples are commercials, trailers, or instructional/ how to use video files.xxx
VISUAL_VERIFICATION_IMAGEProduktabbildung zum Zwecke der visuellen PrüfungVisual verification imageLink to a file containing a visual representation of the product for the purpose of visual verification. Usage may be to examine the trade item master data against the product image. Note these images might not necessarily comply with image standards and may be restricted for a visual verification usage.xxx
WARRANTY_INFORMATIONGarantieinformationenWarranty or guarantee informationLink to a file with information associated with any guarantee given by a company stating that a product is reliable and free from known defects and that the seller will, without charge, repair or replace defective parts within a given time limit and under certain conditions.xxx
WEBSITEWebseite mit Produkt- oder HerstellerinformationWebsite with product- or manufacturer informationLink to a website containing product or manufacturer information.xxx
ZOOM_VIEWZoom-Ansicht (vergrößerte Teilansicht) des Artikels (z.B. Räder eines Aktenkoffers oder die Liste der Inhaltsstoffe bei Nahrungsmitteln)Zoom view of a part of the trade item (e.g. of the wheels of a suitcase or the ingredients list of a food trade item)A picture of a trade item with a cut away vertical plane removed (e.g. Cross-section of a Tire revealing steel belts and tire tread detail).xxx