

CodeList: TradeItemDateOnPackagingTypeCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
BAKED_FOR_DATEGebacken für - Datum, für das das Brotprodukt gebacken wurde (nicht später als 12 h nach Backzeitpunkt)Baked-For Date - indicates the date the bread product is being baked for (not later than 12 hours after baking time)The baked-for date indicates the date not later than 12 hours after the time the bread product was baked. The baked-for date indicates the date the bread is being baked for. May be included on the label on a package of bread product instead of a best-before date if the bread product has a shelf life of less than 7 days (or otherwise specified according to local target market regulations).xxx
BAKED_ON_DATEGebacken am - Datum, an dem das Brotprodukt gebacken wurdeBaked-On Date - indicates the date on which the bread product was bakedThe baked-on date indicates the date on which the bread product was baked. May be included on the label on a package of bread product instead of a best-before date if the bread product has a shelf life of less than 7 days (or otherwise specified according to local target market regulations).xxx
BEST_BEFORE_DATEMindesthaltbarkeitsdatum (Best Before date) - Ideales Verbrauchsdatum im Hinblick auf die Produktqualität. Auch: Zu Verkaufen Bis-DatumBest Before Date - Ideal Consumption- or Best Effective Use Date with reference to the product quality. Also: Sell By Date or Minimum Durability DateThe “Best before” date or a derivation of best before (i.e. "Best if used before") indicates the ideal consumption or best effective use date of a product. It is a statement about quality. The dates come in various formats such as a specific day including month and day or by month, day and year. Best before date can also be a period of time represented by a month and year. It is defined by local requirements about the appropriate date term and the definition. These may vary by regulation and/or market conventions.xxx
DISPLAY_UNTIL_DATEAuslagedatum - Datum, bis zu dem der Artikel im Regal ausliegt. (Zeitschriften, Magazine, Promotionsartikel etc.)Display Until date - The date until which the trade item is displayed on shelf. (Periodicals, promotional trade items etc.)The date in which the trade item is displayed on shelf until date is reached. This is applicable to such items as periodicals, promotional trade items and materials supporting. This is normally not for regulatory, expiration, or quality type dates.xxx
EXPIRATION_DATEAblaufdatum - Grenze für Verzehr oder Gebrauch des Produktes. Auch: Zu Verbrauchen Bis- oder Maximales Haltbarkeitsdatum. Bedeutung hängt vom Produktkontext abExpiration Date - Limit of consumption or use of the product. Also: Use By Date or Maximum Durability Date. Meaning depends on the product contextThe expiration date is the date that determines the limit of consumption or use of a product. Its meaning is determined based on the trade item context e.g., for food, the date will indicate the possibility of a direct health risk resulting from use of the product after the date, for pharmaceutical products, it will indicate the possibility of an indirect health risk resulting from the ineffectiveness of the product after the date.xxx
FREEZE_BYEinfrieren bis - Datum, bis zu dem das Produkt noch eingefroren werden kannFreeze-By Date - product can be frozen up to this (but not after this dateDuty-free shops (or stores) are retail outlets that are exempt from the payment of certain local or national taxes and duties, on the requirement that the goods sold will be sold to travellers who will take them out of the country.xxx
FREEZING_DATEEinfrierdatum - Datum des ersten EinfrierensFreezing date-xxx
LAST_SALE_DATELetztes Verkaufsdatum - an dem der Artikel an Verbraucher verkauft werden darfLast Sale Date - The last date on which the trade item may be sold to a consumerThe trade item is marked with a date that specifies the last date a trade item may be sold to a consumer. The difference between Last Sale date, Best before, and Expiration is that Best Before is used for quality of product may deteriorate, Expiration is the maximum date of quality, last sale is the date the item can no longer be sold. These support different business purposes.xxx
NO_DATE_MARKEDKein Datum auf der VerpackungNo Date MarkedNo date is marked on the product or packaging.xxx
PACKAGING_DATEVerpackungsdatum - Datum, an dem die Ware verpackt wurde. Bezieht sich auf das Produkt selbst oder auf darin enthaltene ArtikelPackaging Date - Date when the goods were packed. May refer to the trade item itself or to items containedThe packaging date is the date when the goods were packed as determined by the packager. The date may refer to the trade item itself or to items contained.xxx
PRODUCTION_DATEProduktionsdatum - oder Montagedatum, vom Hersteller festgesetzt. Bezieht sich auf das Produkt selbst oder auf darin enthaltene ArtikelProduction Date - or Assembly Date determined by the manufacturer. May refer to the trade item itself or to items containedThe production date is the production or assembly date determined by the manufacturer. The date may refer to the trade item itself or to items contained.xxx
USE_BY_DATEZu Verbrauchen bis - DatumUse by dateThe "Use by" date or a derivation of use by (i.e. "Recommended use by") is defined by local requirements about the appropriate date term and the definition. These may vary by regulation and/or market conventions.xxx