

CodeList: TradeItemUnitDescriptorCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
BASE_UNIT_OR_EACHBasiseinheit oder kleinste EinheitBase Unit or EachThe lowest level of the item hierarchy intended or labeled for individual resale.xxx
CASEKartonCaseThe standard shipping unit level.xxx
DISPLAY_SHIPPERDisplayDisplay ShipperA display, a shipper. May have a “PL” parent. May have (CA or EA) children in multiple instances. It may be Orderable and can be a Consumer Unit. New GDSN definition: A display or shipper is a special case item that includes both consumer units and packaging materials to be assembled and used to display the product for sale. May contain cases or consumer units. It may be the orderable or dispatchable unit and may be shipped on a pallet.xxx
MIXED_MODULEGemischtes Modul (Palette, die direkt in den Markt gestellt werden kann. Kann eine oder auch mehrere GTINs enthalten. Verkauf als unteilbare Einheit)Display Ready Pallet (or Mixed Module, that may contain a single GTIN or several unique GTINs, and is intended to go directly to the selling floor, is sold as a single unit)A unit load that is a "display ready pallet" that may contain a single GTIN or several unique GTINs that is intended to go directly to the selling floor. New GDSN definition: Special pallet item sold as a single unit that is not intended to be broken down to sell the cases individually. It is intended to be displayed directly on the selling floor and shoppable for the consumer and may contain additional packaging materials used to further display the product. It may contain single or multiple GTINs and may be the orderable unit.xxx
PACK_OR_INNER_PACKUmverpackung oder InnenverpackungPack or Inner PackA logistical unit between case and each. This may be a consumable innerpack (i.e. Carton of Cigarettes) or it may be simply a logistical pack (i.e. Dozes of toothbrushes).xxx
PALLETPalettePalletA unit load that contains a single or multiple GTINs Includes box palletxxx
TRANSPORT_LOADTransportmittel - über der Palette, z.B. LKW, Container, Waggon, Schiff, etc.Transport Load - above the pallet (truck load, container, rail car, ship)The trade item above the pallet level used for transporting trade items. For example truck load, container, rail car, ship, etc.xxx