Beschreibung |
Bedingung |
Logik |
dann muss " Bio-Qualitätskennzeichen [M161] " = LEER sein
Fehlermeldung DE |
VR001301 - " Organic quality symbol [M161] ": For products with this "GPC Brick [M316]" and the indication "1" or "6" in " Organic origin [M160] " and the indication in "Organic trade item claim agency [M485]" no indication is expected according to the compendium chapter "Ecological Product". |
Fehlermeldung EN |
VR001301 - " Organic quality symbol [M161] ": For products with this "GPC Brick [M316]" and the indication "1" or "6" in " Organic origin [M160] " and the indication in "Organic trade item claim agency [M485]" no indication is expected according to the compendium chapter "Ecological Product". |
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Referenztabellen |