regulatoryActComplianceLevelCode [3075]
BMS-ID | 3075 |
Attributename & M-Nummer | Konzentration des beschränkten Ausgangsstoffs [M544] |
Definition | Code that compares the amount/level of the product or its composition with threshold amounts/levels defined by a regulation indicated in attribute regulationTypeCode. This can vary for each regulation and market or region. For example: concentration limit for restricted explosive precursors defined by EU Regulation 2019/1148. The level of containment of specific toxicants for a product which contains carcinogens and/or reproductive toxicants established in California’s Proposition 65 (Prop 65), etc. |
Module | regulatedTradeItemModule |
Parent Class | RegulatoryInformation |
CodeList | RegulatoryActComplianceLevelCode |
ChangeType | - |
Validity | |
MultipleCurrency | No |
MultipleLanguages | No |
MultipleUOM | No |
MultipleValues | No |
PartOfSBDH | |
UOMEnabled | No |
Details | |
xPath | /catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem/tradeItemInformation/extension/*[namespace-uri()='urn:gs1:gdsn:regulated_trade_item:xsd:3' and local-name()='regulatedTradeItemModule']/regulatoryInformation/regulatoryActComplianceLevelCode |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
CodeList_Enumeration | CL |
CurrencyEnabled | No |
DataType | RegulatoryActComplianceLevelCode |
GlobalLocal | G/L |
LanguageEnabled | No |
Length | 1..80 |
Message | CatalogueItemNotification |
GDM Market | Data Model Layer | Regional_EU |