

CodeList: WarrantyTypeCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
FULL_REIMBURSEMENTVollständige RückerstattungFull reimbursementThe defective product is fully refunded.xxx
LABOURGarantie für ArbeitskostenLabour warrantyThe defective product is repaired with the labour cost at the seller's expense. This kind of warranty is called "labour warranty".xxx
PARTIAL_REIMBURSEMENTTeilweise RückerstattungPartial reimbursementThe defective product is partially refunded.xxx
PARTSTeilegarantieParts warrantyThe defective part(s) of the product is supplied at the seller's expense for the defective part(s). This kind of warranty is called "parts warranty".xxx
REPLACEMENT_WITH_IDENTICAL_PRODUCTErsatz mit identischem ProduktReplacement with identical productThe defective product is replaced/exchanged with identical one.xxx
REPLACEMENT_WITH_SIMILAR_PRODUCTErsatz mit ähnlichem ProduktReplacement with similar productThe defective product is replaced/exchanged with similar one.xxx