

CodeList: SeasonParameterCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
ALL_YEARDurchläuferAll year availableFor trade items that are not seasonal in nature and apply to all selling seasons.xxx
AUTUMNHerbstAutumnFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to both the Autumn selling season.xxx
AUTUMN_WINTERHerbst/WinterAutumn/WinterFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to both the Autumn and Winter selling seasons.xxx
CARNIVALKarnevalCarnivalFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Carnival selling seasons.xxx
CHRISTMASWeihnachtenChristmasFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Christmas selling seasons.xxx
EASTEROsternEasterFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Easter selling seasons.xxx
FATHERS_DAYVatertagFather's DayFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Father's Day selling seasons.xxx
HALLOWEENHalloweenHalloweenFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Halloween selling seasons.xxx
MOTHERS_DAYMuttertagMother's DayFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Mother's Day selling seasons.xxx
OTHERSonstige - Siehe SaisonbezeichnungOther - See season nameFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and are not covered by any of the available codes. The descripition might be maintained in seasonName.xxx
SPRINGFrühlingSpringFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Spring selling season.xxx
SPRING_SUMMERFrühjahr/SommerSpring/SummerFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to both the Spring and Summer selling seasons.xxx
SUMMERSommerSummerFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to Summer selling season.xxx
VALENTINES_DAYValentinstagValentines DayFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Valentines Day selling seasons.xxx
WINTERWinterWinterFor trade items that are seasonal in nature and apply to the Winter selling seasons.xxx