

CodeList: TargetConsumerAgeGroupCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
ADULTErwachseneAdultThe product is intended to be used by an adult.xxx
ALL_AGEAlle AltersklassenAll ageThe product is intended to be used by all age groups.xxx
BABYBabyBabyThe product is intended to be used by a baby.xxx
CHILDKinderChildThe product is intended to be used by a child.xxx
NEWBORNNeugeboreneNewbornThe product is intended to be used by a newborn.xxx
SENIORSenioren/innenSeniorThe product is intended to be used by a senior.xxx
TEENTeenagerTeenThe product is intended to be used by a teen.xxx
UNCLASSIFIEDNicht klassifiziertUnclassifiedThe target age of the consumer is unclassified.xxx