Beschreibung |
Bedingung |
Logik |
dann muss mind. " Akkreditierungslabel auf der Verpackung: Code [M309] " = "EU_ORGANIC_FARMING" sein
Fehlermeldung DE |
VR000591 - "Packaging Marked Label Accreditation Code [M309]": Indication is missing. For products with this "Organic Quality Symbol [M161]" at least the indication "EU_ORGANIC_FARMING" is expected. |
Fehlermeldung EN |
VR000591 - "Packaging Marked Label Accreditation Code [M309]": Indication is missing. For products with this "Organic Quality Symbol [M161]" at least the indication "EU_ORGANIC_FARMING" is expected. |
Version |
Referenztabellen |