

CodeList: DataCarrierTypeCode

Name_EN Definition Type Eingeschränkt für DE M-Nummer


Code Value Description_DE Description_EN Definition Graphic
DATA_MATRIX_GS1_DIGITAL_LINK_URIData Matrix mit GS1 Digital Link Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)Data Matrix with GS1 Digital Link Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)A standalone, two-dimensional matrix symbology that is made up of square modules arranged within a perimeter finder pattern. Data Matrix using ECC 200 error correction is the only version that supports GS1 system identification keys. Data Matrix is only used by the GS1 system to encode the GS1 Digital Link URI syntax.xxx
EAN_13EAN 13EAN 13A bar code of the EAN/UPC Symbology that encodes GTIN-13, Coupon-13, RCN-13, and VMN-13.xxx
EAN_13_COMPOSITEEAN 13 mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolEAN 13 with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolAn EAN_13 symbol with an additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbol included at the top the EAN-13 symbol.xxx
EAN_13_WITH_FIVE_DIGIT_ADD_ONEAN 13 mit fünf-stelligem ZusatzEAN 13 with five-digit add-onAn EAN-13 with an additional five-digit symbol, called an Add-On Symbol that can be included on the item just to the right of the main bar code.xxx
EAN_13_WITH_TWO_DIGIT_ADD_ONEAN 13 mit zweistelligem ZusatzEAN 13 with two-digit add-onAn EAN-13 with an additional two-digit symbol, called an Add-On Symbol that can be included on the item just to the right of the main bar code.xxx
EAN_8EAN 8EAN 8A bar code of the EAN/UPC Symbology that encodes GTIN-8 or RCN-8.xxx
EAN_8_COMPOSITEEAN 8 mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolEAN 8 with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolAn EAN-8 symbol with an additional CC-A or CC-B symbol included at the top of the EAN-8 symbol.xxx
EPC_ENABLED_RFID_TAGMit RFID EPC Etikett versehenTagged with an RFID EPC tagA data carrier conforming to the GS1 UHF Gen2 RFID air interface standard, whose EPC memory bank contains an Electronic Product Code encoded according to the GS1 EPC Tag Data Standard.xxx
GS1_128GS1 128GS1 128A subset of Code 1128 that is utilised exclusively for GS1 System data structures.xxx
GS1_128_COMPOSITEGS1 128 mit zusätzlichem CC-A, CC-B oder CC-C Composite-SymbolGS1 128 with additional CC-A, CC-B or CC-C Composite symbolA GS1-128 symbol with an additional CC-A, CC-B or CC-C Composite symbol included at the top of the GS1-128 symbol.xxx
GS1_DATA_MATRIXGS1 DataMatrixGS1 DataMatrixGS1 implementation specification for use of Data Matrix.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDEDGS1 DataBar erweiterte KapazitätGS1 DataBar ExpandedA bar code with a variable width (from 4 to 22 symbol characters, or a minimum of 102X wide and a maximum of 534X wide) and is 34X high (where X is the width of a module).xxx
GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED_COMPOSITEGS1 DataBar erweiterte Kapazität mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolGS1 DataBar Expanded Composite with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA GS1 DataBar Expanded symbol with an additional CC_A or CC-B Composite symbol included at the top of the GS1 DataBar Expanded symbol.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED_STACKEDGS1 DataBar erweiterte Kapazität, gestapelt (mehrreihig)GS1 DataBar Expanded, Stacked (multi-row)A multi-row stacked version of GS1 Databar Expanded.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED_STACKED_COMPOSITEGS1 DataBar erweiterte Kapazität, gestapelt (mehrreihig) mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolGS1 DataBar Expanded, Stacked ( multi-row) with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked symbol with an additional CC-A, CC-B Composite symbol included at the top of the GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked symbol.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_LIMITEDGS1 DataBar eingeschränkte Kapazität (für kleine Artikel)GS1 DataBar Limited (for small items)A bar code designed for small items that will not need to be read by omnidirectional Point-of-Sale (POS) scanners. Its dimensions are 74X wide, starting with a 1X space and ending with a 1X bar, by 10X high (where X is the width of a module).xxx
GS1_DATABAR_LIMITED_COMPOSITEGS1 DataBar eingeschränkte Kapazität (für kleine Artikel) mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolGS1 DataBar Limited (for small items) with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA GS1 DataBar Limited Symbol with an additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbol included at the top of the GS1 DataBar Limited Symbol.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_OMNIDIRECTIONALGS1 DataBar omnidirektionalGS1 DataBar OmnidirectionalA full height, two-row version of the GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Bar Code that is deisgned to be read by an omnidirectional scanner, such as a retail slot scanner.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_OMNIDIRECTIONAL_COMPOSITEGS1 DataBar omnidirektional mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolGS1 DataBar Omnidirectional with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA GS1 DataBar Stacked Bar Code Omnidirectional symbol with an additional CC-A or CC-B Composite Symbol included at the top of GS1 Databar Omnidirectional Stacked symbol.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_STACKEDGS1 DataBar gestapelt (zweireihig)GS1 DataBar Stacked (two-row)The GS1 DataBar Stacked Bar Code is a reduced height two-row version of the GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Bar Code that is designed for small items that will not need to be read by omnidirectional scanners.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_STACKED_COMPOSITEGS1 DataBar gestapelt (zweireihig) mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolGS1 DataBar Stacked (two-row) with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA GS1 Databar Stacked with an additional CC-A OR CC-B Composite symbol included at the top of the GS1 DataBar Stacked symbolxxx
GS1_DATABAR_STACKED_OMNIDIRECTIONALGS1 DataBar gestapelt (zweireihig), omnidirektionalGS1 DataBar Stacked (two-row), OmnidirectionalA full height, two-row version of the GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Bar Code that is designed to be read by an omnidirectional scanner, such as a retail slot scanner.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_STACKED_OMNIDIRECTIONAL_COMPOSITEGS1 DataBar gestapelt (zweireihig), omnidirektional, mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolGS1 DataBar Stacked (two-row), Omnidirectional with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional symbol an additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbol included at the top of the GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional symbol.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_TRUNCATEDGS1 DataBar höhenverkürztGS1 DataBar Truncated (reduced height)A reduced height version of the GS1 DataBar of the GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional bar Code that is designed for small items that will not need to be read by omnidirectional scanners.xxx
GS1_DATABAR_TRUNCATED_COMPOSITEGS1 DataBar höhenverkürzt mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolGS1 DataBar Truncated (reduced height) with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA GS1 DataBar Truncated symbol with an additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbol included at the top of the GS1 DataBar Truncated symbol.xxx
GS1_QR_CODEGS1 QR-CodeGS1 QR CodeGS1 implementation specification for use of QR Codexxx
ITF_14ITF 14 (nicht für Point of sale - Artikel)ITF 14 (not for point of sale items)ITF-14 (A subset of Interleaved 2-of-5) Bar Codes carry GTINs only on trade items that are not expected to pass through the Point-of-Sale.xxx
NO_BARCODEKein DatenträgerNo data carrierNo data carrier physically presented on/with the trade item.xxx
QR_CODE_GS1_DIGITAL_LINK_URIQR Code mit GS1 Digital Link Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)QR Code with GS1 Digital Link Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)A two-dimensional matrix symbology consisting of square modules arranged in a square pattern. The symbology is characterised by a unique finder pattern located at three corners of the symbol. QR Code is only used by the GS1 system to encode the GS1 Digital Link URI syntax.xxx
UPC_AUPC A (12-stellig)UPC A (12-digit)A bar code of the EAN/UPC Symbology that encodes GTIN-12, Coupon-12, RCN-12, and VMN-12.xxx
UPC_A_COMPOSITEUPC A (12-stellig) mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolUPC A (12-digit) with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA UPC-A symbol with an additional five-digit symbol, called an Add-On Symbol that can be included on the item just to the right of the main bar code.xxx
UPC_A_WITH_FIVE_DIGIT_ADD_ONUPC A (12-stellig) mit fünf-stelligem ZusatzUPC A (12-digit) with five-digit add-onA UPC-A with an additional five-digit symbol, called an Add-On Symbol that can e included on the item just to the right of the main bar code.xxx
UPC_A_WITH_TWO_DIGIT_ADD_ONUPC A (12-stellig) mit zweistelligem ZusatzUPC A (12-digit) with two-digit add-onA UPC-A Symbol with an additional two digit symbol, called an Add-On Symbol that can be included on the item just to the right of the main bar code.xxx
UPC_EUPC E (GTIN-12 mit Nullunterdrückung)UPC E (GTIN-12 with zero-suppression)A bar code of the EAN/UPC Symbology representing a GTIN-12 in six explicitly encoded digits using zero-suppression techniques.xxx
UPC_E_COMPOSITEUPC E (GTIN-12 mit Nullunterdrückung) mit zusätzlichem CC-A oder CC-B Composite-SymbolUPC E (GTIN-12 with zero-suppression) with additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbolA UPC-E symbol with an additional CC-A or CC-B Composite symbol included at the top of the UPC-E symbol.xxx
UPC_E_FIVE_DIGIT_ADD_ONUPC E (GTIN-12 mit Nullunterdrückung) mit fünf-stelligem ZusatzUPC E (GTIN-12 with zero-suppression) with five-digit add-onA UPC-E with an additional five-digit symbol, called an Add-On Symbol that can be included on the item just to the right of the main bar code.xxx
UPC_E_WITH_TWO_DIGIT_ADD_ONUPC E (GTIN-12 mit Nullunterdrückung) mit zweistelligem ZusatzUPC E (GTIN-12 with zero-suppression) with two-digit add-onA UPC-E Symbol with an additional two-digit symbol, called an Add-On Symbol that can be included on the item just to the right of the main bar code.xxx