

CodeList: AdditionalTradeItemIdentificationTypeCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
ADMDMMadagaskar - Behörde für MedikamentenzulassungMadagascar - Agence du MédicamentAgency du Médicament de Madagascar manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Madagascar - MGxxx
AE_MOHAPVAE - Ministerium für Gesundheit und Prävention (MOHAP)UAE - Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP)Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in United Arab Emirates - AE.xxx
AIGActive Ingredient Number - Wirkstoffnummer der kanadischen Gesundheitsbehörde (Health Canada)Active Ingredient Number (by Health Canada)The Active Ingredient Group Number specifies the number assigned by Health Canada in the Drug Product Database. The AIG number is a 10 digit number that identifies products that have the same active ingredient(s) and ingredient strength(s).xxx
ANATELBrasilien - Nationale TelekommunikationsagenturBrazil's Federal Telecommunications AgencyBrazil's Federal Telecommunications Agencyxxx
ANDAGekürzter neuer Arzneimittelantrag (ANDA) für die FDAFDA Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) NumberAn abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) contains data which is submitted to FDA for the review and potential approval of a generic drug product. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/types-applications/abbreviated-new-drug-application-andaxxx
ANVISABrasilien - Nationale Gesundheitsüberwachungsbehörde (ANVISA)Brazil - National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Brazil - BRxxx
AO_DNMEAngola - Nationale Gesundheitsbehörde (DNME)Angola - Direcção Nacional de Medicamentos e Equipamentos (DNME)Direcção Nacional de Medicamentos e Equipamentos (DNME) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Angola - AO.xxx
ARFAKapverden - Nationale Gesundheitsüberwachung für Gesundheitsprodukte (ARFA)Cape Verde - Agência de Regulação e Supervisão dos Produtos Farmacêuticos e Alimentares (ARFA)Agência de Regulação e Supervisão dos Produtos Farmacêuticos e Alimentares (ARFA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Cape Verde - CVxxx
ARTG_IDAustralien - Identifikation im australischen Register für therapeutische Waren (ARTG)Australia - Identification number in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is a government organisation responsible for the regulation of therapeutic goods such as medicines and medical devices. Once a product is accepted for sale in Australia (via TGA approval) this item is listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). All goods within Australia, or to be exported from Australia, must be present on this list before they can be available. Information held in the database includes the name of the product, what it contains and manufacturer details.xxx
AU_PROSTHESES_REBATE_CODEAustralien - Prothesen-Rabattcode des australischen Ministeriums für Health and Ageing (zur Rabattforderung)Australia - Prostheses Rebate Code by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing (used for rebate request)In Australia the federal government, through the Department of Health and Ageing, provide a rebate to private health hospitals or clinics to cover the cost of any prostheses that are fitted to a patient. This rebate is designed to cover the costs incurred by the provider. Every product is given a ‘billing code’ from the Department of Health and Ageing. This is used by the provider to communicate the rebate request to the government.xxx
BB_DSBarbados - Marktzulassung für Gesundhitsprodukte (DS)Barbados - Drug Service (DS)Barbados Drug Service (DS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Barbados - BB.xxx
BE_FAMHPBelgien - Bundesagentur für Arzneimittel und Gesundheitsprodukte (FAMHP): CNK-NummerBelgium - Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP): CNK NumberFederal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Belgium - BE with a National Code Number (CNK).xxx
BE_FAMHP_NNBelgien - Bundesagentur für Arzneimittel und Gesundheitsprodukte (FAMHP): Notification-NummerBelgium - Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP): NotifikationsnummerFederal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Belgium - BE. with a Notification number. The notification number is the market authorisation number.xxx
BFRDeutschland - Nummer des deutschen Bundesinstituts für Risikobewertung (BFR) (Gesundheitsschutz für Konsumenten)Germany - Number of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BFR) in the field of consumer health protectionThe Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BFR - Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung) in the field of consumer health protection. The BFR number is a so-called product identification element (PI element). The PI element consists of the five-digit BFR company code and a four-digit number allocated by the manufacturer itself. The number sequence ends with details of the hazard characteristics of the product (for instance, irritant, corrosive or toxic).xxx
BG_BDABulgarien - Arzneimittelbehörde (BDA)Bulgaria - Drug Agency (BDA)Bulgarian Drug Agency (BDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bulgaria - BG.xxx
BI_ABREMABurundi - Gesundheitsbehörde (ABREMA)Burundi - l’Autorité Burundaise de Régulation des Médicaments et des Aliments (ABREMA)l’Autorité Burundaise de Régulation des Médicaments et des Aliments (ABREMA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Burundi - BI.xxx
BJ_DPMEDBenin - Gesundheitsbehörde (DPMED)Benin - Direction de la Pharmacie, du Medicament et des Explorations Diagnostiques (DPMED)Direction de la Pharmacie, du Medicament et des Explorations Diagnostiques (DPMED) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Benin - BJ.xxx
BNDABahamas - Nationale Arzneimittelagentur (BNDA)Bahamas - National Drug Agency (BNDA)Bahamas National Drug Agency (BNDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bahamas - BSxxx
BUYER_ASSIGNEDVon einem Käufer und Datenempfänger vergebene Interne ArtikelnummerInternal item number assigned by a data recipient and buyerA proprietary internal identification number assigned by a data recipient, used to identify trade items purchased from each trading partner with whom they engage in a commercial relationship.xxx
BUYER_ASSIGNED_USED_BY_THIRD_PARTYVon einer dritten Partei vergebene Kennzeichnung. Beispiel: Artikelnummer, die von einem Käufer für einen Marketplace vergeben wurdeAssigned by a third party buyer. Example Identification number assigned by the buyer for use by a marketplaceThe proprietary number that is assigned by a third party buyer whose number is required by the data recipient in the trading relationship, that is used to identify trade items purchased from the supplier in addition to the GTIN. Example Identification number assigned by the buyer for use by a marketplace.xxx
BW_BOMRABotswana - Medicines Regulatory Authority (BoMRA)Botswana - Medicines Regulatory Authority (BoMRA)Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority (BoMRA)xxx
CDSCOIndien - Zentrale Organisation für Arzneimittelkontrolle (CDSCO)India - Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO)Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in India - INxxx
CL_ISPChile - Institut für öffentliche Gesundheit (ISP)Chile - Instituto de Salud Pública (ISP)Instituto de Salud Pública (ISP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Chile - CL.xxx
CM_LANACOMEKamerun - Nationales Labor für Qualitätskontrolle von Arzneimitteln und Expertise (LANACOME)Cameroon - Laboratoire National de Contrôle de Qualité des Médicaments et d’Expertise (LANACOME)Laboratoire National de Contrôle de Qualité des Médicaments et d’Expertise (LANACOME) ensure the quality control of drugs and other health products in Cameroon - CM.xxx
DAVVietnam - Nationale Arzneimittelbehörde (DAV)Vietnam - National Drug Administration (DAV)Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Viet Nam - VNxxx
DDA_NPNepal - Arzneimittelministerium (DDA)Nepal - Department of Drug Administration (DDA)Department of Drug Administration (DDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Nepal - NPxxx
DDF_KHKambodscha - Arzneimittel- und Lebensmittelbehörde (DDF)Cambodia - Department of Drugs and Food (DDF)Department of Drugs and Food (DDF) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Cambodia - KHxxx
DDSMEKirgisistan - Behörde für Arzneimittel- und medizinische AusstattungKyrgyzstan - Department of Drug Supply and Medical EquipmentDepartment of Drug Supply and Medical Equipment manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Kyrgyzstan - KGxxx
DE_BFARMDeutschland - Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM)Germany - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Germany - DE.xxx
DGDABangladesch - Generaldirektion der Arzneimittelbehörde (DGDA)Bangladesh - Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA)Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bangladesh - BDxxx
DGPML_BFBurkina Faso - Generaldirektion Pharmazie, Arzneimittel und Laboratorien (DGPML)Burkina Faso - Direction Générale de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DGPML)Direction Générale de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DGPML) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Burkina Faso - BFxxx
DGPML_BJBenin - Generaldirektion Pharmazie, Arzneimittel und Laboratorien (DGPML)Benin - Direction General of Pharmacy, Medicine and Pharmacy Laboratories (DGPML)Direction General of Pharmacy, Medicine and Pharmacy Laboratories (DGPML) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Benin - BJxxx
DGRSHonduras - Generaldirektion für Gesundheit (DGRS)Honduras - Direccion General de Regulacion Sanitaria (DGRS)Direccion General de Regulacion Sanitaria (DGRS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Honduras - HNxxx
DIGEMID_MINSAPeru - Generaldirektion für Arzneimittel (DIGEMID-MINSA)Peru - Dirección General de Medicamentos (DIGEMID-MINSA)Dirección General de Medicamentos (DIGEMID-MINSA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Peru - PExxx
DINKanada - Identifikationsnummer für Medikamente (DIN)Canada - Drug Identification Number (DIN)A Drug Identification Number (DIN) is a computer-generated eight digit number assigned by Health Canada to a drug product prior to being marketed in Canada.xxx
DIN_HMKanada - Identifikationsnummer für homöopathische Medikamente (DIN HM)Canada - Drug Identification Number - Homeopathic Medicine (DIN HM)Drug Identification Number – Homeopathic Medicine: This is the number located on the label of homeopathic drug products that have been approved for sale in Canada.xxx
DISTRIBUTOR_ASSIGNEDVom Großhändler oder Zwischenhändler vergebene ArtikelnummerItem number assigned by a distributor who redistributes the goodsThe additional Trade Item Identification value populated has been developed and assigned by an entity which purchases and takes title to goods which are then resold / redistributed elsewhere.xxx
DLPKomoren - Nationale Behörde für Labore und ApothekenComoros - Direction des Laboratoires et des PharmaciesDirection des Laboratoires et des Pharmacies manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Comoros - KMxxx
DNM_SVEl Salvador - Nationale Arzneimittelbehörde (DNM)El Salvador - Dirección Nacional de Medicamentos (DNM)Dirección Nacional de Medicamentos (DNM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in El Salvador - SVxxx
DNPLGuinea - Nationale Direktion für Pharmazie und LaborGuinea - Direction Nationale de la Pharmacie et du LaboratoireDirection Nationale de la Pharmacie et du Laboratoire manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Guinea - GNxxx
DPLSenegal - Nationale Direktion für Pharmazie und LaboreSenegal - Direction de la Pharmacie et des LaboratoiresDirection de la Pharmacie et des Laboratoires manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Senegal - SNxxx
DPLMTZentralafrikanische Republik - Behörde für pharmazeutische Dienste in Laboren und in der traditionellen MedizinCentral African Republic - Direction des Services Pharmaceutiques des Laboratoires et de la Médecine TraditionnelleDirection des services Pharmaceutiques des laboratoires et de la Médecine Traditionnelle manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Central African Republic - CFxxx
DPM_CDDemokratische Republik Kongo - Behörde für Pharmazie und Medikamente (DPM)Democratic Republic of Congo - Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM)Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Congo, Democratic Republic of - CDxxx
DPM_CIElfenbeinküste - Behörde für Pharmazie und Medikamente (DPM)Cote d'Ivoire - Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM)Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Côte d'Ivoire - CIxxx
DPM_MLMali - Behörde für Apotheken und MedikamenteMali - Direction de la Pharmacie et du MédicamentDirection de la Pharmacie et du Médicament manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Mali - MLxxx
DPMLKamerun - Behörde für Pharmazie, Medikamente und Labore (DPML)Cameroon - Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DPML)Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DPML) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Cameroon - CMxxx
DPMLMOHBurundi - Department für Pharmazie, Arzneimittel und Laboratorien, Ministerium für GesundheitBurundi - Department of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratory, Ministry of HealthDepartment of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratory, Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Burundi - BIxxx
DRA_BTBhutan - Arzneimittelbehörde (DRA)Bhutan - Drug Regulatory Authority (DRA)Drug Regulatory Authority (DRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bhutan - BTxxx
DRAPPakistan - Arzneimittelbehörde (DRAP)Pakistan - Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP)Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Pakistan - PKxxx
DTAMOHIrak - Abteilung für technische Angelegenheiten im GesundheitsministeriumIraq - Directorate of Technical Affairs in the Ministry of HealthDirectorate of Technical Affairs in the Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Iraq - IQxxx
EC_ANRCVSEcuador - Nationale Agentur für Regulierung, Kontrolle und Sanitärüberwachung (ANRCVS)Ecuador - Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control, y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ANRCVS)Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control, y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ANRCVS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ecuador - EC.xxx
EDAÄgypten - Arzneimittelbehörde (EDA)Egypt - Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA)Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Egypt - EGxxx
EPDNorwegen - Electronisk Produkt Database Identifier (EPD), Tradesolution ASNorway - Electronisk Produkt Database Identifier (EPD), Tradesolution ASElectronisk Produkt Database Identifier:xxx
EPRELEPREL Registrierungsnummer (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling)EPREL Registration Number (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling)Model registration number assigned by EPREL (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling) when the product record is created in this database. It can be used to access public information about the product in EPREL, e.g., its energy label.xxx
ET_EFDAÄthiopien - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelbehörde (EFDA)Ethiopia - Food and Drug Administration (EFDA)Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration (EFDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ethiopia - ET.xxx
EU_MEDICAL_PRODUCT_NUMBEREU - Arzneimittel-ZulassungsnummerEU Medicinal Product NumberThe European Commission for Public Health has procedures for centrally authorised medical products, and holds community registers for: - medical products for human use (regulation (EC) 726/2004) - orphan medical products for human use (regulation (EC) N141/2000) - veterinary medical products (regulation (EE) 726/2004).xxx
EUDAMEDEUDAMED-GerätekennungEUDAMED Device IdentifierEUDAMED Device Identifierxxx
FDA_MEDICAL_DEVICE_LISTINGUSA - FDA-Liste für medizinische GeräteUSA - FDA Medical Device ListingMost Owners or operators of places of business (also called establishments or facilities) that are involved in the production and distribution of medical devices intended for use in the United States (U.S.) are required to list the devices that are made at their facility and the activities that are performed on those devices. Registration and listing provides FDA with the location of medical device establishments and the devices manufactured at those establishments. Knowing where devices are made increases the nation’s ability to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies.xxx
FDA_MMMyanmar - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelbehörde (FDA)Myanmar - Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Myanmar - MMxxx
FDA_NDC_10USA - FDA NDC 10, 10-stellige nationale MedikamentennummerUSA - FDA NDC 10, 10-digit National Drug CodeThe National Drug Code of the United States of America is a unique 10-digit, 3-segment number assigned to each medication listed under Section 510 of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The number identifies the labeller or vendor, product, and trade package size.xxx
FDA_NDC_11USA - FDA NDC 11, 11-stellige nationale MedikamentennummerUSA - FDA NDC 11, 11-digit National Drug CodeThe National Drug Code of the United States of America is a unique 11-digit, 3-segment number assigned to each medication listed under Section 510 of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The number identifies the labeller or vendor, product, and trade package size.xxx
FDA_PHPhilippinen - Lebens- und Arzneimittelbehörde (FDA)Philippines - Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Philippines - PHxxx
FDA_PRODUCT_CODEUSA - FDA ProduktcodeUSA - FDA Product CodeThe FDA Product Code describes a product or a group of products. It is a seven-character alphanumeric string composed of five components, the Product Industry Code, the Class Code, the Subclass Code, the Process Indicator Code, and the Group Code. For more in-depth information about the FDA Product Code, see Lessons 1, 3 and 4 of the FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) Product Code Builder Tutorial (http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/ora/pcb/tutorial/tutorial.cfm).xxx
FDA_THThailand - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelbehörde (THAI FDA)Thailand - Thai Food and Drug Administration (Thai FDA)Thai Food and Drug Administration (Thai FDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Thailand - THxxx
FDBGhana - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelbehörde (FDB)Ghana - Food and Drugs Board (FDB)Food and Drugs Board (FDB) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ghana - GHxxx
FDDLaos - Lebensmittel- und ArzneimittelbehördeLaos - Food and Drug DepartmentFood and Drug Department manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Lao People’s Democratic Republic - LAxxx
FMHACA_ETÄthiopien - Lebensmittel-, Arzneimittel- und GesundheitsbehördeEthiopia - Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control (FMHACA)Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control of Ethiopia (FMHACA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ethiopia - ETxxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_1Zum internen Gebrauch 1 (z.B. für die PZN)For internal use 1 (e.g. for the PZN)Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_10Zum internen Gebrauch 10 (z.B. für die HPID-Nummer in AT)For internal use 10 (e.g. for HPID number for AT)Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_11Zum internen Gebrauch 11For internal use 11Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_12Zum internen Gebrauch 12For internal use 12Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_13Zum internen Gebrauch 13For internal use 13Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_14Zum internen Gebrauch 14For internal use 14Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_15Zum internen Gebrauch 15For internal use 15Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_16Zum internen Gebrauch 16For internal use 16Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_17Zum internen Gebrauch 17For internal use 17Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_18Zum internen Gebrauch 18For internal use 18Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_19Zum internen Gebrauch 19For internal use 19Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_2Zum internen Gebrauch 2For internal use 2Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_20Zum internen Gebrauch 20For internal use 20Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_3Zum internen Gebrauch 3For internal use 3Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_4Zum internen Gebrauch 4For internal use 4Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_5Zum internen Gebrauch 5For internal use 5Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_6Zum internen Gebrauch 6For internal use 6Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_7Zum internen Gebrauch 7For internal use 7Identification used for internal mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_8Zum internen Gebrauch 8For internal use 8Internal identification used for mapping purposes.xxx
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_9Zum internen Gebrauch 9For internal use 9Internal identification used for mapping purposes.xxx
GA_DMPGabun - Direction Médicament et de la PharmacieGabon - Direction Médicament et de la PharmacieDirection Médicament et de la Pharmacie (DMP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Gabon- GAxxx
GA_MSGabun - GesundheitsministeriumGabon Ministry of HealthGabon Ministry of Healthxxx
GDPAAfghanistan - Generaldirektion für pharmazeutische Angelegenheiten (GDPA)Afghanistan - General Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs (GDPA)General Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs (GDPA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Afghanistan - AFxxx
GH_FDAGhana - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelbehörde (FDA)Ghana - Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ghana - GH.xxx
GN_DNPMGuinea - Nationale Direktion für Pharmazie und Medikamente (DNPM)Guinea - Direction Nationale de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DNPM)Direction Nationale de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DNPM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Guinea - GN.xxx
GTIN_1212-stellige globale Artikelnummer der GS112-digit GS1 Global Trade Item Identification NumberThe 12-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of a U.P.C. Company Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items.xxx
GTIN_1313-stellige globale Artikelnummer der GS113-digit GS1 Global Trade Item Identification NumberThe 13-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of a GS1 Company Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items.xxx
GTIN_1414-stellige globale Artikelnummer der GS114-digit GS1 Global Trade Item Identification NumberThe 14-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of an Indicator digit (1-9), GS1 Company Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items.xxx
GTIN_88-stellige globale Artikelnummer der GS18-digit GS1 Global Trade Item Identification NumberThe 8-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of a GS1-8 Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items.xxx
GY_GA-FDDGuayana - Government Analyst - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelbehörde (GA-FDD)Guyana - Government Analyst - Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD)Government Analyst - Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Guyana - GY.xxx
HIBCHIBC - Health Industry Business Communication Barcode (Gesundheitsindustrie)HIBC - Health Industry Business Communication BarcodeHealth Industry Business Communication Barcode: An alphanumeric identification number used as a common identifier within the healthcare industry across different locations. In the Netherlands, this code is managed by the European Health Industry Business Communications Council.xxx
HN_ARSAHonduras - Behörde für Gesundheitsreglementierung (ARSA)Honduras - Agencia de Regulación Sanitaria (ARSA)Agencia de Regulación Sanitaria (ARSA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Honduras - HN.xxx
HT_DPMMTHaiti - Behörde für Pharmazie, Medikamente und traditionelle MedizinHaiti - Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et de la Médecine TraditionnelleDirection de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et de la Médecine Traditionnelle manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Haiti - HTxxx
ICCBBAICCBBA - verwaltet ISBT 128, den internat. Standard für medizinische Produkte menschlichen UrsprungsICCBBA - manages ISBT 128, the internat. standard for medical products of human originICCBBA is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that manages, develops and licenses ISBT 128; the international information standard for the terminology, coding and labelling of medical products of human origin. ICCBBA manage the allocation of globally unique identifiers to licensed facilities and maintain the ISBT 128 Standard, international databases for Facility Identification Numbers and Product Coding, supporting documentation, and educational materials.xxx
IEHPRAProdukt Autorisierungsnummer - IrlandProdukt Autorisierungsnummer - IrlandProduct Authorisation Number (PA Number) as granted by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) in Ireland. The marketing authorisation is issued with a Product Authorisation Number (PA Number) which is included on the medicine box/container in the Irish jurisdiction.xxx
INDUSTRY_ASSIGNEDVergeben durch einen Interessenverband einer IndustriebrancheAssigned by an industry sector association or organization providing a serviceA unique proprietary identification number assigned by an industry sector association or other organisation, used to identify an item or service. Typically the association or organisation provides the industry sector with an identification number as key identifier of a type of trade item.xxx
INMETROBrasilien - Nationales Institut für Metrologie, Standardisierung und industrielle Qualität (INMETRO)Brazil - The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO) (MDIC)The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO) is a Brazilian federal autarchy, linked to MDIC, the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade.xxx
INVIMAKolumbien - Nationales Institut zur Überwachung von Medikamenten und Nahrungsmitteln (INVIMA)Colombia - Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA)Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Colombia - COxxx
ISBN_NUMBERISBN - Internationale Standard BuchnummerISBN - International Standard Book NumberInternational Standard Book Number: A unique numeric commercial book identifier.xxx
ISSN_NUMBERISSN - Internationale Standard SerienummerISSN - International Standard Serial NumberInternational Standard Serial Number: unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.xxx
JFDAJordanien - Lebensmittel- und ArzneimittelbehördeJordan - Food and Drug AdministrationJordan Food and Drug Administration manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Jordan - JOxxx
JM_MOHWJamaika - Ministerium für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden (MOHW)Jamaica - Ministry of Health and Wellness, Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Affairs (MOHW)Ministry of Health and Wellness, Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Affairs (MOHW) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Jamaica - JM.xxx
KZ_NCEKasachstan - Nationales Expertise-Zentrum für Medizin und Medizinprodukte (NCE)Kazakhstan - National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices (NCE)National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices (NCE) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Kazakhstan - KZ.xxx
LMHPRALiberia - Kontrollbehörde für Medizin- und GesundheitsprodukteLiberia - Medicines and Health Products Regulatory AuthorityLiberia Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Authority manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Liberia - LRxxx
LOTTERY_GAME_NUMBERLotteriespielnummerLottery Game NumberUnknownxxx
LOTTERY_PACK_BOOK_NUMBERLotteriespiel Ticket Buch - Nummer für ein schrumpfverpacktes Buch an Lotteriespiele-TicketsLottery pack book number - Identifier for a book of shrink-wrapped lottery game ticketsA unique identifier for a book of shrink-wrapped lottery game tickets.xxx
MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBERHersteller-Teilenummer: Nummer eines Bauteils für das Produkt eines bestimmten HerstellersManufacturer Part Number: Number of a construction part for the product of a certain manufacturerThe additional Trade Item Identification value populated by the supplier is an identifier of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part number even if the part is being produced by a third-party manufacturer.xxx
MAPABrasilien - Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Viehzucht und VersorgungBrazil - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e AbastecimentoBrazil´s Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, which is the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.xxx
MCAZZimbabwe - Medizinische Kontrollbehörde (MCAZ)Zimbabwe - Medicines Control Authority (MCAZ)Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Zimbabwe - ZWxxx
MCCSüdafrika - Medizinische Kontrollbehörde (MCC)South Africa - Medicines Control Council (MCC)Medicines Control Council (MCC) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in South Africa - ZAxxx
MDLKanada - Kanadische Lizenz für Medizinprodukte (MDL)Canada - Canadian Medical Device License (MDL)The Canadian Medical Device License (MDL) is required for companies which sell Class II, III, and IV medical devices in Canada. The MDL is a product approval and should not be confused with the MDEL which is a permit for the company/distributor itself.xxx
MINSANicaragua - Gesundheitsministerium - Direktion für Apotheken (MINSA)Nicaragua - Ministerio de Salud - Direccion de Farmacias (MINSA)Ministerio de Salud - Direccion de Farmacias (MINSA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Nicaragua - NIxxx
MISAUMosambik - Gesundheitsministerium, Pharmazeutische Abteilung (MISAU)Mozambique - Departamento Farmacêutico (MISAU) (Ministry of Health Pharmaceutical Department)Departamento Farmacêutico-MISAU manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Mozambique - MZxxx
MODEL_NUMBERModellnummer, die zusätzlich zur Artikelnummer die Konfiguration des Artikels definiertModel number defining the configuration of the product in addition to the item numberThe additional Trade Item Identification value populated by the brand owner to a base product design or specification from which a trade item is derived. The trade item inherits major features/functions from the base model and in some sectors, such as electronics or apparel. NOTE: The use of this code and value are NOT the GS1 Identification Key for Global Model Number (GMN).xxx
MOH_AOAngola - Gesundheitsministerium (MOH)Angola - Ministry of Health (MOH)Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Angola - AOxxx
MOH_BBBarbados - Gesundheitsministerium (MOH)Barbados - Ministry of Health (MOH)Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Barbados - BBxxx
MOH_BWBotswana - Arzneimittelregulierungsbehörde (DRU) des Gesundheitsministeriums (MOH)Botswana - Drugs Regulatory Unit (DRU) of the Ministry of Health (MOH)Drugs Regulatory Unit (DRU) of the Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Botswana - BWxxx
MOH_GYGuayana - GesundheitsministeriumGuyana - Ministry of HealthMinistry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Guyana - GYxxx
MOH_MAMarokko - GesundheitsministeriumMorocco - Ministry of HealthMinistry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Morocco - MAxxx
MOH_MRMauretanien - Ministerium für Gesundheit, Pharmazie und LaborMauritania - Ministry of Health, Pharmacy and LaboratoryMinistry of Health: Pharmacy and Laboratory manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Mauritania - MRxxx
MOH_RWRuanda - GesundheitsministeriumRwanda - Ministry of HealthMinistry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Rwanda - RWxxx
MOH_SZSwasiland - Gesundheitsministerium (MOH)Swaziland - Ministry of Health (MOH)Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Swaziland - SZxxx
MOH_TJTadschikistan - GesundheitsministeriumTajikistan - Ministry of HealthMinistry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Tajikistan - TJxxx
MOH_TTTrinidad und Tobago - Abteilung Chemie Lebensmittel und Drogen/Ministerium für Gesundheit (CFFD/MOH)Trinidad and Tobago - Chemistry Food and Drugs Division/Ministry of Health (CFFD/MOH)Chemistry Food and Drugs Division/Ministry of Health (CFFD/MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Trinidad and Tobago - TTxxx
MOH_UGUganda - Nationale ArzneimittelkontrolleUganda - National Drug AuthorityNational Drug Authority manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Uganda - UGxxx
MOH_UZUsbekistan - GesundheitsministeriumUzbekistan - Ministry of HealthMinistry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Uzbekistan - UZxxx
MOHSWGambia - Ministerium für Gesundheit und SozialfürsorgeGambia - Ministry of Health and Social WelfareMinistry of Health & Social Welfare manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Gambia - GMxxx
MOPH_NENiger - Ministerium für öffentliche GesundheitNiger - Ministry of Public HealthMinistry of Public Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Niger - NExxx
MOPH_TDTschad - Gesundheitsministerium: Pharmazie, Medikamente und LaboreChad - Minister of Public Health: Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des LaboratoiresMinister of Public Health: Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Chad - TDxxx
MRAPalästina - Medizinische Regulierungsbehörde (MRA)Palestine - Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA)Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Palestine, State of - PSxxx
MRA_PGPapua-Neuguinea - Medizinische Regulierungsbehörde (MRA)Papua New Guinea - Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA)Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Papua New Guinea - PGxxx
MRA_SSSüdsudan - Medizinische Regulierungsbehörde (MRA)South Sudan - Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA)Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in South Sudan - SSxxx
MSDBolivien - Referat für Arzneimittel und Gesundheitstechnologie (MSD)Bolivia - Unidad de Medicamentos y Tecnología en Salud (MSD)Unidad de Medicamentos y Tecnología en Salud (MSD) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bolivia - BOxxx
MSPDominikanische Republik - Generaldirektion für Arzneimittel und Apotheken des Ministeriums für öffentliche Gesundheit (DGDF/MSP)Dominican Republic - Direccion General de Drogas y Farmacias del Ministerio de Salud Pública (DGDF/MSP)Direccion General de Drogas y Farmacias del Ministerio de Salud Pública (DGDF/MSP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Dominican Republic - DOxxx
MSPAS_CGKongo, Republik - Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (MSPAS): Apotheken, Medikamente und LaboreCongo, Republic of - Ministère de la Santé Publique et des Affairs Sociales: Direction des Pharmacies, du Médicament et des Laboratoires -Ministère de la Santé Publique et des Affairs Sociales: Direction des Pharmacies, du Médicament et des Laboratoires manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Congo, Republic of - CGxxx
MSPAS_GTGuatemala - Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (MSPAS): Regulierung für pharmazeutische ProdukteGuatemala - Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social/Departamento de Regulación y Control de Productos Farmacéuticos y Afines (MSPAS)Minsiterio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social/Departamento de Regulación y Control de Productos Farmacéuticos y Afines (MSPAS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Guatemala - GTxxx
MSPBSParaguay - Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (MSPBS)Paraguay - Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (MSPBS)Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (MSPBS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Paraguay - PYxxx
MW_PMRAMalawi - Regulierungsbehörde für Pharmazie und Medizin (PMRA)Malawi - Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority (PMRA)Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority (PMRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Malawi - MW.xxx
MZ_ANARMEMosambik - Regulierungsbehörde für Medizinprodukte (MZ)Mozambique - National Medicines Regulatory Authority (MZ)Mozambique National Medicines Regulatory Authorityxxx
NABCA_PRODUCT_CODEUSA - Produktcode der nationalen Kontrollbehörde für alkoholische GetränkeUSA - Product code of the National Alcohol Beverage Control AssociationA product code issued by the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association in the United States.xxx
NADFCIndonesien - Nationale Behörde für Arzneimittel- und Lebensmittel (NADFC)Indonesia - National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC)National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Indonesia - IDxxx
NAFDAC_NGNigeria - Nationale Behörde für Arzneimittel- und Lebensmittel (NAFDAC)Nigeria - National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Nigeria - NGxxx
NANNordische Artikelnummer für pharmazeutische Erzeugnisse in Schweden (gültig in skandinavischen Ländern)Nordic Article Number for pharmaceuticals licensed in Sweden (valid in Scandinavian countries)Nordic Article Number is a 6 digit identification number needed on all human and veterinary pharmaceuticals licensed in Sweden. The number is unique for a certain packages. A NAN can be valid in one to five Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland) depending on if the package fulfils some basic criteria.xxx
NAPPISüdafrika - Nationaler Pharmazeutischer Produktindex (NAPPI)South Africa - National Pharmaceutical Product Index (NAPPI)The National Pharmaceutical Product Index or NAPPI is a comprehensive database of medical products used in South Africa. Each product has a unique NAPPI code which enables electronic data interchange throughout the health care delivery chain in South Africa. https://www.medikredit.co.za/index.php?option=com_nappi&view=nappi&Itemid=210xxx
NCMKasachstan - Nationales Zentrum für Arzneimittel, medizinische Geräte und AusrüstungenKazakhstan - National Center for Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment ExpertiseNational Center for medicines, medical devices and medical equipment expertise manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Kazakhstan - KZxxx
NDCNationaler Medikamentencode Code der USA (LÄUFT AUS, NICHT MEHR BENUTZEN)National Drug Code of the USA (DEPRECATE, Do Not Use)National Drug Code: A unique product identifier used in the United States for drugs intended for human use.xxx
NIINNATO Item Identification Number (NIIN) - NATO Artikelidentifikationsnummer (die letzten 9 Stellen der NSN)NATO Item Identification Number - the last nine digits of an NSN-xxx
NMFAEritrea - Nationale Arzneimittel- und LebensmittelverwaltungEritrea - National Medicines and Food AdministrationNational Medicines and Food Administration manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Eritrea - ERxxx
NMPAChina - Nationale Verwaltung für Arzneimittel, Medizinprodukte und Kosmetika (NMPA)China - National Medical Products Administration (NMPA)China National Medical Products Administration.xxx
NMPB_SDSudan - Nationale Behörde für Arzneimittel und Gifte (NMPB)Sudan - National Medicines and Poisons Board (NMPB)National Medicines and Poisons Board (NMPB) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Sudan - SDxxx
NMRA_LKSri Lanka - Nationale Regulierungsbehörde für Arzneimittel (NMRA)Sri Lanka - National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA)National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Sri Lanka - LKxxx
NMRCNamibia - Nationale Regulierungsbehörde für ArzneimittelNamibia - Medicines Regulatory CouncilNamibia Medicines Regulatory Council manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Namibia - NAxxx
NN_CAKanada - Notifizierungsnummer (NN) für veterinärmedizinische ProdukteCanada - Veterinary Notification Number (NN)This is the notification number for veterinary health product that has been approved for sale in Canada.xxx
NPNNatural Health Produktnummer (NPN), vergeben von einer Kontrollorganisation des Gesundheitswesens, z.B. Health KanadaNatural Health Product Number (NPN) assigned by a regulatory health organization, e.g. Health CanadaThe Natural Health Product Number: Identifies the trade item as a natural health product and the number is assigned by a regulatory health organization for example the Health Canada - Natural Health Products Directorate (Health Canada).xxx
NSNNATO LagernummerNATO Stock NumberNATO Stock Number or National Stock Number is a 13-digit numeric code identifying all the standardized material items of supply as they have been recognized by all NATO countries . The complete structure of this identifier can be found at this link. https://www.nato.int/structur/AC/135/ncs_guide/english/e_1-6-5.htmxxx
NUMERO_RDNItalien - Nationale Identifikationsnummer für Medizinprodukte vom GesundheitsministeriumItaly - National identification number for medical devicesAn identification number assigned by the Italian Ministry of Health to medical devices treated by the national health systemxxx
NZ_MEDICINES_TERMINOLOGY_CODENeuseeland - Medizinischer Terminologie-Code vergeben von NZULM (New Zealand List of Medicines)New Zealand - Medicines Terminology Code assigned by NZULM (New Zealand List of Medicines)For medicines used within NZ healthcare, the code assigned by NZULM (New Zealand List of Medicines). The NZ Medicines Terminology Code on the NZULM website is referred to as the SCTID (Snomed Concept ID).xxx
PBSLSierra Leone - ArzneimittelbehördeSierra Leone - Pharmacy BoardPharmacy Board of Sierra Leone manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Sierra Leone - SLxxx
PCOJJamaika - Arzneimittelbehörde (PCoJ)Jamaica - Pharmacy Council (PCoJ)Pharmacy Council of Jamaica (PCoJ) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Jamaica - JMxxx
PG_PSSBPapua New Guinea - Pharmazeutische Standard-Services (PSSB)Papua New Guinea - Pharmaceutical Services Standards Branch (PSSB)Pharmaceutical Services Standards Branch (PSSB) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Papua New Guinea - PG.xxx
PHARMACODE_CHSchweiz - Pharmacode CHSwitzerland - Pharmacode CHA national drug code for Switzerland assigned by e-mediat AG, Bern. The identification number based on the standard Code39 and is used in the whole Swiss healthcare market.xxx
PIRCSurinam - Pharmazeutische Aufsichtsbehörde und RegistrierungsstelleSuriname - Pharmaceutical Inspectorate and the Registration CommitteePharmaceutical Inspectorate and the Registration Committee manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Suriname - SRxxx
PLUPreis Look-up Nummer für mengenvariable ArtikelPrice Lookup (PLU) for Variable MeasureA number used to indicate a price look up for a product with variable content. This is only used for items that have been assigned an industry PLU or proprietary PLU.xxx
PMPBMalawi - Amt für Pharmazie, Arzneimittel und GifteMalawi - Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons BoardPharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Malawi - MWxxx
PPBKenia - Amt für Pharmazie und GifteKenya - Pharmacy and Poisons BoardPharmacy and Poisons Board manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Kenya - KExxx
PZNPharmazentralnummerCentral Pharmaceutical NumberThe pharmaceutical central number (Pharmazentralnummer), or PZN for short, is an identification number for the uniform identification of pharmaceuticals and medical devices subject to pharmacies available on the German market. Their assignment is carried out by the Informationsstelle für Arzneimittelspezialitäten (IFA) after an application is submitted by the manufacturer.xxx
RVGNiederlande - Register Verpakte Geneesmiddelen - Identifikationsnummer für MedikamenteNetherlands - Register Verpakte Geneesmiddelen - Identification number for drugs(Register Verpakte Geneesmiddelen): An identification number provided by the Institute for Drug Evaluation (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen – CBG) in the Netherlands. This number is used as the main identification for all drugs that have been approved by the CBG for distribution within the Netherlands.xxx
RVHNiederlande - Register Verpakte Geneesmiddelen - Identifikationsnummer für homöopathische MedikamenteNetherlands - Register Verpakte Homeopatische Geneesmiddelen - Identification number for homeopathic drugs(Register Verpakte Homeopatische Geneesmiddelen): An identification number provided by the Institute for Drug Evaluation (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen – CBG) in the Netherlands. This number is used as the main identification for all homeopathic drugs that have been approved by the CBG for distribution within the Netherlands.xxx
RW_FDARuanda - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelbehörde (FDA)Rwanda - Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Rwanda - RW.xxx
SA_SFDASaudi-Arabien - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelbehörde (SFDA)Saudi Arabia - Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) for healthcare productsSaudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Saudi Arabia - SA.xxx
SAN_4National festgesetzte Standard-Artikelnummer für mengenvariable ArtikelNationally set standard trade item number for a variable measure trade itemA nationally set standard trade item number for a variable measure trade item. The SAN-4 is a four-digit number that uniquely identifies a weight trade item according to its country of origin. This short number is incorporated into the 13 digit GTIN symbol in combination with the weight, quantity or price.xxx
SBDMAJemen - Oberste Behörde für Arzneimittel und Medizinische GeräteYemen - Supreme Board for Drugs and Medical AppliancesSupreme Board for Drugs & Medical Appliances manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Yemen - YExxx
SCDMTEArmenien - Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Arzneimittel und medizinische Technologien (SCDMTE)Armenia - The Scientific Centre of Drug and Medical Technologies Expertise (SCDMTE)The Scientific Center of Drug and Medical Technologies Expertise (SCDMTE) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Armenia - AMxxx
SFDAChina - Staatliche Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelverwaltung (SFDA)China - State Food Drug Administration (SFDA)State Food Drug Administration (SFDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in China - CNxxx
SG_HASSingapore - Behörde für Gesundheitswissenschaften (HAS)Singapore - Health Sciences Authority (HAS)Health Sciences Authority (HAS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Singapore - SG.xxx
SMDC_UAUkraine - Staatliche Arzneimittelkontrolle (SMDC)Ukraine - State Service on Medicines and Drugs Control (SMDC)State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control (SMDC) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ukraine - UAxxx
SN_DPMSenegal - Nationale Direktion für Pharmazie und Medikamente (DPM)Senegal - La Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM)La Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Senegal - SN.xxx
SRAMAGeorgia - Regulierungsorganisation für medizinische AktivitätenGeorgia - State Regulatory Agency for Medical ActivitiesState Regulatory Agency for Medical Activities manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Georgia - GExxx
SS_MOHSüdsudan - Ministerium für Gesundheit (MOH), Arzneimittel- und LebensmittelkontrolleSouth Sudan - Ministry of Health (MOH), Drug and Food Control AuthorityThe Ministry of Health (MOH) Drug & Food Control Authority manages the market authorization of healthcare products in South Sudan -SS.xxx
SUPPLIER_ASSIGNEDInterne Lieferantenartikelnummer - Basismodell- oder Style-Nummer. Kann für mehrere GTINs dieselbe sein, wenn diese Artikelvariationen sindSuppler Assigned, i.e. Internal item ID of supplier - Base model or style number. May be the same for several GTINs where they are variationsThe additional Trade Item Identification value populated has been developed and assigned by the party which provides service(s) and/or manufactures or otherwise has possession of the goods and consigns or makes them available in trade. This number is a base model or style number assigned to the product and may be the same for several GTINs where they are variations of each other. For example a coffee mug with 3 GTINs one each for the brown mug, the white mug, and the black mug might all be the supplier assigned number of AB123. Use of this value is recommended in the absence of a Model Number or Manufacturer’s Part Number.xxx
SWISSMEDIC_NUMBERSwissmedic NumberSwissmedic Nummer zur Marktautorisierung in der SchweizEvery drug authorised in Switzerland is assigned such a number when it is authorised. The Swissmedic number must be printed on the package. The Swiss Medic number is a market authorization number.xxx
SZ_MOHEswatini - Gesundheitsministerium (MOH)Eswatini - Ministry of Health (MOH)Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Eswatini - SZ.xxx
TFDATansania - Lebensmittel- und Arzneimittelkontrolle (TFDA)Tanzania - Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA)Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Tanzania - TZxxx
TG_DPMLTogo - Direktion für Pharmazie, Medikamente und Labore (DPML)Togo - Direction de la pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DPML)Direction de la pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DPML) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Togo - TG.xxx
TZ_TMDATansania - Behörde für Medizin und Medizinprodukte (TMDA)Tanzania - Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)Tanzania Medicines & Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Tanzania - TZ.xxx
UG_NDAUganda - Nationale Behörde für Arzneimittel (NDA)Uganda - National Drug Authority (NDA)National Drug Authority (NDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Uganda - UG.xxx
US_CMS_NDCUSA - Nationale Medikamentennummer der Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services National Drug CodeThis derivative of the National Drug Code (NDC) was created and is utilized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standard code set expects the NDC to be expressed in a 5-4-2 configuration. When necessary, a zero (“0”) will pad the labeler, product, or package code segments of the FDA NDC to ensure a fixed length in the 5-4-2 configuration. The CMS NDC, of uniform code length, is referenced in lists and databases of additional US government agencies (such as the UMLS) in place of the FDA NDC.xxx
US_FDA_NDCUSA - FDA (Federal Drug Administration) NDC (National Drug Code) Nationale MedikamentennummerUSA - FDA (Federal Drug Administration) NDC (National Drug Code)The National Drug Code (NDC) of the United States of America is a unique 3-segment number, including dashes, assigned to each medication listed under Section 510 of the U.S. Federal, Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act. This combination of numeric segments representing the labeler or vendor, product, and trade package size is the principal identifier for medications in the eyes of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).xxx
WAND_NUMBERWAND Nummer (Web Assisted Notification of Devices)WAND Number (Web Assisted Notification of Devices)The identification code assigned from the WAND (Web Assisted Notification of Devices) database.xxx
WHOPQNWHO-PräqualifikationsnummerWHO PreQualification NumberThe World Health Organization’s Prequalification ensures active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs) are safe, appropriate and meet stringent quality standards. In addition to medicines, WHO prequalification also covers in vitro diagnostics, vaccines and vector control products. https://extranet.who.int/prequal/content/what-we-doxxx
Z_INDEXNiederlande - Zusätzliche Identifikationsnummer für Healthcare-Produkte vergeben vom Z-Index (Abwicklung von Rückvergütungen)Additional identification number for Healthcare products in the Netherlands assigned by Z-Index (reimbursement management)An additional identification number used to identify all medical supplies and drugs in the Netherlands when managing reimbursements for the items. The Z-Index number is assigned to every product by Z-Index, which is a regulatory body in the Netherlands for the healthcare industry.xxx
ZAMRASambia - Regulierungsorganisation für Arzneimittel (ZAMRA)Zambia - Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA)Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Zambia - ZMxxx