

CodeList: SweetnessLevelOfAlcoholicBeverageCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
BRUTHerbBrutThis term is used to describe those products that are labelled Brut (very dry). Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content.xxx
BRUT_NATURENaturherbBrut natureThis term is used to describe those products that are labelled Brut Nature. Brut nature has no added sugar. Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content.xxx
DRYTrockenDryThis term is used to describe those products that are labelled Dry. Also known as Sec. Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content.xxx
EXTRA_BRUTExtraherbExtra brutThis term is used to describe those products that are labelled Extra Brut. Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content.xxx
EXTRA_DRYExtratrockenExtra dryThis term is used to describe those products that are labelled Extra Dry. Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content.xxx
MEDIUMLiebllchMediumThis term is used to describe those products that are labelled Medium or Medium sweet. Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content.xxx
MEDIUM_DRYHalbtrockenMedium dryThis term is used to describe those products that are labelled Medium Dry. Also known as Demi-sec. Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content.xxx
OFF_DRYFeinherbOff-DryThe sugar range that goes beyond the style officially declared as dry and is below the semi-dry declaration. Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content. Example: In Germany the term is used to describe wines that are labelled "Feinherb" (Off-dry). The term isn’t part of the local regulation but is allowed to be used as official code according to a specific court ruling.xxx
OTHERAndersOtherThe value needed is not listed or is not defined within this list’s individual code values and definitions. Please send a work request into GS1 or your solution provider requesting the code you are searching for.xxx
SWEETSüßSweet/DouxThis term is used to describe those products that are labelled Sweet. Also known as doux in some markets. Please refer to local regulations for allowable sugar content.xxx